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Talk to me about online class options. . . .

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I am looking for any and all online class options for my middle school student. I am not looking for a full time program, rather something that will help take the load off of me in certain subjects. I have searched endlessly for a thread listing available options, but I came up with nothing, hence I figured we could all benefit from this one.  Here are the options I know about. Would you please add to my list? Thanks a million. 


Here goes. . .  (prices reported are just what came up in a quick Google search). Any opinions stated are just based on my experience. If you have experiences, please share. Even the best program may not be a good fit for every family. ;)


*Landry Academy- Live classes. So far my kids have taken two classes, attended a couple intensives, and have participated in the online workshops. We are fans. The trick to this one is purchasing the classes ahead of time. Honestly it is cheapest to buy classes during their Black Friday and after Christmas sale. Grades 4-12. Price per class (semester) ranges from $97-$300 depending on when you buy them)


*Freedom Project Education- Grades K-12 live classes.  Roughly $1600 for a full load or $360 for a single class (2 semesters). I noticed that they offered a 20% discount in March last year. 


*Currclick- K-12 depending on the subject. Price varies.  They offer live classes and online modules. 


*The Great Books Academy/ Angelicum Academy- Price varies by the amount of subjects.  They offer B1G1 half off for siblings. 


*Classical Academic Press- They offer Latin via an online platform, but not via a live teacher. I have a membership to this, but I found that we liked the DVDs better. They are now offering classes for students in 7th-12 (poetry, Logic).


*Memoria Press- K-12, Classes roughly $249 per semester.


*Veritas Press- $545 per class (year long) for live instruction. Self paced modules available.


*Logos Press- $545 for a year long class in the core subjects and I spied some electives for $345 a year. 


*Lukion Project- $269 per semester


*Minecraft Homeschool- Offers a variety of 6 week courses (history related) for $10-$15 per session. My kids LOVE this one.


*Heritage Histories- $50 per family. Each model has various levels and uses living classic books as the spine. There is not a live classroom component, but the lessons and tests are completed online.


*ATTUNEUP- writing courses for middle and high school students, Tuition is suggested at $40 per kid per module, roughly $175 per semester. However, they don't turn away people that can't afford this. Pay what you can. Live class.


*Homeschool Book Study- $125 per semester per family. Middle and high school literature classes available. Classes meet for an hour each week via a live class.  Optional essay grading service is available. 


*Fortuigence- Online writing classes for middle and high school (I couldn't really find the info on the middle school options). Online modules are $37 each or get a 21 lesson package for $147. 



and. . . Go! What options do you know about? :) Thanks!




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AIM Academy - Middle School Writing, Languages, and Science courses ($275 per semester)


CLRC Homeschool - Latin & Greek as well as Literature, Philosophy & Science classses ($300/ semester for lang.)


Derek Owens - self paced, online math and science classes ($58/month) with teacher grading . Physical Science and Pre-Alg avail for a lower fixed price at Lucid Education.


Live Onlne Math - Pre-alg. through Alg 2 & Geom. - either live, recorded or hybrid courses (live classes $225/sem, recorded classes $100 or so)


MyHomeSchoolMathClass  - Jann in Tx, a frequent poster on these boards, offers live classes in Pre-Alg through Geom. and Alg 2


Kolbe Academy - Comprehensive 


Phil4 - live online Math, Writing and Language courses - about $400 per year


Math in a Box  - self paced online math classes incl. Alg 1, 2 and Geom. ($145/sem)


IEW - online writing classes ($199/sem)


The Potters School - Offering online classes in all disciplines 


Fisher More Academy (formerley Regina Coeli) - Catholic curric in most disciplines 


Well-Trained Mind Academy -- nonsectarian classical education after the pattern in TWTM










Edited by Susan Wise Bauer
Added WTM Academy, which is new since the 2013 posting
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Art of Problem Solving (AOPS) - rigorous, quick paced math classes from Pre-Alg through Calc. ($285/session)


Laurel Tree Tutorials - Writing and Literature classes


Center for Lit - online literature classes ($170/sem)


Scholars Online - some middle school lit., lang., math, and science classes.


Online G3 - humanities classes for gifted elem and middle school students (incl. classes covering Hakim's History of US, MCT lang, curr., and Lightning Lit)


Athena's Advanced Academy - online classes for gifted elem and middle school students (incl. classes covering SOTW).


Learning at Our House - online and recorded history classes for all levels as well as new science and music classes.


HoneyFern - online classes on a variety of subjects


Captive Thought Tutorials - online literature classes


Blue Tent Online - Honors English classes for middle school and high school

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Art of Problem Solving (AOPS) - rigorous, quick paced math classes from Pre-Alg through Calc. ($285/session)


Laurel Tree Tutorials - Writing and Literature classes


Center for Lit - online literature classes ($170/sem)


Scholars Online - some middle school lit., lang., math, and science classes.


Online G3 - humanities classes for gifted elem and middle school students (incl. classes covering Hakim's History of US, MCT lang, curr., and Lightning Lit)


Athena's Advanced Academy - online classes for gifted elem and middle school students (incl. classes covering SOTW).


Learning at Our House - online and recorded history classes for all levels as well as new science and music classes.


HoneyFern - online classes on a variety of subjects


Captive Thought Tutorials - online literature classes


Blue Tent Online - Honors English classes for middle school and high school

Wow. Just wow. Job well done. :) Thanks so much!

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Oh, I forgot a really great FREE option. The Virtual Homeschool Group offers many live classes for free. The classes are run by volunteers, but the options that we have looked at are better than many paid classes. In addition to live classes, they also offer self-paced courses. For example, they offer most levels of Saxon math, which includes daily assignments, weekly quizzes, tests, video lessons, and a weekly schedule. Your kids can do the courses completely independently. The materials were honestly better than the DIVE or SAXON Teacher  DVDs that I spent over $100 on for the year. If Saxon isn't your thing, they also have archived Apologia science courses and a plethora or courses in different subject areas. The live classes vary by the year depending on what the volunteers are willing to teach. I remember seeing Spanish and a Classics Club too. There are a ton of offerings!


When I first visited, I found the website to be a little confusing. Just register for a free account, and then you can access a full listing of the courses that they offer. They also have an active FB group.



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Time4Learning   time4learning.com   various online courses, $19.95/mo K-8, $30/mo high school, language arts, math, science and social studies


Time4Writing      time4writing.com    8 week writing classes, elem-high school, $99 per class


Bravewriter         bravewriter.com      4-6 week writing classes, at least middle and high, $150 and up


Write@Home       writeathome.com    writing classes (year long and 8 week workshops), pay per paper services, SAT essay prep   $99 -$449


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Liberty Tutorials - Math classes from Alg 1 to Advanced Math

121 Spanish - Affordable Skype Spanish lessons

Homeschool Spanish Academy - Affordable Skype Spanish lessons

La Clase Divertida - live online Spanish classes

Spanish Learning Online - Beginner to AP online Spanish classes

OSU German Online - Beginner to AP online German classes

OSU Spanish Online - Beginner to AP online Spanish classes

Lone Pine Classical - Online Latin classes - $450 for year.

Latin and Classics - Online Latin classes

Rolling Acres School Catholic classical school offering classes in Great Books, Logic, German, French and Latin

Harvey Center - Online classes in Latin, Logic and the Great Books

Artesian Wells - Intro to Great Books class - $550 for year.

Escondido Tutorials - Great books program - 1st yr starts in 8th grade

Tapestry of Grace - Online classes for dialetic and rhetoric levels

HomeSchoolWorks4u - Online classes in a variety of subjects

Iguana Paint - Academy of Fine Arts - Online classes in Painting, Film and other fine art forms.

Red Wagon Tutorials - Online classes supporting Apologia's science program

Apologia Academy - Online classes supporting Apologia's science program as well as Logic, Bible, and Worldview classes

Webster's Academy - Online writing classes using IEW approach

Inspired Scholar - Online writing classes using IEW approach

Writing Foundations - Online writing classes using IEW approach

Home2Teach - Online writing classes


Edited a link

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TTUISD offers self paced "Online" courses for Middle School students. They require a traditional textbook be purchased |(I buy them new/used from Amzon Sellers), and the Final Exam must be given by an "Approved Proctor". DD is finishing the Middle School Art course now, which has surpassed Science, and is now her favorite subject. I understand the man who wrote/teaches that Art course will be retiring in 2014 and if so, he will be a very tough act to follow, IMHO. This is "Distance Education". GL with your decision!

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From the website: "Students enrolled in our program work online with their own private writing teachers, on projects of their own choosing, every day, Monday through Friday."


My oldest boys worked on a couple of writing projects with a tutor from WriteGuide at the end of 6th grade. I was very happy with the instruction and guidance from the tutor.

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Guest catsknit

http://www.homeschoolconnections.com  - variety of courses both live and recorded.  there are more for high school than middle school but still lots to choose from.  The live classes vary  in length and price; recorded classes are available for a monthly subscription on $30 for unlimited users within a family and unlimited number of classes taken.  Catholic teachers.

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Veritas Press- online History Survey and Transitions class (year of world history before going to Omnibus) was well worth it!  If you have jumped around, feel like there are gaps, or like your child just needs a one year overview before moving on, this class fits the bill.  No work for the parent except to make sure your child is getting the homework done and to administer tests.  Papers, memory work and class participation are all part of the grade along with the exams. When my daughter took the class we were told the class was specifically created to prepare students for Omnibus. Grades 6-8


MUS Co-op classes Pre-Algebra and up/$350-$400 + cost of materials (must buy teacher materials too)  We did all the prep work and then decided not to sign up.  This class meets once a week to discuss the material and answer questions.  You're still expected to teach the lesson and do the work with your student through the week.  It also requires your student keep up with the class.  I was told if you get more than 2 weeks behind, you might be advised to drop the class.  

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Classical Historian - online classes in History using the Socratic Method


Visual Latin - prerecorded Latin video lessons as well as online classes using Lingua Latina


Thinkwell - prerecorded videos for Middle School Math, Algebra and beyond. 


Tablet Class Math - prerecorded math videos covering Pre-Algebra through Alg II.


SSE (Secondary Science Education) - online science courses


Signum/Mythgard Academy - live online and prerecorded classes in literature with special focus on Tolkien's works as well as Harry Potter, Dystopian Lit, and Science Fiction. The Academy courses are for middle school and high school. The University level courses are MA level classes. They also have Latin, French and Spanish courses.


Coram Deo Tutorials - live online writing and Latin classes including a class following the Lost Tools of Writing curriculum.


Grace Catholic Online - A full Catholic online curriculum


Dive Science/Math - Prerecorded instruction in science and Saxon math. Can be used as a standalone for science or a supplemental resource in support Apologia or BJU.


EPGY - Stanford's online program for gifted youth. Self-paced or instructor led courses in Math, English, Science and Computer Programming.


Homeschool with Saxon - prerecorded video tutorials from Art Reed designed to support Saxon math series from Saxon 7/6 on up.


Chalkdust Math - prerecoded video instruction from Math 3 to Calculus.


CTY online - John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth offers self-paced and live online classes at the middle school level for gifted enrichment. Some courses may require meeting specific eligibiliity criteria. 


Wisdom Homeschooling - online classes in the classical tradition offered by an Alberta homeschool group including Great Books, Lit., Logic, and Euclidean Geometry. 


BJU Distance Learning - a complete array of prerecorded courses for all grade levels from a Christian perspective.  


Abeka Academy - a complete array of prerecorded courses for all grade levels from a Christian perspective.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

A few new additions:


HTML 101 for Kids - Introductory programming classes for ages 9 and up


Wilson Hill Academy - Classical Christian school offering a comprehensive array of courses for middle school and up


Murray's Technical Education  - Technical drafting classes for homeschoolers


Biology (Live Online Course)  - High school level biology course from Elemental Science


Schole Academy - Live online classes from Classical Academic Press in a variety of subjects including: Latin, Spanish, Logic, and Writing.







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I've been looking at Liberty University online courses. http://www.liberty.edu/onlineacademy/curriculum/

I haven't seen that mentioned yet, so I'm curious if anyone has experience with them. We're considering a7th grade science course, not a full curriculum. I've tended to shy away from online classes, but we need help in science. Ă°Å¸Ëœâ€º

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Spanish Clicks    online Spanish classes (she is the one who is offering Spanish I through the Virtual Homeschool Group as well)    www.spanish-clicks.com


Just found out she's only going to be offering Spanish 2 next year & then nothing online-real-time after that.  :willy_nilly:

Back the drawing board for me...   :(

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What about Aventa?

High School Courses including languages online $320 a class: http://aventa.enroll.aventalearning.com/


$320 for a year would be great. $320 per semester is Too Much (for me right now at least - my dd isn't of high school age yet).  Yikes!

I'd be able to find a private tutor locally for that much $$.

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Wow, this is amazing.  I'm looking to farm out US history for Indy, simply because I find it dreadfully dull.  Don't throw stones at me!  I love history, but I'm into ancient and middle ages, and just dread teaching American history.  I'm sure that makes me a. a bad homeschooler b. a bad American or c. both, but that's just how it is.  Any thoughts on just an American history course?

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Arkansas Virtual Academy


If you live in Arkansas, try Arkansas Virtual Academy, which a a K-12 online charter public school that your tax dollars pay for, and which is therefore free to you http://www.k12.com/arva


Taylor University


If you homeschool high school and want college credits, Taylor University is a regionally accredited college and has a multitude of online courses. It permits parents to make the decision as to whether their kid is ready to take the course, so you don't have to meet some arbitrary criteria. My youngest will take their Expository writing course there this summer. http://www.taylor.edu/


University of Missouri Columbia High School

If you homeschool ANYWHERE, University of Missouri Columbia High School has lots of online and distance learning high school and college courses. It is regionally accredited, so the credits transfer well, and it is reasonably cheap. You can get the complete diploma there if you need it. My eldest was very hardheaded, absolutely HATED her high school but refused to be homeschooled. It came down to either she got out of the house or she would drop out of high school the moment she was able to do so and move in with her loser friends. Fortunately, she had a bunch of college and hs credits that her high school refused to count. U of Mo Columbia accepted all of them; she got through the 5 remaining one semester courses during the spring and summer of her 11th grade year and she moved into the dorm at Missouri Southern State University, a no-name but regionally accredited four year college as a first time freshman in the fall of the year that she would normally have spent as a high school senior. (She later transferred to a better college and graduated from that shortly after she turned 22.) It saved everybody's sanity, especially mine.)


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Also consider Indiana Virtual Academy: http://www.bsu.edu/academy/ivlc/about.htm with like U of Mo Columbia is regionally accredited, and so the credits will transfer.  However I have no experience with this.


I have no direct experience with Brigham Young University online http://is.byu.edu/site/ but it is a very popular homeschooling, credit recovery and alternate high school experience in California per my brother, whose friends' kids used it for credit recovery.

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I will add the Homeschool Spanish Academy to the list. They offer private tutoring via Skype for one or two students together. You don't have to buy curricula, they give homework and grades, and keep records for you. In the middle and elementary years, the sessions are 25 minutes once a week. High school requires two sessions per week. If you can get to your homeschool convention, they will give you an offer for 30% off any package. You also get a free trial. You schedule the tutoring sessions when you want and change the time/day every week. You can also fluctuate between tutors if you like. With that discount, I paid $210 for 1 year of private tutoring for my kids (age 10 and 11). Without that discount, it would cost $300 for the year, which in my book is a steal. Check it out.



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BYU is very hit-or-miss, according to a friend who uses it often. The course materials are written by the professors, so you're at the mercy of the individual teacher. Some write great material, others not so much. She uses their math from 7th grade on (after Saxon) plus some of their science classes. She finds it useful to have some graded classes (by someone other than mom) on her kids' transcripts for college. BYU does have an extensive list of basic school courses, and they were in the business of correspondence courses before the internet, so their name is recognized. As Attila the Mom said, they're often used successfully for recovery.  

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  • 5 weeks later...

Mom in High Heels,  I will be taking Scott Powell's History at Our House for American History next year.  I took his European History for Upper Elementary children this year and learned so much.  Oh I am 45 by the way.. :)  Seriously, my 9 and 12 yr old loved this guy.  I listened to every recording commuting to work, and I learned more from this elementary class than I did in high school or college.  Mr. Powell is very entertaining, knows his stuff well, and delivers it well.  I think he is a great history teacher.  You can do either recordings of Webex, or live Webex with the class.



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