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Anyone else get tired of repeating curriculum with multiple children?

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I'm in our 4th year of homeschooling, and going through Singapore Essentials for the 3rd time. Next year will be another child in K, and I just don't think I can face those same books again. It's inexpensive, and works well; I'm just tired of looking at the same pages... counting the same butterflies, coloring in the same boxes, circling the same matching clown. How do school teachers do this year after year?


I don't particularly mind anything else we have reused... just this math for some reason. What do you do when *you* are tired of a curriculum?

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No, but I only have two levels with three kids, so here's a way in which twins give me an advantage. LOL. But I do remember thinking at the end of OPG, a few years back, "Thank God I don't have to do this a third time." It was effective, I'm not complaining, but if I had to go through that a third time, it would be painful. KWIM?


If there's a course with my first child that is wonderful, we're sure to repeat it with the younger two, so long as it's doable with two at a time. For example, MP's Story Time Treasures and More Story Time Treasures was "just right" for a 1st grader. We liked it the first time, and we liked it the second time. In fact, if I had to do that a third (or fourth) time, I wouldn't mind a bit. Whenever I see those books, I think of squishy six year olds and smile.


If there's something with my first child that feels like a slog, I have two years to find something else to use with the twins. I only keep the keepers. For example, MP's 2nd Grade guides were awful (IMO). We only did two out of the four, and only enjoyed one of those (Tales from Beatrix Potter). The Courage of Sarah Noble for a 2nd grader? Boring and depressing. The student workbook honestly felt like busywork, and a 2nd grader doesn't need busywork. We're not doing them again this year for 2nd grade with Bang & Boom. Instead, we're doing Book Club (together), reading and/or listening to well-written and uplifting chapter books; discussing each book; and learning about setting, character, plot, conflict, point-of-view, and theme. So much better, and we can do this together.


Last year with my oldest (3rd grade then), I didn't like several things about Horizons Math 3, but we kept going with it. This year for 4th, we were about to throw Horizons Math 4 at the wall. We switched to CLE Math 400 series, and are very happy with the switch. So, next year for 3rd with my twins, I will probably test them into their level of CLE, and leave Horizons behind. Live and learn, I guess.


I think my younger two benefit from me weeding out the flops. My poor firstborn, she's the guinea pig.


Maybe you could try a completely different math for your K'er? Just to break up the monotony for yourself? CLE is one inexpensive option. Only $34 for a level, and it doesn't look anything like Singapore! :) HTH. Hang in there.

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OPGTR. Oh, if I have to listen to stories about Jan and her pink quilt or the red van again...

I love the book--I've used it for all three, and it makes me happy to know that all three kids learned to read using it but teaching phonics is pretty (mind bogglingly) dull to begin with, and reading the same stories over and over makes me want to weep.

KInsa--a fifth time through the same phonics book might kill me--congrats for making it through Phonics Pathways five times without snapping!

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Yep. Phonics. Any phonics.


Having said that, I have one very strong reader and one in K who is coming along nicely, so it's getting done. There's just nothing fun about it.


I'm with the others who have said that if something is yawn-worthy, I throw it at the wall and get something else. Several math programs before CLE went that way. Several LA programs before CLE went that way. And (gasp!) a few history programs as well.

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Wait, we're supposed to use the same curricula? LOL I do get bored and tend to switch for each kid as a result.

Me too. :blush: I used to think I could justify expensive curricula by using it for 4 kids. But nope. I can't seem to reuse much of anything. Part of that is me finding shiny new things and part their learning styles. SM is one of the few things we've actually reused... And my ds9 is the first to get past SM 3B without jumping ship, so it's new material for me now. :D We'll see how it goes next year for me to get out those math books a fourth time for dd5...


What kills me is read-alouds. I can't re-read the same book for youngers, unless I absolutely adored it. That's happened like twice. Poor kids have missed out on so many great books that I read aloud to my oldest. But maybe they can just read them independently when they get a little older.

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Oh and phonics! Ugh. I sold 100 EZL for $5 after my 3rd. We'd never even made it all the way through because I couldn't stand using it that long. Then when youngest was 4, I was floundering with phonics and realized 100EZL had worked really well for me even if I hated it. I was at a book sale and saw the lady at the table next to me selling it for $5... So it's back on my shelf. :lol:

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I tend to use something different with each kid. Though I have used Singapore Essentials with two kids in a row. The next kid is 5+ years after the previous one, so I'll probably be ok teaching it again.


I usually don't use expensive programs, but when I have, they've often not been the best fit, so selling them allowed me to buy something that would work better.

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I have a very short attention span. Thirdborn (we have a little guy not in my sig and not in our school), wi either get an amazing education from a seasoned teacher or I'll be bored to death. Little one I'm expecting now will be lucky if they're homeschooled--I'm likely to be totally burnt out and/or bored. :-/ I mean, already teaching cursive to #2 is really dull.

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Wait, we're supposed to use the same curricula? LOL I do get bored and tend to switch for each kid as a result.

This is what I do. I say it's to meet the particular educational need and learning style of each kid, but really.... it's because I'm bored. They all do different math programs, reading programs.... I guess it's probably because I haven't hit on that one thing that is so awesome I'm glad to do it over and over again. Oh, I take that back. Latin. Everyone does Memoria Press. But that's only because I need the review.
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I'm finding that our needs-each kid, and as a family- are changing with each pass. New materials come available, kids need different stuff, I need different stuff. We haven't had many repeats. 
At this point, I'm hesitant to expect to do anything twice. I do hope that at point I have enough experience with the materials to not have to flounder about quite as much as I am now. I was so much more solid with my first. Maybe my second kid is just tough. 

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Yes!  I do treat myself to a new program here and there.  I've used 4 different Grammars over the years, but I keep the old stuff on the shelf to circle back to.  I find myself missing the stuff I used to hate after a couple of years.  Other books, like my Vocabulary are old friends, and I find myself scanning Follett for copies of the early 90's workbooks.


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The only one I remember being really tired of is First Language Lessons 1/2. That preposition list just kills me! Three kids so far, but now we have 3 y.o. twins , so maybe one more go round.


Erica in OR


We did a song for the prepositions. You can use this. It might make it more interesting. (Free)



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I bought myself a nice bottle of wine when I tossed the falling apart, dog eared, written in FLL 1 book into the trash can. 5 times through, I can probably say some of the lessons from memory.


I am too cheap to buy new curriculum now.


LOL...Oh my.  I can imagine.  I used it only 2x and that was enough.


Not that I don't think it's very good, but yes repetitive.  Five times...EEK


Reminds me of some of the books my kids liked as tots.  I can still read them from memory.  "Rollie Polie Olie jumped out of bed, brushed his teeth, recharged his head........the Rollie Pole rumba dance was always done in underpants.......and in his land of curves and curls this is how he spends his day...."



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My district Orff coordinator chose not to buy textbooks for elementary school music because her comment was "after year 2, you never crack them open anyway". So, we had a few sets that would be sent out to teachers who wanted them-but if you didn't take a textbook/CD/materials set, you got several hundred dollars extra each year to buy materials for your classroom.  As far as I'm concerned the best part about homeschooling an only child is that I only teach a given subject/level once, and then we move on!



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Yes, I'm in my 4th pass through our early elementary curricula and I still have one more kid to go.  The phonics stuff is definitely the worst.  I haven't minded Singapore math or HWT as much.  I've switched up how I've done SOTW each time (the first time we went heavy on read-alouds, this cycle we went heavy on projects). I suspect that I've got so much going on in life that this third cycle starting next year will mostly just be audio.

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I love Singapore Math! I hate Singapore Math!


I no longer care how many tarts and chicken satays anyone made, sold on Saturday and Sunday, shared with their friends, or had left over. Just eat the damn things and call it good.

That made me laugh out loud!


OP, I haven't really had this issue yet, because my oldest two children have very different learning styles, so they have yet to repeat much. One uses Saxon, the other Singapore. And now I'm using MEP for my third child. At this point, it's still fun, because it's like, "Oooh, another set of children is ready for This Great Readaloud that the big two liked." I do expect I will have this issue at some point, though, because odds are good that I will reuse at least some things. My three little guys are all two grades apart, so that is a lot of early learning years. I'm trying to keep the preK and K book lists varied, so I don't get bored, and I'm relatively certain my third son will not get the perfect four year rotation of history and science. My first son, second son, and fourth son are all four grades apart, so while first son takes his second rotation through ancients next year, I'll be starting SOTW1 with my second son, and then four years after that, I'll start it with my fourth son, while my first and second sons are doing their third and second ancients rotations. Third son will fit in there somewhere, but I can't do everything every two years for the little boys, or I'll go insane. So, yeah, I see the issue.

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I have contemplated create book page art out of some of our materials where the glue binding has failed, but the kids have made me promise that I will make a bonfire out of FLL 1&2 and roast marshmallows over it when our youngest is done with it.  It's a great book, but we're all a bit tired of hearing me send yet another child through it. We sing the conjunction and preposition songs to each other when someone is being particularly annoying.

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I'm on my 5th go around with phonics.  I've tried different programs with different dc to try to alleviate my boredom....to no avail.  I'm just sick of teaching phonics. Dd6 knows her alphabet and knows her basic sounds...that's as far as she's gotten since I get so cranky every time I pull out ANY phonics program.  I've been hoping that she'll just wake up one day and be reading.  It happens...right?...I've heard of it happening...please tell me that it could happen!   :crying:

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Yes, and I have only two children and agree with the phonics thing. It's the main reason I paid more money and switched to AAR even though OPGTR was very effective.


It's funny because I don't mind using Singapore again. I guess it's because I teach it my own way now and a lot of the work is done independently. I also don't mind McGuffey again because my children are 4 years apart and I've forgotten most of the lessons in that time.


Maybe phonics is more tiresome because the parent has to be there the whole time?


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YES! I am on my fifth go-round in Phonics Pathways. I'm nearly done with it, and I will be dancing a happy jig when I'm totally through with that book!


As for other curriculum, it doesn't bother me as much to be going through Saxon math, or Rod & Staff English, or Spelling Workout, or...


But that Phonics Pathways! Ugh!


(Not to say it isn't a great program. If it weren't, we wouldn't still be using it!)


 I did jig a bit with Gus at the end of this.


Too bad I'm on kid #3 and have one more to go...


I can make it.


Gus did help. Gus will help. Thank the pink pig. 




:willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:

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Phonics is tiresome because you spend minute after minute each day hearing,


"... mmmm....mmm-aaa.....mmmm-aaaa-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.....mmmaaannn.......mmaann.....man!... man!... mommy, is that word man?.... mommy?.... mommy, are you awake?.....mommy?...."


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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YES! I am on my fifth go-round in Phonics Pathways. I'm nearly done with it, and I will be dancing a happy jig when I'm totally through with that book!


As for other curriculum, it doesn't bother me as much to be going through Saxon math, or Rod & Staff English, or Spelling Workout, or...


But that Phonics Pathways! Ugh!


(Not to say it isn't a great program. If it weren't, we wouldn't still be using it!)

I just finished Phonics Pathways for the fifth time! It is a fantastic feeling when that last word is read!!

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and multiplication facts.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


What's 6x8?  "Six times eight is thirty eight...no...wait...twenty eight..no...forty eight...it's forty eight right?  Right?"  RIGHT!  Two minutes later..... What's 6x8?  "I don't know!  I don't remember!".  Thirty seven thousand years later..... What's 6x8?  "Six times eight is thirty eight...no...wait...twenty eight..no...forty eight...it's forty eight right?  Right?"



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I just wonder how classroom teachers do it.  Surely they must do SOMETHING to not get bored to heck.


I have often wondered about this.  I have been through Alpha Phonics four times in four years, and only have to do it one more time.  I can't stand that book any more!  I am so glad that my last two are twins.  Two for the price of one :-)

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We did a song for the prepositions. You can use this. It might make it more interesting. (Free)




I haven't looked at the link yet, but this afternoon I told dd13 there was a song for prepostions and she almost screamed (not from happiness). I torture the kids with Phonics Road songs on occasion. Sometimes even pull up Geography songs on the computer and she runs to her room :lol: I don't know why, but my kids hate catchy tunes that make you learn things. ;)

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I'm not homeschooling yet, but I'm in the same 4th grade curriculum for the 5th year. I want to rip the boring stories out of the book and burn them. :) 
Reading the same below-level Leveled Readers every year? GAH! 
Multiplication? Division? Fractions? Let me poke my eyes out.  

It happens. I just have to find ways to make it fun...within the crazy strict confines of what I'm allowed and not allowed. 

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Not the books or lessons themselves since I am using slightly different things. However repeating the agony of this emergent reader stage is slowly killing me. I was actually near tears today with my daughter and then the realization that I would have to do this again in another year or two pushed me over the edge.

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In your situation, I would think the easiest thing to do would be to switch to Math in Focus, ...it's more expensive but you know the method, and hterefore you will be a good teacher.  You can maybe find the TM used or just shell out the cash and get it over with. At least this way the pages and pictures and layout will all be different.


I have almost never used the same stuff with my two kids.  I accept it now that I really don't want to do the same thing twice.  Aside from math, I will probably end up continuing that trend.


And yes...I have NO idea how schoolteachers can teach with the same books for many years.  

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I am feeling this a bit with teaching reading to my 3rd son as he is only 18 months behind my 2nd son. This may be considered cheating, but one thing I have done with my 2nd was to start him on Starfall when he was 4 (I would just let him poke around and play on it while his oldest brother was doing school), and then he learned how to sound out words, do the basic stuff all on his own. I still did Alpha-Phonics with him as a main curriculum but it wasn't anywhere near as hard because he already had a lot of the exposure from Starfall (they do a lot of the sounding out of words, etc.) Same thing goes for games like Reading Raven on the iPad.


I have done this with my 3rd as well, and he's not yet 4 so I'm not pressuring him to read, but he already has the concept of combining sounds of letters to make words (i.e. he can read CVC words). 


I'm glad to hear of others liking CLE. I have used it with my oldest but was itching to do something different with my 2nd, but I think I will go ahead and stay with it. 

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I am on number 4 and 5.  She is doing Kindergarten work and he has been demanding to work, as well.  I am planning on ditching everything and buying a Sonlight Core for them to do mostly together.  My 1st and 2nd child both have special needs and have consumed so much of my time in the years we have been homeschooling.  

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I only have 2, so it's not that bad.  They used different things until they were in 1st and 3rd grades, and since 3rd and 5th, they've been very independent, so I haven't run into problems yet.


Now Sylvia will repeat a couple of years of MFW and I'll have to go through the high school cycle twice very closely together, so talk to me after I've graduated Rebecca.  

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