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Flat earth-how do you even deal with this?


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Forty percent of Americans believe in YEC. I neither like nor dislike your experience, I merely find it surprising that you've never encountered someone who held a belief like this.

It seems like she has managed to find and interact with well educated people. 

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Well, do VA and FL count? FL I can understand not counting, but VA should.



Not the same. YEC admits all the seen "evidence" is there - they just interpret parts differently. Flat earth and dino disbelievers are rejecting seen evidence and claiming it's all a hoax (apparently).


There's a huge difference between them.


FWIW, I don't particularly care if one is YEC, OEC, or non-C as the differences there don't really affect much of life. To me, it's interesting to know all the ways people think about it and who cares who is right (sort of like Atlantis or Nazca lines or similar). I know that's not a popular view on here, but so be it. I've looked at the "sides" and don't feel the need to choose one. I've met and are friends with intelligent people who take totally opposite views and both (types) are fun to be around to be honest. Nothing that ever comes up is affected by their views - not even those who are YEC, yet are scientific researchers at some pretty high places. ;)


However, it's interesting that there are a few folks out there who don't believe the "seen" evidence. I've yet to come across that "view," so have been curious about it. I'm guessing the majority don't use our public schools.


I still feel they're entitled to believe whatever they wish though. It really doesn't affect my life in the least.

I guess I don't see a big difference in believing dinosaurs coexisted with man or whatever the dinosaur deniers think exactly. It's like debating whether the North Pole is in the center or top of the flat earth. Neither is based on science.

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I've never been to a homeschooling conference either, but I'm guessing you've switched the topic from flat earth and dino bones being real to YEC.  There are people in the north who are YEC.  There are people with Ivy educations who are YEC.  There are people actively doing scientific research at secular places who are YEC.  It's all how they want to interpret "the beginning" as none dispute what is seen now (even mutations and the like).

I disagree that it's only about how one interprets the beginning. You have to ignore that the middle even exists.



There are none I personally know who believe in a flat earth or dino bones being faked.


Bait and switch?  They're different.

What are different? I didn't imply or state that I've ever known anyone who believed in a flat earth.


I suspect the same polling group wouldn't find anywhere near 40% agreeing with a flat earth nor dino bones being a hoax.


I'll admit to being curious what the numbers are though.  I'm guessing miniscule.

I would agree that flat earth believers are probably a very tiny percentage of Americans. I would disagree that the numbers of people who believe dinosaurs are a hoax would give you the same tiny result. I do agree that not all YEC believe that dinosaurs were planted by the devil/god/scientists. I disagree that it's much different to believe they all died in the flood. I think rejecting current scientific theories is pretty much the same as saying that it's a hoax from scientists.

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Kind of relevant to the discussion:


I live in the south. I personally know many people who believe that dinosaurs were created at the same time as all the other animals (Day six?) and that there were dinosaurs on the ark. They believe dinosaurs and people co-existed, and they pass out books with pictures of dinosaurs being used as pack animals or to pull carts. They also believe that dinosaurs continued to exist in one form or another after the flood and that various myths and legends of dragons confirm that. They also believe that there have been conspiracies to cover up evidence and discoveries of dinosaur remains that are less than 6,000 years old. They believe there are conspiracies to hide the "facts" about the young age of the earth.


I also know people that believe that the earth was created with an appearance of great age and that the fossil fuels were part of that creation specifically to provide us with the means to advance civilization.


Many of the older people I know are very confused by this subject because they recieved no education on it at all, in public schools. One woman told me she had never even heard the word dinosaur till she was an adult, and she is a very intelligent woman about 70.

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Have you lived in the south?


I live in NJ.  It took me until I was in my 40's to meet anyone who was young earth or dinosaur deniers.  And then I met a bunch all at once.  When I started homeschooling.


Oh my.  I hope we never have a large asteroid hit our little disc in the sky.  I would be awful if we flipped over and all fell off!


:lol:  :smilielol5:

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They say that Antarctica forms an ice wall around the edge of the world that nobody has penetrated. Anyone claiming to have crossed Antarctica is part of the scientific hoax.




As an inhabitant of the Southern hemisphere, that makes me feel better. I was afraid we were somewhere under the giant dinner plate that is Earth, stuck on like a piece of old chewing gum.



Where's the giant wall of ice? This is clearly just another government hoax.



No, it's the Discworld and billions of dollars are being spent scanning the night skies in case the turtle swims close enough to lasso. Think of the benefits to them. We could bring sanitation and aqueducts to Ankh Morpork, then movies could be made about what the Romans did for them.

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Not to stir the pot but I find the notion that, people who believe in a young earth and those that believe the earth to be flat are comparable, to be extremely offensive. There has been a few other such comparisons made in this thread that have been similar so I am not trying to single you out. 


You are definitely entitled to your opinion.  I disagree completely!  I am young earth and the notion of a flat earth is not something I subscribe to.  I have never met a person who did.  Are you  sure the site isn't a hoax?  I don't appreciate being compared to the flat earth society. 




Well, do VA and FL count?  FL I can understand not counting, but VA should.



Not the same.  YEC admits all the seen "evidence" is there - they just interpret parts differently.  Flat earth and dino disbelievers are rejecting seen evidence and claiming it's all a hoax (apparently).


There's a huge difference between them.


FWIW, I don't particularly care if one is YEC, OEC, or non-C as the differences there don't really affect much of life.  To me, it's interesting to know all the ways people think about it and who cares who is right (sort of like Atlantis or Nazca lines or similar). I know that's not a popular view on here, but so be it.  I've looked at the "sides" and don't feel the need to choose one.  I've met and are friends with intelligent people who take totally opposite views and both (types) are fun to be around to be honest.  Nothing that ever comes up is affected by their views - not even those who are YEC, yet are scientific researchers at some pretty high places. ;)


However, it's interesting that there are a few folks out there who don't believe the "seen" evidence.  I've yet to come across that "view," so have been curious about it.  I'm guessing the majority don't use our public schools.


I still feel they're entitled to believe whatever they wish though.  It really doesn't affect my life in the least.


Bolded (except the quotes ;) )


I have to disagree with this a little. YECs definitely reject many pieces of the science as wrong or even view aspects as hoaxes. Carbon dating is something they basically reject, for example. 








I can't disagree with any of that. :)



Not true.  Carbon dating is a real thing.  It is not as accurate the further it dates backwards.  That is a fact.  You can still believe in a literal 7 day creation by God and believe in carbon dating. 




Kind of relevant to the discussion:


I live in the south. I personally know many people who believe that dinosaurs were created at the same time as all the other animals (Day six?) and that there were dinosaurs on the ark. They believe dinosaurs and people co-existed, and they pass out books with pictures of dinosaurs being used as pack animals or to pull carts. They also believe that dinosaurs continued to exist in one form or another after the flood and that various myths and legends of dragons confirm that. They also believe that there have been conspiracies to cover up evidence and discoveries of dinosaur remains that are less than 6,000 years old. They believe there are conspiracies to hide the "facts" about the young age of the earth.


I also know people that believe that the earth was created with an appearance of great age and that the fossil fuels were part of that creation specifically to provide us with the means to advance civilization.


Many of the older people I know are very confused by this subject because they recieved no education on it at all, in public schools. One woman told me she had never even heard the word dinosaur till she was an adult, and she is a very intelligent woman about 70.



 I believe in the literal 7 day creation with dinosaurs created during those 7 days.  Yes, I believe they were on the earth at the same time as people.  There are cave drawings and other such evidence that shows dinosaurs with people.  I do not believe in a conspiracy to hide facts.  Surely, "they" (you know the people who control the world :rolleyes:) have more to do with their time then hide facts. 


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You do not fight stupid. You will lose. Always.


Words to live by.


I just ignore flat earth claims. Much like I ignore the Kardashians and those Lyndon LaRouche supporters who hold up stupid signs and try to hand out their drivel newspaper. It's all in basically the same bucket of importance.

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 I believe in the literal 7 day creation with dinosaurs created during those 7 days.  Yes, I believe they were on the earth at the same time as people.  There are cave drawings and other such evidence that shows dinosaurs with people.  I do not believe in a conspiracy to hide facts.  Surely, "they" (you know the people who control the world :rolleyes:) have more to do with their time then hide facts. 



Citation please. 

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You are definitely entitled to your opinion. I disagree completely! I am young earth and the notion of a flat earth is not something I subscribe to. I have never met a person who did. Are you sure the site isn't a hoax? I don't appreciate being compared to the flat earth society.





Bolded (except the quotes ;) )




Not true. Carbon dating is a real thing. It is not as accurate the further it dates backwards. That is a fact. You can still believe in a literal 7 day creation by God and believe in carbon dating.






I believe in the literal 7 day creation with dinosaurs created during those 7 days. Yes, I believe they were on the earth at the same time as people. There are cave drawings and other such evidence that shows dinosaurs with people. I do not believe in a conspiracy to hide facts. Surely, "they" (you know the people who control the world :rolleyes:) have more to do with their time then hide facts.


Caveman drawings? Citations please?



Don't you find it odd that ancient texts describe a variety of animals, most of which exist today, but they don't describe dinosaurs? You would think a society living amongst raptors and the occasional T-Rex would at least mention them in passing. Instead you rely on "caveman" drawings. Sound logic there.

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Not true.  Carbon dating is a real thing.  It is not as accurate the further it dates backwards.  That is a fact.  You can still believe in a literal 7 day creation by God and believe in carbon dating.


Have you looked at Ken Ham's site? Or Jack Chick's tracts? They don't agree that carbon dating works the same way that scientists say it works. *That* is a fact.





There are cave drawings and other such evidence that shows dinosaurs with people.  I do not believe in a conspiracy to hide facts.  Surely, "they" (you know the people who control the world :rolleyes:) have more to do with their time then hide facts.


Disagree on two counts. One, most the "dinosaur drawings" that I have seen look something like this:




That could be anything. FWIW, this one is usually interpreted to be an eagle, similar to many other eagle depictions from the area. 


Two, it implies that anything we have a presumed ancient drawing of must be real? Medusa? The Minotaur? Mermaids?

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Honest question to YEC's that popped into my head yesterday during DD's science lesson: How does YEC explain the speed of light? Some Hubble telescope images are calculated to be pictures of galaxies as they were far more than 6k years ago, their light has only just reached us. Is this addressed in YEC science texts?


It's been puzzling me all day. :p

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Honest question to YEC's that popped into my head yesterday during DD's science lesson: How does YEC explain the speed of light? Some Hubble telescope images are calculated to be pictures of galaxies as they were far more than 6k years ago, their light has only just reached us. Is this addressed in YEC science texts?


It's been puzzling me all day. :p


Here's a list of topics and rebuttals from a website that promotes Old Earth creationism, including dating techniques, black holes and more:


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Honest question to YEC's that popped into my head yesterday during DD's science lesson: How does YEC explain the speed of light? Some Hubble telescope images are calculated to be pictures of galaxies as they were far more than 6k years ago, their light has only just reached us. Is this addressed in YEC science texts?


It's been puzzling me all day. :p

I'm not a YEC, but I don't think it is possible to distinguish by science between a light that actually has its origins millions of years ago and a light created much more recently by God already seemingly en route.


I don't personally find it plausible that God would do such a thing, but it's something I am open to the possibility of having happened. My denomination does not require a literal reading of Genesis as science, and as God exists outside the human conception of time, I lean towards a belief that the 6 days of Creation represent some time period other than 144 modern hours. However, I do believe in an omnipotent God so I don't totally dismiss the possibility that the YEC's are correct.

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Honest question to YEC's that popped into my head yesterday during DD's science lesson: How does YEC explain the speed of light? Some Hubble telescope images are calculated to be pictures of galaxies as they were far more than 6k years ago, their light has only just reached us. Is this addressed in YEC science texts?


It's been puzzling me all day. :p


I've been asking YECs that for years, and no one has ever give me a decent answer.  If the universe was only 4,000 years old, the sky would be quite a bit darker.  I find the "God made it that way" argument a little creepy.  If both God and Satan are changing the very laws of the universe to trick us into NOT believing, is it really that surprising when we don't?

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I'm not a YEC, but I don't think it is possible to distinguish by science between a light that actually has its origins millions of years ago and a light created much more recently by God already seemingly en route.


I don't personally find it plausible that God would do such a thing, but it's something I am open to the possibility of having happened. My denomination does not require a literal reading of Genesis as science, and as God exists outside the human conception of time, I lean towards a belief that the 6 days of Creation represent some time period other than 144 modern hours. However, I do believe in an omnipotent God so I don't totally dismiss the possibility that the YEC's are correct.


Obviously, if one believes in an all-powerful God, then one also believes he/she could create light from nothing and shoot it across the universe.  The question is... why?


And you might be surprised how much astronomers can learn from studying the light of stars.  If you've never done so, I highly recommend studying college-level astronomy.  Absolutely fascinating stuff.

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The US Government is covering up Bigfoot's existence. Bigfoot kidnaps people and eats them. But it might not be Bigfoot, it might be aliens! I read it on the interwebs so it must be true!





I haven't seen Bigfoot in any cave drawings so no proof he exists.

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Google "is the e" and it auto fills " is the earth flat" as the first suggestion. "Is the earth round" is the second suggestion. So there are at least a few people out there who want to know!


My auto fill said:


Is the elf on the shelf real

Is the end near

Is the earth round

is the earth hollow





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Google "is the e" and it auto fills " is the earth flat" as the first suggestion. "Is the earth round" is the second suggestion. So there are at least a few people out there who want to know!

My first two choices were: "is the earth alive" and "is the end near." Should I be paranoid now?

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