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I feel for Bruce Jenner.


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It was very tough to watch the first few minutes.


IMHO, he's earning his American hero status again right now.  Imagine how powerful this is to a teen who is struggling with this right now.   (editing to say that he said to use the male pronoun in the interview so that's why I'm using it)


My heart breaks for all the people who lived in the closet for so long regarding being gay, transgender, etc.  I was reminded of that when Joel Gray died a month or two ago.  He was in the closet basically his whole life.  There was also an article about a famous American designer....first to die from AIDS (not Halston)....and how he was treated, and how his cause of death was hidden.    http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/04/fashions-darkest-day/391340/

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I feel worse for Kris Jenner. I cannot even imagine how hard that must be for her. He gets to control his transition and identity, she just gets to deal with his choices and figure out how best to respond. I'm sad their marriage dissolved over this but I'm not sure what would be a better outcome, either.


I wish the whole family the best.

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I feel worse for Kris Kardashian. I cannot even imagine how hard that must be for her. He gets to control his transition and identity, she just gets to deal with his choices and figure out how best to respond. I'm sad their marriage dissolved over this but I'm not sure what would be a better outcome, either.


I wish the whole family the best.


She knew from the beginning.  He had been on hormones for five years when they met.  He said he already had 36B breasts by that time.  He stopped transitioning when he met her.


All of his other wives released supportive statements.  Kris said, "No comment."  I have very little sympathy for her, although he speaks highly of all of his ex-wives.

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She knew from the beginning.  He had been on hormones for five years when they met.  He said he already had 34B breasts by that time.  He stopped transitioning when he met her.


All of his other wives released supportive statements.  Kris said, "No comment."  I have very little sympathy for her, although he speaks highly of all of his ex-wives.

 I think that's so interesting. I wonder what exactly went into the decision to stop transitioning, since the decision to start is so personal and (I assume) filled with consideration. 

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Other revelation.  Of the Kardashian kids, Kim has been the most supportive, Khloe has had the most difficulty with it.  He said that Kim's attitude was changed by Kanye of all people....who told her (paraphrasing)....."I can be married to the most beautiful woman in the world...which I am.  I can have the most wonderful daughter...which I do...but if I can't be me, it's nothing."  (or something along those lines.)


I think he said he stopped transitioning because he got scared, basically.  That was the idea I got...and also because his kids were young and how it would impact them.  Apparently some of his older kids had an idea...because of the breasts....his eldest son talked about being in Junior High and being afraid of his Dad becoming a woman and that he'd lose him forever.  



I think for the people of my parents' generation....those who view him as Olympian/hero....watching this may help them understand a bit more.  I think it's going to be a similar breakthrough moment as to when Rock Hudson came out about having AIDS.   It's not the same as with Chaz Bono....because Bruce is still the Olympian....and Chaz was a celebrity offspring, but not famous for being "female".

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Diane Sawyer seemed more shocked about that than anything else!   :lol:


LOL, I know.  That was more shocking (to her) than his transitioning. :)   Surely we know by now, that sexuality and gender-identiy have nothing to do with political affiliation.  

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I have to wonder whether he used steroids during his athletic career and it messed him up psychologically when he came off of them.


He said that he has felt like a girl ever since he was a little boy.  So, I think he was suppressing it since he was in early elementary school, if not earlier.  

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I have to wonder whether he used steroids during his athletic career and it messed him up psychologically when he came off of them.


No, he said he felt like this ever since he was little.  He tried on his sister's clothing and his Mom's scarves when he was young.


Basically he said, I had a female soul in a male body.

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I have to wonder whether he used steroids during his athletic career and it messed him up psychologically when he came off of them.


I really doubt that has anything to do with it. My circle of friends is almost exclusively bodybuilders these days, some who definitely do use steroids. So far, none have expressed any desire to be the opposite gender. 

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It was very tough to watch the first few minutes.


IMHO, he's earning his American hero status again right now.  Imagine how powerful this is to a teen who is struggling with this right now.   (editing to say that he said to use the male pronoun in the interview so that's why I'm using it)


My heart breaks for all the people who lived in the closet for so long regarding being gay, transgender, etc.  I was reminded of that when Joel Gray died a month or two ago.  He was in the closet basically his whole life.  There was also an article about a famous American designer....first to die from AIDS (not Halston)....and how he was treated, and how his cause of death was hidden.    http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/04/fashions-darkest-day/391340/


Indeed. He's volunteering to take the heat (some of which no doubt will be vicious and cruel) so others may be spared. That is heroic to me, too. 

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My 15 year old dd is gay. She's never been on drugs to "mess her up".


Same-sex attraction isn't thinking that you're actually a woman trapped in a man's body.


Anabolic steroids are typically testosterone or artificial androgens. Taking large doses of them and then stopping could absolutely mess someone up hormonally.

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Same-sex attraction isn't thinking that you're actually a woman trapped in a man's body.


Anabolic steroids are typically testosterone or artificial androgens. Taking large doses of them and then stopping could absolutely mess someone up hormonally.


The problem with this assumption is that it's really not illustrated in any consistent way. According to this hypothesis, one should expect an inordinate number of steroid users to identify as transgendered [we don't]. And we should expect that identity to be expressed after using steroids, not before [we don't]. So while the idea has a reason behind it, the reasons against it are stacked too high to consider it realistically. 

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Ok, I was born in 1980 and raised in a bit of a media free bubble. So literally my only knowledge of him is via what I have gleaned of the Kardashians on magazine covers or whatnot over the last few years. I had no idea he was a gold medal winning runner, much less an American icon or once considered the greatest athlete. You learn something new everyday.


Perhaps because I only associated him with the Kardashians I have to admit I briefly wondered if this was a publicity stunt for the family's media whoring ways. Apparently I was incorrect and he seems quite genuine.


I wish him well. And his family. This is not an easy thing for any of them.

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I avoided the interview because I identify him with his family's reality show that I avoid. Now that so many people are praising him, I will go ahead and read the news articles and editorials about him (will still avoid watching anyone from that family's reality show).

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I have to wonder whether he used steroids during his athletic career and it messed him up psychologically when he came off of them.


I know many transgender and gay people.


None of them are remotely athletic, LOL. Certainly not taking any steroids except FTM transgender people, and then only after they got approval.


I think you should re-think that comment.


If you meant to say, "People who are transgender are messed up psychologically", fair enough, you have as much a right as anyone to your opinion. If that was not your intent, please realize it comes across that way.

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I knew he was doing this a while ago, but what I didn't know was that he was married to a Kardashian????  Had no idea.  I try very hard not to keep up with the Kardashians, they annoy me to no end.


ETA:  Ok, just read the Wiki article.  She isn't a Kardashian, her previous spouse was......

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I remember him as the world's greatest athlete. He was amazing in the Olympics (I guess I just dated myself). I am happy for him that he is finally at a place in his life where he feels he can finally be true to himself.


I had no idea he was part of the kardashian clan until a year or so again. I have enough drama in my life, I don't need to watch someone else's family drama.

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She knew from the beginning.  He had been on hormones for five years when they met.  He said he already had 34B breasts by that time.  He stopped transitioning when he met her.


All of his other wives released supportive statements.  Kris said, "No comment."  I have very little sympathy for her, although he speaks highly of all of his ex-wives.


According to her, tabloids were saying she had no comment when in reality some of them didn't ask her at all or those who did were told she would not be commenting until he spoke out himself (out of respect for wanting to wait to confirm anything until the interview aired). I suppose the media could simplify that down to "no comment", but it does seem very misleading. This is her official statement, which she made during the interview.


I don'treally know anything about their family, lol, but I've been following this story; I find the way the media has been dealing with it extremely interesting, and (as in Kris Jenner's case) very enlightening about their tactics and spin.

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I saw the ads for the interview, but I assumed it would just be telling his side of the marriage breakup, and I wasn't interested.


I have never watched the Kardashian show (no interest), but I did watch an hour-long Oprah interview with the entire family over a year ago. Until then, I had no idea who this family was, nor that Bruce Jenner was the defacto head of it. I was fairly young, but I do remember Jenner being an olympian and the Wheaties box :), and I was somewhat shocked at his being part of this flamboyant family.


It wasn't until Oprah started discussing Mr. Kardashian, the father of Kim, Khloe et al., and showed footage of him as a lawyer in the OJ Simpson trial that I had a lightbulb moment of who these people are. Apparently the parents divorced and the mom married Jenner before Kardashian's death, and he was very supportive and like an uncle to the Jenner daughters.


It seems to me these women have no claim to fame in their own rights (aside from beauty), but are riding the coat tails of 2 gracious and self-sacrificing patriarchs. I wish them all the best.

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I saw the ads for the interview, but I assumed it would just be telling his side of the marriage breakup, and I wasn't interested.


I have never watched the Kardashian show (no interest), but I did watch an hour-long Oprah interview with the entire family over a year ago. Until then, I had no idea who this family was, nor that Bruce Jenner was the defacto head of it. I was fairly young, but I do remember Jenner being an olympian and the Wheaties box :), and I was somewhat shocked at his being part of this flamboyant family.


It wasn't until Oprah started discussing Mr. Kardashian, the father of Kim, Khloe et al., and showed footage of him as a lawyer in the OJ Simpson trial that I had a lightbulb moment of who these people are. Apparently the parents divorced and the mom married Jenner before Kardashian's death, and he was very supportive and like an uncle to the Jenner daughters.


It seems to me these women have no claim to fame in their own rights (aside from beauty), but are riding the coat tails of 2 gracious and self-sacrificing patriarchs. I wish them all the best.

The joke is that Kim K is famous for having a big ass and a sex tape and it is true. No one knew who they were until her tape came out.

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According to her, tabloids were saying she had no comment when in reality some of them didn't ask her at all or those who did were told she would not be commenting until he spoke out himself (out of respect for wanting to wait to confirm anything until the interview aired). I suppose the media could simplify that down to "no comment", but it does seem very misleading. This is her official statement, which she made during the interview.


I don'treally know anything about their family, lol, but I've been following this story; I find the way the media has been dealing with it extremely interesting, and (as in Kris Jenner's case) very enlightening about their tactics and spin.


Yes, I saw that after the fact.  During the actual show, though, Diane Sawyer read statements from the first two ex-wives, and said we contacted Kris Jenner and she had no comment.   I'm assuming Bruce saw the show before it was released, too....so he could have stopped it.  I wouldn't trust one thing that Kris Jenner said....and I find it highly unlikely that ABC is lying on this one.   My guess is she refrained from commenting because it was another network, and she wants everything on "Keeping Up with the Kardashians."  They read statements from the Jenner girls and others too, so my guess is that if Kris had said something, they would have published it.   I don't think that Kris is going to like the fact that Bruce is saying that she knew well and good before or right after they married about it, because I believe she's said something else.

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I know many transgender and gay people.


None of them are remotely athletic, LOL. Certainly not taking any steroids except FTM transgender people, and then only after they got approval.


I think you should re-think that comment.


If you meant to say, "People who are transgender are messed up psychologically", fair enough, you have as much a right as anyone to your opinion. If that was not your intent, please realize it comes across that way.

Your comment about none of the gay people you know being remotely athletic is just as much in need of reexamining.


Billie Jean King

Sheryl Swoops (WNBA superstar)

Glenn Burke (played center flipping field for the Dodgers and As)

Jason Collins (NBA player)


I can go on but I won't. My brother was a top notch softball player whose transition came at the expense of his college softball dreams. He and his husband are super sports fans and have played together in a local league for gay men.


I mean really? There have been MLB, NBA and NFL players who came out after they retired and there are a lot of openly lesbian WNBA players and some openly gay male and female American soccer players.


That you know no athletic gay or trans people means squat. They do, very much, exist.

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If you meant to say, "People who are transgender are messed up psychologically", fair enough, you have as much a right as anyone to your opinion. If that was not your intent, please realize it comes across that way.


I don't believe in "transgender". I feel for people who are suffering from gender confusion the same way I feel for people under any other sort of delusion.


If Jenner wants to dress androgynously, wear makeup, have long hair, etc. that's his business. I'm all for getting rid of gender stereotypes.


But he's not "a woman trapped in a man's body" any more than the people who are convinced that they're space aliens or Jesus Christ or whatever.

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I don't believe in "transgender". I feel for people who are suffering from gender confusion the same way I feel for people under any other sort of delusion.


If Jenner wants to dress androgynously, wear makeup, have long hair, etc. that's his business. I'm all for getting rid of gender stereotypes.


But he's not "a woman trapped in a man's body" any more than the people who are convinced that they're space aliens or Jesus Christ or whatever.

That is a very dishonoring, disrespectful, and underinformed perspective. It is also damaging and represents the thinking that sexual minoritiies experience as hate.

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Haven't read the other comments, but s/he's a reality star making a very public revelation to generate income. Not much to feel sorry for, IMO.

Are you ignoring or unfamiliar with Bruce's actual celebrity history? Bruce's fame predates "reality TV" by decades.


How you can dismiss the pain of being in the wrong gendered body as THE top athlete during a time of tremendous ignorance of transgender is anathema to me.

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Haven't read the other comments, but s/he's a reality star making a very public revelation to generate income. Not much to feel sorry for, IMO.


No, not really.   He won the decathlon event at the 1976 Olympics (in Montreal...since your name says BC), setting a new world record.  The decathlon is 10 events (hence the name) over two days.  He was widely recognized at that time as one of the greatest athletes in the world.  He was also one of the first to parlay his Olympic stardom into endorsements.  


The significance is that he was the alpha male...the epitome of what society views a man to be.....and yet with that, all this time he has felt that he had the wrong body, and has struggled with it.  It shatters stereotypes about what a transgendered person is/must be....similar to the Navy SEAL who transitioned, but Bruce Jenner is far more famous.    It's kind of like thinking of Arnold Schwarzenegger transitioning.  If you're really Canadian by the name, think of Wayne Gretzky as transitioning.   He is as famous and as well regarded.


He is far more and will always remain far more than just a reality star.  


Yet even with all his fame and wealth, even he contemplated suicide...and not too long ago.   That, too, is important to note because something like 40% of all transgendered folks have attempted suicide.  Not thought about it, attempted.


By being so public about his transition....his life..... what he's struggled with..... he's no doubt saved lives.  

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Jenner claimed that he has still been attracted to women during this process.  Can someone explain this to me?  Isn't someone transgendering usually attracted to the opposite sex of his "genuine" (sorry, don't know all the terms) sexuality?  So in this case, wouldn't he be attracted to men?


I'm of an older generation on these boards (I grew up watching Bruce Jenner in the olympics!) and am trying to understand this openly and without judgement.


Also, someone on a previous transgender thread brought up an interesting idea.  She was wondering, if society didn't put people into such gender specific boxes, would they feel a need to physically transgender?  So for example, if men were allowed to lean more toward feeling "feminine" on the spectrum and this was totally acceptable and not considered weird, would men still feel that they needed to physically transgender?  Sorry, it's difficult to explain this and I hope I'm not offending anyone.

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Jenner claimed that he has still been attracted to women during this process. Can someone explain this to me? Isn't someone transgendering usually attracted to the opposite sex of his "genuine" (sorry, don't know all the terms) sexuality? So in this case, wouldn't he be attracted to men?.

No. Transgender does not equal gay. It's not about sexual attraction toward others; it's about personal identity.


And I probably explained that very awkwardly.

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No. Transgender does not equal gay. It's not about sexual attraction toward others; it's about personal identity.


And I probably explained that very awkwardly.


Thanks.  This is helpful to know.  Then, my second question becomes more important.  If feeling more feminine (as a man) were acceptable in our society, would there be a need to transgender?  Couldn't he just be a man who has more stereotypically feminine feelings?  (which are society defined)

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Thanks. This is helpful to know. Then, my second question becomes more important. If feeling more feminine (as a man) were acceptable in our society, would there be a need to transgender? Couldn't he just be a man who has more stereotypically feminine feelings? (which are society defined)

I don't know that it would be enough to change the desire to physically change genders, but it would certainly make transgendered people's lives much less stressful if they didn't feel they needed to hide their true identities from others. So many transgendered people are essentially living two separate lives because they are one sex in their daily lives, but are only able to be their true sex in private. It is awful for them to have to hide who they really are. :(

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I don't believe in "transgender". I feel for people who are suffering from gender confusion the same way I feel for people under any other sort of delusion.


If Jenner wants to dress androgynously, wear makeup, have long hair, etc. that's his business. I'm all for getting rid of gender stereotypes.


But he's not "a woman trapped in a man's body" any more than the people who are convinced that they're space aliens or Jesus Christ or whatever.


The difference being that people who are convinced they're space aliens etc usually can get rid of the delusions by taking antipsychotics. Those don't work for transgender people.


Transgender people are as varied as biological men/women in how athletic they are, what gender(s) they're attracted to, etc etc etc.


As far as transgender athletes are concerned, Renée Richards was a professional tennis player (male) who transitioned to female decades ago.


I'd never heard of Bruce until I saw Bruce on the covers of gossip magazines at the checkout line a month or two ago with the "transgender" headline. But, I was born in 1984 in The Netherlands... I'm not all that familiar with people who won Olympic events in general, n/m decades ago. What I don't get is that Bruce didn't give a female name to use? I didn't see the interview, but wouldn't it make sense to give a female name in your coming out interview? It's not like Brucilla/Brucette/Brucy/etc are workable... it's kind of awkward talking about an MTF as "he" and "Bruce".

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I don't believe in "transgender". I feel for people who are suffering from gender confusion the same way I feel for people under any other sort of delusion.


If Jenner wants to dress androgynously, wear makeup, have long hair, etc. that's his business. I'm all for getting rid of gender stereotypes.


But he's not "a woman trapped in a man's body" any more than the people who are convinced that they're space aliens or Jesus Christ or whatever.


You should look up Ryland's story - google it, youtube it, watch it with an OPEN MIND.  If you still feel like someone cannot be 'trapped in another gender's body', then I'm not sure you ARE keeping an open mind.  


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