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Is this a wart? Fixed pic


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Thanks ladies. He thought it was a piece of glass in his foot and dug around in it before I even knew it was there. That was a few weeks ago. He says it is a little tender when he lands hard on it in taekwondo, otherwise I haven't heard any complaints. We will pursue a treatment now. It reminds me of warts I have seen on others, but doesn't have the raised cauliflower texture I thought they were supposed to have, so I was unsure.

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Thanks ladies. He thought it was a piece of glass in his foot and dug around in it before I even knew it was there. That was a few weeks ago. He says it is a little tender when he lands hard on it in taekwondo, otherwise I haven't heard any complaints. We will pursue a treatment now. It reminds me of warts I have seen on others, but doesn't have the raised cauliflower texture I thought they were supposed to have, so I was unsure.


Well because they are on the bottom of the foot, plantars warts don't grow outward. You can see the kind of inverse cauliflower texture in the photo. Google images of plantar's warts and you'll see a bunch that look like this.


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The gray duct tape?

Yup. The way I did it was to cut a square of duct tape roughly the side of the wart then use a bandaid to keep it on. We did it after his shower to make sure it stayed on as long as possible. We weren't very consistent, but it disappeared in a few weeks.

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Thanks for posting this. DD has the same thing, and I was stumped. I think we'll try the duct tape route, too. 


Stupid question: she has a lot of the printed duct tape from doing crafts. Will it work the same as the gray tape? Anyone know?

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Definitely a plantar wart. The black specks are part of its "signature" look. We had the doctor look at dd's (we were there for another reason) and she said about 75% of the time they'll come off with Compound W. We used it every evening--soak the foot, take off any dead skin, apply Compound W--and within a week or two we could tell it was getting smaller. She actually had two--a little baby one had formed off to the side. The baby was gone in about 3 weeks I think and the big one within 6. But we could tell it was working from early on so we weren't bothered by how long it was taking. The doctor wanted us to try that before thinking about freezing which she said the insurance company would make us pay a lot for.

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That is a Plantar's wart.  They are highly contagious.  When I was in high school I had 17 of them on the bottom of my feet.  I'm pretty sure it was from using either the pool at school or the footbath we had to wade through on the way in.  I had to get them cut out and they could only do a few at a time.  It took months to get rid of them and was a nightmare.  Since then I have gotten one here or there and I immediately treat it.  Usually I have the Dr freeze it off but I have used over the counter medications too.  Now I freak out if I even think anyone in my family has one, I probably should have put this in the irrational fears thread!

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I would see a doctor ASAP. 


My daughter was an ice skater (think sweaty feet) and had one that turned into about 50 on the bottom of her foot. 


She learned the hard way that warts spread really easily. 


If they share a shower with anyone make sure they wear water shoes in the shower. Plus I would not let them walk around barefoot. 


In our experience the podiatrist was the best for treating warts effectively (we started with pediatrician and then dermatologist).

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Guest submarines

Thanks ladies. He thought it was a piece of glass in his foot and dug around in it before I even knew it was there. That was a few weeks ago. He says it is a little tender when he lands hard on it in taekwondo, otherwise I haven't heard any complaints. We will pursue a treatment now. It reminds me of warts I have seen on others, but doesn't have the raised cauliflower texture I thought they were supposed to have, so I was unsure.


Ha, this is exactly what we did when DD had a wart. We were certain something was imbedded there, as initially it didn't look very wart-like. I remember even posting here about which tweezers to get. :lol:


I hope it goes away quickly.


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warts are caused by a virus - and are contagious.  not only should his be treated asap - everyone in the house needs to wear something on their feet to protect themselves and inspect their own feet for awhile.



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I've always done garlic on the spot with a band aide - but doing it with duct tape would be even better.  I buy the minced garlic and take some of the juice from that and put it on the band aide and place over top the wart.   It's worked great on more than one kid.    Garlic has anti-viral properties.

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I wish I'd known about the duct tape thing when I had this kind of wart on the under side of my big toe.  I dug it out with a razor blade.   :crying:


I don't recommend it, but I couldn't help myself.  I was in high school, and I remember the bath tub looking like a murder scene, but it totally worked.  

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I've had a few of those in my life and both my oldest have had them once (public pools are terrible for spreading them if the kids don't keep their swim shoes on). We always cut as much off as possible with fingernail clippers, put compound W on them, made sure the foot was a dry as possible by airing it in front of a little electric heater or sitting over a furnace register, and then putting duct tape on it. We would repeat once a day or after showers. It MUST be kept dry and covered. They spread easily so disinfect the clippers with hydrogen peroxide afterwards. Ours were always gone in 2-3 weeks max. Sometimes sooner. The black dot is the root, if you can uncover it down to that root, it's easier to kill off.

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mothergoose, any update on the duct tape method?

He has applied Compound W every morning and evening since I started this thread. He lets it dry, then tapes it. We had a very hard time keeping the tape on until he just started wrapping one long piece all the around his foot.


One day last week, all of that callused skin around the wort came off, leaving the actual wort.  It looked like a donut of skin...ick!  He had been careful to apply CW only to the wort, so that was surprising. On Monday, he was swimming in a pond, and the tape came off. When he went to shower, he noticed that most of the wort was gone. The remaining part came off today. The skin around it still looks gross.  


We plan to continue treating just as he has, applying CW to where the wort was so that we kill off any that might remain.  And, he will keep it taped for maybe a week or so.  


Not sure if it was the CW or the tape or the two together, but it is working. 

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