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How about a What are you doing for April Fools thread?

plain jane

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We are going to put a sign on the back of my spouse's car: "Beep! It's my birthday!" (It's not.)

That's hilarious! Dd wants to know how to attach the sign so it won't ruin the paint or fly off in the highway.

My daughter is going to do this to my son - get canned apricot half a d put it on some white yogurt to look like a fried egg.
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Usually for one of the meals, I'll try and do food that looks like something else.  So…. yogurt on a plate with half of a peach that looks like an egg for example.


DD is sick, as am I, so I'm not feeling very motivated…but I will try and think up something.  Maybe I'll tell the kids who attend school that we're so late that they missed breakfast….hurry them to the car….and then stop for donuts on the way to school. :)

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My daughter's third birthday is on April 1st.  She is so unaware that her day is associated with mischievous tricks. 


She is the greatest April Fool's "joke" ever though.  I can never top it.  See, no one knew I was pregnant.  And my SO and I were certain we were having another boy, so it was a non-issue for us (between us we have 7 boys and her).  When I had her, it was great shock.  He called his mother who, through tears, told us we were playing the worst April Fool's joke ever.  We had to reassure her that it was no joke, she really did have a granddaughter (only granddaughter for my SO's mother and father).  And Facebook, wow.  Next was Facebook.  LOL  Yep, my daughter was the greatest April Fool's "joke" ever.

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Usually for one of the meals, I'll try and do food that looks like something else.  So…. yogurt on a plate with half of a peach that looks like an egg for example.
DD is sick, as am I, so I'm not feeling very motivated…but I will try and think up something.  Maybe I'll tell the kids who attend school that we're so late that they missed breakfast….hurry them to the car….and then stop for donuts on the way to school. :)

I hope you and your dd feel better soon! :grouphug:
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Nothing beyond a stern reminder that Mom Hates Pranks and none will be tolerated.


I know, I know. I really don't want to be the person who kills fun. But April Fools jokes just make me twitchy and sad, so we've always had a blanket policy. Somebody remind me next year, then, to warn my son that his college roommate may not have been raised with the same attitude and he should be wary of any weird goings on. :) 

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We're celebrating dh's birthday because on Weds, his real bd, he has to do the service and Lenten stuff at church.


So tomorrow, in honor of his fakey bday, we are going to put balloons wrapped up in a saran wrap "container" on his door so when he opens it, they cascade in.



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My daughter's third birthday is on April 1st. She is so unaware that her day is associated with mischievous tricks.

She is the greatest April Fool's "joke" ever though. I can never top it. See, no one knew I was pregnant. And my SO and I were certain we were having another boy, so it was a non-issue for us (between us we have 7 boys and her). When I had her, it was great shock. He called his mother who, through tears, told us we were playing the worst April Fool's joke ever. We had to reassure her that it was no joke, she really did have a granddaughter (only granddaughter for my SO's mother and father). And Facebook, wow. Next was Facebook. LOL Yep, my daughter was the greatest April Fool's "joke" ever.

That's awesome!
I'm impressed that you kept your pregnancy from everyone, I've always wanted to do that
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I always wanted to put googly eyes on food in the fridge.

I just finished setting that up. I bought the googly eyes way back in Feb so nobody would suspect anything and haven't gone to the store in several days. I usually don't do anything. I don't like scary or irritating pranks, but I think this will just get a little smile without being too much.
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I gave up. The weirdest stuff happens on April 1 and I cannot tell anyone that day because no one believes me... It is annoying.


One year, an employees pet snake got loose from it's cage in the google offices. On april fools. I imagine the emails of 'no, seriously, the snake is actually loose in the building' were hilarious!


My grandparents were married on april 1st


I always want to do something but I can never come up with any good ideas :(

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So I totally fooled DS2 as planned.  I woke him up, told him I had overslept…we were really late…just brush your teeth, get dressed, and get in the car.  He was kind of grumpy, as this kid's favorite meal of the day is breakfast…. so I told him I put in some extra apples in his lunch, but I was really sorry.  Then we pulled into the donut store, and his face lit up. :D


Now, I have no idea how to get the kids at home other than a fake lunch.  I wish I could figure out something involving the beach.  Hmmmm…. :)

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I woke up to the sound of tape and giggles, as DS taped me into the bedroom.  When I opened the door - it wasn't just tape, to my surprise, but a very cool, artful checkerboard of construction paper squares.  DS videotaped it all, including my "awful hair" ... Lovely.   :blushing: 


We love pranks here, and tricks, so I'll be watching this thread for last minute ideas.  Haven't planned anything this year!


Our only rule re: pranks is that DS has to clear it with one adult first, to avoid major mishaps.  

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Oh!  Just for kicks and inspiration today, my favorite trick: we filled DH's colleague's office with balloons one year.  The entire room.  It was insane.   :)


That was in retaliation for the time the colleague tin foiled DH's office, a la The Office.  Everything was covered in tinfoil.  DH still has the tape dispenser, as a memento.   :)


Another time we pulled apart one of those singing cards and DH modified it, then hid it in the colleague's office.  That was fun, too.  After that, DS bought a version of the same thing from Think Geek - the annoyer, or something like that.  It drives me bonkers.



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Best historical prank: last year younger ds and I conspired to remove all of the underwear from his brother's drawer (note-brother is extremely tall and thin) and replace them with one pair of XXXL tidy whities. We laughed for days.

This year, youngest ds is getting a surprise the first time he flushes the first floor toilet (which should be anytime now!) as it has baking soda in the bowl and vinegar in the tank.

Dh reports this is a very messy prank. LOL.

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I put some fizzy tabs that are supposed to color your bath in the toilet tanks, my 4 & 6 year old loved it.  My 6 year old is now planning a trick on me in my bathroom, it involved tape, which he couldn't find today, so I may be safe if he forgets by morning.

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