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Health care provider's response to your spotting in early pregnancy?


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What has your experience been? Has it been a, "Why don't you come on in and get checked out?" Or has it been a "Well, if you're going to have a miscarriage, you're going to have a miscarriage...there's not a lot we can do about it?" Etc.


I'm experiencing spotting (not full-on BLEEDING and no cramping) at 9.5-10 weeks (been going on for days), and I'm just wondering if my hcp's (actually 2 of them...I see a practice and have talked to 2 of them) is typical.

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When I had spotting at 11.5 ish weeks, they said that most of the time spotting is normal, and not always a sign of a m/c.  It was unlikely that I was having a m/c because we'd seen a heartbeat on US at 5 weeks and apparently that was a 5% chance or less of losing the baby. 


I had the option of going to the ER (as it was the weekend) for the spotting, or waiting to see.  They left it up to me.  I went to the ER.  For me, unfortunately I'd had a missed m/c and the baby had died about 3 weeks earlier.  I needed a d&c as my body wasn't responding to the loss. 


I hope all is ok! :grouphug:


I also would be upset at the other response. 

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Mine would always ask for more information. What colour was it, how much was there, how long had it been going on, had my body been otherwise stressed, etc. If my answers to any of those caused them concern, they'd schedule an ultrasound. If it was just a little litle pink or brown spotting on occasion when I'd had a busy day of running around, etc, they'd tell me to keep an eye on it and let me know if it got any worse or lasted for longer than a day.

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With my first I was bleeding heavily around 14 weeks.  It was the weekend and he had me go to the ER.  I had placenta previa and was on modified or complete bed rest the rest of the pregnancy.  

With my last I started bleeding around 8 or 9 weeks.  It was before I had even been to the dr. My appt was scheduled for the next week.  I went to the ER on my own.  The bleeding was not bad but I was convinced I was miscarrying.  I had lost one in between w/no bleeding.  Turned out to be nothing but the bleeding did coincide with the same time my period would have been due.  My dr. said sometimes there is some break through bleeding around the time a period would be due.  He did an ultrasound but would have done one anyway because it was my first appt and I was AMA.

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Thanks, gang. I have called twice (perhaps it's because it was after hours???????) to let them know I was spotting and wondering what I should do. The first midwife (yes, midwife) I talked to said, "But we saw a heartbeat at your last visit (2 weeks ago), so if you start to bleed red blood or if you start cramping, call back." I called back the next day because the spotting was still there and was pinker, not just brown anymore, and talked to a different midwife. She is the one who said, "Well, to be honest, if you're going to have a miscarriage, you're going to have a miscarriage, there's not a lot we can do about it."


Yes, we did see a heartbeat at 7.5 weeks, but I have absolutely ZERO pregnancy symptoms (not even fatigue), and after 8 pregnancies of first trimester nausea and fatigue (both boys and girls), no pregnancy symptoms is not normal for me at all. When I mentioned that to the first midwife, she said that no pregnancy symptoms means nothing at all (which I know is true in some cases, but in others it means there is something wrong).


I finally told the 2nd midwife that I'm going out of town in less than 2 weeks, so honestly I'd like to know if I need to cancel my trip because I'll be waiting around to miscarry. So she is ordering an ultrasound for sometime this week.


BUT all that is beside the point...I was just curious as to whether their response was typical and my expectations were just too high. I've never spotted with any other pregnancy, so I've never had to deal with this before. I was a bit taken aback by their response, to be honest.

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I had spotting that did and didn't lead to miscarriages with at least four different doctors. When I was spotting and nervous with my first pregnancy, they had me come in for an ultrasound. After that, I don't bother calling till it was more than spotting. Sometimes they had me wait and sometimes they didn't, but it really seemed to depend on how I was handling things.

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I started at around 7 1/2 - 8 weeks.  hadn't even had a pg appointment.


come on in and get checked.  did bloodwork. did more bloodwork because it wasn't rising like it should (it eventually plateaus.  did US.  was sent to the hospital for an internal US (dr didn't have that equipment.) saw heart beating.  diagnosis: implantation bleeding.


I spotted off and on until I was 12 weeks.

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I miscarried our second baby at 8 weeks. The first mid-wife was very short and cold and told me if I was going to miscarry, I would and there was nothing they could do. I called again a couple days later, the 2nd midwife ordered an ultrasound, which and I passed the baby while in the bathroom at the ultrasound place. The tech called the midwife, who then called me, and was so kind and supportive and followed up again with a phone call in a couple of days.


I bleed with all four of my subsequent pregnancies and each time I called and asked for any midwife except that first one. Each time an ultrasound was ordered, but I carried all the babies to term.


I think it just totally depends on how that particular practitioner deals with patients.  

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When I was pregnant with my second child I started spotting.  I was going through a lot of stress at the time with a death in the family and some other things.  When I called I got the doctor on call who told me pretty much that there was nothing they could do if I was going to miscarry.  I was so upset and in tears.  I called back the next day during regular hours and got to talk to my doctor's nurse.  She was very nice and had me come in for an ultrasound.  Everything turned out to be fine and I went on to have a healthy pregnancy.

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Statistically, I am under the impression that if someone is going to miscarry at less than 12 weeks, there is nothing anyone can do. There are, however, reasons to get checked out. For example, infection of some sort might be triggering the miscarriage. Also, an ectopic pregnancy can sometimes present as spotting early in the pregnancy. Finally, many healthcare providers want to know blood type in case Rhogam must be administered as well as an hCg level to use as a baseline to assure the miscarriage, if it happens, is complete. The doctors I work with are mixed on whether or not an ultrasound is needed initially. If someone has already had an ultrasound, then they might wait. But if someone has not had an ultrasound yet, then it is helpful to rule out an ectopic or molar pregnancy. Ultrasounds are not always available in ERs after hours except to rule out surgical emergencies.

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I've had both responses from two different doctors. My first bleeding experience I was a little further along and I had partial précis that was causing it. Dr told me to come immediately to the hospital that time. My 4th pregnancy I had spotting and different dr said nothing could be done so I just had to wait and see. I had spotting for about 3 days with this pregnancy and didn't even bother to call this time. Hope everything goes well with u and the little one.

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With my first I had spotting around 8-9 weeks. I was terrified. They had me come in and did a US and all was well. I am 0- blood type so I got a Rhogam at the same time.  I was told that it was possible that since my hubby is AB+ that the rhogam would help prevent a loss if one was starting. That DD is now 12. I have had another child (DD5) and am pg with my 3rd DD. Never had any bleeding in the subsequent pregnancies.


I have Kaiser Permanete out here in CA and we have learned that if you do not want to go to the hospital do not bother calling. At least during pregnancy anyway.

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What has your experience been? Has it been a, "Why don't you come on in and get checked out?" Or has it been a "Well, if you're going to have a miscarriage, you're going to have a miscarriage...there's not a lot we can do about it?" Etc.


I'm experiencing spotting (not full-on BLEEDING and no cramping) at 9.5-10 weeks (been going on for days), and I'm just wondering if my hcp's (actually 2 of them...I see a practice and have talked to 2 of them) is typical.

I, unfortunately, had the "Well, if you're going to have a miscarriage....there's not a lot we can do about it." from a dr. who was on-call for my regular OB when I was spotting at 10 weeks with ds. This was after 9 years of infertility, and I was already a nervous wreck. Thankfully, it did stop, and ds was fine. And the on-call dr. retired shortly after this.


I had spotting/bleeding off and on throughout the first trimester with dd. I thought for certain I was going to miscarry with her, but my regular OB was very kind and had me come in each time and do an ultrasound. Dd was also fine, but it was nice to have a more compassionate dr.


Sorry you got the response you did, and I hope everything works out. :grouphug:


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Both. It tends to be "WEll come on in for a check and an ultrasound, but if you are going to miscarry there isn't anything we can do about it at this point in the pregnancy." Btdt multiple times. Results have been both miscarriages and a babies. I have bleeding early with some, not with others. I hope everything goes well for you. 

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With brownish-pink spotting, my HCPs have assured me it can be normal and not to worry unless I felt crampy or it turned RED. I would not expect them to have me come in for brownish-pink spotting. I'm sorry you got a less than empathetic or reassuring response from your HCP. :grouphug:

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I do have hypothyroidism, but they checked my levels at 7.5 weeks, and everything was well within normal levels. I'm not sure about low progesterone, but I'm assuming I don't because I've had 8 previous healthy pregnancies. Is there any way to know?

They did a super quick u/s at 7.5 to check for a heartbeat since I have had no pregnancy symptoms at all, which is highly unusual for me. We didn't even see the full baby - just a sac and a blip-blip-blip enough to know there was a heartbeat there.

I think I'm most surprised that this has been the reaction from a midwifery practice. A cranky ol' OB, sadly, I could understand. But isn't compassion and a more "loving" environment part of the point of seeing a midwife? *shrug* Also I think I could understand if I had a tendency to call with every sneeze. But I'm on my 3rd baby with them, and the only other time I've ever called and wasn't in labor was when I had a high fever a couple babies ago.


I dunno...just sort of taken aback, I guess.

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Yes, I get checked every 4-6 weeks. I'm just 2.5 weeks past my last thyroid check. In past pregnancies I haven't had to increase my meds at all (weird, I know), but I guess there is always a first.


I've heard of less-than-midwifey midwives in OB practices before too. This is a separate midwifery practice...birth in a tub, birth standing up, birth however you want practice. I guess there are some cranky midwives everywhere.... (just like there are dreamy OBs too....)

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:grouphug: I'm so, so sorry. I'm just seeing this and it sounded dreadfully similar to what I went through this spring. I have awful pregnancy symptoms and had none at all that time. I had been very nervous because of that. At exactly the same gestation, I started spotting, then bleeding and cramping. We had also previously seen a heartbeat. I did end up doing the D&C because I was in a lot of pain but nothing was happening and we wanted a chance to know what happened. We did find out that she had triploidy--three complete sets of chromosomes. I assume I didn't feel pregnant because my body "knew" that it wasn't going to work out?


I started bleeding on a Saturday morning and the on-call doctor did the whole "there's nothing we can do of it is a miscarriage" and said if I started losing too much blood to go to the ER. I have no idea how my actual doctor would have handled it, though I suspect more compassionately as once he was involved, I felt well cared for.


Again, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your baby will be in my prayers.

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Kathryn, how were you able to find out what was wrong? Did they automatically do testing? Or is that something you requested? I'd love to find out what was wrong (if we can...I know sometimes they aren't able to tell).


They can do DNA testing on the baby's remains. You can also collect them yourself without having a D&C. Normally, they will not recommend (do) testing unless you are having multiple miscarriages in a row. (No reason to find out why because miscarriage in known pregnancies is around 20%/possibly up to 70% if you factor in the unknown pregnancies.) It isn't cheap and is not normally covered by insurance. And, the majority of the time, testing shows no known cause/defects for the pregnancy to not succeed. (This was the case for us. Testing just showed a genetically healthy female.) I am so sorry for your loss. I completely understand going ahead with a D&C. I have taken that path before when my body refused to take care of things itself. :grouphug:

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Ah, that makes sense about the insurance. I know mine doesn't. With my last pregnancy, since I was AMA, they recommended the whole genetic screening thing (I just agreed so I could get an early ultrasound ;) ), and I found out after the fact that my insurance didn't cover it. (Lovely.) So I know they won't in this case.

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Ah, that makes sense about the insurance. I know mine doesn't. With my last pregnancy, since I was AMA, they recommended the whole genetic screening thing (I just agreed so I could get an early ultrasound ;) ), and I found out after the fact that my insurance didn't cover it. (Lovely.) So I know they won't in this case.


Double check with the insurance.  Our old one would cover genetic testing on a fetus but not anyone else. 

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Kathryn, how were you able to find out what was wrong? Did they automatically do testing? Or is that something you requested? I'd love to find out what was wrong (if we can...I know sometimes they aren't able to tell).

We requested it. Check with your insurance. Ours didn't cover maternal screenings, but the fetal testing was covered.

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