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How often do you clean out your refrigerator?

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I do it once a week, before grocery shopping so I know what is good/bad and what I need. I used to avoid it until I figured out it made my life simpler to just do it, now I don't even give it a second thought, I know Thursday night or early Friday morning I'm going to go after the fridge. I think just scheduling a certain time might help.

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Well.... when something looks like a science experiment I realize I need to clean it out. I need to get better about cleaning it regularly. It just not something I remember to do.


Sad but true.


ETA: I do clean the rest of the house regularly... posting that made me sound like a slob. LOL

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Well, see, mine doesn't *have* a back, kind-of like the dairy case at the groc. store.


Instead, it's a portal to another world. Like Narnia. Yeah. Only there's a wicked...something...


My arms aren't that long, & I'm not going *there.*


ROFL!!! This answer is so much funnier than mine was going to be, so I'll just say: Hey, mine too!!!



Well.... when something looks like a science experiment I realize I need to clean it out. I need to get better about cleaning it regularly. It just not something I remember to do.


Sad but true.


ETA: I do clean the rest of the house regularly... posting that made me sound like a slob. LOL


Don't feel bad. I'm the same way. I generally clean it out when I can't stuff anything else into it, because I can't stand to look into the leftover containers. Plus...I'm not all that regular on the rest of the house either :blink:

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Typically whenever my youngest daughter puts her leftover cup of milk in the fridge. One of us generally manages to knock it over, requiring us to actually wipe it--and the numerous other unidentifiable objects in the fridge--up. It used to occur fairly regularly, which made for a consistent cleaning schedule.


Slightly changing the topic, I've found cleaning the fridge easiest if I just do one shelf at a time, starting from the top down. Maybe you all have always done it that way, but I grew up emptying the entire fridge at once, and it seemed an overwhelming task.

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When I'm pulled together I do a shelf at a time on a rotating schedule.


Then something happens, and the fridge has to fend for itself for awhile.


And something is always happening around here. Just the other day 12yo dd commented that there was an icky spot on one of the door shelves -- some unidentifiable yellow spot that she apparently thought was going to leap out and kill her. I told her that her choices were to clean it herself or wait for me to get around to it. I notice that the spot is still there.

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Well, see, mine doesn't *have* a back, kind-of like the dairy case at the groc. store.


Instead, it's a portal to another world. Like Narnia. Yeah. Only there's a wicked...something...


My arms aren't that long, & I'm not going *there.*



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I am continually condensing leftovers into smaller containers or tossing old stuff - all to make room for new stuff and fresher leftovers. I empty stuff out and wash the shelves about every six weeks or so. My kids are teens and feed themselves most of the time,m so leftovers do not stick around long enough to get truly funky!

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Just the other day 12yo dd commented that there was an icky spot on one of the door shelves -- some unidentifiable yellow spot that she apparently thought was going to leap out and kill her. I told her that her choices were to clean it herself or wait for me to get around to it. I notice that the spot is still there.


Well, at least she *noticed* it! It never ceases to amaze me --- the selective sensory skills that kids have. Hearing, of course, is the first to develop. They can hear a candy wrapper crackling in the next county, but can't seem to notice "Time to do chores!!!!" from five feet away. But development of those blinders isn't far behind -- and just as effective. :D

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You all have to go to this blog www.suburbancorrespondent.blogspot.com She is a homeschooling mom (and my IRL friend) who has started taking pictures of the rotting contents of her fridge every Wednesday. She is an utter scream, like the Erma Bombeck of homeschooling. She also writes an essay piece for HEM so you might know of her from there. Anyway, she is really funny and the fridge posts are a total hoot!

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