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Be prepared, the world as we know it might just explode.


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The following is not a brag, if you knew me personally, you would do a double take also.


In 20 years of marriage, this has never happened before.  I have all the kids Christmas presents bought, wrapped and piled up ready to go AND all their stocking stuff, wrapped and into their stockings.  I usually get that all done by midnight on the 24th.


Hubby is all bought for, my parents are done, my nieces are done, the gift exchange gifts are done.


I'm sort of scared at the moment.  Why am I so far ahead of schedule???  What did I forget to do?


I am currently unsure what do to with myself.  I guess I'll go clean something and eat a candy cane.


I've totally shocked myself. 

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The following is not a brag, if you knew me personally, you would do a double take also.


In 20 years of marriage, this has never happened before. I have all the kids Christmas presents bought, wrapped and piled up ready to go AND all their stocking stuff, wrapped and into their stockings. I usually get that all done by midnight on the 24th.


Hubby is all bought for, my parents are done, my nieces are done, the gift exchange gifts are done.


I'm sort of scared at the moment. Why am I so far ahead of schedule??? What did I forget to do?


I am currently unsure what do to with myself. I guess I'll go clean something and eat a candy cane.


I've totally shocked myself.

Well there is a big war on Christmas thread you could read. ;)

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I'm ahead of schedule this year, too, although not nearly as much as you are! I'm kind of pinching myself and keep thinking I'm forgetting something since I generally end up doing everything at the very last minute.


I think having Thanksgiving so late this year made me get my act together and make it happen.


Congratulations, and enjoy the time with your family without a "to-do" list chugging in the back of your mind!

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You forgot to bake all those cookies you were going to send to all your dear WTM buddies? Right? That's okay. We forgive you. We'll send you our addresses so that you can get right on it! :D


Except I don't bake!!!   My dd17 does the baking.  I stopped baking years ago because I hate doing it with other people in the kitchen/house, yes, I have anti-social tendencies, nor do I play nicely.   Maybe I can buy some toffee off of Marbel!  I believe that buying baked goods is the one thing I can do to support the economy. :laugh:

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Probably you should come right over to my house.


I have more than 100 packages that need wrapping and I haven't even started yet. :svengo:


It's gonna be another one of those Christmas Eves where I'm up until 5am wrapping packages and setting them up under the tree... and I was so sure I would be prepared this year!!!

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I am pretty much done except for wrapping. Since we are traveling I am concerned that the packages will get banged up if I wrap before we travel. :/ Haven't decided what I want to do about that yet.


I do have a couple  packages in transit, we mailed some moonshine to BIL and SIL :lol: and I have mailed a package off to Hawaii.  I am going to need to mail another package to Hawaii once I finish knitting/crocheting things but the crafted things tend to run late.

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I usually wrap some things while dh does the Midnight Mass. This year, however, dd wants to go to that service (she actually has to go to both as she's singing at the 5pm one), so that means I have to be done before the service! And I have to squeeze in a vacation dog visit around 9:30pm b/c I'm working for the holidays. I think I am going to forgo the bible study cookie exchange Friday and get some stuff done!!

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I'm almost caught up on wrapping, which is definitely ahead of schedule for me.  However, every day I suddenly have another, this-is-the-last-one Amazon prime order.


And, I need to find something for my mother.  That can ship Prime.


(This is my first Prime Christmas :))

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Probably you should come right over to my house.


I have more than 100 packages that need wrapping and I haven't even started yet. :svengo:


It's gonna be another one of those Christmas Eves where I'm up until 5am wrapping packages and setting them up under the tree... and I was so sure I would be prepared this year!!!


Are you sure we are not related?  

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Probably you should come right over to my house.


I have more than 100 packages that need wrapping and I haven't even started yet. :svengo:


It's gonna be another one of those Christmas Eves where I'm up until 5am wrapping packages and setting them up under the tree... and I was so sure I would be prepared this year!!!


Yeah, here too  :glare: I was done with 75% of my gift-related stuff two weeks ago. I was so proud of myself! And then…everything fell apart, and here I am hoping that the packages/cards I'm mailing tomorrow will get there in time. As usual. 


This is how our Christmas Eve goes as well--while DH tries to calm me down and help me, and then wraps two packages and promptly falls asleep on the floor next to his pile of items to be wrapped. I love that man, but he is no help in a clutch situation :lol:


I'm almost caught up on wrapping, which is definitely ahead of schedule for me.  However, every day I suddenly have another, this-is-the-last-one Amazon prime order.


And, I need to find something for my mother.  That can ship Prime.


(This is my first Prime Christmas :))


Prime is what has gotten me through this season. I don't think I've stepped foot in a store yet! Now they just need to start selling individual Christmas cards via Prime and I will be golden. 

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Probably you should come right over to my house.


I have more than 100 packages that need wrapping and I haven't even started yet. :svengo:


It's gonna be another one of those Christmas Eves where I'm up until 5am wrapping packages and setting them up under the tree... and I was so sure I would be prepared this year!!!


After several years of last minute wrapping everything and assembling $#@!*&! bikes on Christmas Eve and then having a tiff with my husband because two sleepless people are only great at tiff-ing, we made a pact.  Anything not wrapped before Christmas Eve gets a bow and set out, unassembled if need be.  Christmas Eve after the kids are asleep is now exclusively dedicated to mom and dad opening a bottle of champagne and engaging in snuggling and other, ahem, adult activities and then SLEEP.  I look much nicer in the Christmas morning pictures now.  


ETA:  No exceptions, not for one little present.  We have a tradition of wrapping Santa presents with plain paper and yarn with fancy notes, drawings and calligraphy and either of us can turn one present into an hour or more of detail work.  

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After several years of last minute wrapping everything and assembling $#@!*&! bikes on Christmas Eve and then having a tiff with my husband because two sleepless people are only great at tiff-ing, we made a pact.  Anything not wrapped before Christmas Eve gets a bow and set out, unassembled if need be.  Christmas Eve after the kids are asleep is now exclusively dedicated to mom and dad opening a bottle of champagne and engaging in snuggling and other, ahem, adult activities and then SLEEP.  I look much nicer in the Christmas morning pictures now.  


That's a brilliant idea. I would really love to enjoy Christmas morning without a splitting headache from being up until 4 a.m.--especially since, as soon as the unwrapping is over, we begin the sprint to get ready to go to DH's mom's house, which is an hour and a half away and where we spend at least 5 hours. It would also cut down on the dang wrapping paper use!


I think I'm going to suggest that to DH. 

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That's a brilliant idea. I would really love to enjoy Christmas morning without a splitting headache from being up until 4 a.m.--especially since, as soon as the unwrapping is over, we begin the sprint to get ready to go to DH's mom's house, which is an hour and a half away and where we spend at least 5 hours. It would also cut down on the dang wrapping paper use!


I think I'm going to suggest that to DH. 


Also the rest of the champagne makes breakfast more fun.  

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I'm so envious. I usually wrap gifts while watching midnight mass with the Pope.  I'm so far behind with the shopping...I just declared it's going to be Christmas Light.  Fewer gifts feels weird when I haven't spent the money we budgeted...usually I run out of money before I run out of gift ideas! I'm out of ideas and time.  Oh well...we decided to take a daytrip into Chicago on Monday and it'll be a nice way to spend a day with our home-from-college kids. 



Still envious that you're all done!!!

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Prime is what has gotten me through this season. I don't think I've stepped foot in a store yet! Now they just need to start selling individual Christmas cards via Prime and I will be golden. 


Moments ago, I ordered Starbucks gift cards that will arrive on Saturday (prime)  :)

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I'm about done too, and it's so weird!  I need 2 things and a little candy at Michaels, and I have to wrap (need the girls out of the house for that!).  Coach gifts are almost done, I should finish those and be able to deliver them tomorrow.  It helped to vastly downsize Christmas.  I keep thinking it's not much, but then I look at everything and it's really a good amount!

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The following is not a brag, if you knew me personally, you would do a double take also.


In 20 years of marriage, this has never happened before.  I have all the kids Christmas presents bought, wrapped and piled up ready to go AND all their stocking stuff, wrapped and into their stockings.  I usually get that all done by midnight on the 24th.


Hubby is all bought for, my parents are done, my nieces are done, the gift exchange gifts are done.


I'm sort of scared at the moment.  Why am I so far ahead of schedule???  What did I forget to do?


I am currently unsure what do to with myself.  I guess I'll go clean something and eat a candy cane.


I've totally shocked myself. 


congratulations!  I'm jealous.

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I'm so envious. I usually wrap gifts while watching midnight mass with the Pope. I'm so far behind with the shopping...I just declared it's going to be Christmas Light. Fewer gifts feels weird when I haven't spent the money we budgeted...usually I run out of money before I run out of gift ideas! I'm out of ideas and time. Oh well...we decided to take a daytrip into Chicago on Monday and it'll be a nice way to spend a day with our home-from-college kids.



Still envious that you're all done!!!

For a minute there, I was picturing you and the Pope sitting on your sofa watching Midnight Mass together, and I was thinking that you must be one really, really good Catholic. :D

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ETA:  No exceptions, not for one little present.  We have a tradition of wrapping Santa presents with plain paper and yarn with fancy notes, drawings and calligraphy and either of us can turn one present into an hour or more of detail work.  


That must present such a stunning view on Christmas morning.  Almost too beautiful to disturb ... almost.  ;)

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