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I finished my shopping

Night Elf

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I went to the mall today to finish my shopping and it wasn't as bad as I feared. There were cars circling the deck where I was parked though. I'm just glad I got there early and that I don't have to go back again. I normally do my shopping online but there was a particular store I needed to visit. I had a good time though because my oldest dd went with me. Then we had lunch at the restaurant where youngest dd works, who sat us right behind the host stand so she could talk to us. :) And that's the extent of my Christmas shopping.


Too bad DH already got my Amazon Visa bill though. That was the downside of my shopping online early.

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:hurray:  Yay, you!!! What a relief to have it all done so soon!!


I am almost done with my shopping but will still need to do the whole 'wrap, package, and mail' thing next week.


Oh well, wrapping is an entirely different thing. I will procrastinate that until Christmas Eve. I hate to wrap gifts. Maybe I should do one a day to spread it out.

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I think I just finished (online order)!


My extended family can't decide on skipping gifts, drawing names or doing a grab bag so depending on what they decide I may or may not have a couple more things to pick up!


I usually wait to wrap things on Christmas eve, late Christmas eve...I can't decide if that is now 'tradition' or if I should try to wrap a little at a time.

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:toetap05: I was almost done . . . . then 2dd just got engaged :thumbup: to a guy I'd only met once. at thanksgiving.  he'll be here for Christmas.  and her former roommate from Switzerland is flying in late on Christmas eve (she'll be in NY for a family wedding.  yeah.  NY and WA are close :p ) and will be here Christmas morning.  and dds are talking about "kidnapping" their friend  ;) from her parents and bringing her to our house for Christmas. (she wanted to come, and has been here for christmas.) I was shocked to learn she's older than 1dd.  I thought she was younger than 2dd.

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I bought 10 caramel-wrapped-dipped-in-candy apples from QVC for $5 a piece (with gift bags) and will use 3 of them for a gift exchange at work, and the rest for family "extra" gifts.


That's the extent of what I've finished.




I like shopping, I really do, but I'm just not into it this year.

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One of the items I bought for someone was not prime eligible but it was on their wish list. I ordered it a week or so ago but it's coming all the way from Japan and might not arrive til after Christmas. Pssh. This is why I shouldn't take having a Prime membership for granted.


Me too, two of the things I got for youngest say they will arrive january 2!

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