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Hoping to meet some Duggars today!!


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Josh and Anna (and family) are doing a bus tour with FRC. They are going to be in my neck of the woods and I registered to go hear the talk they are giving. I've been a Duggar junkie for a while now, and I'm really excited. Although I don't agree with all of their beliefs, I really admire their family and the fact that they are willing to take a stand for what they believe in.

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Hope you can meet them too.  DD and I met a few of them in person when they were touring with their preferred political candidate a few years ago.  


I have a pic with DD and the Duggars (well, a few of them LOL) and with the then political candidate. 


They are nice.  DD is pictured with Jim Bob, Michelle and a few of the daughters.   I wasn't good at knowing the names of girls then b/c there are so many.  Now I'd have to find the pic to know which ones they were.



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Josh and Anna (and family) are doing a bus tour with FRC. They are going to be in my neck of the woods and I registered to go hear the talk they are giving. I've been a Duggar junkie for a while now, and I'm really excited. Although I don't agree with all of their beliefs, I really admire their family and the fact that they are willing to take a stand for what they believe in.

My niece met them when they came to the restaurant where she works. She got her picture made with them. :). She said they were very nice.

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My niece met them when they came to the restaurant where she works. She got her picture made with them. :). She said they were very nice.

I have heard similar things about how nice they are, even from people who completely disagree with both their religious and political beliefs. If nothing else, they certainly know how to behave in public and how to be very polite and mannerly.

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I have heard similar things about how nice they are, even from people who completely disagree with both their religious and political beliefs. If nothing else, they certainly know how to behave in public and how to be very polite and mannerly.

Polite and mannerly people fascinate me. 😄

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No, actually quite accurate.  If you go to their own website, where they answer the claims... just read the last paragraph....on does FRC hate homosexuals http://www.frc.org/issuebrief/answering-the-southern-poverty-law-centers-attacks-upon-family-research-council


They talk all about how sex acts between gay people are objectively harmful....adn the "harms of homosexual conduct"...but deny that it's hate. 


​They also have a link right on that page on how "Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification Laws are a Threat to Free Markets and Freedom of of Conscious and Religion"   which includes such lovely items as "SOGI laws would mandate the employment of homosexual and transgendered persons in inappropriate occupations. Sexual conduct can be relevant to employment. Under such legislation, for example, employers in the area of education and childcare would be required to hire homosexual or transgendered teachers, even if they consider them inappropriate role models for children and youth"  





Yes, Jinnah, in case you didn't realize, these beliefs do qualify as hate.  There's no reason why one shouldn't have gay or transgendered teachers or childcare providers.  Being gay, being transgendered, is not the same as mandating one hire a pedophile, which is what FRC seems to imply.  Southern Poverty Law Center hit the nail on its head.



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I did get to meet them, and they were very nice!


Unfortunately, my pro-life beliefs often put me in a position to vote for people whose other politics I don't always agree with 100%. My conscience votes for life first. Others may have different priorities. I appreciate the Duggars' stand for life.

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We got the privilege of meeting the whole fam at a random Chick-fil-A in Arkansas when we were road tripping through. Didn't clue in at first. Lol But they were all polite and orderly.


Just another reason why I'm glad I'm not famous. :)  Love to eat my food in peace, and have ketchup on my face or Chick-fil-A sauce...and not have somebody say..... "well I met her at CFA, and she had ketchup all over her face!" :) :)

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Yes, yes I am. LOL.


I know some people fake it but I think by now we would have surely seen evidence if they were fakers.


I actually think it's all of their character training, etc.  Not that I agree with all of it, but it has to have some effect if you place that much emphasis on being cheerful, kind, respectful, etc.


Like I remember with Kate Gosselin...even when she was relatively well liked on TV, there were crew members talking negatively about her.  I don't remember hearing anything like that about the Duggars.

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I actually think it's all of their character training, etc. Not that I agree with all of it, but it has to have some effect if you place that much emphasis on being cheerful, kind, respectful, etc.


Like I remember with Kate Gosselin...even when she was relatively well liked on TV, there were crew members talking negatively about her. I don't remember hearing anything like that about the Duggars.

Yes Kate Gosselin is who I had in mind. I actually like her but wow she could be cranky.

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I actually think it's all of their character training, etc. Not that I agree with all of it, but it has to have some effect if you place that much emphasis on being cheerful, kind, respectful, etc.


Like I remember with Kate Gosselin...even when she was relatively well liked on TV, there were crew members talking negatively about her. I don't remember hearing anything like that about the Duggars.

Was there a time when Kate Gosselin was well liked on TV? ;-p



Eeek - fixed my typo

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Yes, yes I am. LOL.


I know some people fake it but I think by now we would have surely seen evidence if they were fakers.

I watch the show sometimes and I find it fascinating too. I wonder: could I ever be as patient as she appears to be?


My oldest daughter loves the show. She keeps asking when I'm going to have 19 kids.


Yeah, that's not happening.

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Apparently it isn't just for appearances. We have a local home school family here who has spent a good bit of time with the Duggars. The mom says Michelle is exactly like that in person.


I wish I could train myself to be that calm and collected!

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I've heard nice things about them too, about being nice behind the scenes.  I like the idea of their character training too, but I hate the cult where it comes from.  I wish someone would come out with something similar that wasn't so extremist.  I once heard a Dennis Prager lecture about the moral duty to be happy that I thought was interesting, but even with my libertarian leaning ways it was too conservative for me to inflict upon my kids.

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With a family of that size, it would be extremely unlikely that there isn't at least one of them who is gay (or some other queer identity). I wonder how they will react when one of their kids come out.

What makes you say that? Is that a statistic or something? Within our family of 6 kids, 17 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren, we have had no one who has been gay or had any other gender issues. I'm not saying it's impossible for this to happen in their family, but what would make you think it's likely?

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What makes you say that? Is that a statistic or something? Within our family of 6 kids, 17 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren, we have had no one who has been gay or had any other gender issues. I'm not saying it's impossible for this to happen in their family, but what would make you think it's likely?


She says it because depending on the research, up to 7-8% people identify as gay, lesbian, or bi.  So 1 in 14 or so.  In a family of 19 kids....then one would assume at least one of them has same sex attraction.  Kinsey put the number at around 10%.  


(I'll also add that those figures may be higher, but historically people have been reluctant to identify as GLBTQ because of social pressures.)

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But that isn't how statistics work.  The first part I can grasp for sure, but that doesn't mean that if you see 14 people in a group, one in that particular group is GLBT or Q.


I knew a family with two children.  Both of their kids identify as gay (well, one lesbian).  


I would venture to say that it is quite possible to have 19 children and NONE will ever associate as being any of those things.


She says it because depending on the research, up to 7-8% people identify as gay, lesbian, or bi.  So 1 in 14 or so.  In a family of 19 kids....then one would assume at least one of them has same sex attraction.  Kinsey put the number at around 10%.  


(I'll also add that those figures may be higher, but historically people have been reluctant to identify as GLBTQ because of social pressures.)


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Of course the stats don't work out that evenly! They may have all straight kids - or they may have more than one gay kid! Depends on the roll of the genetic dice :)


If any of their children are gay, I feel very sorry for them. Their family situation is not conducive to acceptance.

I would hope that if one of their kids turned out to be gay, they would find it in their hearts to continue to love and accept their child. I know they are publicly anti-gay, but many people change a lot when they are faced with the reality of their own child being gay. Suddenly, it's not just "other people" any more.


Obviously, I have no idea how they would react, but I can picture Michelle dealing with it far better than Jim-Bob might. For some reason, she strikes me as being kinder and more accepting -- but I don't know either one of them so I could be totally off-base!

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It's true personal experience can change you - however they seem pretty entrenched in their homophobia to me. I actually hope all their kids are straight, because I can't imagine having to come out in that environment.


But yes, who knows ?


I hope they are straight, too, because even if their family accepted them, they would still have to live with the effects of having been taught for so many years that homosexuality is sinful. I would think it would be very difficult to reconcile all those feelings and emotions.

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I hope they are straight, too, because even if their family accepted them, they would still have to live with the effects of having been taught for so many years that homosexuality is sinful. I would think it would be very difficult to reconcile all those feelings and emotions.

I wouldn't like to imagine the guilt their parents would have from not having brought them up properly, when, according to their rules, they have.

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I think it's kind of sad that people choose to turn someone's "I'm excited" thread into something negative. Move on, guys, for the sake of human kindness. Yes, you have the right to express your opinions on a public forum, but I'm pretty disappointed right now that people chose to make this particular thread negative.

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I think it's kind of sad that people choose to turn someone's "I'm excited" thread into something negative. Move on, guys, for the sake of human kindness. Yes, you have the right to express your opinions on a public forum, but I'm pretty disappointed right now that people chose to make this particular thread negative.



If someone had posted about being excited to meet some KKK members or whatever, it would turn nasty. Or Westboro Baptist leaders. The Duggars are not on the same level, but at the same time, promote beliefs that many find truly hateful and outright damaging. That is why the negativity. 

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Actually, now that I remember, the Duggars do have a gay family member.  Josh said it was an aunt, so not sure if it is a sibling of one of the parents or a great-aunt.


They have talked about interacting with her and her partner.  I am sure they aren't as accepting as many on this board think they should be, but they aren't hateful nor do they shun.  Fully accepting and saying it is all ok, no, but they aren't like that about a lot of things.

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Mmmm, I understand why people want to comment the way they do, but a spin-off thread would be more appropriate. Ever heard the phrase "don't rain on someone else's parade"?


Duggarphobia should not trump basic standards of politeness ;)

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The Family Research Council is a "hate group?"  


I'm sorry, but this is a scary world if it's hate speech to say that there are two genders, male and female, and that marriage should only be between a male and a female.


OP -- I'm excited that you got to meet the Duggars.  I've never seen the show, but I like anyone who is brave enough to stand up and speak for truth.

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The Family Research Council is a "hate group?"  


I'm sorry, but this is a scary world if it's hate speech to say that there are two genders, male and female, and that marriage should only be between a male and a female.


OP -- I'm excited that you got to meet the Duggars.  I've never seen the show, but I like anyone who is brave enough to stand up and speak for truth.


Being ok with imprisoning people who are homosexual is way beyond have a religious belief. The bill they defended in Uganda also called for the death penalty for "serial homosexuals". There are lots of conservative groups that are against homosexuality, only a few are considered hate groups. The FRC is one of them.

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The Family Research Council is a "hate group?"


I'm sorry, but this is a scary world if it's hate speech to say that there are two genders, male and female, and that marriage should only be between a male and a female.


OP -- I'm excited that you got to meet the Duggars. I've never seen the show, but I like anyone who is brave enough to stand up and speak for truth.

FRC is very much a hate group and their actions to well beyond just "differing beliefs" on homosexuality. I suggest you look up what they have supported in Uganda.

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Actually this is inaccurate.




While I don't support everything the FRC stands for, I think they should be reported accurately.


Being ok with imprisoning people who are homosexual is way beyond have a religious belief. The bill they defended in Uganda also called for the death penalty for "serial homosexuals". There are lots of conservative groups that are against homosexuality, only a few are considered hate groups. The FRC is one of them.


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Mmmm, I understand why people want to comment the way they do, but a spin-off thread would be more appropriate. Ever heard the phrase "don't rain on someone else's parade"?


Duggarphobia should not trump basic standards of politeness ;)

In general, I'd agree with you, Maize. It would be nice if people could simply share in someone's happiness or move on if they don't share it.The issue here, as I see it anyway, is in the Duggars actively and consistently supporting oppression and aggression against innocent people for whatever reason (important, but not [yet] in this thread). The Duggars may seem nice on the surface (though I'm with Bill, supporting oppression with a charming smile is dangerous, not sweet; it's the same reason I don't care for the new pope), but any amount of critical thought on the matter necessarily dregs up alarming issues. What you're asking, essentially, is for people to censor themselves for the sake of the privileged group to continue in blissful ignorance, without consideration of the oppression to which they are contributing. Censoring oneself certainly has a place, and sharing joyful events would ideally be one, but when that joyful event happens at the expense of innocent people, silence is morally deficit. It's also intellectually dishonest (to ignore critical thinking for the sake of feelings), something that should be challenged in an educators' community. 




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Actually this is inaccurate.




While I don't support everything the FRC stands for, I think they should be reported accurately.

Considering they later sent emails to FRC supporters citing the Ugandan president who revived that bill as being an example of how to take back a nation/repent, I simply don't believe their claims.


An FRC senior researcher publicly stated in 2010 that homosexuality should be outlawed, and FRC material has claimed that "studies" show that homosexuals are a "danger" to children. (On my phone and can't link but the sources are readily available online.)


Very odd that they seem to think homosexuality is a sin but lying isn't.

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Actually this is inaccurate.




While I don't support everything the FRC stands for, I think they should be reported accurately.


Not exactly. http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2012/11/30/1262421/family-research-council-blatantly-lies-about-supporting-ugandas-kill-the-gays-bill/

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