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I am moving my office...prayers please


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Hi all-

some of you may remember my postings over the last year about my former business colleague. I am sorry to say his...um..attentions have not ceased. Despite my reluctance, there is legal action being taken.


Anyway, I have decided for my own mental health and also because I have outgrown my current office space, I am going to move. I have been keeping my eyes out for lmonths and months for a suitable space. I wanted lots of parking, a room for my kids to do work in or watch television, a waiting area, nice light, well-maintained and pretty feel. Oh, and affordable. :tongue_smilie:  I have finally found a space that fits almost all of my criteria. I am scared but excited. I will be signing the lease either today or Monday.


I would love your prayers and good wishes as I make this big change. Prayers for my former business colleague, prayers that my new space is full of love and healing and light, and prayers for my patients and that they are willing and happy to come to my new space which is about 5 miles from my current location.


This has been a very difficult few months for me, and a particularly challenging couple of days for a number of reasons. I am looking forward to the future!

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I'll be praying.


I want to share a story about praying for those who hurt us.


When I was pregnant with my son, the midwifery group I went to had 4 midwives. One was just not kind. She was brusque, snippy, sarcastic, and dismissive. I avoid her at all costs during my pregnancy. But when it came time to deliver, I was subject to whomever was on call. So I prayed for this midwife my whole pregnancy, that'd whatever was causing her to be this way would ease in her life, for peace and joy for her.


My water broke, and she was the midwife. :svengo:


My birth was beautiful. The midwife was so sweet and loving. A student midwife (an older woman, who'd known this midwife for years, since the were both RNs and who i knew previously) helped with the delivery.


The student midwife told me (when the midwife left the room after my son's birth) that she had NEVER seen the midwife act so nicely. She said during my labor, she'd turn around to look when the midwife talked because she wasn't sure who was talking so calmly and sweetly! Another nurse overheard her and agreed.

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Praying that everything goes exactly as you hope it will!


And just to clarify --- when you asked for prayers for your former business colleague, were they supposed to be that he gets hit by a bus? :D


(OK, probably not, since they're prayers and all, but I wanted to be sure. ;))

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And just to clarify --- when you asked for prayers for your former business colleague, were they supposed to be that he gets hit by a bus? :D


(OK, probably not, since they're prayers and all, but I wanted to be sure. ;))



Prayers, Halcyon. :grouphug:


Best wishes for a peaceful, smooth transition in your healthy, growing business and quick resolution in your legal matters. :grouphug:


I am starting to feel almost sorry for your former business partner. It sounds like he is mentally/emotionally ill.

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