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What major sporting event do you most enjoy?

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There was so much talk of late about the Summer Olympics I kinda wanted to be watching just so I wouldn't be out of the loop. I'm not a big Summer Olympics fan any more; I was in years past. But I'm not too into watching most of those sports, and the last thing I want to do when we finally have nice weather is sit around watching television.:tongue_smilie: We do activate our satellite dish for a couple of other major sporting events, though. I'm already psyched about the 2010 Winter Olympics, which are going to be in our backyard, and the next World Cup. I love watching both of those, but I'm going to have to go with the World Cup ~ the most highly viewed sports event in the world ~ as my favorite. What about you?

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Born and raised Canadian, though I lived near Detroit and so was a die hard Red Wings fan. I used to enjoy hockey until Gary Bettman ruined it. The Mighty Ducks. :ack2: Sheesh. I still enjoy amateur and minor league games, but I long ago turned my back on the NHL.

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I voted "Something else Colleen must not consider major"


My husband watches all rugby and cricket series (two of the three major sports here, the other beeing football/soccer) - so that is what is on in our living room most - and what we all get to watch.


I'd say after that the summer olympics. My 8yo dd particularly liked watching the show jumping and other riding events. I love watching the gymnastics. We hardly ever get to see the smaller sports here, so the Olympics are great.

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I LOVE the summer Olympics. I was a gymnast and I do follow the sport as much as possible, but I love seeing everyone compete every four years.


I also, connected sort of to the gymnastics, love to see the diving.


Dh was a swimmer in the day and we both enjoy watching that! Dh was also a big track/field participant so that's fun.


My youngest is strangely focused on table tennis this Olympics - we'll be keeping an eye on that.


And, I've soooo enjoyed watching beach volleyball (we live in FL and spend a lot of time at the beach so the bikinis aren't really an issue here) with my older kids.


I will watch football and don't hate it, but I don't get all worked up about it. Dh and the boys follow football, but thank heavens it's not an all weekend thing around here. DH, now that he has weekends 'off' has found a place that plays rugby (he played in college, we met at a rugby match). We will go there every few weekends (the beauty of older kids) and watch a game or two.


But, basically, I"m a sucker. I LOVE the Olympics - I don't care who is hosting. I get a thrill watching just about any event (though the water polo fails to excite me - they're wearing BONNETS!!).

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I love watching the Tour de France every year in July. I started watching when Lance was racing, and now I'm hooked.


We like keeping track of the Tour, too. Don't know how that one fell off my radar. I was trying to think in terms of what most Americans consider a major sporting event. (Not that I'm not American; just not really thinking in those same terms any more. As opposed to the days when I was a faithful S.I. subscriber.:))

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I chose "something else Colleen must not think is major" ;) I wouldn't be doing my girls justice if I wasn't their biggest fan! I'm a girls soccer coach so my favorite sport to watch is GIRLS SOCCER! :lol: No really, it is! :hurray:


Makes sense to me, since I like watching my guys play soccer.:) I was just polling about major sporting events, though, since there's no way I could cover the realm of rec sports out there!

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Born and raised Canadian, though I lived near Detroit and so was a die hard Red Wings fan. I used to enjoy hockey until Gary Bettman ruined it. The Mighty Ducks. :ack2: Sheesh. I still enjoy amateur and minor league games, but I long ago turned my back on the NHL.


But did you watch this year's Cup? We were in Canada and caught parts of the last two games; it was a good series.

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My husband watches all rugby and cricket series (two of the three major sports here, the other beeing football/soccer) - so that is what is on in our living room most - and what we all get to watch.


I honestly don't know what the major rugby or cricket events/championships are called, so I couldn't have listed those even if I'd thought of it.:tongue_smilie:


Nice to hear from you, Hannah. Any doors opening for your family as far as a move is concerned?

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I went through a NBA groupie phase. Well, I've gone through all kinds of sports groupie phases, which is of course what led to me meeting my future husband.;) But back in my NBA phase, a close friend worked for the Sonics and I was all over that. This was back when the Sonics went through a revival. When Seattle cared about them. When they were in Seattle.:001_huh:

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But did you watch this year's Cup? We were in Canada and caught parts of the last two games; it was a good series.
Nope... I heard it was good though.
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DH, now that he has weekends 'off' has found a place that plays rugby (he played in college, we met at a rugby match). We will go there every few weekends (the beauty of older kids) and watch a game or two.


Rugby's cool. It seems like it's catching on in America. Okay, maybe it just seems like that to me because there's a local club. In that same vein, lacrosse is starting to make an appearance in this part of the country. I want one of my guys to play lacrosse but so far it's a no-go.


But, basically, I"m a sucker. I LOVE the Olympics - I don't care who is hosting. I get a thrill watching just about any event


I hear you. The Olympics can definitely bring out the groupie in me. Kinda like the World Cup did this past June. I sat there watching games and pouring over all these Swiss football magazines my brother-in-law had brought over. I swear by the end of the month I knew the height, weight, and birthdate of every player in the tournament.:D

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Back when I was 8 or so, a boy in my class told me he'd gone to the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. What with my German background and lack of exposure to Spanish, "Pasadena" sounded so exotic to me, I assumed it was some far-off island in the Caribbean or the like. For the longest time, I equated "Pasadena" with a tropical vacation paradise. It was rather disappointing to discover it was just another part of the United States.

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I used to be a baseball junkie, but I don't have the time to follow that closely anymore. I still take time to watch the playoffs and World Series. I love the whole NCAA basketball tournament -- I even picked Kansas to win this year!


I'm a transplant to the South, so I won't take you to task for not offering a NASCAR event.:auto:


My Mom would, however, want to know why you didn't have the Figure Skating Nationals and World Championships on your list.:)

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I voted baseball because it's something we watch whenever it's on. It's the sport that all my boys play and Meg wants to play when she's older too. But, we've really been enjoying the Summer Olympics too!


We're Detroit everything fans - Red Wings, Tigers, Pistons, Shock, Lions (yep, we still root for them too!), etc.

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I voted "Something else..." though it was a difficult choice :)

I loooooooove watching Rugby but hardly ever get to thanks to limited cable channels. It's my choice as favourite. I can get rather heated while watching a good Rugby match!

Watching Wimbledon is like a mini-holiday for me each year. Love that.

The Olympics, both Winter and Summer, are so packed with a variety of sports they were each a top contender as most enjoyed.

Ice hockey is exciting and can still take me back to being a teen attending local games. Again, limited tv coverage here in NC so it's harder to follow teams each year.

My dh is not a stereotypical American, he doesn't usually watch any sports, but I'm slowly getting him hooked on some of my favourites :hurray:

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I don't really get excited about anything but Duke basketball. I hate the NBA, and I don't much care for the Big Dance when Duke loses early :glare:. But I do love a game in Cameron Indoor Stadium. It's a unique experience. And we go out to a sports bar or to a friend's house for almost all of the games.


The sport I like best, though, is baseball. It's just a great game. I don't really follow the professionals any more, so I couldn't vote for the World Series option, but I love our local farm team. It's a fun afternoon out with the fam.

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The horse races of the Triple Crown. I actually grew up watching the local Santa Anita races on my 9-inch b./w tv in my bedroom (S.California). I saw Secretariat win that one race by a zillion lengths - amazing!


Let me add - I saw Secretariat on my folks larger color tv! :-) My kid sister was the only other person home at the time and we were squealing and hopping up and down like teens at a rock concert.

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  • I voted for Summer Olympics simply because that is what I am enjoying right now! I also love the Winter Olympics, NCAA basketball (we are in the heart of ACC country), the World Series, the World Cup, the Super Bowl...anything but golf and racing. Sorry to all you Nacsar fans out there! :001_smile: The only thing I don't especially like watching is my kids playing?! Go figure - I am just too nervous the whole game. :001_huh: I know this puts me in the bad mother of the year club! Sorry!

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I enjoy watching professional soccer, which is fairly new to me.


I grew up in a small Texas football town where I was a cheerleader throughout high school. When we went to the playoffs there was a sign someone posted at the edge of town that read, "Last one out of town turn off the lights!" It was very important to our town, and I loved it! Of course I was friends with the boys on the team so that made watching even more exciting.


I went to Texas A&M and if you know anything about that school, you probably understand how much I enjoyed watching football in college.


But professional? Blah. A bunch of overpaid, spoiled, lawbreaking jerks? I know that is a HUGE overgeneralization and there are some really cool guys playing out there, but being in Dallas where Tom Landry had commanded such a tradition of gentlemanliness from the team, I can't stomach watching them anymore. Maybe if we lived in another city I could get behind a more upstanding team.


I dated a boy in high school for a couple of years who played soccer and raced bikes (he even had his picture on the cover of Bicycling magazine!) but other than supporting him at his games, he never really converted me to a soccer fan.


But in the past couple of years, Bud and I have watched some to encourage Luke in his soccer goals, because he loves it and is quite good. We've come to really enjoy watching the game. I can't even tell you the last time we watched a pro football game, but we enjoy watching soccer. (Bud was a high school running back, so it's a big switch for him, too!)

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I voted something else because the poll only allows one choice.


We live outside of Pittsburgh. I am an adopted Steelers fan although I'm from Philly and am an Eagles fan(hopefully they are good this year). Football season is an event here. These folks are serious about football. If the Steelers go to the Super Bowl so much the better.


I also watch some of the Summer Olympics, Winter Olympics, Wimbleton, some golf events and the Tour de France. Hockey is also an event here but I only watch some games. I don't normally watch the Stanley Cup but the Penguins were in it this year(they lost:()

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  • The only thing I don't especially like watching is my kids playing?! Go figure - I am just too nervous the whole game. :001_huh: I know this puts me in the bad mother of the year club! Sorry!


I get nervous every time my child is playing baseball! My boys pitch and catch. Talk about being exposed!!!! I don't get as nervous with their other sports for some reason! You're not a bad mom - just someone who likes to see her children succeed!!

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I voted Winter Olympics. It was a hard choice, though, because I love the Summer Olympics, and the Super Bowl. I also enjoy the Stanely Cup and the World Series and the Final Four and the NBA championships (but these sports I only watch once it's the finale, not the whole season like football, and I'd miss watching them if I had to).


I can't think of one Winter Olympic event I don't thoroughly enjoy watching, which is why it edged out the Summer Olympics (I watch it all, but don't really enjoy watching the track portion of track & field, for example). And the Olympics edged out the Superbowl simply because the every 4 year schedule makes it more special.


But you really confounded me for about 5 minutes while I analyzed my sports watching being down to the core :001_huh:.

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winter olympics. I pretty much watch all the events in the winter olympics , figure skating, speed skating, bob sled, all skiing events, etc. everything. I also always buy the dvd's for each winter olympics for figure skating and watch them over and over (dd watches with me). I even have some from the 70's and also the Stars on Ice tours and other figure skating tours. My dd is Asian and just loves Michele Kwan.

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"other sport, not listed"


I love rugby union (especially the World cup), Cricket and Aussie Rules Football..... but they are not shown over here in the US. (or at least not that I am aware of...without paying $ to subscribe to the event......My dh and I are seriously thinking about ditching Direct TV for numerous reasons so this would not be an option much longer anyway).


I have enjoyed watching the Summer Olympics these past 2 weeks:lurk5:, especially the swimming, track and field and beach volleyball.



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I'm a baseball girl - every September, I start watching the standings closely and following pennant/Wild Card races. October is a beautiful time - I watch as many of the playoff games as I can, and I keep a chart of the teams and who loses or advances.


The day after the World Series ends, I feel a little empty inside....


By January 1, I'm stalking the magazine stands for preseason magazines even though years of experience has told me that they don't show up until mid-late February. :glare:


I have issues.

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Every other sport is just killin' time 'til the ice is ready.


And I'm not Canadian, tho I love the people and the country.


My sons' school has an arena with a regulation size ice surface. Yesterday, we walked in from 85 degree heat to a room in the arena to buy school uniforms and there were some guys playing hockey....it just warms a Canadian's heart, I tell ya'. I don't generally like stringy, sweaty, long hair, but when it emerges from under a helmet....swoon!


So, yes, I voted Stanley Cup.

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