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Flat earth-how do you even deal with this?


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They say that Antarctica forms an ice wall around the edge of the world that nobody has penetrated. Anyone claiming to have crossed Antarctica is part of the scientific hoax.




Yeah, that's where I quit reading. Pretty sure they stole that from A Game of Thrones...


Or maybe it's the other way around? ;)


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Yeah, that's where I quit reading. Pretty sure they stole that from A Game of Thrones...


Or maybe it's the other way around? ;)


Hm, has anyone in the books sailed far enough south to reach a wall of ice? Interesting idea. Could a non-spherical planet with a slow rotation and a wobble be responsible for the crazy seasons?

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I'm not a YEC, but I don't think it is possible to distinguish by science between a light that actually has its origins millions of years ago and a light created much more recently by God already seemingly en route.

Actually, it's called the red shift, and we've known about it for about a century, and it let's us, in part, tell far away (older, if you will) light from closer (younger) light. It's like the Doppler effect. When a train passes you, the engineers aren't really doing anything like pressing buttons to make the horn sound change pitch. It really is science, and not terribly new science.

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What about airplanes? Do they just donk into the imaginary wall at the edge of the earth? Or are they hoaxes too?

Pilots are being tricked by their instruments into believing they are circumnavigating a globe instead of going around in a circle. NASA scientists (or maybe personnel is a better word?) vigilantly guard the ice wall.

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Pilots are being tricked by their instruments into believing they are circumnavigating a globe instead of going around in a circle. NASA scientists (or maybe personnel is a better word?) vigilantly guard the ice wall.

Overseas piloting is thus like NASCAR, they can only go so far before they just have to turn left! It all makes sense now.

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I am more than a little amused that elf on a shelf, hollow/flat earth, the exorcist and the end times all come before the economy and climate change.  Priorities people, priorities.  


I rarely ever search on my phone so the google results on mine are not really customized.  Lest anyone think I've been googling for elf on the shelf answers.  



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You are definitely entitled to your opinion.  I disagree completely!  I am young earth and the notion of a flat earth is not something I subscribe to.  I have never met a person who did.  Are you  sure the site isn't a hoax?  I don't appreciate being compared to the flat earth society.

I'm just confused why my quote was placed before this comment?

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Any idea you know what her reasoning is?  How does she explain what has been found - or still can be found - in the earth (not just museums).



Who's the deceiver?  Satan/demons?  Or scientists trying to fool people?


(Seriously trying to understand their reasoning - not to agree with it - just to understand it.)


Sorry it took forever to respond!  Satan is the deceiver.  Scientists are his minions, I would guess.


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Not tooooo off topic, but I caught a great RadioLab last nite about coral fossil rings showing earth years used to have over 400 days becausr the moon was closer, and, like a figure skater with her arms pulled in, we spun faster (your winter olympic hs tie in for the day). The moon is also getting farther away from us by a few inches each year, and Usain Bolt could confuse a rooster on Venus:



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Caveman drawings? Citations please?



Don't you find it odd that ancient texts describe a variety of animals, most of which exist today, but they don't describe dinosaurs? You would think a society living amongst raptors and the occasional T-Rex would at least mention them in passing. Instead you rely on "caveman" drawings. Sound logic there.


Here is one.  It is in the Angkor Thom. Off to find more 


There is actually a tribe in  (Congo?) that claims to see a large dinosaur like creature.  When shown renderings of Apatosaurus they claim that it is what they see. 


For years people did not believe the giant squid existed.  I am not saying I believe the Apatosaurus is running the earth today.  Due to its sheer size and the amount of earth we have explored, plus air travel makes it highly unlikely, yet there is a tribe that claims to have seen them recently.


You don't have to taunt me just because you disagree.  I don't agree with you, yet I try to respond respectfully. 



I'm just confused why my quote was placed before this comment?



I have to assume she misunderstood what you were saying or pushed quote on the wrong post.


I did misunderstand. I thought you were comparing YE to flat earth believers and did not realize you were doing the opposite.  I apologize.

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I am having trouble posting links so you will have to Google the Angkor Thom dinosaur to see it.



There was a T-Rex found with tissue in the 90s.  It seems unlikely that tissue survived millions of years, hundreds or even thousands, maybe.  Millions?  Unlikely.



In 1925 someone discovered several dinosaur figurines at the base of El Toro Mountain in the valley of Acambaro, about 180 miles north of Mexico city.  (Again having trouble posting links, please Google or tell me how.)



El-Kanatir a Jewish synagogue built in 400 to 700 AD has what appears to be dinosaurs attacking.




There is also the Nile Mosaic from Palestrina. 

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I am having trouble posting links so you will have to Google the Angkor Thom dinosaur to see it.



There was a T-Rex found with tissue in the 90s.  It seems unlikely that tissue survived millions of years, hundreds or even thousands, maybe.  Millions?  Unlikely.




Here is an interesting and recent article explaining how the T. rex soft tissues may have been preserved.

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Google "is the e" and it auto fills " is the earth flat" as the first suggestion. "Is the earth round" is the second suggestion. So there are at least a few people out there who want to know!



My auto fill said:


Is the elf on the shelf real

Is the end near

Is the earth round

is the earth hollow







My list includes the question:


is the empty set reflexive


Somehow more provocative than "is the European Union a trade union".

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Well, that was an entertaining read.  I had to stop when I got to the part about how "the force known as gravity doesn't exist."   :001_huh:  :smilielol5:



Was it ever determined if the site in the OP was satirical?  My DH refuses to believe it is real.  LOL

 Mine, too! He wants to know if all space flight is faked how are they faking the effect of communication satellites? And if the sun is a spotlight, what is the moon?


And this link makes the interesting point that it would take more money and technology to fake the moon landing than to actually go to the moon. The author also makes a point about people who believe in conspiracy theories.  http://www.ejectejecteject.com/archives/000140.html

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Actually, it's called the red shift, and we've known about it for about a century, and it let's us, in part, tell far away (older, if you will) light from closer (younger) light. It's like the Doppler effect. When a train passes you, the engineers aren't really doing anything like pressing buttons to make the horn sound change pitch. It really is science, and not terribly new science.

If an omnipotent God wanted to, He could create a light that merely appears "old". His motivation for doing so is what I have trouble wrapping my brain around. I don't disagree with the YEC's that it COULD have happened that way. God can do anything. But just because He *CAN* do something, doesn't necessarily mean that He did.

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Here is one.  It is in the Angkor Thom. Off to find more 


There is actually a tribe in  (Congo?) that claims to see a large dinosaur like creature.  When shown renderings of Apatosaurus they claim that it is what they see. 


For years people did not believe the giant squid existed.  I am not saying I believe the Apatosaurus is running the earth today.  Due to its sheer size and the amount of earth we have explored, plus air travel makes it highly unlikely, yet there is a tribe that claims to have seen them recently.


You don't have to taunt me just because you disagree.  I don't agree with you, yet I try to respond respectfully. 




Please explain why we have to rely on drawings on cave walls (that are vague at best as to what they are supposed to be) when dinosaurs are not mentioned in any ancient texts.  Again, one would think if raptors and T-Rex were running loose they would get at least a passing mention.  The reality is that your beliefs lack both a logical foundation and basic supporting evidence.

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If an omnipotent God wanted to, He could create a light that merely appears "old". His motivation for doing so is what I have trouble wrapping my brain around. I don't disagree with the YEC's that it COULD have happened that way. God can do anything. But just because He *CAN* do something, doesn't necessarily mean that He did.

I'm glad you brought up divine motivation, as I think it applies across the faith/science conversation, whether it be evolution, physics, etc.


As literature, the "character" of God radically changes from wrathful to benevolent. If God is all-loving for the children created in his image, why fool us? Why gift some with the brains, passion, and drive to devote a life to study only to pull the rug out? Haha. Fooled all you paleontolgists. Physicists! Suckers! Your life's work was a sham of MY doing.


Beside all the evidence arguments, beside the faith arguments, it would seem to in part come down to loving or spiteful divene motivation, which are two very different Gods, indeed, which don't seem to fit with the texts on which the belief is based.


Not bashing religion, but wishing it didn't see science as apart from the same valuable human experience.

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Please explain why we have to rely on drawings on cave walls (that are vague at best as to what they are supposed to be) when dinosaurs are not mentioned in any ancient texts.  Again, one would think if raptors and T-Rex were running loose they would get at least a passing mention.  The reality is that your beliefs lack both a logical foundation and basic supporting evidence.







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Going back to the original post:



How does one even combat this kind of delusion??  :confused1:


IMO if a person has an inner need to maintain a belief, and needs it to the point of being willing to spend the energy on the mental gymnastics that are necessary to keep it afloat, on a personal level, I'm happy to leave them to it......their journey is their business, and there is a reason for whatever their needs are at the moment, and I don't have to understand it. 



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Please explain why we have to rely on drawings on cave walls (that are vague at best as to what they are supposed to be) when dinosaurs are not mentioned in any ancient texts.  Again, one would think if raptors and T-Rex were running loose they would get at least a passing mention.  The reality is that your beliefs lack both a logical foundation and basic supporting evidence.


I would argue that ancient texts do mention dinosaurs.  The leviathan and behemoth in Job as an example. 

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I would argue that ancient texts do mention dinosaurs. The leviathan and behemoth in Job as an example.

You understand that Judaic scholars have a pretty firm understanding (and other texts) of what those verses refer to, and it is nothing to do with dinosaurs?


I agree with the idea that there *are* texts that talk about dragons, and I am in the camp that believes they could be based partially upon dinosaur bones.


Let us take an example that we have pretty solid evidence for, the cyclops.



The ancients misinterpreted these skulls and imagined them as large man-like creatures. It is easy to see how one might imagine creatures that left behind dinosaur bones.

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