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For those who work out consistently....


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Can you share some tips on how you squeeze it in? What time of day do you do it? Us it part of your daily homeschool routine so everyone is out moving? Do you get up early before the kids? In the afternoon after kids finish school? Evening when dh is home? Just curious because I feel like I want to find a way to make it work! Cliche this time of year I know, lol!

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I get up before the kids and I'm currently doing T25 which is only 25 minutes. Part of what helps me is that I do it six days a week, always taking Sunday off to sleep in. I can't decide on Tuesday to do my work out tomorrow because I already have a work out planned for that day.


If you do a short workout, like a half hour workout, you can get up half an hour earlier because with working out will sleep better and will function better on less sleep. My husband says he prefers to get up earlier and work out first thing so that he doesn't have it looming over his head all day.


Eta: Also, we aren't too tired to work out at the end of the day because our workouts are already done.

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Motivation: 30 mile hike with a group requiring reserved permits 6 months away; several shorter training hikes with the group set for about every 6 weeks.


Daily Routine: It had to be a take it day by day kind of thing because no one time worked for every day.  As soon I had a free time, I worked out. Since my husband works from home and I have teens, that meant someone was around the house to keep an ear out for my 9 year old. It was usually in the afternoons on weekdays.  Sometimes it was in the evenings.  On weekends I did it when I woke up. I worked out to a video in front of my TV or I ran in the neighborhood 45-60 minutes, 6 days a week.


I have a knee injury now so I have to take it easy.



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I am a lifetime non exerciser, and I just began an exercise routine.  In order for this to work, I had to make it simple, not too strenuous, fast, and somewhat interesting so I didn't mind it.  So I take the dog out in the neighborhood for a 20 minute brisk walk every morning except for Sundays.  I do it before the kids get up.   I tried jogging, but I got shin splints, so I just walk briskly and jog slowly for a very short spurt.  About once a week, a kid will tag along, usually my ds12.  I am also combining the walking with dog training, which is needed around here with my uncivilized Great Pyrenees.  I will not win any awards for exerciser of the year, but I am out there.  Go me!  :D

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I walk my dogs at least 2x/day though with my ancient newf x hobbling it's not exercise any more - it's a 30 min walking meditation on aging.  If I take just my other dogs out, then it's a power walk for 30 min.

I go to Zumba class at least 2/week. My classes are high intensity. I'm dripping with sweat by the 1/2 way mark. (not all zumba is like that. I've been to zumba class which are very low intensity, 60 min of arm waving and gentle salsa... I don't go back to those LOL)  For most of Dec I was doing 3/week. Not sure if I'll keep that or not... It does add up $.

I do yoga mostly at home - whenever and wherever. I'm sort of a spontaneous yogi.

I'm also a spontaneous wogger (walk/jog). Spring & fall are my fave times. Summer & winter I tend to fade...

7 minute workout - I try for this 3/week, sometimes I manage 5/week. Ds usually does it with me.

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I've been working out consistently for 7 years, but my youngest was almost 3 at that time. It is so hard when you have little ones. I workout in the mornings, and sometimes in the afternoon too. With little ones, I think it would be better to spread stuff out through the day. Or if you could get it in, try 30 minutes in the morning while the kids are the happiest.

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^^^ thank you for this! I feel like just when it got easier and we began to have a work out routine in place along came baby and bam!


The last consistent work out routine I had was doing a stroller stride class about 3x a week from 9-10 am when kids were little 2-4 & 4-5. Then we began formal homeschooling so mornings were out! We did walks or I would hit the gym in the afternoon.


Now my struggle is I feel like it's hard to get the basics at home done with baby- homeschool, housework, my school, extra curriculars, make dinner, etc so it's hard to figure out when taking care of me comes into play. Sad {sigh} but reality right now!


But I know I need to make the time anyway.

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Right now my thoughts are-

9:30-10:30 am- get out to gym or stroller stride class after getting in 1 hr of school before we leave and likely another before lunch, another after

8:30-9:30 am- gym or walk dog with kids / baby before we start school and just start later (10 am / baby naps)

5:30-6:30 am: before baby / kids are up - gym or brisk walk with dog

4:30-5:30 pm: 3x a week at gym & 2x a week brisk walk while kids are at after school activities w/ dog

7:30-8:30 pm: after dh is home / we've eaten dinner / baby is asleep

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I do not like to exercise first thing in the morning--it makes me feel sick--and so that is not an option for me. YMMV


What I do is instead of choosing one time during which I always exercise, I schedule exercise according to what is going on each day, and I work this around what we are doing. I do this at the beginning of the week to avoid the "stuff got in the way" phenomenon. I also look for ways to grab exercise while other stuff is going on. Getting creative about it can open up possibilities.



Grab a brisk walk while waiting for my kids at some activity such as music lessons. When they were little and at the park or baseball or something, I would walk the perimeter at a brisk pace. They were always in my sight. Putting your baby in a carrier gives you added weight to add to your work-out.

Sometimes, I go to the gym. (My kids don't need a sitter, so you'd need either a gym with childcare or to do it when dh is home. When mine were young, there was a gym nearby with a sitter)

Sometimes I take a Zumba or other class. (Ditto the childcare)

I do balance exercises while pumping gas in the car. Alternately, I'll do step-ups on the curb that the gas tank is set on.

Weight training using my own weight can be worked on at home, but I have to schedule it or I'll skip it.

Break cardio into 3 ten-minute segments if needed.

Exercise tapes. See if your library has some to loan or try them out on Amazon, especially if you have Amazon prime before buying. You can find good workout tapes on Youtube as well. The "7 minute workout" is a good one to search


I would encourage you to get your kids doing something as well so that it is a family thing and so that you develop in them the lifelong habit of exercise. Even if you go for a family walk and it's not at heart-pumping range for you, simply moving is better for you than sitting.

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I work out 6 days a week and am training for a fitness competition. This is after years of not doing ANYthing. The thing that helped me is starting a program that gave me results almost instantly- weight training/lifting. Now of course you have to stick with it to see lasting results, but just after that first lifting session, I could feel some muscle and felt stronger. 


Another thing I did in the beginning is to wear workout clothes all day. I was a dresses only kind of girl prior to this, so it was a big change. But if I get up in the morning and put on my workout clothes, including shoes, I was much more likely to get to the gym. Now that working out is habit, I can wear my regular clothes again. :) 


I tend to go to the gym at night. It's quiet and I don't worry about being intimidated by the people that are further along than I am. 


I also do something 6 days a week no matter how I feel. So when I was sick last week, I did 2 sets of dumbbell squats and called it a day. But I did it, is the point. 


Best of luck on your journey! I was a hardcore exercise hater and now I'm pretty addicted! 

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I have done it all through the years for various reasons. Now that my children are older I actually try for 2 30-45 minute workouts two times a day. One in the morning and a second around 12:30/1:00p which is the time I tend to start snacking. While everyone is home the next few weeks I have been doing morning kettle bells or weights and 5 mile evening walk run. We are all out of routines so this works well for now. You have to find that 30+ minutes and own it as your time.

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Early in the morning.  DH leaves for work at 630, so he's up anyway.  I either run with a neighbor at 550 and am back before he leaves, or I try to get up at 630 or 7 and run on the treadmill.


I used to be a walker, but 20-30 minutes of running gets me much more exercise than 20-30 minutes of walking :)  but when I have more time, I would love to be a walk-1-hour-a-day lady.  I see those ladies in the neighborhood and am envious---



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First thing in the morning. I put my yoga clothes on to remind me if I have to. I don't do it in the morning it doesn't happen.

I get up earlier if necessary.


I can one-better you on that--for years, I've SLEPT in exercise clothes :)  It's the only way I could get my lazy self up out of bed and onto the treadmill in the beginning. Who needs pajamas?  Now I don't even have any "real" pajamas, just exercise shorts and pants, and various exercise shirts.


The only exception is that when I run with my neighbor in the summer, I have to put on a tank top--and I don't like to sleep in those, so I sleep in a tshirt and running shorts.



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Whenever you do it, my best advice is to make exercise a non-negotiable part of your day, like school time or meals.


I do much better when I go to a fitness class at the gym (YMCA). I need to be pushed and am not good at pushing myself. Same is true for dh. I literally schedule our family around our workout classes. I know which classes we each prefer and work our school and family schedules around them. Dh can only go after work but I do go some mornings and arrange school around that (those are usually the days he works with his trainer in the evenings, as well as the days dd tends to have evening activities to be chauffeured to). I try to use those mornings as breaks for dd, but occasionally she takes work with her to the childcare room if she's behind. She looks forward to going and it's a nice respite for her.


Other days we go in the evenings, which may mean I have to feed the kids early and dh and I eat late. I plan a couple of quick and/or crock-pot meals for those days -- things that can be easily cooked and/or reheated. That's been critical for us. Basically, our exercise time is a fixed part of our routine, just like school is, and we don't allow it to be tampered with (outside of extreme circumstances, of course).


I realize that kind of dogmatic approach is not for everybody, but we've been working out consistently for over year and dh and I are down 150 lbs collectively, so it's working for us.

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Thank you for all your input! It's encouraging to hear from those of you who work out now that didn't in the past.


The gym I am thinking of joining does have a fabulous child care center so that's going to be a taken care of. If I did stroller strides baby could go in a jogging stroller and / or Ergo and kids could play in park when we strength train and ride scooters or bikes while jogging / brisk walking.


I would to get dh out too!


Maybe after work before he comes home? He is off earlier now so that could work!

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I have somewhat irregular work hours (although this may change soon) so I walk the dog in the morning, exercise in evening after work at gym with dh or by myself. Some days, I go to gym after walking dog in the morning if I know dh will not want to go that evening.

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My for-sure workout time at the gym is 4-5 in the afternoon on M/W/F. My husband is home from work by then. And then if my early morning schedule allows it, I also try to go 2-4 times a week for half an hour on the elliptical before 7:30 a.m. (before the youngest kids get up; my kids are of an age where the olders can be here for the youngers but I like to be here if possible when they are getting up). The morning sessions depend on my work schedule which can change so the commitment is to the afternoon strength-training workout. 

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I workout in the late afternoon when we're done with school. Usually around 4:30, then I shower and make dinner. I workout with a video in my living room or run on the treadmill upstairs. I pay my older kids in extra screen time to entertain the 4 year old while I do it, or since my dh works from home, he watches the 4 year old if he's not in the middle of something important. I don't love that time of day, I'm often tired by then and just want some time to veg on the computer, but if I just make myself do it, it reenergizes me. I have to make it a priority, it's easy to skip or get busy with other things, but it benefits my family and me too much to skip it.

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The best advice I've heard recently is to treat working out like your job. You may have to take a sick day and you will take a planned vacation here and there, but you don't just not feel like it. I run early mornings. If kids wake up, DH has to take care of things until I'm home. If I sleep in, I'll try to run late afternoon on the treadmill. If that fails, I run at night after everyone is in bed. But, I hate running late evenings because I'm already tired from the day. Early mornings are my best bet.

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I do a workout video (kettle bells) while DS is in the shower. It's generally the same time every morning, after breakfast. I generally get out on at least one power walk during the afternoon, and DH and I go for a walk after dinner unless it's too icy. We do a 20 minute resistance band workout while DS is reading in bed.


I keep the videos short so I can't talk myself out of them. Even when I'm lazy I can't justify not giving 20 minutes. :)

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I am flexible with when and age of kiddos.


When depends on the time of year since I am mostly a runner. In summers I run as early as possible to avoid the heat. In winters I run as late as possible to avoid the cold.


Age of kiddos dictates whether I am pushing a stroller, running behind a battery powered Power Wheel, running beside Rollerblades, or straining to catch a biker.


I have been running now for 35 years!

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I usually start my workout at about 3:30AM. It's 30 min-1 hr long, depending on the type of workout (my weightlifting workout is generally a bit shorter than my yoga/mobility/plyometric workouts).


I like to have my workout done by 5 at the latest so that I can read, meditate, journal and get some work done before the kids wake up as well, so that's why I wake up so early. I find it's the best time to do it, though - nice and early, before my willpower is drained by everything else that happens during the day. If I wait until after 9 or 10, it doesn't often get done at all.

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Thank you for all your input! It's encouraging to hear from those of you who work out now that didn't in the past.


The gym I am thinking of joining does have a fabulous child care center so that's going to be a taken care of. If I did stroller strides baby could go in a jogging stroller and / or Ergo and kids could play in park when we strength train and ride scooters or bikes while jogging / brisk walking.


I would to get dh out too!


Maybe after work before he comes home? He is off earlier now so that could work!


I did Stroller Strides for a couple months, it's pretty good and my instructors definitely attempted to keep the kids entertained during the workout, so there's that.


I stopped because it was at 9AM, and messed with the 'flow' I prefer for my day. But I prefer to workout early. It was great having that accountability to workout, though, and that extra push to do your best.


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My experience is you have to work it into your schedule and just make it part of life if exercise isn't something you are naturally inclined to do. Exercise is my stress reliever and has always come naturally to me so I can do it first thing in the morning, in the afternoon, or late at night. No matter what my brain is triggered to make sure exercise happens. There was one period of time it didn't work like that. It was when I had an infant and 2 other kids under 4. The schedule was so crazy that I had to squeeze it in for the first time. I did it daily after lunch when infant slept and the other kids either played or watched a show or 2.

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I think you have to play around with the time to see what works well for you.  For me, if it is not done early in the morning (6:30) then it doesn't get done.  I have tried various times of the day but I am my most energetic early in the morning.  My sil exercises after her kids are in bed (9:00)  I would be too tired to do it that late but it works for her.

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I get up before my kids. However, when my kids were the age of yours I did not. That was not what worked for me at that time. So I worked out in the afternoons. 


Now that my kids are older I get up before they do. If for whatever reason that doesn't work I try to get in an afternoon session. 


A great book for ideas and motivation is Hot (Sweaty) MamasIt is filled with great suggestions and motivational tips. 

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I usually start my workout at about 3:30AM. It's 30 min-1 hr long, depending on the type of workout (my weightlifting workout is generally a bit shorter than my yoga/mobility/plyometric workouts).


I like to have my workout done by 5 at the latest so that I can read, meditate, journal and get some work done before the kids wake up as well, so that's why I wake up so early. I find it's the best time to do it, though - nice and early, before my willpower is drained by everything else that happens during the day. If I wait until after 9 or 10, it doesn't often get done at all.

How do you get up so early!?! What time do you go to bed and what time do you go to bed? I can't imagine! Although I would love having hours of down time before my kids are up! I am envious! I would love, love, love to be able to work out, journal and shower before kids are up :)

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I did Stroller Strides for a couple months, it's pretty good and my instructors definitely attempted to keep the kids entertained during the workout, so there's that.


I stopped because it was at 9AM, and messed with the 'flow' I prefer for my day. But I prefer to workout early. It was great having that accountability to workout, though, and that extra push to do your best.


Stroller strides is the most appealing to me because:

1) I enjoy outdoor exercise

2) I like the encouragement / commrodary

3) most help with form / correcting I ever received

4) built in play group for baby (she isn't around other babies)

5) It would get my kids outdoors / active in early AM which sounds fun!


I haven't because-

1) baby is usually napping during the class

2) It would be smack dab in the middle of our homeschool day (8-12'ish)

3) I don't know we would get a full hour of school in before we need to get ready to leave with a baby in the mix

4) I don't know if when we get back the kids will be able to refocus on school

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I think you have to play around with the time to see what works well for you. For me, if it is not done early in the morning (6:30) then it doesn't get done. I have tried various times of the day but I am my most energetic early in the morning. My sil exercises after her kids are in bed (9:00) I would be too tired to do it that late but it works for her.

A part of me thinks this! Mornings at 9:30 were great for me in the past when I wasn't homeschooling and our mornings were free, but now that's not happening! We generally school in the AM, have lunch and read alouds, followed by quiet time and then either after school activities (2x a week) or going to park / dog park/ etc. Lately that's been a bit tweaked because of baby. We usually school from 8-10 ( her typical AM nap) and 1-3 (pm nap), so somewhere between 10-1 or between 3-5 is when we could potentially exercise right now with out tweaking our schedule right now. Baby gets up at 6:30 so I would need to be up prett early for it to work since dh has to be out the house by 7:15.

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When I was still homeschooling I loved an evening workout.  It got me out of the house and cleared my mind after a day of kids and teaching.


You may consider workout DVDs. It's hard to come up with any excuse to not workout in your own house for just 30 minutes.  I got very quick visible results from Jillian Michaels workouts and am now 'hooked' on them.  :)


Whatever you decide, I agree with a previous poster to treat it like a job -- it's not optional.  


I only miss workouts when I'm sick or we have a very important Something that takes up most of a day.





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How do you get up so early!?! What time do you go to bed and what time do you go to bed? I can't imagine! Although I would love having hours of down time before my kids are up! I am envious! I would love, love, love to be able to work out, journal and shower before kids are up :)


I started after reading a book called The Miracle Morning. I highly recommend it. I go to bed between 9-10, but I probably should be asleep at 9 to get a good productive day the following day. If I get less than 5 hours of sleep I get a little cranky. ;) YMMV, though. It's worth it to me, especially as both my kids are currently waking up at 9 - lots of time to myself, and I can get centered and ready to tackle the day, no matter how busy the 'work day' may be.


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I'm starting on the 5th. I used to get up early but then I get to bed too late because of everything. So then I end up working out after dinner. It's less than ideal but I just tell myself--it doesn't have to be perfect.


One motivator is telling myself, "You don't have to go all the way. Just go through the motions for 30 minutes. That's it." Every time I get into it but I don't have to. That somehow enables me to press play.

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I do not like to exercise first thing in the morning--it makes me feel sick--and so that is not an option for me. YMMV


Finally!!  I can't work out in the AM because it makes me feel like crap all day and it isn't even a great workout!  I get so annoyed with people (looking at you, DH) telling me to "just get up early and get it done".  Glad to hear I'm not the only one. 

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I think you'll have to find your own time of day to exercise, but here's what kept me going.  (I stopped exercising about a year and a half ago.  I need to start back up.)


For the decade that I exercised faithfully, I planned on exercising Every Single Day.  Every Single Day.  That was the plan.


However, I knew, just knew, that something would disrupt it about 3 times a week.  But that was ok.  Because then whichever 4 days were left over, I had time to exercise.


See, if I'd said, "I'll exercise on Monday, Wed, and Fri," and if those days got derailed, then that meant I didn't exercise at all that week.


But, if you say, "I'll exercise EVERY DAY," and then Mon, Wed, and Fri get derailed, then you've still exercised 4 times that week on Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sun!  Do you see the elegant beauty of this mindset?!  It's brilliant!

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I go to the ymca 4-5 days per week. Child are is include in the monthly fee. They know we homeschool and I never get funny looks for dropping DS during school hours.


I've found that I must find classes I enjoy (or at least don't dread), and schedule my life around them. I have turned down play dates and field trips because they conflicted with my scheduled exercise. I am a much happier mom and wife when I exercise.


DS knows working out is part of life. He doesn't moan or complain about it - but I've been doing this since he was 2.

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