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Urgent! Mom in Dire Need of Prayer!

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Would you please pray for this mom from our local co-op. I know she is terrified about this. She has several little ones at home. Thanks.


Below you will find her email she sent out.








I am pretty scared right now. My Breast MRI came back and shows unexplained inflammation in my breast that could be inflammatory breast cancer, a very rare and aggressive breast cancer. It also showed something on my lung that they want a CAT scan on to confirm. I guess I am afraid I have the inflammatory breast cancer and it has spread to my lungs which would make it a stage 5 and if that is the case I am not even sure if they would do chemo. ect. I am experiencing a lot of pain in my chest and my breast area. It feels very painful and pressured. It is scary to lay down and I am pretty much on pain killers all day.

Please pray for me to get a breast biopsy on monday with quick results back on everything and for the pain to decrease. I am very afraid and I just love my kids and husband so much. Pray for strength for my family and I and that we will keep close to Jesus through it all.

Love, Julie

P.s. I asked my doctor to give me anti biotics in case it is a major unexplained breat infection and he did give them to me although he does not think I have an infection

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How awful. It's tragic, actually.


This is a scary disease! I have been reading a blog (http://www.punkrockmommy.org) about a mom who had IBC. It's a death sentence. :( Actually, I have read 2 blogs on this is in the past year. The punkrockmommy blogger (Andrea) just died around July 4th after fighting it a year. Just a year. If this woman has Stage 5 then she could have even less.


I'm so sorry and will pray! It's scary that she shares my name!

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Would you please pray for this mom from our local co-op. I know she is terrified about this. She has several little ones at home. Thanks.


Below you will find her email she sent out.


I am pretty scared right now. My Breast MRI came back and shows unexplained inflammation in my breast that could be inflammatory breast cancer, a very rare and aggressive breast cancer. It also showed something on my lung that they want a CAT scan on to confirm. I guess I am afraid I have the inflammatory breast cancer and it has spread to my lungs which would make it a stage 5 and if that is the case I am not even sure if they would do chemo. ect. I am experiencing a lot of pain in my chest and my breast area. It feels very painful and pressured. It is scary to lay down and I am pretty much on pain killers all day.

Please pray for me to get a breast biopsy on monday with quick results back on everything and for the pain to decrease. I am very afraid and I just love my kids and husband so much. Pray for strength for my family and I and that we will keep close to Jesus through it all.

Love, Julie

P.s. I asked my doctor to give me anti biotics in case it is a major unexplained breat infection and he did give them to me although he does not think I have an infection


Please tell her that she can look up this man in Santa Monica and try to get in a clinical trial...http://www.sarcomaoncology.com/Patients_Families/Doctors1.htm


This clinical trial is one that punkrockmommy had tried to get into and couldn't. Maybe this Dr. could point her in the right direction. If, in fact, she has IBC.


I'm so very sorry. :crying: My heart is heavy tonight for her and her family!

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This email came out to our group today. Please keep praying for her. Thanks so much.



Precious Ladies,

Thank you all so much for your prayers and nice notes, I have felt such comfort from them. I have my CT apt. this week for the lung and the breast biopsy next week. I am sort of encouraged that they don't seem to think I need the biopsy asap as maybe it does not look as urgent to them as I had thought.


Also, dear Michelle talked me into actually going to the hospital and read the MRI report and it said something about the "finding" being fluid on my lung not a tumor so I feel much relief as if it is cancer at least it has not appeared to spread. I had broken my wrist in three places from a huge fall a few weeks ago also (this has been a hard year!) so think I may have injured my lung then so it does not seem to be related to breast inflammation.


I know God is teaching me so much through this, I had thought what I learned from my brothers problems would be enough for years but I guess not :) and I am just trying to rest in Him and not worry. I will update you all when I hear the results. Thanks so much again, you are all very nice and I feel so thankful for you all!




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God love her. Her faith is so stong. I pray this is not breast cancer. I have a friend whose mother died of IBC when she (the friend) was just 16. It is a scary and fast advancing type - but it is good news that her doctors do not seem to feel an extreme urgency. This is the 3rd breast cancer scare in a mom I have heard of today!

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There is a homeopathic protocol called Budwig. It was "invented" by Dr. Johanna Budwig in Germany 50 years ago. There is a big yahoo group called flaxseedoil2 with thousands of people who follow this diet/protocol. There is no magic pill or snake oil. It's just diet and flax seed oil you can get at the health food store.


If allopathic (conventional) doctors have no answers or treatment, it certainly wouldn't hurt to go this route. Dr. Budwig was able to bring people back to health who were literally on their deathbeds.


She is in my prayers,


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Thanks to all who have been praying. Please don't stop!............ Below is the latest email update she sent out.





I had my biopsy today. At first the surgeon was freaking me out because the CT scan came back in such wording that he was very concerned that I may have Inflammatory Breast Cancer. However, once he examined me and took about 4 core biopsy's in different places, he said it did not look to him like it. He said he will call as soon as he knows.....3 to 7 days.


He said his bigger concern is the thing they found on the MRI and CT around my lung/heart and kidney. He said it is a large mass so I have to have an ultra sound in 2 days. He said he has never seen anything like it and had other Dr's look at it and they have not either. So, if the ultrasound does not tell him what it is then they have to go in and drill two holes in my chest to find out what it is and biopsy it. I told him about my huge fall that broke my wrist and asked it it could be caused by that as I fell about 6 feet on my right side, he didn't think so. I still think it does have to do with the fall as after the fall I could not sleep for about a week as there was a huge pain in my chest that I literally thought I was dying and it hurt more when I laid down-I just didn't put the fall with the chest pain together until after the MRI report. Anyway, after I started antibiotics it got better and is real good now.


Please continue praying for me as I really do feel that the Lord is lifting me out of fear through His people as I can not explain the underlying peace through the fear of having all this happen. Could you please pray that the "thing" will go away by my ultrasound this thursday at 3pm or shrink considerably. I don't relish the thought of having to have my chest drilled....scary.


Please also pray my dr. will give me more antibiotics as my pain has lessened. They don't think it is helping and are worried about putting me on them when they think it won't help, but I know it is. I was taking pain killers every three hours but now it is 1/2 one only at night time. I am never on them so I just believe they are helping.


Thanks for all the nice notes, I did not have time to respond to them as we have been crazy here!




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I've been through cancer treatment. (It was mild cancer, but still scary). The only thing you can be in charge of while you are dealing with the what ifs is your attitude.


You are sort of at the mercy of your appointments and being where they tell you to be.


I remember clinging to having a good attitude, because I was so unsure about everything else.


Prayers will continue, keep us updated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the latest update on my friend. It is good news!



I am so happy to report that my breast biopsies came back negative yea! There is still inflammation in my chest area for unknown reasons but at least I do not have cancer!


The other thing they found in my chest area during the MRI is very rare. It says in the paperwork that they believe it to be a hypeochoic structure that is a pericardial cyct. My doctor said that because they are rare there is not a lot of research of causes and such so he said he could either remove it or watch it every six or so months to make sure it does not grow to big. He said there is a record of one growing and holding 1/2 gallon of water!


I guess I am wondering why I went through all of this but know for sure that God is good and I will always remember how He carried me through all this junk this year. I hope it is okay to say that I hope that this year has held enough stress!

Thank you all for caring!




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This is the latest update on my friend. It is good news!



I am so happy to report that my breast biopsies came back negative yea! There is still inflammation in my chest area for unknown reasons but at least I do not have cancer!


The other thing they found in my chest area during the MRI is very rare. It says in the paperwork that they believe it to be a hypeochoic structure that is a pericardial cyct. My doctor said that because they are rare there is not a lot of research of causes and such so he said he could either remove it or watch it every six or so months to make sure it does not grow to big. He said there is a record of one growing and holding 1/2 gallon of water!


I guess I am wondering why I went through all of this but know for sure that God is good and I will always remember how He carried me through all this junk this year. I hope it is okay to say that I hope that this year has held enough stress!

Thank you all for caring!





Awesome! Glad to hear it! Thank God.

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