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??Newly Diagnosed Asthma & Flu Shot


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My dd10 was diagnosed with asthma last week and we now of course have her on a load of meds. We selectively vax and never do flu shots. For those of you who don't do the flu vax and have asthmatics in your family (or are yourself one), what do you do? Have the entire family vax'd, only vax the asthmatic child, forgo the vax altogether and focus on healthy habits and maintaining a strict medicine regime? FTR I have asthma (and never have the vax).

TIA for your input (be gentle please! :-) ) !


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We have one with fairly severe asthma when she is sick. Both girls have mitochondrial disorders as well as other medical issues which makes taking daily meds and staying well hydrated very important. We all get the flu shots and have for many years. We have never had the flu.


We did selectively vax---or rather more of a delayed schedule when they were little, no live vax, etc.

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DS has asthma.

We didn't do flu vax when he was younger due to severe egg allergy. He never got the flu but was always ill with something from fall to spring despite best measures. (Hand washing, changing his clothes after outings, vitamins, healthy diet, etc)

He outgrew his egg allergy a few years ago but we still didn't do flu vax.

Last winter, DS and I both got the flu. It triggered DS's asthma so bad and took months to get under control.

This is the first year ever that we all got the flu vax.

DS has a neurological condition so it was a big decision for us - which is worse: flu or flu shot?

We decided last year's flu was worse.

(That said, DS is in therapy many times a week so our germ exposure is higher than normal.)

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my daughter has asthma and we haven't done the flu shot.  We have a friend who used to work in the hospital as a PA.  He told us that every time he got the shot he also got the flu that year.  He never got the flu when he didn't get the shot.  And, of course, working in the ER he was probably exposed way more than I'd ever be.


Last year we did Sambucol, Arborne, and on hand we have the homepathic flu med. (can't remember the name).  No one in my family has had the flu in the last 15 yrs (I had it then, and it's the only time I've ever had it).  I'm not sure my husband has ever had the flu.  It's so hard to tell how much is typical hyped up media stuff, since now it seems like EVERYTHING is hyped by the media, not just the flu.


But that said, I also take a pause to consider.  The recent flu's seem to hit the respiratory system harder and I don't want my dd getting it.  

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Apparently, there may be a small risk of getting or activating Gillian Barre syndrome with vaccines. Gillian Barre causes demyelination of the nerve sheathes in the spinal cord and brain.


Here's more information from the CDC about GB and vaccines:http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/vaccination/gbs_qa.htm


I am pro-vaccine and get the flu shot every year, but respect everyone's ability to make the best choices for themselves and their families. I know lots of people who never get the flu shot and never get the flu, but I have had a very severe case of influenza with lung damage that lasted for years, so in my case, I think it is needed.

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I am always torn on this. The facts are the flu vax (shot, not mist--which is more effective but contra-indicated with asthma) is just not very effective in pediatrics. It does look like those who get the shot and do get influenza, though, might fare better symptom wise. http://summaries.cochrane.org/CD000364/vaccines-for-preventing-flu-in-people-with-asthma FWIW, my asthmatic did get the flu without a shot two years ago and did ok. But his twin (newly dx'd this past year) is more reactive to viruses. All of us were vaxed last year. I really don't like the flu vax, but I'll probably do it again this year. I liked influenza less, and if we do get it at least I'll have done what I could to reduce symptoms. If I remember my research correctly, vaccinating oneself/family members actually isn't a great way to reduce transmission to unvaccinated others. It seems like it should be! I imagine part of that is that the vax itself isn't great at preventing influenza, and lesser symptoms in the vaxed person does nothing to reduce them in the vaxed. Most of us won't get influenza in any given year, vaxed or not!

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Honestly, I would definitely have everyone in your family get the flu shot especially your child with asthma. For those who hear that someone got the flu after the vaccine, they may have mistaken the flu for a severe cold or came down with a flu strain not covered that year. I worked in hospitals for over 2 decades and have the flu shot every year with no problems at all. I did get the severe flu with extreme shortness of breath before receiving the flu shot that year which left me with severe breathing problems and exacerbation of asthma for 4 years. I would definitely get the flu shot.

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You're concerned about the flu shot causing neuro issues even though it doesn't? I'm confused.


I already said upthread - my child has a neurological condition - a neuromuscular movement disorder with clonus, to be more specific. No, I am not worried about the flu vax causing a neuro issue, but aggrivating his exisiting neuro/medical issues. My concerns range from the CDC website linked above regarding GBS to the added stress of the vax on his body.

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I already said upthread - my child has a neurological condition - a neuromuscular movement disorder with clonus, to be more specific. No, I am not worried about the flu vax causing a neuro issue, but aggrivating his exisiting neuro/medical issues. My concerns range from the CDC website linked above regarding GBS to the added stress of the vax on his body.


Ah, I see.  That makes sense.

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I have had asthma all my life. It is well controlled with medication. I stopped taking the flu shot years ago and I believe I have done better since then. Before, when I would get the flu shot, I would get sick and it would turn into an upper respiratory infection. It may have been a coincidence, but maybe not. No one else in my family gets the flu shot, either.

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I am an asthmatic as well as having another condition that makes getting the flu much worse and then i am also on immunosuppressants.  My youngest is also an asthmatic.  EVeryone in my family has to get flu vaccine (the asthmatics, my son (who is a healthcare worker and gets it free), and my active duty husband, all get the shot, my one daughter with no asthma and no other risk, gets the flu mist).  None of us have ever had the flu though lots of people around us have had it.

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My dd10 was diagnosed with asthma last week and we now of course have her on a load of meds. We selectively vax and never do flu shots. For those of you who don't do the flu vax and have asthmatics in your family (or are yourself one), what do you do? Have the entire family vax'd, only vax the asthmatic child, forgo the vax altogether and focus on healthy habits and maintaining a strict medicine regime? FTR I have asthma (and never have the vax).

TIA for your input (be gentle please! :-) ) !



My son has a lung disease other than asthma. Everyone in the family gets a flu shot-the actual injection, not the mist.

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I have a house full of asthmatics, and we don't do flu shots. My oldest DD (with the worst case of asthma) was my last kid to be vaxed. 


They were all on about 5 meds each, I forgot which, Adavair, singulair, inhalers and...I forget the others. 


Anyway, we ripped up carpets, sold our cockatoo, got rid of all the stuffys and got dust mite covers for all of their bedding. I learned to clean *green* like an insane person. No fragrances, no chemicals in the house. After a few years we had them completely weaned off the meds. 


We did have one Dd go back on an inhaler last summer for a chlorine induced asthma from swimming in our pool every day, but this year she had no problems. 



We're also very into good diet, homeopathy and herbs for healing. We have had the flu, but it was all short lived.


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My son has asthma and his main trigger is respiratory infections, so we have always vaccinated the entire family. My husband also has asthma and works in both a healthcare setting and a college, so he is exposed to everything. As far as I know, none of us have ever had the flu. Even though I rarely get sick, I've always gotten the vaccine, so as not to bring anything home to my husband and son.

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We have 3 with well controlled asthma in our house.  Everyone gets the flu shot.  It is not worth the asthma flare and subsequent issues (lost school time, increased meds, lost work time, medical bills, discomfort, spreading of illnesses to others.....) to avoid what I feel is a very effective deterrent to illness with minuscule risk involved.   In fact I know that the risks of an asthma flare are more likely than a significant reaction to the flu shot.

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I am struggling with this decision as well. I am required to get the flu shot since I work in a hospital. Sweet-Pea can get the flu mist but Boo-Boo is my asthmatic. I had never done the flu shot before but decided to start with her two years ago because of her asthma. My struggle is that she is deathly afraid of needles and shots for her require several adults to physically hold her down while she screams and thrashes. She goes to a place beyond all reason when faced with these shots. It is very traumatic for everyone involved. Just not sure I want to do that to her again this year. Trying to weigh if the risk is worth it.

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DS has asthma.

We didn't do flu vax when he was younger due to severe egg allergy. He never got the flu but was always ill with something from fall to spring despite best measures. (Hand washing, changing his clothes after outings, vitamins, healthy diet, etc)

He outgrew his egg allergy a few years ago but we still didn't do flu vax.

Last winter, DS and I both got the flu. It triggered DS's asthma so bad and took months to get under control.

This is the first year ever that we all got the flu vax.

DS has a neurological condition so it was a big decision for us - which is worse: flu or flu shot?

We decided last year's flu was worse.

(That said, DS is in therapy many times a week so our germ exposure is higher than normal.)

Sorry, I missed the fact that your son has a neurological condition. What does his neurologist say about getting the flu shot? My guess, since flu can have neurological reifications, that she recommends the vaccine, but you definitely needs your son´s neuro's input on vaccines (varicella vaccine too, unless he has had chicken pox).

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We have 2 asthmatics in our family (me and one kiddo) and always get the flu shots.  My asthma is very well controlled, DS is less so.  We have a lot of germy exposure - I work in an ER, have kids in preschool, work in the church nursery, etc.  I have only had the flu twice - both years when I skipped the vaccine.  I was hospitalized, ended up with pneumonia...it was awful (happened while I was 6 months pregnant.)  Everyone is different, but for me, the vaccine does seem to work and it's worth not being sick.

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Yes, we all get it.


After a serious 6 month bout of asthma with one kid last year (following the flu), I'm pretty sure the vaccine is a lot safer than going through that again.   (Would have been nice if the vaccine had protected against that.)


The preventative Advair alone is probably way more dangerous than the flu shot.


That said, the flu shot isn't going to protect against everything.  (See 2nd paragraph above) 


We have one serious asthmatic, 2 diagnosed with asthma that hasn't recently done anything terrible in response to the flu, and one undiagnosed (although I'm pretty sure there's some asthma going on with that one as well.  The drs just haven't seen it in action yet.)


I do think it's a little silly that I go get the flu shot every year.  I have not caught the flu from anyone BUT my kids since the first one was born.  Seems like I'd be pretty safe if they all got vaccinated.  But I do it anyway.  You never know.  I don't want to be the one to trigger the next half year of severe asthma.


However, it seems the best prevention might not be the flu shot but staying away from other people's kids.  Completely.  I don't know if that's possible.

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I thought the flu-mist was contraindicated if anyone in the family had asthma or immune problems?


Ds has had asthma (diagnosed) for 6 years. We've all gotten the shot since his diagnosis. Now that dd has the diagnosis as well, I feel it's even more important.


I skipped a few with dd because she's pretty reactive with them. (ETA: skipped a few other vaccines)


For dd to get a shot or bloodwork, she takes Ativan, we numb the spot, and a few people hold her. It's not fun at all, but it's never been traumatic past the moment meaning she's over it by the time we hit the car.

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The year I was pregnant with my first, someone I knew was also pregnant.  Back then, vaccines weren't routine and they sure didn't vaccinate pregnant women. She got the flu.  It turned into pneumonia.  And then she died. 


The flu vaccine isn't the magic bullet that, say, the polio vaccine is.  But it's probably still worth doing.  Particularly if there is a family member at increased risk of complications.

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I have a house full of asthmatics, and we don't do flu shots. My oldest DD (with the worst case of asthma) was my last kid to be vaxed. 


They were all on about 5 meds each, I forgot which, Adavair, singulair, inhalers and...I forget the others. 


Anyway, we ripped up carpets, sold our cockatoo, got rid of all the stuffys and got dust mite covers for all of their bedding. I learned to clean *green* like an insane person. No fragrances, no chemicals in the house. After a few years we had them completely weaned off the meds. 



We've been down this road too.  The carpet, the mildewy basement, the fragrances ....  It's helped, but we haven't been able to get the neighbors to stop smoking, or burning things in their firepits.  And the ragweed and outside molds are always going to be there.


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When my ds was on asthma meds we did get flu shots, because the steroids and other meds lower the immune system, so the risk of getting the flu was higher. He also had pnemonia at 3 that caused him to have some crazy effects that lasted for over a year. IMO viruses are more dangerous than most vaccines, but we have had that pnemonia thing, my dh got SVT (a heart thing) from a virus last year, and a virus was likely the trigger for my son's cancer, so our frame of reference is different than most who make decisions based on studies rather than life experience.

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I am struggling with this decision as well. I am required to get the flu shot since I work in a hospital. Sweet-Pea can get the flu mist but Boo-Boo is my asthmatic. I had never done the flu shot before but decided to start with her two years ago because of her asthma. My struggle is that she is deathly afraid of needles and shots for her require several adults to physically hold her down while she screams and thrashes. She goes to a place beyond all reason when faced with these shots. It is very traumatic for everyone involved. Just not sure I want to do that to her again this year. Trying to weigh if the risk is worth it.

Maybe this product might help:



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I thought the flu-mist was contraindicated if anyone in the family had asthma or immune problems?


Ds has had asthma (diagnosed) for 6 years. We've all gotten the shot since his diagnosis. Now that dd has the diagnosis as well, I feel it's even more important.


I skipped a few with dd because she's pretty reactive with them. (ETA: skipped a few other vaccines)


For dd to get a shot or bloodwork, she takes Ativan, we numb the spot, and a few people hold her. It's not fun at all, but it's never been traumatic past the moment meaning she's over it by the time we hit the car.

Only for the person with asthma unless the others in the house have a compromised immune system.  It is a live virus (vs a dead one in the shot) and while very unlikely, it is possible to get sick from it. 

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We have 2 with severe asthma and usually just they get the flu shot. However, my husband gets it too since he's around a lot of people at work and doesn't want to bring it home.


FWIW I've never really noticed a difference between the vaxed kids not getting sick and the unvaxed family members getting sick.  It seems completely random, which of us get sick and which don't.

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