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I did it! I went to a counselor today!

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Yay, me! After putting it off for a looong time, I am finally seeing somebody about life issues that I've not been dealing with lo these many years. After a amazing and profitable marathon self-examination session with my best friend weekend before last, I'm finally getting the courage to get some accountability and perhaps some insight by putting in some time on the [vinyl, lol] couch.


She's amazing. My age, similar interests and temperaments, good skills, and the ability to talk past my copious tears with no more reaction than tossing me a box of kleenex. Nice. AND she's a marriage and family therapist by training, so she says I can bring in dh if I want to at any point if she or I think it would be helpful.


How's that for free student counseling services?


Weird to be so excited, but I am quietly hopeful that I can know myself better and get a better handle on my life. Manage stress better. Sustain an exercise program. Clarify life. Figure out some puzzling inconsistencies in my life.


*quiet happy sigh*

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Aw, Pam. I'm excited and hopeful for you! Good for you for taking the step. :grouphug:


Yay, me! After putting it off for a looong time, I am finally seeing somebody about life issues that I've not been dealing with lo these many years. After a amazing and profitable marathon self-examination session with my best friend weekend before last, I'm finally getting the courage to get some accountability and perhaps some insight by putting in some time on the [vinyl, lol] couch.


She's amazing. My age, similar interests and temperaments, good skills, and the ability to talk past my copious tears with no more reaction than tossing me a box of kleenex. Nice. AND she's a marriage and family therapist by training, so she says I can bring in dh if I want to at any point if she or I think it would be helpful.


How's that for free student counseling services?


Weird to be so excited, but I am quietly hopeful that I can know myself better and get a better handle on my life. Manage stress better. Sustain an exercise program. Clarify life. Figure out some puzzling inconsistencies in my life.


*quiet happy sigh*

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Yay, me! After putting it off for a looong time, I am finally seeing somebody about life issues that I've not been dealing with lo these many years. After a amazing and profitable marathon self-examination session with my best friend weekend before last, I'm finally getting some accountability and perhaps some insight by putting in some time on the [vinyl, lol] couch.


She's amazing. My age, similar interests and temperaments, good skills, and the ability to talk past my copious tears with no more reaction than tossing me a box of kleenex. Nice. AND she's a marriage and family therapist by training, so she says I can bring in dh if I want to at any point if she or I think it would be helpful.


How's that for free student counseling services?


Weird to be so excited, but I am quietly hopeful that I can know myself better and get a better handle on my life. Manage stress better. Sustain an exercise program. Clarify life. Figure out some puzzling inconsistencies in my life.


*quiet happy sigh*


Good for you Pam :grouphug:. I'm happy to hear that you are excited about this. I've been struggling with mild depression that I just couldn't shake so I started seeing a counsellor a while back. While I was able to work a few things out and come to deal with stress a bit better I never really clicked with her so I keep hoping to find someone who is a better fit for me. Unfortunately where I am I'm having a hard time accessing free counselling and the $150/hr going rate is just not affordable for us at this time. I know first-hand what a difference a good counsellor can make and I wish you continued success! I think that's really great that you took that step.

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Pam, I'm so, so happy for you! I had been to countless therapists over the years, and thought them a joke. Then, after xh left me, I went to one with whom I just clicked--and that was it, it all changed for me. She helped me sooo much!


It sounds like you have a good one! I know that first step is so hard--so proud you did it!


Congratulations. It won't be easy at times, but do continue--it will be worth it!

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Yay, me! After putting it off for a looong time, I am finally seeing somebody about life issues that I've not been dealing with lo these many years. After a amazing and profitable marathon self-examination session with my best friend weekend before last, I'm finally getting the courage to get some accountability and perhaps some insight by putting in some time on the [vinyl, lol] couch.


She's amazing. My age, similar interests and temperaments, good skills, and the ability to talk past my copious tears with no more reaction than tossing me a box of kleenex. Nice. AND she's a marriage and family therapist by training, so she says I can bring in dh if I want to at any point if she or I think it would be helpful.


How's that for free student counseling services?


Weird to be so excited, but I am quietly hopeful that I can know myself better and get a better handle on my life. Manage stress better. Sustain an exercise program. Clarify life. Figure out some puzzling inconsistencies in my life.


*quiet happy sigh*


When my second born was two, I went to a counselor (good Christian friend) for an intensive three day therapy session. It was paid for by my parents who saw me plummeting into a dark abysmal depression? bad mood? ickyness? I still don't know what to call it, but I knew that I needed help. Those three days helped me to see so much about myself that was true and so much about myself that was untrue.


Good for you, Pam! I hope that you find the answers that you are looking for. I hope that you cry all that you need to in the safety of her office. I hope that you find solace in her words and peace for your past.:grouphug:

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S'there room on that couch for two?





I can sense in your post that you are pleased with yourself for taking this initiative, and you should be. It's not everyone who has the insight to realize she has "issues", let alone the willingness and ability to get help. I'm glad it all came together for you for this. Keep me posted, will you?



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:grouphug: Pam....tough decision and takes great courage to make that leap.


It is important that you found someone you could be comfortable with and trust.


I started back in June and am waffling back and forth on quitting....that emotional stuff is the tough stuff to deal with but I am sticking to it.


Hang in there.....I was going to rep you but apparently I all ready did....:D


Keeping you in my prayers.....:grouphug:

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Good for you, Pam. I have been in counseling for 5years now. She is a wonderful Christian lady with her master's in pastoral counseling. I was looking for someone who specialized in Theophostic Prayer Counseling and my prayers were answered. The big plus is that she does not charge me a cent.


Stick with it, you are worth it.

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Yay for you, Pam!!! I'm so happy that you found someone wonderful and that you're feeling good about it. I'm a little jealous in fact. I went to a counselor a few years ago and had a completely awful experience. I would like to find another one, but feel quite a sense of panic when I think about trying again. Perhaps you will inspire me to get over myself and look into it. :D

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