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Anyone else disturbed by satanic connotations of Beast Academy?


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Non-sentient beings cannot consent, because they're non-sentient, and therefore sex with them by somebody who is sentient, and thus knows better, is not okay.

Animals actually are sentient. They are able to perceive and feel things. (Buddhists are very big in the concept of sentience.) But you are right that they can't give consent.

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In that vein, am I the only one who saw this controversial topic by a brand new poster and looked at her username backwards to see if it spelled anything interesting?



This has been weighing on me all evening. I find both the title and the premise of this thread to be essentially bearing false witness against the publishers of this curriculum--spreading what amounts to gossip about them with the intent to harm their reputation and livelihood, and doing so, by your own statement, on not even the flimsiest of actual evidence of any intent (ill or otherwise) related to the claim. There are a few verses in the Bible about that, as I remember.


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Of course we're animals. We're certainly not plants. However, with that said, sex with animals is not okay. You're forgetting about consent, which is the general measuring stick used with progressive sexual ethics. Things with consent are okay. Things without consent are not okay. Non-sentient beings cannot consent, because they're non-sentient, and therefore sex with them by somebody who is sentient, and thus knows better, is not okay.


Since we seem to be on the chat board: It is not actually true that things with consent are ok - children can consent and that is why we have statutory rape to protect them even when they might consent.

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In that vein, am I the only one who saw this controversial topic by a brand new poster and looked at her username backwards to see if it spelled anything interesting?


Well, it is an anagram for some interesting beliefs.


Raced Elf Mesh

Chad Feels Rem

Fecal Shred Me

Charm Feeds El


If we consider that last one to refer to "El" of the Bible (God Almighty Himself), then to suggest that he is fed by charms is to suggest he is fed by magic rituals, including physical and verbal charms. It's almost as if one is admitting that without belief, without prayer and worship and sacrifice and general supplication, El (God Almighty Himself), will die. He will cease to exist. He will, as all things that must rely on magic charms, simply... disappear.



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Since we seem to be on the chat board: It is not actually true that things with consent are ok - children can consent and that is why we have statutory rape to protect them even when they might consent.


Children can NOT consent, actually, for the same reason that non-humans and drunk people can't consent - they're not fully capable of comprehending major decisions.

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Err, we are not on the chat board (hence Rose's question in #104). I hope OP has sincere intentions but the first part of her ID does mean "naughty" by the way. :D And my German is rusty but I think maedl is girl or woman?

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Err, we are not on the chat board (hence Rose's question in #104). I hope OP has sincere intentions but the first part of her ID does mean "naughty" by the way. :D And my German is rusty but I think maedl is girl or woman?

The name could translate as "cheeky girl"...

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During church this morning my son "wrote" his own BA book in a notebook. Creatures that looked like octopuses were arguing over order of operations, or something... He even had a "how to use this book" page in the beginning.


Then he did some puzzles from BA itself in church (he really enjoys BA, ok? lol).


Nothing bad happened. No lightening seen. No one started speaking in strange voices. And my son got the sacraments as usual.


The lights did flicker once. But that was because the combination of the sound system and space heater overloaded the circuits in our old building. Or was it?????  :ohmy: 


​<twilight zone music here>

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Err, we are not on the chat board (hence Rose's question in #104). I hope OP has sincere intentions but the first part of her ID does mean "naughty" by the way. :D And my German is rusty but I think maedl is girl or woman?


madchen or frau


(missing the marks...I'm too lazy)


roughly "maidshen" and "frow"

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 Keep in mind that evolutionist's believe that a human being is no different to an animal, and that we are the same as animals (ie we are nothing more than just 'beasts', literally.)




I don't understand how classical educators (or any educators for that matter) could say that humans are not animals. 


Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Family: Hominidae

Genus: Homo

Species: Homo Sapiens


And I know that creationists don't believe the scientific classification. That's exactly the part I don't understand. 

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The OP asked a question, and it's been answered. I'm not convinced that making fun of the OP and those who feel similarly is productive.

At this point, most are discussing this with another poster who said sex with animals is ok.  And I have yet to see anyone else support the idea that Beast Academy is secretly indoctrinating children with evil math. 

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At this point, most are discussing this with another poster who said sex with animals is ok.  And I have yet to see anyone else support the idea that Beast Academy is secretly indoctrinating children with evil math. 


Hm..it's a toss up.  I don't think they are promoting evil or getting frisky with animals, but evil math...possibly because math IS evil.

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At this point, most are discussing this with another poster who said sex with animals is ok.  And I have yet to see anyone else support the idea that Beast Academy is secretly indoctrinating children with evil math. 


I don't actually think that that person was saying that sex with animals was ok, but rather that talking animals were a step along the path to thinking sex with animals was ok. 

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I don't actually think that that person was saying that sex with animals was ok, but rather that talking animals were a step along the path to thinking sex with animals was ok. 

But animals do not talk. 


I am rather confused. Are you saying that people who read a book that has talking animals in it or seeing cartoons that feature animals that talk or seeing a movie that features live animals and computer generated graphics to give the appearance of an animal, is a step to thinking that having sex with real animals, that obviously do not talk? 


Not snark. I am really wondering if I missed something or not.

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I'm guessing that being attracted to other non human animals is probably extremely rare.  EXTREMELY.  There are plenty of people who love their pets or enjoy the whimsy of characters such as Frog and Toad.  I can't fathom for one second that that makes the majority of people feel something more than affection (that is never sexual in any way).



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LOL :)


You reminded me that my DH took issue with the name "Angel Food Cake."  How dare we mortals pretend we make anything good enough for the angels.  So now he insists that the kids call it "cloud cake".   I still call it angel food cake.   I think I'll see how he reacts if I make a Devil's Food cake for Ramadan this year.   :)


This reminded me of Tim Hawkins (Christian comedian) who jokes that eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts is like eating a baby angel. :lol: Yum.

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OP: If you are really serious about the original post, my only advise if for you to not even consider non-christian curriculum. You will never know for sure if any satanic content crept into your children's mind through their textbooks if you use books from other publishers!


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Yes, I was honestly curious. I have never heard that the anthropomorphization of animals could be a spiritual concern. And I used to live with a pastor. It really seems like you cannot avoid human-like animals in kid land, so if there are people who do avoid this, I wonder how!


Yeah, you can't really avoid it these-days. And I don't try to really either. It's more the idea behind it that I am aware of and happy to chat about (from my own perspective). And in this thread I am speaking in a generalised, throughout history type of way. I'm not trying to put out bad press against BA, because I think this goes a lot further into our past and into our future than any one cartoon or storybook. In the past, think of all the hybrid creatures that were gods. In the future, think of the possibilities of where science may take us.





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But animals do not talk. 


I am rather confused. Are you saying that people who read a book that has talking animals in it or seeing cartoons that feature animals that talk or seeing a movie that features live animals and computer generated graphics to give the appearance of an animal, is a step to thinking that having sex with real animals, that obviously do not talk? 


Not snark. I am really wondering if I missed something or not.


This is not my claim, please do not attribute it to me.


This seemed to be what post #75 was saying as a followup to post #37. 

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Not to be dense, but about the talking animals thing...There are talking animals in the Bible. Whether you believe it as a miraculous occurrence or as a metaphor, there was a donkey and a serpent that spoke.


And there is also a dragon. And the dragon imagery is the first thing you see once you go to the BA website. So who is this dragon, and why do we (as a whole) love dragons today?


ETA: Sorry, not just addressing this to you.. Just catching up on the thread and my final thought came through after reading your post. But good point with talking animals being in the bible.

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Op, it is commendable that you want to be watchful and selective. If you feel unsettled, or a lack of peace with BA then I would not use it. That is the bottom line. But I don't think it is satanic in any way.


As a Christian (southern baptist, if it matters) I would have no problems with the curriculum. I don't know if this would comfort you at all, but I believe that God knows our hearts and intentions and His grace abounds, so even if I accidentally, cluelessly stumbled into a 'spiritually dangerous' curriculum He would either 1. lead me out of it or 2. protect my children amidst my ignorance. So, I do my due diligence, focus on their education to the best of my ability and leave the rest to Him. Besides that, I think that God appreciates a creative and humorous spirit because those gifts come from Him. I want to put a platypus joke in here, but I resist. :tongue_smilie: Things like talking animals and made up creatures are just born out of that creativity. That's how I view it. Good luck finding that perfect math. :001_smile:


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Personally, if I were designing a math program with the intent to corrupt young minds, I would NOT call it Beast Academy. I would give it a totally innocent and innocuous sounding name like "Math for Christian Children" (I hope there isn't a program by that name, and if there is I sincerely apologize to its publishers who I am sure are not scheming to corrupt anyone).

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And there is also a dragon. And the dragon imagery is the first thing you see once you go to the BA website. So who is this dragon, and why do we (as a whole) love dragons today?


ETA: Sorry, not just addressing this to you.. Just catching up on the thread and my final thought came through after reading your post. But good point with talking animals being in the bible.


I understand what you are saying. The dragon is imagery to clearly represent an evil entity, much like the serpent/snake did in Genesis. I don't have a problem with snakes as a result of their roll in the fall because it wasn't about the serpent itself but about who/what it represented. Animals are a part of God's creation none the less. He gave us quite a variety because, in my opinion, He is a God of abundance for His children. I think we are supposed to rejoice in those gifts. Am I making any sense? If we were talking about worshiping dragons or any other animal being depicted, I would feel differently. But they are merely part of the story line. If one feels led to avoid this, then by all means please honor that. This is why, as Christians, we value the relationship that each is free to have God, instead of a static religion*. I may feel the need to avoid things or welcome other restrictions that you don't. It is the personal nature of our individual worship and discipleship at work in our lives. So, I have answered the op as best as I can and hope that she can find peace with whatever she decides.


*This is NOT meant as a judgement on any one else's religion, just how I view Christianity.

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Personally, if I were designing a math program with the intent to corrupt young minds, I would NOT call it Beast Academy. I would give it a totally innocent and innocuous sounding name like "Math for Christian Children" (I hope there isn't a program by that name, and if there is I sincerely apologize to its publishers who I am sure are not scheming to corrupt anyone).


Yep. If they wanted to indoctrinate secretly, they should have been a bit sneakier about it. :lol:




ETA: I don't think I have ever seen this many (*), or "fine print", caveats, whatever the word, in one thread :lol:

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And there is also a dragon. And the dragon imagery is the first thing you see once you go to the BA website. So who is this dragon, and why do we (as a whole) love dragons today?


ETA: Sorry, not just addressing this to you.. Just catching up on the thread and my final thought came through after reading your post. But good point with talking animals being in the bible.


I also thought about the Lion after I posted up thread. Jesus is the Lion of Judah. But, satan is also represented as the lion that lurks in the darkness to devour. I don't think the case could be made that a Lion inherently represents evil or good. The lion will lie down with the lamb in the end. So, I am not sure that we are meant to lock in a certain association with animals. Although, I admit that I always think of Jesus being associated with the lamb. That is why I could never eat lamb on Easter. :lol:

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I read a few comments but not all so I apologize if it's been said already. I don't really see "beast" as a reference to "the beast" ie satan. That being said though as a Christian I always seek the Lord on everything including curriculum. If you feel the answer is no I would go with that. The answer could be no for a number of reasons. Maybe this is not the right program for your particular child. Maybe for you child they won't learn correctly or it would just be a bad fit for your family in general. In any cause I would just move on to something else :) If you still are unsure then pray some more until you are sure you have your answer. 

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I understand what you are saying. The dragon is imagery to clearly represent an evil entity, much like the serpent/snake did in Genesis. I don't have a problem with snakes as a result of their roll in the fall because it wasn't about the serpent itself but about who/what it represented. Animals are a part of God's creation none the less. He gave us quite a variety because, in my opinion, He is a God of abundance for His children. I think we are supposed to rejoice in those gifts. Am I making any sense? If we were talking about worshiping dragons or any other animal being depicted, I would feel differently. But they are merely part of the story line. If one feels led to avoid this, then by all means please honor that. This is why, as Christians, we value the relationship that each is free to have God, instead of a static religion*. I may feel the need to avoid things or welcome other restrictions that you don't. It is the personal nature of our individual worship and discipleship at work in our lives. So, I have answered the op as best as I can and hope that she can find peace with whatever she decides.


*This is NOT meant as a judgement on any one else's religion, just how I view Christianity.

Within my own situation, I definately allow many of these things too. With this curriculum, my other thoughts were that my children have enough of this imagery already, so why would I even need to think about using it. And we went for CLE Mathematics and are super happy with it. I'm just offering thoughts for the OP to consider, and also want her to follow the holy spirit's guidance for the choices that she makes.



With the dragon, this is not a case of it being a known animal in our world. So that one is a bit easier to define and recognise from a Christian viewpoint. No matter how cute they make it, who it represents ultimately remains unchanged.


During the thread I've been trying to highlight more the issue of hybridisation of animals - the creation of new beasts, and I extended that idea to the hybridisation of animal and human. As Christians we believe in animals being made on earth after their own kind. Anything else becomes a corruption of what God created. As for the indoctrination side, I think that we are being led to accept hybridisation as a normal and natural thing.

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I'd honestly love to be a cat shifter.


Back to the original topic, if BA had satanical ties, they would surely has a faster production schedule because who would want to delay that message? Math geeks just don't yield quite the same power.


Me too.  But not because I have the hots for my cat.

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And there is also a dragon. And the dragon imagery is the first thing you see once you go to the BA website. So who is this dragon, and why do we (as a whole) love dragons today?



Her name is Lizzie. She isn't just a dragon, but one of the smartest little ones at that! Why do we love her? She is awesome (to use the language of my boys) at math, totally awesome.
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Within my own situation, I definately allow many of these things too. With this curriculum, my other thoughts were that my children have enough of this imagery already, so why would I even need to think about using it. And we went for CLE Mathematics and are super happy with it. I'm just offering thoughts for the OP to consider, and also want her to follow the holy spirit's guidance for the choices that she makes.



With the dragon, this is not a case of it being a known animal in our world. So that one is a bit easier to define and recognise from a Christian viewpoint. No matter how cute they make it, who it represents ultimately remains unchanged.


During the thread I've been trying to highlight more the issue of hybridisation of animals - the creation of new beasts, and I extended that idea to the hybridisation of animal and human. As Christians we believe in animals being made on earth after their own kind. Anything else becomes a corruption of what God created. As for the indoctrination side, I think that we are being led to accept hybridisation as a normal and natural thing.


Please stop speaking for other Christians, many of us don't believe that at all.




As for the dragon, she's just a cute little dragon.  She doesn't represent anything but a cute little dragon, a math beast.

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I feel like I need to round up Falcor and Toothless and Puff and give them all a big hug.

Also all the old Land Before Time Dino babies, they taught my kiddo all sorts of stories, none of which were at all sexy.


I just had to add, I have a black cat that looks a lot like a toothless! His mannerisms, behavior and expressions are so similar. That dragon is half cat or my cat is half dragon :lol: .

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Not sure if this is the place to ask, lol, but I wanted to use them for my ds next year. Would level three be enough for a normal 4th grader. He is not advanced.


(If anyone cares to answer, that is. I know it's not as exciting as the comments above!) haha

I think a lot of people use 3a-3d in 4th grade. My son was advanced but still got value from them in 4th grade. We ordered them when they were released for the first time and that was when he was nearing the end of his by age 3rd grade year.

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Not sure if this is the place to ask, lol, but I wanted to use them for my ds next year. Would level three be enough for a normal 4th grader. He is not advanced. 


(If anyone cares to answer, that is. I know it's not as exciting as the comments above!) haha


There are assessments on the website that you could use.



I plan on going through level 3 this summer with my 3rd and 5th graders.

Unfortunately, my kids don't like the cuteness of it, so it will not be as fun

as I was hoping.

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Not sure if this is the place to ask, lol, but I wanted to use them for my ds next year. Would level three be enough for a normal 4th grader. He is not advanced.


(If anyone cares to answer, that is. I know it's not as exciting as the comments above!) haha

If funds are not the issue, start from the beginning in 3A.
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Dragons are not bad creatures to everyone, not even all christians. They can also have wisdom and longevity ascribed to them - here's a link - yeah, a wiki, but seems to fit. Our local high school mascot is the Dragons. 


~says the woman who owns two stuffed dragons, a cardboard one hanging from my ceiling, a Toothless, and another fearsome plastic one. The  fearsome plastic is currently "dancing" on top of my bookcase with my wooden poseable art mannequin. Yeah, I'm a geek. 

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For anyone who is reading about the MATH, we started using Art of Problem Solving this year. My son is 17. Beast Academy was not out when he was younger. He says AoPS is the first math program that truly explains math so he understands. I wish we had tried it sooner. That's a huge statement coming from him. It'll be exciting to see how kids who actually learn that thinking at a younger age, such as through Beast Academy, will progress through their upper level maths as well. 

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