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If you could go back in time---when and where would you visit?


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If you could go back in time for a visit---say a day or week or so---what time period and where would you go?


I think it would be very interesting to go back to about 1800 to the area where we live now...........and then about 1885 to this same area.  Things have changed so much.  In 1800 there were still Native Americans in this area (long time distance relatives of dh's tribe) and then in 1885 this area was a hopping lumber village with a train, hotel, paddle boat, stores, etc.  Now the area that was the town is a township park with horse trails with just one foundation of a house left to see.  You can still see the old rail road grade but it is mostly overgrown now.


I don't want to STAY very long but would love to see what our place looked like 125 years ago---supposedly a bigger farm.


Our township at one point was mostly swamp land, and then at another point had lots of sand dunes (think beach sand).

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I would like to go back in time to when my paternal grandpa and maternal grandma were still alive. My paternal grandpa died before I was born and my maternal grandma died when I was a toddler. I supposedly take after my maternal grandma's personality and it would be interesting to see how "true" that is.

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I'd like to go to Uganda in around 1927, to see where my mother was born and where she lived for her first few years.  I'd like to meet her as a small child, before separation from parents, early boarding school and war trauma did their damage.  And Kent in about 1936, when my father was small and before his traumatic evacuation to Canada for the war years.


Oh, and I'd like to see Shakespeare actually writing the plays, so we could dispense with the tiresome 'who wrote Shakespeare' issue.



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I would go back to the early 1900s and hang out with Indiana Jones.


Oh wait.... That wasn't real?




Too many times and places to list. I would need a TARDIS to fit it all in. But yes, I would enjoy visiting the era of my father's youth. I would love to see the actual happenings of the whole Biblical narrative.


I am enjoying reading all your answers!

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Ottakee, I often find myself looking out over a landscape and trying to envision it before the modern era took hold. No highways or paved roads, no power lines, no communications towers. It's sort of a game I play by myself. It would be fun to be able to dart back in time and see if my imagination got it right!

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Everywhere and everywhen?


I was just thinking about this last week, because I'd love to see the area we live in as it once was. We're not too terribly far from Cahokia Mounds (if you don't know what that is, you need to look it up), and I'd love to know what it looked like when there was a major metropolitan area of Mississippian Indians here, and see how they lived and worked and built the mounds.


But I'd also like to have witnessed so much more. The Reformation, the American Revolution, WWII (well, maybe not the battlefield, but the life of civilians). If I had a superpower, it would be time travel. Maybe not a very practical super power, but it sure would be interesting!

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I was just thinking about this last week, because I'd love to see the area we live in as it once was. We're not too terribly far from Cahokia Mounds (if you don't know what that is, you need to look it up), and I'd love to know what it looked like when there was a major metropolitan area of Mississippian Indians here, and see how they lived and worked and built the mounds.


Have you been to Poverty Point? It is pretty fascinating.



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I'd love to go skipping back, like a stone, to follow my family's genealogy. I'd love to talk with all the young women and mothers to get straight on who was the child of whom.


And I would also love a peek at the lives of the Adena, Hopewell and Moundbuilder Indians who lived in my area. I'd especially love to know whether they used drop spindles to spin, how they prepared their plant materials for fiber, and what methods they used for making cloth. I've read so many scientific theories and studies, I'd love to just know for sure.

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#1 without a doubt: I'd go back to about 1980 when I was a pain in the a$$ teenager. I'd have a conversation with my father, if I thought I could do so without spooking him, and I'd tell him what a FABULOUS father he was, and how much his values resonate in my life, even 28 years after his death.


If there were other trips available, I'd go back to 1907-08 Chicago, so that I might interact with my paternal great-grandparents (GGM is a genealogical mystery) and my paternal great-great-grandparents, and if I could find a way to take photos? Oh, heaven! I'd try to take pictures of my paternal grandmother a baby (they few that existed were "lost" when my step-grandfather remarried after her death).


I'd go to my maternal grandparents' homestead and find the photos my great-grandfather took when he trekked from LA to TX in 1909-10 before they were thrown away (<GAK!>). Then I'd add them to the book I made from the journal he kept of the trip.


No kings or queens or historical events for me: ancestors, ancestors, ancestors in their own time!












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I'd go back to when my twins were 18 months and get the one who ended up needing meds into the neurologist THEN, and not at age 5.  Then I'd go back to the 1960s and get family history info out of my grandparents.  Then I'd go back to the 1800s and spy on my ancestors. Then for fun, I'd go to Hollywood about 1915 and then 1925 and spy on the filmmakers  to satisfy my love of early silent cinema.  Plus I'd sneak into the studio and steal a complete 40-reel copy of the film Greed and put it somewhere safe for the me in 2013 to find and restore.


Oh, and I'd go back a year or so and find out where I put an assortment of old family photos that I now can NOT FIND!!!!!

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