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For those who will have a hard Mother's Day . . .


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For those who will have a hard Mother's Day, my heart goes out to you. I'm so increasingly aware of those who will celebrate with half of their hearts or suffer through because of a child, the death of their own mom, secondary infertility, or other reasons. 


If you are inclined, you are welcome to raise your hand here and I will be privileged to pray the rest of the week.  I'm already thinking of some in our community, but feel free to post here. 



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The sorrow is the loss of my mom 32 years ago and my mother-in-love 9 years ago.  We had infertility issues for several years, but the joy now is my daughter's 18th birthday falls on Mother's Day this year. I will say a prayer for those who will have a difficult time this weekend.  Thank you, Lisa, for your sensitivity and desire to lift others up. 

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First Mother's Day without my Mom. :(



This will be my second. Last year was very hard. I don't necessarily know how I'll feel on Sunday, but I'm feeling OK right now. I know how grief can sneak up on you, though. Last week it was a birthday card from grandma that my daughter found while cleaning her room. We both shed a few tears.

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Could you pray for a mom I know, and her grown daughter? The grown daughter told me her mom hasn't spoken to her in a long time. Nothing really happened, but I suspect the daughter isn't living up to mom's highly unrealistic, unachievable expectations. Long story. So now the mom doesn't see her daughter, daughter's husband, her only grandson, and won't see the grandchild on the way unless the relationship is healed. The daughter was in town and left flowers, a Mother's Day card, and a family photo on her mom's porch. She loves her unconditionally, even though contact is not possible right now.

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My second MD without my mom. It completely stinks that she isn't here to see her grandchildren become such awesome young adults.  She would have been thrilled as she was their greatest cheerleader -- louder even than me!


Thank you, Lisa.  Your kindness is making me misty.

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I really dislike Mother's Day. I don't understand the point of it other then to shame wayward children. I am just reminded of what I lost.


Primary and secondary infertility, lost mom to triplets, would like 3 living children but likely to only have 2. However I still got my mom and even my grandmothers so I am thankful for that.

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This will be the second Mother's Day without my mom. I'm missing her so much, especially because I'm in the midst of planning dd's graduation for the 15th of this month. Writing my dad's name on the invitation without hers beside it was really hard. I know looking out at the guests and seeing him there without her is going to hurt so much. I don't want it to overshadow the day, though, so I'll hold it all in. 





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Oh my gracious. I've been out of town this week, so I missed this thread. Can you link it here? :crying:



I think actic bunny was talking about her hometown, not the board bc I don't recall any thread here, either. It so sad no matter where it happened, though.


Thank you, Lisa, for this thread!

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I think actic bunny was talking about her hometown, not the board bc I don't recall any thread here, either. It so sad no matter where it happened, though.


Thank you, Lisa, for this thread!



Sorry, yes, our town!


Got it. They are on the list Arctic. 



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I never really 'got' Mother's day. I wish we didn't celebrate it.


Sorry I'm replying to this late Garga! 


My brother and sil feel this way and really have not celebrated the days. But, it's hard to get away from and I've become more and more aware of friends who really struggle with this whole week.



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So very kind of you. My baby girl died at birth; she would have turned 12 on May 6th. It always stings that Mother's Day follows that saddest of anniversaries. Although I am thankful to be Mommy to my three living children, I missed so much, a lifetime of raising Lydia Clare.

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Just adding some people to the list. My mom and her siblings. Granny passed away unexpectedly, but by all signs peacefully, in her sleep sometime late last night/early this morning. She just looked like she was sleeping.


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