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DD wants to take a survey....

Do you like being home schooled?  

  1. 1. Do you like being home schooled?

    • YES it's the best
    • I'm getting a better education
    • Learning is more fun at home
    • It has it's good points and bad points
    • I REALLY wish I could go to school outside the home
    • I'm tired of being stuck inside the house
    • It bothers me that my parents run my life
    • Other

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DD wants to take a survey....


She is 12 and we started home schooling last March. I think the initial coolness is wearing off and she is realizing that mom really does expect her to do work :)




She would like to know from other kids:


How do you feel about home schooling?


How long have you been home schooling?


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?


Do you miss friends and or teachers?


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?

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Dd's answers to the questions:


She loves homeschooling.

She has always been homeschooled

No, she never wants to go to public school. (She tells me that she is going to homeschool college)

She sees her friends after PS and homeschool are done

Sometimes but we work on it together.

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She would like to know from other kids:


How do you feel about home schooling?

Good and Bad. It just depends on the day.

How long have you been home schooling?

Since Preschool


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?



Do you miss friends and or teachers?

I'd like to see my friends more often.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?


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I encouraged my 11dd to answer honestly. She answered yes to the top 4, which includes it has it's good and bad points. It makes me feel good to know that she is okay with it. She only went to ps kindergarten though.


I actually encouraged my 14yob to go to public high school this year and he is not interested. My younger kids like homeschooling but are not enthusiastic students - fun for mom- not. Thanks for the poll.

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Here is the thing. My kids really like homeschooling. They don't want to go to public school, but I don't really want to plant the notions in their heads that they "should" feel a different way, so I'm not going to ask them some of those questions. :001_smile: I did ask if they like it (enthusiastic yes) and if they want to do anything differently (enthusiastic NO!).

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From my older sons (15, 14, 14) who have been homeschooled since 2nd and 3rd grade.


She would like to know from other kids:


How do you feel about home schooling? Oldest son: I like that I have a chance to graduate early by working ahead. I like not having to be up at 6 am everyday. Twins: I dunno, it's just what we do.


How long have you been home schooling? 8 years


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home? All agreed that sometimes it seems like it would be fun. Oldest "But my friends have to do a lot of homework and have some pretty boring required classes AND they have no free time."


Do you miss friends and or teachers? All three: No


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher? All three (after they finish snorting and laughing and reliving some of our uglier homeschooling moments): YES!

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My kids aren't home this week but I asked the the same questions a few weeks ago so I will give you the answers they gave me. We do a chat session every year before we decide if we are homeschooling again in the fall. My kids are given the choice between private school and homeschool. They are the ones who want to homeschool and it was initially ds13's idea.



How do you feel about home schooling? DS13 Loves homeschooling and would not want it any other way. DD9 Loves homeschooling and has no interest in going back to private school. (moms note: ds went to ps until 3rd grade, private in 4th. Dd went pre-k and k in private school. So they both know what traditional school is about.)


How long have you been home schooling?DS13 starting his 5th year, dd9 starting her 4th year.


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home? Full time: NO. We do a program for homeschoolers so ds is in an almost traditional classroom for about 10 hours a week. dd9 doesn't care if she takes fun classes but doesn't like to take acedemics out of the home


Do you miss friends and or teachers? No, the neighborhood is full of kids and they have lots of freinds in the outside activities that we do. dd9 misses having more of a variety of freinds to choose from. But she meets new people every year through various classes that we take in the evenings


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher? No, mom is nice. Hard, but nice. :D Dd9 loves having me for a mom because I let her be in control of scheduling her day.

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She would like to know from other kids:

How do you feel about home schooling?

It's not okay at times but mostly it's good. It is really fun to go out and have school at a coffee shop as we did this morning.


How long have you been home schooling?

Since kindergarten


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?

At times but mostly I like staying at home with Mum.


Do you miss friends and or teachers?

Yes, I miss friends a lot. Teachers: I can't remember.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?

:rant: Just like this picture; sometimes on, sometimes off.




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Direct quotes from my 8yo, Verdi:


How do you feel about home schooling?


I kind of like it, except that I don't get to choose most of the programs 'cause it just seems parents don't really know which programs will be fun for kids.


How long have you been home schooling?


I don't really know . . . for as long as I can remember.


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?


Yes, but not in a public school . . . at an outside table or something.


Do you miss friends and or teachers?


I haven't ever been at a normal public school but I don't think I'd miss sitting next to my friends and having to not talk to them.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?


Sometimes, yes, it does get very frustrating but it's not worse than having my Spirit Play (religious education) teacher.

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I think DD needs more time to undo all the things that were done at school.


Seems as if she's expecting to hear that other kids want out.


someone tell me it gets better (please)



:grouphug: It *does* get better. My DD was 11 when I pulled my kids out of public school....on March 20, 2006.;)


It took us months to undo public school. We did nothing other than "placement" tests to see where the gaps were and free reading -- whatever they wanted to read (that was age appropriate!) because they (& I) were sick of the accelerated reader program. We did not do school work until September of that year and that was a very disrupted year which actually worked to our benefit.


Take it easy the first year and it will get better.:grouphug:


ETA: My kids absolutely refuse to consider going back to public school. I know this because we have had discussions on what would happen if our family *needed* me to back to work full-time. The kids have both stated that if that happens we can leave them assignments, grandma can oversee them, and we can check their work in the evenings.

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DD wants to take a survey....


She is 12 and we started home schooling last March. I think the initial coolness is wearing off and she is realizing that mom really does expect her to do work :)




She would like to know from other kids:


How do you feel about home schooling?


How long have you been home schooling?


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?


Do you miss friends and or teachers?


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?


My ds12 will answer:


1. "I think it's better than regular school."

2. 7 years

3. "No" (that was a VERY quick answer!)

4. He never went to school, so no.

5. He lied and said, "no." Truth is, "YES!"


After he answered, he wanted me to say that he knows he'll eventually have to do some outside classes and he looks forward to those because they'll be in his field of interest (chemistry, math, rocketry). But, he doesn't want to go to school all day long.

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For your DD, my DS 10's answers:


How do you feel about home schooling?

Love it!

How long have you been home schooling?

Starting our 3rd year

Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?

NO! (his emphasis)

Do you miss friends and or teachers?


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?

NO! (his emphasis)



My DD is not home right now, but I will have her answer the specifics when gets back.

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DD wants to take a survey....


She is 12 and we started home schooling last March. I think the initial coolness is wearing off and she is realizing that mom really does expect her to do work :)




She would like to know from other kids:




ChloĂƒÂ« age 10....entering 5th grade


How do you feel about home schooling? It is fun because I only have to spend a couple of hours a day on school work instead of sitting in a classroom all day long.


How long have you been home schooling? Since Kindergarten...I spent about 1 month in PS


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home? Not really


Do you miss friends and or teachers?I see my friends that are PS'd when they get out of school.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher? Sometimes...but not really because it is better having my Mom help me with my work when I get stuck.


Joshua, age 8 entering 3rd grade...


How do you feel about home schooling? I like it.


How long have you been home schooling? Always.


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home? No!


Do you miss friends and or teachers? N/A


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher? Sometimes.


LOL...he is a boy of few words...:D

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DD wants to take a survey....


She is 12 and we started home schooling last March. I think the initial coolness is wearing off and she is realizing that mom really does expect her to do work :)




She would like to know from other kids:


How do you feel about home schooling?

I love homeschooling because you can get your work done a lot earlier than if you had to go to school so you have the whole afternoon to do whatever you want.


How long have you been home schooling?

2 3/4 years, I think (how long have I been homeschooling?) 2 3/4 years.

{from mom: hsing since 4th grade}


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?

At first I did but now that I'm used to it I would say no.



Do you miss friends and or teachers?

I do miss my friends, but I made new friends in homeschooling. Every year at Christmas I go back to my school and give all my teachers presents, I do miss them.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?

Not really,because she's somewhere else in the house when I am doing my work ,and when I'm done she just tells me what I got wrong. I try my best to be all ears so she doesn't have to repeat it. (most of the time) :bigear:


From Mom:

The above was from my dd12 in 7th grade. She typed in her own answers.


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Here is the thing. My kids really like homeschooling. They don't want to go to public school, but I don't really want to plant the notions in their heads that they "should" feel a different way, so I'm not going to ask them some of those questions. :001_smile: I did ask if they like it (enthusiastic yes) and if they want to do anything differently (enthusiastic NO!).

:001_smile: That's funny, that's almost exactly what I was going to say! I had dd answer it and she ansered the top one (it's the best). She does NOT want to go to school anywhere but here! So, we'll jut leave it at that! :001_smile:

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DD wants to take a survey....


My ds answers are below:



She would like to know from other kids:


How do you feel about home schooling? It is great!


How long have you been home schooling? This will be our second year.


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home? NO - I went; it was not fun.


Do you miss friends and or teachers? No, I have new friends.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?


No. My mom is a great mom.


Extra dessert for him tonight for that last answer ;)



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He chose "I'm sick of being stuck in the house". I agree that there is some monotony getting up, eating breakfast, and staying in that same place 1/2 the day while we do school. It's necessary though. In my defense, we only school 4 days a week, and have Weds. as activity day. Should be manageable....


How do you feel about home schooling?

DS9 has never liked homeschooling. Mom says, tough luck! ;-p


How long have you been home schooling?

Since K. DS9 did go to 2 yrs of preschool though, and the transition from that group setting to a home setting was pretty tough on him. He kept asking "When am I going to go to SCHOOL??" - uh, honey, you ARE at school!


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?

Yes. He doesn't like that homeschooling seems "unpopular" or "uncommon". He never has liked being one to do the "different" thing. He finds it very embarassing when the subject of "So, where do you go to school?" comes up. I've tried to explain the advantages and benefits, but it hasn't sunk in at his maturity level. Maybe he'll thank me when he's 45 or something (or not?)


Do you miss friends and or teachers?

Yes. This is one of the main reason he hates to be at home. He wishes for tons of friends, and more exposure to other kids. I do my best, but his need is hard to meet. He goes to swim team 2x/wk, has 4 different neighborhood boys to call on for playing, does Cub Scouts, gymnastics, summer camps, goes to church, Sunday School and mid-week youth group, etc. But still he craves.... what's a mom to do?


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?

YES! He says I am always grumpy by the end of the day, and feels that if I were not around him all day that I'd be happier by the end of the day. ??? I guess I am grumpy sometimes (often??), but aren't these the stresses of a family? I need to work on this one...thanks for asking!


FWIW, I think my other DD6 would answer differently. She seems to enjoy homeschooling, being with me and her siblings, enjoys the work itself, loves to read, etc. There's not a lot of arm-twisting with her, and she almost always gives a good effort. She DOES wish for more friends and playdates, but again, we work on that. My DS9 on the other hand has always been my reluctant (though bright) learner.


OK, interesting poll. HTH!

- Stacey in MA

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How do you feel about home schooling?


Both teens love homeschooling mostly because of the freedom it allows them. More time with family.


How long have you been home schooling?


Kimberly: all but 8 weeks

Tyler: all but 8 weeks but did the state virtual school last year


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?


Kimberly: no

Tyler: if he could go like once a month, once a week, once "whevener he felt like it."


Do you miss friends and or teachers?


we have other friends and teachers.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?


Kimberly: nope

Tyler: sometimes!

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How do you feel about home schooling?

-Pretty good. I'm happy with how it's worked out so far.


How long have you been home schooling?

-My entire life.


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?



Do you miss friends and or teachers?

-No, because I've been homeschooled my whole life.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?

-Sometimes a little bit, but not usually.

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I should mention that my daughter is a homeschool graduate, preparing to go back for her sophomore year at college in a week or so. But I thought it might be interesting to hear her perspective, anyway.


How do you feel about home schooling?

-Positive. I got a much better education than I would have gotten otherwise, and it allowed me the flexibility to explore what I wanted.


How long have you been home schooling?

-I'm not homeschooling anymore, because I'm in college. But I was homeschooled my entire life.


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?

-No. When I was little, maybe a bit, but I don't think I would have been happy in school.


Do you miss friends and or teachers?

-I never went to school, but I've always kept busy. We were out and about all the time, so there was no shortage of people time.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?

-Well, yeah, but we always worked it out in the end. And my mom "gets" me more than most other people do. I've actually gotten more frustrated with some of my teachers in college, but I'm not allowed to scream at them.

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DD wants to take a survey....


She is 12 and we started home schooling last March. I think the initial coolness is wearing off and she is realizing that mom really does expect her to do work :)




She would like to know from other kids:


How do you feel about home schooling?



How long have you been home schooling?

3 years


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?

nevr :glare:


Do you miss friends and or teachers?



Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?




From ds7, hs'd K-2 so far. Typed answers himself.


And the last one? "Mama, how do you spell, 'sometimes?'" :glare:

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dd9's answers


I feel it is better than public school because you get to spend time with your family.


A few months.


No, because they do not teach me what I need to know (wonder where he heard that??)




Not most of the time. A little.


dd5's answers


I don't really like school at all. I would rather play!


50 years! (okay, 2)


Yeah but no.


I have never had teachers other than mommy and I still have friends.



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I feel great about homeschooling. I have been homeschooled for my entire life. Sometimes I think it might be neat to go to public school but only to see what it's like. My mom is the only teacher I have ever had and I have so many friends that I don't even live at my house! Some of them even go to public school. Sometimes I get frustrated with my mom.



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My son's contribution:


"Good points: It's a lot better than PS because I think I'm learning more. I don't have to get up so early. I can pretty much follow my own schedule.


"Bad points: Around Mom all the time and that can get a little old."


Should I mention to him that the "bad point" goes both ways? :D

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From my 13yo dd (who checked the "good and bad points option"):


How do you feel about home schooling?

I'm glad I'm homeschooled. I've never done anything else. I wouldn't want a school running my life.

How long have you been home schooling?


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?

Not really. I can do what I want if I finish my work early. Or I can start my work later.

Do you miss friends and or teachers?

Not really.

Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?

Yes. But I would still get frustrated if someone else was my teacher. I like to learn things on my own and in my own way.


Edited to add: DD wants you to know that the worst thing about homeschooling is being w/ her 8yo brother who talks constantly. But at least she can go to her room to get away from him...she couldn't do that in a classroom!

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How do you feel about home schooling?


How long have you been home schooling?


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?


Do you miss friends and or teachers?


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?


Ds is standing right here and says the following:


"I think I'm the one of the luckiest kids in the world to homeschool" (ahem, I think this is for my benefit, btw ;))


"We have been homeschooling 3 years. We are starting our 4th."


"NO! I do not wish to attend school outside of the home! Definintely not!"


"The only teacher I liked, I get to see sometimes, so that's okay. I still have one friend from back then that I still talk to. I have made others since then."


"Yes, sometimes Mom is frustrating, but sometimes we just have to get over it and get our stuff done. We'd have to do that in regular school, too."


All right, now dd wants in on the action. She is standing here and says:


"I think hsing is definitely better than regular school and the school day is much shorter."


"I've been hsing with my brother for 3 years, going on 4."


"Sometimes I think going to regular school would be cool, but then I hear how my friends are doing in school and I'm glad we stay here."


"I still am friends with some of my friends from school. Others, I don't see anymore, but I think about sometimes. I had one teacher that I still get to see sometimes."


"Sometimes I get frustrated with Mom as my teacher, but not very often. Usually she gets mad at my brother and not at me because I listen."

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My 13 yo dd responded:



She would like to know from other kids:


How do you feel about home schooling?



How long have you been home schooling?


Since I was born.

Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?



Do you miss friends and or teachers?



Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?


Um, no. Well sometimes.


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Here is my 14yo dd answering your dd's questions:


How do you feel about home schooling?

It's fantastic! What more can I say? It's so wonderfully flexible! And more oppurtunities are opening up everywhere for homeschoolers...I think it can only get better!


How long have you been home schooling?

Since second grade (8 years). As I think back to what I had been exposed to, what kind of a kid I was turning into and how I was beginning to veiw the world - only in that two years of kindergarten and first grade - I'm so glad my parents pulled me out! It was a pretty bad atmosphere (even in a Christian private school), especially compared to being able to work at home.



Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?



Do you miss friends and or teachers?

Occaisionally, I do miss being able to meet new people in the way school enables, but I can certainly meet new people in other ways! There are so many oppurtunties for homeschoolers to meet other homeschoolers (or non-homeschoolers), it just takes a tad more effort.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?

Haha - no. Who could be a better teacher - a stranger or your mom? No, I don't mind a bit. What's even more fun is that lots of times, you aren't being taught, but learning together.


You certainly can't beat learning at home with your parents as teachers! (=

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DD wants to take a survey....


She is 12 and we started home schooling last March. I think the initial coolness is wearing off and she is realizing that mom really does expect her to do work :)




She would like to know from other kids:


How do you feel about home schooling?

I like it because my parents give me a Christian education instead of what they teach at public schools.


How long have you been home schooling?

7 years


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?

I think I'd like to take a couple of classes somewhere.


Do you miss friends and or teachers?

No, because I have friends that are homeschooled.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?


This is the mom and I say she does get frustrated with me when she doesn't understand something. Especially with math. :)


Hope this helps your daughter!

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She would like to know from other kids:


How do you feel about home schooling?


How long have you been home schooling?


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?


Do you miss friends and or teachers?


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?


My dd is 9. Here are her answers.


Homeschooling is really fun because you get to snuggle.


I've been homeschooling pretty much all of my life except for pre-school.


I don't really want to attend any other school because that would mean that I would have to be away all day.


Today is Wednesday and school in our neighborhood as started. I'm frustrated because, when I asked neighborhood kids if they could play, they had to do homework.


Usually I don't get frustrated, but sometimes I get frustrated when I don't do my handwriting right and mommy makes me do two more pages.

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My dd7's answers:


How do you feel about home schooling?


I like homeschooling. I have time to do different things. I like it because I can help pick out my own books and what I want to learn about also. I feel sorry for the poor kids in school sometimes because they don't get to learn what's best for them or even what's interesting. Sometimes my work isn't interesting and sometimes it's just plain old boring but at least there's a point to it.


How long have you been home schooling?


I went to preschool when I was a baby but that's all. It was lame.


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?


If there was a school where I could be in my right grade and do work like I do at home yes. Sometimes I think it would be fun to go to the Day School but they don't have good work there for me to do and it would probably be lame after about a month.


Do you miss friends and or teachers?


I see my friends a lot and my teachers a lot too. I have dance teachers and a piano teacher and sometimes other teachers that are like college students and I mostly like them all. One time I had a chess teacher that was not very good and I don't miss him.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?


Yes. I would rather learn on my own. I can do the things on my own a lot and just ask for help. I like to watch DVDs and learn on the computer too and of course read. But Mommy is really good when she makes out my schedule. I know what I have to do every day and for the whole week.

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Here are the answers given by my 14 year old daughter.


How do you feel about home schooling? I like it.


How long have you been home schooling? 8 years


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home? Definitely not.


Do you miss friends and or teachers? 95% of my friends are also homeschooled and I don't remember any other teacher.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher? No.

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My dd 9 says:


How do you feel about home schooling?

She thinks it's great!


How long have you been home schooling?

Since she was 4.


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?



Do you miss friends and or teachers?



Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?


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Yeah, I think we'll have to do school at the park as soon as these thunderstorms stop. I'd totally take V to the coffeehouse for school if I didn't have a 2yo tagging along.


You know that sounds like a great idea. That maybe something that helps her ease into the idea of homeschooling.




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How do you feel about home schooling? Love it


How long have you been home schooling? 7 years


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home? no way


Do you miss friends and or teachers? No, I see my friends a lot.

Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher? Only sometimes when I don't understand an explanation.

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DD11 answered this.



How do you feel about home schooling? I like it.


How long have you been home schooling? 7 years


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home? NO!!!!


Do you miss friends and or teachers? Yes. It's hard, because we don't get to see our friends living here, in MN, we saw them a lot.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher? Sometimes. When I don't understand something it's easier to get upset with my mom than it would be with another teacher.

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How do you feel about home schooling? 14yob--I really like it. We learn more and I get to control my daily schedule. 12yog--I wouldn't want to go to school. I do so much more during the day because school is so efficient. 8yog--I LOVE it. 7yog--I want to learn with mom.


How long have you been home schooling? This is our 10th year. My kids have never been in ps. They do have ps friends.


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home? 14yob--sometimes. I'd like more friends. 12yog--never. 8yog--never. 7yog--NO


Do you miss friends and or teachers? 14yob--I have friends through scouts, soccer, chess, and church. Mom's a good teacher 12yog--Just recently, I've started wishing for a friend my age but I have my sisters. I live mom as my teacher. 8yog--no 7yog--no


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?14yob--we don't call her the "homeschooling nazi" for nothing! Sometimes she assigns too much work. Mostly I teach myself and mom helps. 12yog--never! I like my mom. She's cool about school. 8yog--I like mom as a teacher especially when she reads aloud. 7yog--No, mom is a good teacher. She really loves us.





My thoughts to your 12yo dd: Give homeschool more time. It is school done a completely different way. Soon, you'll be directing more of your schooling and making more decisions about how to spend your time. That's when homeschooling starts to pay off.


My 14 yo son decides how he wants to get that days work done. He can do math at noon one day and at 4pm another. His choice. He can plow through a week of biology in one day or spread it out all week. His choice. He gets to study Biblical Greek because it interests him and go for a 2 mile run after lunch because school at home is flexible.


My 12yo dd can do an internship at a stable and practice photography during the day. She tends to have all of her work done by noon so she can do other things.


My 8 and 7 yo girls tend to do their work cuddled up together in the lower bunk. They like that someone is always around to help them when they get stuck.


In my opinion, you haven't been doing hs long enough to start seeing its benefits. Remember, you did ps for a LOOOONNNNG time. You need a long time to adjust to schooling in a different style.

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In my opinion, you haven't been doing hs long enough to start seeing its benefits. Remember, you did ps for a LOOOONNNNG time. You need a long time to adjust to schooling in a different style.



I guess my dd is looking for a way out of hs.

At this point there are some days I really need encouragement that it will get better.


She's so bright but for years she sat in (private) school turned in very little work or lost what little work she did complete. It was impossible to get her to do work when there were 18 other kids in the class. So she would get deductions for not completing the work (that was ok by her). She was bright enough to get by in most subjects.


Now that mom is holding her accountable she is stressed and wants out of hs so she can get back to being with friends.


Gosh I wish I would have started earlier.

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I guess my dd is looking for a way out of hs.

At this point there are some days I really need encouragement that it will get better.


It will get better! But, in the short run, you may have a struggle. Let's face it: you dd had it easy in ps. Now, you are holding her accountable and she doesn't like it. That's to be expected.


You may find the battle decreasing if you don't waver visibly whether you should send her back to school or keep her at home. If you have made the choice with her needs in mind, then she needs to know that the decision is final. Or, you can tell her that the decision won't be revisited until you are satisfied with her study habits, or until 10th grade, or until whatever. I suspect that if she senses that you might change your mind, she will fight you like crazy to help you change your mind.


Does she have any interest/hobby? Music? Art? Sports? Can you set up some kind of activity she love during the traditional school day? She might begin to see that the flexible schedule of homeschooling is a true advantage, in that case.


IT WILL GET BETTER!! And the character issues you are working on right now are important ones that will affect her entire life, so they are worth the time and effort (and grey hairs)!

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DD wants to take a survey....


She is 12 and we started home schooling last March. I think the initial coolness is wearing off and she is realizing that mom really does expect her to do work :)




She would like to know from other kids:


How do you feel about home schooling?

DD - age 7 - loves homeschooling

DD-11 likes it, but sometimes wishes she could go to a real school



How long have you been home schooling?

DD - 7 all my life

DD-11 :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie: ever since pre school



Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?


DD - 11 sometimes...



Do you miss friends and or teachers?

DD-7 _Never had other teachers

DD -11 i've never been to real school


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?

DD-7 - Sometimes :auto:

DD- 11 sometime

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This is from my daughter, age 9. She will be ten in October and will be in fifth grade when we start.


How do you feel about home schooling?


It has its good points and bad points


How long have you been home schooling?


Five years


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home?




Do you miss friends and or teachers?


No, because I never had any school friends to begin with.


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher?



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From DS10


How do you feel about home schooling? I Like it


How long have you been home schooling? This is my 3rd year


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home? NO! Never again, I hate the bullies, I hate the teachers, I hate the homework, I hated it


Do you miss friends and or teachers? I miss some of my friends, but I have new ones


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher? YES, She gets too bossy


From DD9


How do you feel about home schooling? It's okay I guess


How long have you been home schooling? this is my 3rd year


Do you wish you could attend school outside the home? YES, they make me do work, I had lots and lots of friends


Do you miss friends and or teachers? YES, mom says I will make more, but I miss those ones


Do you ever get frustrated having your mom as your teacher? YES, SHe makes me sit and do work, my old teacher never made me do it, I don't want to do any schoolwork and she is just mean

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