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Open windows vs a/c?


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What is the best/most efficient thing to do when the outdoor temperature at night is about what you A/C is set to?


Example, day time temperatures are 88 degrees. You keep the AC at 77 degrees during the day and are comfortable. If the night were going to stay hot, you would turn the a/c to 75, because you sleep better when it is cooler.


However, when the temperature is actually going to be 74 or 75 degrees that night, what do you do? The A/C isn't really kicking in much, and the house feels hot. If you open the window, you get fresh air, but also humidity. Neither option seems really comfortable.

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If humidity is that high, I wouldn't open the windows. I also have allergies as well as a one-story house, so that factors into my answer. I would turn the A/C to a slightly lower temp to make it come on now and then. I do the same in the winter if the heat isn't kicking on at our normal temp, but it also doesn't feel warm yet. It's not worth losing sleep for me at this point in life, and it doesn't come on all that more often to quibble about.

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If humidity is high, then I'd run the AC a few degrees cooler than outside and turn on fans. We have ceiling fans in most of the rooms and portable fans in the kids' rooms. I need to have air moving on me when I sleep. If humidity isn't terrible, then I'd just run fans and keep the windows open.


(edited because my first try was nearly incoherent!)

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This is from someone who lived in metro Phoenix for eight years... Leave the air conditioning on and set it to whatever you are comfortable with.


Reason: unless your house has no insulation, there is a great deal of heat trapped in the walls of the house. As the sun goes down the house will try to cool off and radiate that heat out of the walls and into your living places making them HOT! I learned this the hard way. After running the ac all summer set at 80 degrees, the heat finally broke in October and the outside temperature dropped to a high of 85 and a night time low in the low 70s. I turned off the ac and opened the windows. At 2:00 am we woke up to the inside temperature in the mid 90s. The walls were heating the house and we were miserable. The ac went back on to cool the walls down and finally turned off a week or so later when all that heat had radiated out.


I don't know about the humidity. I suppose it could make enough of a difference in comfort, but I still think the ac would be best.

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This is from someone who lived in metro Phoenix for eight years... Leave the air conditioning on and set it to whatever you are comfortable with.


Reason: unless your house has no insulation, there is a great deal of heat trapped in the walls of the house. As the sun goes down the house will try to cool off and radiate that heat out of the walls and into your living places making them HOT! I learned this the hard way. After running the ac all summer set at 80 degrees, the heat finally broke in October and the outside temperature dropped to a high of 85 and a night time low in the low 70s. I turned off the ac and opened the windows. At 2:00 am we woke up to the inside temperature in the mid 90s. The walls were heating the house and we were miserable. The ac went back on to cool the walls down and finally turned off a week or so later when all that heat had radiated out.


I don't know about the humidity. I suppose it could make enough of a difference in comfort, but I still think the ac would be best.



This makes a lot of sense to me. The summers don't get too hot here but my bedroom is in the SW corner of our house. So as the whole house is cooling at night, it seems like my room is getting hotter and hotter!


BTW, how do you say your name?

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We are totally struggling with these choices right now. We just had new central air retrofitted in our 1915 house. We have not had central air in this house. When the temp is 85, setting at 75 is perfectly comfortable. When it is 78 and humid, it is not. Taking notes!

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We don't ever open our windows. Someone here seems to have seasonal allergies at whatever point it would be cool/warm enough to do so. And it's SO humid here that it would just be gross. Our AC is on a programmable thermostat so it has a range it's allowed to be in at different times and the cold or heat will come on if it goes out of that range.

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This is from someone who lived in metro Phoenix for eight years... Leave the air conditioning on and set it to whatever you are comfortable with.


Reason: unless your house has no insulation, there is a great deal of heat trapped in the walls of the house. As the sun goes down the house will try to cool off and radiate that heat out of the walls and into your living places making them HOT!


:iagree:   This has been our experience as well. One issue is with our downstairs which has separate HVAC. It's naturally cooler down there and sometimes I have to crank the a/c down because air just doesn't circulate otherwise. And for upstairs . . . I just hate when it's cooler outside than inside but we can't turn off the a/c or the heat in the walls will just heat the house even more.


I would try circulating the air with fans first but if that didn't cut it I'd probably turn the a/c down a degree or two.

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This is from someone who lived in metro Phoenix for eight years... Leave the air conditioning on and set it to whatever you are comfortable with.


Reason: unless your house has no insulation, there is a great deal of heat trapped in the walls of the house. As the sun goes down the house will try to cool off and radiate that heat out of the walls and into your living places making them HOT! I learned this the hard way. After running the ac all summer set at 80 degrees, the heat finally broke in October and the outside temperature dropped to a high of 85 and a night time low in the low 70s. I turned off the ac and opened the windows. At 2:00 am we woke up to the inside temperature in the mid 90s. The walls were heating the house and we were miserable. The ac went back on to cool the walls down and finally turned off a week or so later when all that heat had radiated out.


I don't know about the humidity. I suppose it could make enough of a difference in comfort, but I still think the ac would be best.


Yep, if we don't have the AC on, our house is hottest after about 5pm when the outside temperature starts to drop.


Plus here in St. Louis we have enough humidity to be a bowl of soup.  Even with the AC going and a dehumidifier going in the basement I can still feel moisture in the house.

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I don't know about the humidity. I suppose it could make enough of a difference in comfort, but I still think the ac would be best.


In our part of the country, the humidity is all-important in terms of comfort.  Even at this time of year, when humidity is pretty low during the day (as low as 47% this afternoon), it goes up a lot at night (forecast to be 81-84% after about 2am). We like to leave the windows open as long as we can in the spring, but we've started keeping them closed lately. Ceiling fans are a must for us to keep the air moving. This house is one level with higher ceilings and better insulation, so it is possible to go longer without the a/c than we did in the house that was a 30 year old tri-level.


For those who live in dry climates, this heat index chart gives an explanation of how much humidity can change the feel of the temperature. http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/psr/general/safety/heat/  We routinely get over 95% humidity in the summer, temps usually in the 90s, sometimes up to 100 or so. 

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Don't you have screens?


Some of our critters laugh at screens, a high mocking laugh as they lift the corner of the screen high over their buggy little heads, waving their buddies on in . . . 


Okay, maybe not, but I would live in fear of an unnoticed hole or tear, because really, our critters are scary and gross.  

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Some of our critters laugh at screens, a high mocking laugh as they lift the corner of the screen high over their buggy little heads, waving their buddies on in . . . 


Okay, maybe not, but I would live in fear of an unnoticed hole or tear, because really, our critters are scary and gross.  


I don't open windows often here because the lizards seem to easily get around them. I often see them on my side of the screen and the only thing keeping them out is having the window closed. If the lizards can get through the screen, I would think all the little critters can too.


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No humidity? Windows open.


Humidity? AC. Always. And ceiling fan, so the air is moving (I lived in San Jose, California, for 16 years, where there is often a wonderful breeze.


Yup - this is what we do. We're lucky in that we get down to the low 60's and high 50's most nights in the summer. 

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