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Registered letter from local school district in CA???? Any ideas?? UPDATE in post 82... It's HERE!!

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Are we still waiting for OUR registered letter? :laugh:

You know, the public schools have been trying to figure out how to get the attention of homeschoolers for a long time. Looks like this one finally hit on a successful strategy: send a registered letter, let the recipient know it is out there, and then don't deliver it. Must've bribed the post office... :d
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heh, I'm stalking, too. 


my guess is that your district is starting a new district led home program, and they are hitting up all the known homeschoolers.  So, maybe it won't be so bad.


your mail system in your area really surprises me!! 

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OK, LOOOOOOONG weekend, but no letter yet!  :glare: Called Sat and still having an "issue" with the registered letters. Besides a lost key, my other guess is they broke the key off in the lock and are waiting till today to get a locksmith to fix it... :toetap05: !

So about 1 hour till typical mail delivery time.... :P

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OK, LOOOOOOONG weekend, but no letter yet!  :glare: Called Sat and still having an "issue" with the registered letters. Besides a lost key, my other guess is they broke the key off in the lock and are waiting till today to get a locksmith to fix it... :toetap05: !

So about 1 hour till typical mail delivery time.... :p


You're killing me with the wait!!!

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I feel sorry for all the people in your neighborhood who are waiting on registered letters that are ACTUALLY important, KWIM? Your particular letter is probably something completely trivial, but I'm sure there are a bunch of letters sitting in that lockbox containing legal paperwork or whatever.

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I feel sorry for all the people in your neighborhood who are waiting on registered letters that are ACTUALLY important, KWIM? Your particular letter is probably something completely trivial, but I'm sure there are a bunch of letters sitting in that lockbox containing legal paperwork or whatever.

I know!!!

That's it. I am going tomorrow to get it!!!! Their phone just rings once and then hangs up on me :svengo: !

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While we're waiting, how do you like Gateway to Arabic?  :laugh:


Yeah, so we like it, straight forward and you can download audio files for it, so if you don't have a native speaker to teach you it can be helpful. (I haven't tried the audio files yet, just fyi.)

Only thing I wish it had was more practice pages per each skill, but that is common in arabic curriculums I have found. Hence why I add extras from online or do oral exercises.

If you want to learn some arabic, check out these online readers with games:http://omarmariam.irsyad.sg/

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.(just so people will have to click on it to read the update  :rofl: )

It was informing me that some schools in the district are Title I schools and as such if any of my students WOULD be attending those schools AND they test below 37% on the standardized test, then they can get free special services. And info about free teacher "training" programs (if you want to call them that :smilielol5: ) and about free ESL and special Ed services.

BUT I did get a High 5 from the mail clerk because I homeschool... so  :thumbup:  worth the trip right????

Now we may all resume our crazy normal lives..


ETA: AND now I have a HOT post....where's my trophy?? (and cupcake)???? Better not send them registered mail....

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Are you sure this wasn't all just a really elaborate April Fools joke?!


Nope it was postmarked 3/23 from in town, so ....almost 30 days after the release of the private school database for 2014...

(now unless to PO decided to hold all registered mail till today.........)

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Are you sure this wasn't all just a really elaborate April Fools joke?!



Nope it was postmarked 3/23 from in town, so ....almost 30 days after the release of the private school database for 2014...

(now unless to PO decided to hold all registered mail till today.........)


Oh, yeah, sure.  Just a harmless little informative missive.  That kept half the world on edge for days.  Yup. 


Face it, Um_2_4, you are the Queen of April Fool's Day.



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