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what's on your summer fun list?

Word Nerd

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Splash park

Nature classes

guided canoe trip


beach trips


slip n slide- a gift from last year that we haven't opened yet. 


We do the summer reading program. Many of the prizes are outings like lunch at the pizza buffet, free bowling, a movie. We will do as many of those as we can. 

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Oldest DS's high school graduation.


A week at the beach.


A two-day parent/child college orientation.


A trip to Cedar Point.  DH and the boys will whirl and twirl on roller coasters until they can't see straight.  I'll do a lot of people watching (and no whirling and twirling!).


Lots of shopping for college dorm supplies.

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We're making a conscious effort to spend very little money on activities this summer, so the great outdoors are calling us. We're using alltrails.com to try and find new trails to hike, hopefully tackling a new one at least once a week. We're also trying our hands at gold panning (went the first time on Monday and had so much fun!), rockhounding, fishing, geocaching, swimming, canoeing, and camping (probably just a tent in the backyard). Neither my husband or I are really outdoorsy, so this is a new thing for us.

Fun! enjoy your outdoorsy summer.

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  • invent new smoothies

go geocaching

visit nearby state parks/lakes

have a canvas-painting party 

go exploring in our state and color in all the counties we visit on a map

go to the drive-in

find some old pics of the kids and recreate them now

make Zentangles

work on art journals

summer reading bingo

go on a photo safari

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Fun ideas!  I need to add some of all yours to my list...


Some things we're doing:


DS has basketball and tennis day camps

Playing Golf

Pool time

Farmer's Market outings!  (These are seasonal for us, so we have to seize the day!)

Lots of grilling and having dinner out on the deck

Sitting around a campfire/bonfire with friends

A few state history field trips, and maybe a couple other fun day trips

Trying our hand at canoeing or kayaking

Lots of reading, popsicles, and lounging!!  :)



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I've been without a car for so long that I'm really itching to drive to the beach and drive to the mountains as soon as I have brakes.


I need to hit the pick-your-own blueberry place again and my best offline friend moved practically next door to it so I need to visit her even more than I want the blueberries.


I'm really looking forward to getting back on my bicycle built for two with ds2, but still too sick to push it up the hill to get the tires pumped up and the safety check.


There are two Farmer's Markets a week I can get to on the bike and something like 5 in the car.


All my canning jars and a good half of my freezer are empty so I can't wait to fill them and maybe even stretch my culinary and food frugality skills a bit.


There are lots of free festivals in my area and most of them are very kid-friendly.


dd2 finished her final finals so I kind of expect her to show up unexpectedly.


I miss my acquaintances and look forward to seeing their new babies, new partners, and new pets and hearing about their new houses, new businesses, new degrees, and other new adventures.


We just got "zip books" at our library, so I'm looking forward to reading all the books on my Amazon wishlist that aren't old enough for ILL.


I'm about ready to call the "official" school year good just so that I can pull out all the fun stuff I got from the bargain bin that I couldn't afford when it was new and shiny that isn't even remotely compliant with Common Core and homeschool my not-quite-compulsory-attendance-age-in-my-state kiddo like it's 1999. ;)





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Beach - we live near and so should actually go some time.  Even though I kind of hate it.  All that messy sand which gets in my car and my house, even when we take our shoes off before entering and hose down on the front porch.  And the salty sea water makes me itch.  Plus things are in it, like seaweed and fish.  Eww.  My goal is once a week.  Sigh.


Swimming - They are not offering lessons on base this year, and so we probably won't do any lessons.  Swimming once a week.  


Theme Nights - Pinterest inspired me.  We're going to decorate around a theme (this Friday, it will be "Frozen"), make themed foods, and watch the movie.  I dug out some wintery Christmas decorations and I always have a stash of crepe paper streamers (purple and blue for this theme), plus we'll probably make and hang a bunch of snowflakes out of computer paper.  Ah, free fun.  For food, we will have cocoa, olaf's noses (carrots), and turkey sandwiches (because Anna and Hans finish each others... sandwiches).  I think I will institute a white clothing dress code.  Hmm.  Should I cut coal buttons out and stick them to us?


Plus we will be volunteering at VBS.  Then there's a Youth thing the next week called Madness and Mayhem (they do things with slime and paint -- it's a crazy teen mess that I do not attend but wish them well).  Then Youth Camp in July.


Hopefully we will have a fun summer.  It's so darn hot here in the summer.  Outside becomes very very bad.

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Travel-we are finally at the place where traveling with dh when he works out of town in doable. Kids are old enough, and we have two small, easy going dogs. We've been traveling for two weeks now, and it's been awesome!


Visit children's/science museums new to us-done! Well, we've gone to two while traveling, hoping to hit up some more.


Beach-did this while with dh on one of his trips already, but will probably go again when we visit family in FL


Swimming a ton-done! With lots more to do lol.


Go out on the boat-friends have invited us several times, but we've been gone a ton. Will do soon.


RV-ummm, we are probably going to buy one this week. So yay!


Homemade lemonade-done. Put frozen strawberries instead of ice...yummy.


Have the neighbors over for BBQ-as soon as we get home...


Movie nights in the cul de sac-done! The neighbors had this awesome screen set up and we bbq'd and had bounce houses and fun on the lawn.


Strawberry/blueberry/whatever fruit picking-we got strawberries, now I'm waiting to go get some other berries...

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We live close to the beach in FL and have a pool so summer will most likely revolve around that. 


Younger will go to a few camps (that I have yet to sign him up for), older will most likely make the 11/12 year old All Star baseball team (which entails 2 a day practices until games start, and then individual games can stretch over 5 days because of weather delays).  It is hard to plan around that.


Our Disney annual passes expire in July so maybe a trip to Disney before it gets too crazy with summer vacationers (although that window may have closed)


A trip to MD/PA to see family (maybe- I get tired of trekking to see the in-laws twice a year when not one of them has ever been down here)



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(Note: I am using an iPad to reply and cannot figure out how to format. Apologies in advance and gentle advice appreciated.)


We already enjoyed a traditional vacation this year (a week in San Diego), but we still plan to enjoy a wonderful summer. For this summer's meetings, the Girls Rule! Book Club chose:


â–  Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)

â–  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)

â–  All Quiet on the Western Front (Erich Maria Remarque)

â–  Antony and Cleopatra

â–  Pericles


And the family-centered learning project has several planned adventures, including:


â–  Art Institute of Chicago (notably, the Magritte exhibition)

â–  Henry V at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater (CST)

â–  Civil War Museum in Kenosha, WI

â–  Milwaukee Art Museum (notably, the Kandinksy retrospective)

■ Dance of Death at the Writers’ Theatre

â–  Much Ado about Nothing at the Illinois Shakespeare Festival

â–  Elizabeth Rex at the Illinois Shakespeare Festival

â–  Antony and Cleopatra at the Illinois Shakespeare Festival

â–  Bristol Renaissance Faire

â–  Shedd Aquarium


The Misses and I also plan to spend most early mornings at the lake, reading, chatting, and birdwatching, and any cool early evenings practicing archery. They have swim practice every morning and five two-day long course meets on their calendars, which will give June and July a basic rhythm. And we are awaiting word on their audition results for a major piano competition. Preparation for that will color June, if they are selected.

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We're so landlocked and far from any coastline that my younger DD has never even seen the ocean. We'll have to settle for a beach at a lake this summer.

This is us too. DS did see the ocean some years back (side trip when we went to Disney) but that's it. We are a quite the drive even from beaches on big lakes... I don't count the ones on the "lake" at the nearby county parks! Considering a trip to Michigan this summer to maybe stay along Lake Michigan.

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We just came back from our first camping trip, which included a trip to the beach.


Dh is currently unemployed so our plans are kind of uncertain but we're hoping to take at least a couple more camping trips, maybe a long weekend somewhere a short flight away (we have a ton of airline miles).


We joined a local lake that has all kinds of kids activities, Friday night movies on the beach, plus just swimming.

I'm hoping to do more nature hikes and get back to our nature study.

The kids will continue some light school - math and reading - for the summer.  They may continue fencing classes but I think most of the other activities they do will be stopping for the summer.  Except bowling, we did the Kids Bowl Free for the summer.  We also have a theatre that does $1.00 kids movies twice a week for the summer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Swimming LOTS

Fishing in the river

A trip to the coast to visit my brother and his family

Basketball day camp while we are at my brother's (his camps)

A stop at the Enchanted forest and a nearby climbing park for a day on the way home

Lots of time just hanging out in the yard slacklineing, jumping on the trampoline, and playing in the sprinkler


They still have a reading list and a couple math exercises to do regularly.


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Splash park

Regular parks

Taking the kids camping for the first time


Science center

Library reading/activity program

Free fishing clinics at nearby state park

Scoffing at what is considered a lake, but swimming anyway

Pool occasionally

Try to convince husband of the need for more camping

Some minor hiking once the places I like to take the kids are free of flood water and rattle snakes

Possibly Estes Park/Rocky Mountain National Park, but might wait until fall for that.

Fires in our fire pit when it's not windy + s'mores


Whatever free things I can find that are toddler/preschool kid friendly

More parks



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Traveling out of state for the eldest to sit for the SSAT--his first proctored standardized test


This is the first year they have participated in an international piano competition and the oldest and youngest of the boys passed the preliminary phase last month and will be performing in the Semifinals this month. All three boys also have their National Guild piano auditions and at the end of the month will compete in a state wide piano competition.


All three boys are in a summer golf league.

All three will go to soccer camp at Anderson University.

The two oldest will attend Taylor Basketball camp--first time for the middle boy to join his older brother at the camp.


The oldest will run two half marathons.

We plan to take lots of bike rides on the cultural trail that goes through downtown, along the canal, to the zoo and a few museums.

Travel to different bike trails in neighboring states.


Going to a couple theater productions. Attending concerts at the park.

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