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You and 67 other like this

Lady Florida.

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I unliked it to fix it, even though I was one of the first ones to like it. Would have been neat if 67_others could have been one of the names listed. Then it would have said 67_others and 67 others liked this.  :)

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Guest submarines

I unliked it to fix it, even though I was one of the first ones to like it. Would have been neat if 67_others could have been one of the names listed. Then it would have said 67_others and 67 others liked this.  :)


I wonder if unliking it and then liking it again will help.


Don't panic. Temporarily unliking it!


ETA: did it work?

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Working so far. But you know what will happen? Every time we post this thread gets bumped to the top and a new person reads it and Likes it. Then we're back at 68.


We need floridamom to come back update her post and ask people to stop liking her post. :p

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lol!  Well, I liked it and it was already past 68...I unliked it though so it isn't my fault :p


I really enjoy the 67_others's likes - it makes me happy every time I see it.  I don't care that it was only the 2 of us, it still makes me smile :D


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That's funny! I wish I'd thought to ask for 67 likes. :D


If you all do that, anyone who hasn't yet liked it has to agree to not do so once it reaches 67.  :laugh:


Ooops, I didn't read the posts before I liked it.  I think I pushed it to 68 :blush: :leaving:

I unliked it so it is 67 again. 





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Posted Yesterday, 09:24 AM


Anyone else see that and think "Wow, I'm not the only one who thought this was a good post!"? Then you realize it's not 67 others but 67_others, the boardie. Then you realize just the two of you have "liked' the post.  :lol:



AHHHhh!  NOBODY else like the original post!  As of right now, Chris, Dirty Ethel, Patty, and ***67 others*** liked it!


We must preserve it!  :lol:



Haha- I posted right away THEN read the previous replies. :laugh:


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Guest submarines

Too late now...it'll have to go to 167.


What do you mean "too late?" We gotta make sure those who can't follow a simple rule take their "likes" back until it is all nice and even!

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What do you mean "too late?" We gotta make sure those who can't follow a simple rule take their "likes" back until it is all nice and even!


Yeah! (Well, 67 is an odd number, but if you depending on the number of names before the "and ___" it could be even. 


I will drive up the # of views count as I keep checking the OP to see if it went back to 67, lol.  :lol:

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Guest submarines

Make the likes = 67 and then ask the moderator to lock the thread ... :)


Locked threads can still be "liked." Besides, this will prevent us from resurrecting this thread next summer, and obsessing about the number of "likes."


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