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Vivid dreamers


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I just read the magnesium & dreams thread, and I can relate, except I am not taking magnesium supplements right now!  (I probably should.)


What is the deal with detailed, vivid dreams?  They are exhausting. What's behind that tendency?  My dreams seem to last for hours. (I know they don't.) I sometimes wake feeling exhausted, my mind over-whelmed with images and words.  There are characters in my dreams; really detailed people.  My dreams can be a bit scary, but in general, they are not nightmares. Sometimes they are funny and I wake chuckling.


When I was little, my mother thought I made up some of my dreams. I didn't. These suckers are real and vivid. Prolonged, even. Sometimes I wake from my dreams wondering why I'm not a writer, artist, or filmmaker. lol I am not naturally very creative, but my dreams are complicated.


Is there is something amiss?  I get worried at times, especially when it feels have not slept.


Are you like this, dear reader?  Does anything help?

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I have the weirdest dreams if I wake up a bit early and then fall back to sleep for an hour or 2.  Some are very detailed and strange.  I can often see how various pieces of the dream came from but it is really weird how the pieces come together in a dream.


I don't take any meds or supplements.

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I've always had vivid dreams. I write down a lot of them. The other night I had a dream David Bowie was giving a concert in my town, and I sat down next to David Duchovny and chatted with him for a while at the concert. Weird. 


Last night I dreamed I was in a classroom and there was an old friend of mine there. She's been deceased for 5 or 6 years (IRL) and she was giving me advice about a particular situation. 

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I have always dreamed vividly. At times in my life when there has been emotional upheaval they are even worse....exhausting,..,and I think of the dreams all the next day. I Dream in color, I smell smells, I wake up crying real tears, or LOLing.


I also am a lucid dreamer.....my dreams are like a movie camera and I control it.

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I had/have vivid dreams - and nightmares. Not every night anymore but nearly so as a kid, decreasing as I aged. Probably about once or twice a week now. They're an even mix of lovely, inspiring and interesting vs. stressful, scary or depressing. I never know what I'll get. I don't take supplements, but they seem more pronounced (and a level more strange than usual) when I'm pregnant.


I also had completely HORRID episodes of sleep paralysis during my late teens and through my twenties into early thirties (none in several years now) which about drove me to counseling before I learned other people do have similar experiences - I was not actually going nuts. And I've sleptwalked once. One of the most disconcerting experiences of my life; nothing I ever want to repeat - woke up running through my living room in a panic with no clue why or what had happened, nor could I recall the accompanying dream.


Dh, on the other hand, has only remembered a handful of dreams in his life, and they are not especially vivid.

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I've always had vivid dreams. Some of my childhood memories are actually memories of dreams but it wasn't until I was an adult that I realized that certain things could never have happened. I have a recurrent vivid dream of being at the final for my college freshman math class and feeling sick because I had skipped so many classes. It has happened so often that at this point in my life I really can't remember if I actually skipped classes and felt sick at the final or not. 

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Potatoes. Something in potatoes stimulates or mimics serotonin production. I made some delicious mashed sweet potatoes to go with dinner yesterday and had a second helping. Last night I dreamed I lived on a tropical island and I remember every step of designing and sewing up a cute breezy skirt for my little toddler daughter (who also only exists in that dream!).


I was on magnesium supplements with my multiples pregnancy. I don't remember dreaming crazily then, but I did have to take them every 3 hours around the clock, so I probably didn't get enough unbroken sleep to enter a good dream state. Oh well, it was good practice for after the babies arrived!

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I dream every single night. Stupid, senseless dreams mostly. Almost an Alice in Wonderland quality. I also often dream about wandering around either my old high school or the hotel I used to work at (sometimes they merge into one another) always looking for a bathroom and not being able to find one that isn't out in the open where everybody can see you. Either that, or looking for a class room and not being able to find it. Those are the ones that I have over and over with differing details. Most of the time I can remember snippets for a while, then they fade. Last night, I know I was dreaming something about riding bikes without pedals up a mountain and in a swamp that was actually in some building. Just weird. Thankfully, they do not make me tired. And actually, the only nights I seem to actually sleep all night are the ones when I am dreaming all night long. 

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This is timely. I had some doozies last night. I'm still buzzing from the realness of them. I don't take anything to enhance them, but I've always had vivid dreams. As a child I had some horrific nightmares that I still remember.


That's what happens; you start the day off already buzzing. It's more of an emotional/mental exhaustion.

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I dream pretty vividly, though they're not generally exhausting.  I have a handful of dreams that I have had multiple times, with some slight variations.  

Then I've had some that are wild and crazy and make no sense.

Then I have some that are like a normal day, sort of, until something is noticeably weird.  

For a TMI, I'll write this in white: if there is any s3x in the dreams, it is incredibly frustrating because I can't be 'satisfied' in a dream. :leaving:

I've had a couple dreams that have been really pleasant dreams.  They usually involve that whole first flirting with someone/falling in love type feeling.  :)

I've had a few where I've died, too.  Those always stick with me for awhile.


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I also dream very vividly, and it is exhausting. I wake up feeling like I haven't slept at all. I don't know what causes it; I've always been this way.


Mine usually involve a lot of running around in a large building (like a hotel or a mall), in and out of rooms, looking for something -- the location and what I'm seeking varies from dream to dream.


I used to dream A LOT that all my teeth were falling out. They were so real I would wake up tasting blood and trying to spit my teeth into my hands. Haven't had that one in a long time, though.


My least favorite are the "loud" dreams -- anybody get those? I'm in a place that is extremely noisy, usually a lot of people talking. I just want them to shut up so I can sleep!!


Thankfully I have only ever had one real nightmare. I was pregnant with ds and having to take a weekly progesterone shot to prevent preterm labor. That shot was known to cause vivid, horror-film-worthy dreams. It involved dh and dd and was truly horrible. I spent the rest of the night sitting on the couch shaking, afraid to go back to sleep.

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The real estate dream really threw me, although I can psychologically tweak it out. We're walking through the house with about 10 other families. The characters were so defined, so real. In the dream were two elderly couples, and a young couple arguing with the realtor.  The wealthy older couple had on party clothing and were headed to an art opening and were in a rush. They wanted the house to be a wedding gift for their son.  The other older man was wearing a tweed blazer.  It went on and on. I tried to wake myself up and finally managed. I don't know who got the house.


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I missed the magnesium and dreams thread. I will have to go find that.


But 3 times in the last few weeks DH has woken me up because I started yelling in my sleep. I've never, ever done that before. In one dream I was yelling because I saw someone who had broken into our house and walked into my boys' room to kidnap one of them. I started yelling to wake up DH.  I knew I was dreaming and that I was going to have to yell really, really loud because you can't ever really yell in your dreams. So in my dream I started screaming as loud as I could... which apparently translated into a low moaning in real life. LOL.

So weird.

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Yes, DesertBlossom. I was in a scary accident where no one was injured. (Crazy lucky!  I was at fault, although there were extenuating circumstances. I am a very defensive driver, in general.)  I had a car full of kids, not all of them mine; it was haunting.  The dreams/nightmares. My dh woke me a few times because I was crying/moaning. I think all those dreams helped limit the PTSD.

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We need a vivid dreamers support group!


I hate it most when dreams have a really strong mood that lingers through the day, so anything that happens I see through the lens of the dream-mood. Often, it doesn't wear off till late afternoon.

This. I have dreams that, although they don't keep me from feeling rested can ruin my mood for days. But sometimes they are pleasant dreams. I used to have a lot of what I called "kindness dreams". When I was married to my first husband EVERY time we would fight or he would make me feel,bad I would Dream about some man being kind to me. It got to the point that I would wake up smiling because I expected the dream. I do also believe though that we get into patterns of dreams and the more we think about the dream the more likely we are to,dreams something similar again.


My worst dream ever was when I was driving across a huge bridge....my toddler son, my mom and my dad were passengers. My mom can't swim and my toddler son obviously couldn't either. I crashed into the water and I had to choose between saving my mom or my toddler. It was devastating to me.

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And snakes. Oh man, snakes have been a recurring theme in my dreams over the years. It started when my high school friend was murdered...I was 20 and he was 21. I would wake up to then husband standing at the door of our bedroom saying saying, "where scsrlett, I don't see any snakes!" I was dreaming that a giant freak snake was wrapped around the window seal near my bed. As the years went by the snake dreams continued.....anytime I feel stress they reappear....my theory is that I connect them to evil...which I felt when my friend was murdered.

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I haven't had flying dreams for years, it seems. They used to be a regular occurrence. When I was young I dreamt I fell off a cliff; I remember being surprised within the dream that I actually hit bottom since I thought you weren't supposed to dream your own death.


And the taking-a-final-after-skipping-classes, too. I think that one's pretty standard in our culture.


I also had a very long period a few years back of dreaming I was attending some sort if school or university. It was sort of exhausting since I felt as though I was having to learn stuff all night and then do the being-a-mom thing all day. Also, I felt like I was continuously returning to the same place, although it looked different every time.


These days I mostly dream about houses. They typically have indoor gardens.


Dh used to think I had crazy vivid dreams. Now he's keeping a dream journal, and his have gotten more interesting. He keeps looking for deep meaning in his. I'd prefer to think there's nothing deep or predictive in mine, and mostly try to forget about them.

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One of my recurring dreams takes place in public restrooms/ shower houses. Never the same one. The dream could be about anything but there's usually a bathroom involved. Lol.


My theory is that when you start dreaming about bathrooms, it's time to wake up!  :D

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I was thinking about this last night and wondered if anyone else studies in their sleep? Since I was very young, I've been able to study for tests or whatever in my dreams. At first it happened accidentally and I'd wake up frustrated that I'd wasted all night on an unpleasant dream. Then, I figured out how to provoke it and was able to plan on studying in my sleep. I have to study before I go to sleep, look through my notes, and books, and then as I fall asleep, I concentrate on the subject, and I end up dreaming that I'm going through those same notes and books, studying all night. I will wake up knowing the material better than I did when I went to sleep, or in the case of a math problem, I may wake up knowing the solution to a problem that had eluded me. So far, I have never studied false material in my dreams. 


I tried to tell my children to do the same thing but they (and DH) think I'm crazy

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I have very detailed dreams.  Sagas, I call them.  The environment is very detailed (I can remember colors, décor, textures, temperatures) and the people are developed characters. I remember their clothes and dialogues.  The dreams seem long, and I do end up exhausted from them.  The plots are intricate.  My characters are always posing philosophical questions.  I really love my dreams and find them entertaining, even the scary ones - even though they are exhausting.  My daughter can lucid dream, and I would love to pursue that.


I assumed I have some kind of prolonged, exhausting REM stage.  I am adhd and my brain doesn't turn off easily - so maybe that is part of it.  I am drawn to the different, the weird, and the new thing, so my dreams might reflect that, too.  I wrote fiction from a young age. 

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Oh, and the flying dream - that was common in my childhood.  I would stand in my backyard in the dream and by force of will gather some sort of - um, energy? - from the environment - I would feel it flooding my body - and then I would be able to will myself to lift up into the air and fly.  My flying was very floating flying, high up, in whatever direction I wanted, not like active bird flying or flapping, or fast flying.  I *LOVED* that dream - maybe that will be my goal for learning lucid dreaming - because I miss that one.  Haven't had it in while.

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I was thinking about this last night and wondered if anyone else studies in their sleep? Since I was very young, I've been able to study for tests or whatever in my dreams. At first it happened accidentally and I'd wake up frustrated that I'd wasted all night on an unpleasant dream. Then, I figured out how to provoke it and was able to plan on studying in my sleep. I have to study before I go to sleep, look through my notes, and books, and then as I fall asleep, I concentrate on the subject, and I end up dreaming that I'm going through those same notes and books, studying all night. I will wake up knowing the material better than I did when I went to sleep, or in the case of a math problem, I may wake up knowing the solution to a problem that had eluded me. So far, I have never studied false material in my dreams.


I tried to tell my children to do the same thing but they (and DH) think I'm crazy.

Not studied but I have solved problems....like remembering where I left a lost item....things that I already knew but couldn't call to mind in my awake state.

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Oh, and the flying dream - that was common in my childhood. I would stand in my backyard in the dream and by force of will gather some sort of - um, energy? - from the environment - I would feel it flooding my body - and then I would be able to will myself to lift up into the air and fly. My flying was very floating flying, high up, in whatever direction I wanted, not like active bird flying or flapping, or fast flying. I *LOVED* that dream - maybe that will be my goal for learning lucid dreaming - because I miss that one. Haven't had it in while.

That is exactly how my flying dreams are! I am more like superman and can just go in any direction...but not fast....I usually go floating along and enjoy the view. Once I sat on a cloud and forgave a friend for something he had done to me.

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