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Paper planner gals, have you seen Bullet Journals??


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I bought some cheap but good colored pens this weekend thinking I could color code my notes. It lasted the weekend and then today I realized it was to much work. Back to just one pen. I might use the colored pens to highlight in the future but not on a regular basis.

I have never been able to keep up with color coding!!

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I have never been able to keep up with color coding!!


Yeah, that's too much work for me, plus, it makes my head hurt to see so many different colors on a page.  I like the little symbols at the front instead.



I started Indy on a journal today for school work, and you wouldn't believe how quickly he zipped through school.  He loved knowing exactly what to do and being able to check it off.  Now, why he couldn't do this from my planner page, I don't know, but this seems to work.  Huzzah!

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I am liking this system. My walmart graph paper composition book is a bit big, so I am thinking of upgrading when I put in my next amazon order. Maybe one of those Leuchtturm1917 notebooks? ;)

I may, or may not, have gone crazy at JoAnns in the washi tape dept....... :D

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I love my Leuchttrum1917. However after I bought it I came across the Midori Travellers notebook and saw a YouTube where someone used it bullet journal fashion.

Yeah I really like the looks of that, but it's a bit too spendy for me sadly.

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I am a listmaker.  I love to make lists.  I ordered a moleskine notebook, got it all set up, and have been using it for a couple of weeks.  My children hate it and want me to switch back to my trusty clipboard.


I have a clipboard with about thirty pages of looseleaf paper.  My lists are in the front, and blank paper is in the back.  The first page is things to be done today.  Every day, I move a blank page to the front and start over.  The other lists stay on the clipboard.  If the item needs to be done today, I bring it to the front page.  If not, it stays on the old list to be done sometime.  Every week or two I go through my lists, combine them on new paper and leave off things that are no longer relevant.  After my to do lists, I also have a grocery list, things to buy list, lists of things for me to do related to school (make copies, buy books, research things), a favorite quote list (which I transfer to my quote book when the page is full), a list of Steven's meds, lists of things I'm looking at for the children's school for next year, and a list of things I want to plant in the garden.


I keep a separate yearly calendar.  I guess the only thing I am missing is the journal.  I also can't go back and read my lists because after I am done with them, I discard them.


The children work off my first page of things to do today.  That way by looking at my list, I can see if they did their chores or any other jobs I have for them.  They also frequently need to add things to my shopping lists.  If they ask me to do something or remind them of something, I tell them add it to my list.  They know if it's not on the list, it won't get done.  I have a small bag that I take everywhere.  It has my clipboard, my calendar, and a couple of books I'm reading.


One day someone misplaced my clipboard and we spent the afternoon searching for it.  Dh came in while we were looking and wanted to know what was going on.  The children told him I was brainless.  Everyone has been very careful of my list since then.  After all, I'm no good brainless.


I guess I'll go back to my old way of doing things.

Melinda S - this is much the way I work too. I wanted to share that I have started using 67 lb paper for this and LOVE it! No pens show through and I love the way my pens write on 67 lb paper. Also, I had odd colors of it and use them for different lists. Also, we switched meal planning to plantoeat and my shopping list is on there. It syncs to my phone! Never again will I be without my shopping list! My kids know to go to plantoeat app and add items. And it has a staples list I can review to remind myself of staples we might need as well. Love it. HTH!

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I took some pictures last week before I left town for the weekend but couldn't figure out how to post them.  Trying again now......  I decided to put the index page at the beginning of the journal and left a few blank pages instead of putting it at the end.  Ds looked at it and wondered why the index is at the front.  I guess he's inherited a few traits from me. :-)

I have a paper clip to hold the blank calendar pages together - the front of the clip showing the current standard monthly calendar page and the back marking the vertical monthly list.  Clear as mud??  Hope the pictures post.


Any more updates on how this is working for you all?



Sooooo, I have been assimilated.  Thanks for posting the link, Moxie.  I saw it last week and have been mulling it over in my head.  Other planners and calendars have just never worked for me and now in my old age I can't keep track of things in my brain and I'm losing those slips of paper everywhere.  I already had a fat 3x5 spiral journal near my computer to jot stuff down but it's not organized like a Bullet Journal.


I knew I would still need the standard calendar page and was going to print out the one from Donna Young but I like the one page format by MissZoot, linked up thread.  I hope to use a spiral journal I got at B&N sometime ago for $2 on clearance so I don't have a huge investment if it doesn't work.  I will paste in calendars for the 12 months and then start with the April pages.  I will have the 1 page monthly list when I start each new month.


I am still debating about whether I should put the index at the front and leave a few pages or start at the very end and work on the index backwards, if that makes sense.  Yes, I'm just a tad crazy. :-)


It's a good thing I'm taking a break from school this week - a belated post Easter/Spring Break/getting ready for convention week.  I should do something productive instead of putting together a Bullet Journal.  But hey, it may make me more productive...I hope.








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So, I have started my May To Do and added that to the index. I completed the listing of the April daily pages in my index. I introduced different highlighters to signify "moved to another month", "moved to daily", "moved to another day" and "completed". The arrows and filled in boxes weren't enough for me.


I may buy another set of Monthly stickers to put on the start of the daily pages for each month; I already have a set for the Monthly To Do pages.


I had left the first few pages of the planner blank, and have a sticker with my main job info, a sticker with my home info, and a sticker for my private practice. Plus a lovely butterfly sticker. ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to bump this old thread, but I don't frequent the chat board and just learned about BJs on a blog. I think I'm going to try this (I'm another one who has never found a planning method that works) but I'm wondering how you plan future events. Someone posted a link with an idea here but the link doesn't work. Anyone remember what it said? Or have another solution for planning ahead?

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Sorry to bump this old thread, but I don't frequent the chat board and just learned about BJs on a blog. I think I'm going to try this (I'm another one who has never found a planning method that works) but I'm wondering how you plan future events. Someone posted a link with an idea here but the link doesn't work. Anyone remember what it said? Or have another solution for planning ahead?

I still have a calendar book for actual dated stuff. I look at my calendar each evening when planning the next day.

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Sorry to bump this old thread, but I don't frequent the chat board and just learned about BJs on a blog. I think I'm going to try this (I'm another one who has never found a planning method that works) but I'm wondering how you plan future events. Someone posted a link with an idea here but the link doesn't work. Anyone remember what it said? Or have another solution for planning ahead?

I still use the icalendar----it's invaluable for planning as dh and I share it.

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I also still use a calendar on my computer.  I print each month as I come to it and paste it into my journal.  For future events, I have two pages at the front after my index where I can note upcoming events that I then move into my calendar when I get back to my computer.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Bumping, because I just spent $30 a target on a moleskine and pens. :drool5:  


I searched pinterest and found some good blogs.  I bought a lined one, but I'm regretting it now.  I'm going to use it until the end of the year and start fresh with a graph paper one.



So tell me, how's it going?  How many of you are actually still using this? :hurray:

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Still using it.


Still using the Bullet Journal. Junked the pen. Discovered the downside of having all my text disappear!

This. The crossword puzzle pens do NOT work DO NOT use them. But I bought myself some nice fine sharpies and tons of washi tape and now it is all pretty.


This month I am experimenting with having a page a week divided into 6 space, one for each work day and one for the weekend to see if it makes it easier to get an overview of my appointments/meetings each week since I found that sometimes the month overview page wasn't enough. We shall see. I go back to work later this month as well so I will be experimenting with some other work related things too.

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I still love my bullet journal and I've finally found pens that I like. They aren't fancy, but I've noticed that my handwriting looks better with certain pens and these ones are great.


I'm currently trying to talk myself into using a bullet journal-style homeschool planner/record keeper, but I'll use a composition notebook & paste monthly calendars in, I think. I was going to make a planner on the computer, but I honestly have no idea what I'll need/want/like. If I start out with a bullet journal, next year I can see what I used & then maybe I'll make a fancy one.

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I just ordered washi tape!  I bought "marker pens" from target.  What are these magical harry potter pens you all speak of?  Disappearing ink?


Pilot Frixion eraseable pens


They are WONDERFUL. You erase with the "nub" at the end and it REALLY erases -- it all goes away! And you can write over it


The bad part is that it also ALL Goes away when you don't want it to -- like when you put your journal in your car to travel back and forth to home and leave it there instead of taking it inside possibly. And while you can get the text back by putting the journal in the freezer... 1) You don't always have time to do that when you discover its gone and 2) its very disconcerting to have a blank page looking at you instead of the information you KNOW is there. You can't check it off. You can't add new items. Or anything without risking overwriting what was there already and 3) The stuff you erased intentionally might come back in the freezer as well!


I like what she called them -- crossword puzzle pens. That seems to be one of the few times it doesn't matter if your writing goes away on you when you don't intend it to.


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I am still using mine - started in April - and will have to start a new book soon. I started off with a cheap composition book and will do that for my next one as well.  When I get lazy and don't write things in it immediately, bad things happen.  I love it and am much more productive with it. 

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Still using mine, and loving it. I bought a nice mechanical pencil, and harder lead to go in it, and that works well for me. It's eraseable but since the lead is a bit harder, it doesn't smudge.


I'm using Motivated Moms now for household chores, so that's a separate system. But I'm using the bullet journal for tracking other to-do items, my diet and exercise, appointments, etc. It works better for me than any other system I've ever tried.

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Oh, one of the things I've added is an attempt to write in a quote from something I've read each day.  Bible, or any book really.  Just trying to discipline myself to find something worth noting every day.   I am not doing perfectly at it.  For example, on the days I have absolutely no time to read anything....  :nopity:

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Oh, one of the things I've added is an attempt to write in a quote from something I've read each day.  Bible, or any book really.  Just trying to discipline myself to find something worth noting every day.   I am not doing perfectly at it.  For example, on the days I have absolutely no time to read anything....  :nopity:


This is a great idea!  A girl on pinterest had a gratitude section where she wrote down what she was thankful for every day.

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I started one about a month ago.  I love it!  I used a notebook from walmart at first, but it was a little too big for my purse, so I bought my lovely Moleskin and it fits just right.  


I have a daily to-do/event list.  I have a 'things for the house' list (we just moved).  I drew up a calendar for the month of August because it just works better for me than a list of numbers.  I have a weight tracking page and a "Remember This" page and more.  I love it.  


I keep track of kids' dinner chore assignments, and meals for the week and add to my shopping list as I go along, and it never gets lost!  At first I would write my shopping list on a sticky note, but now I just bring my book with me and open it up in the baby seat of the shopping cart.


I like to use a mechanical pencil.  Something about writing in pen scares me!


WTM is hard on my wallet - first a bullet journal, now a fitbit...


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Fountain pens do not bleed through Clairefontaine paper.

yes, but I'm only about 1/4 of the way into my current notebook so not switching now.  I will have to put my new babies aside until I finish this notebook!


Anybody know where you can get Moleskins for less that $19.00??? It ticks me off, this price hike. :::scowl:::

try book depository

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  • 8 months later...

So how goes the bullet journaling? We've been doing it at our house "officially" for about a week.


It's more of an adaption of what I've been using for years, just finally put together in a way that works. I always used binders and legal pads, neither of which fits into a purse. Trust me, I tried. Also people tend to see legal pads as community property and just take them when they need one. Even if it is your life written on yellow paper. I lost a couple that way.


I did try a moleskin calendar with a facing to do page. It was really undersized and I didn't like how small it was or how it didn't really lay flat. I also disliked writing in appointments by hand. I knew anything moleskin probably wouldn't work for me this time, either.


For Bullet Journaling, I've been using a gridded cheapo bound composition, and used 30 pages the first week when I started putting in project pages.


Somehow, having it bound with a table of contents is the part I've been missing. It's working really well for my artsy kiddo, too, as a combo school planner, bullet journal and art journal.


Our modifications from the "regular system" are migrating everything weekly instead of monthly (which I've always done, but always in a binder and things got missed).


Our calendar solution is to print our family Google calendar at the beginning of each week and tape it in so all of our appointments are already there. I print and add spreadsheets and such, too- "executive" sized paper setting, when trimmed, fits in a composition notebook.


All appointments and reminders go directly into Google calendar via Phone or iPad.


Because I like the size of the composition notebook, I wondered if anyone has tried to bullet journal in a lab notebook? Lab notebook with TOC and page numbers. I've got some other things to order from Amazon, and thought I'd get some Hive feedback.



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