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Tax refund


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One possible reason for delays of I.R.S. refunds involves people who received tax credits for ObamaCare purchased on the ObamaCare web site. Those people are in 37 states. I believe it also affects people in California and possibly other states that have their own ObamaCare exchanges. The tax information provided to 800,000 people, by the Federal government was wrong. Possibly that involves your return. This article explains:




Obviously there afre other possible reasons for delayed tax refunds. I hope you receive yours soon!  GL

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I used TurboTax to submit mine on Saturday February 14th. Today, the IRS site says that my refund has been approved and will be deposited on Monday, March 2nd. So that is two business weeks, about the average of my past experiences. My state refund was deposited yesterday (the 25th). 


I did my son's on Friday the 13th, and his refund was deposited on Monday the 23rd. 

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We e-filed ours January 22nd using H&R Block Freefile online.  Standard 1040A, no itemized deductions, although we did have an education credit, additional child tax credit, and EIC.  It was essentially the same return as last year with the difference being the recapture of $600 health care act subsidies.  They are still "processing" it.  As of last Friday we are in a 30-day waiting period before we can move up the chain of inquiry (unless they release it before then, but I'm not holding my breath).  I'm afraid when the 30-days are up they will just have another 30-day process, and another...


I really need that money.  I wish I could charge the government interest and penalties like they would to me if I held up their tax money.

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We e-filed ours January 22nd using H&R Block Freefile online. Standard 1040A, no itemized deductions, although we did have an education credit, additional child tax credit, and EIC. It was essentially the same return as last year with the difference being the recapture of $600 health care act subsidies. They are still "processing" it. As of last Friday we are in a 30-day waiting period before we can move up the chain of inquiry (unless they release it before then, but I'm not holding my breath). I'm afraid when the 30-days are up they will just have another 30-day process, and another...


I really need that money. I wish I could charge the government interest and penalties like they would to me if I held up their tax money.

You actually can get interest on a refund. But it doesn't start running until at least the due date of the return.

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