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I so don't want to go. WWYD?


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It Is the last day of the dance workshop. I really don't want to sit around the small library of a small town an hour from home for a 4th day.


My house is a flaming disaster. There are errands here that need doing. And I'm practically bored out of my mind with the waiting. Five hours of waiting. Five long hours.


My in-laws are arriving a week from Saturday. Did I mention the disaster my house has become because I've not been home all week? I won't get my workout in today because I'm dreading the day and just haven't don't it yet this morning.


I could drop dd off and come home. It is an hour round trip so. I'd be home at 1:30 and have to leave again at 4:30 to pick her up. Should I? Or should I stay yet another day? The gas cost isn't that big of a problem for one time.


Or I could drive another hour south and go to the mall. I don't have money for anything but I could at least walk around. The gas usage would be the same. The dance workshop is 56 miles from home the mall is another 57 miles south.


So come back home and get started on "things". Stay put one more day. Go to the mall. WWYD?

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Yes, I think coming home might be best. I could get 2 loads of laundry done, tidy the downstairs back up (we super cleaned it this past weekend in anticipation of the MIL arrival) and make some headway on the basement. I could also get dinner started.

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The "good" me would go home and get something done! The other me the mall because it sounds like a treat due to distance. ;) No way would I sit there another day! Your dd probably has no clue how boring her fun really is for you and she will be fine.

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Besides going back home and doing laundry you could find a rec center/pool and pay the day guest fee and get in your work out. You could go for a run in a local park and then pay the guest fee at the public pool so you can use the showers (some people might jump in all sweaty, but that might not be appreciated).


I'd probably get the laundry done. You can still workout though. Throw a load of laundry in, job for 40 minutes/use a dvd for 40 minutes and switch laundry loads. Shower and straighten then it's time to start a new load before heading to pick up dd.

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If it were me, I'd stay at the library.


I don't mind driving, and like you gas isn't usually an issue ... but I know me.  And the me I know would have grand delusions of accomplishing a lot during that three hours at home, but would then sit down - exhausted - and just veg in front of the television or internet.  I'd get nothing done at home, despite great intentions LOL.  So I'd save myself the time, gas, and resulting self-loathing and just take a stupid nap at the library.  Or find a Starbucks or sports bar to pass time in.


But if you're actually motivated to work at home, three hours is a great chunk of time to get a lot in.  That's the ideal option, I think.  If you're not me B).

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I have a similar situation with ds playing chess at one of his locations. It's a one hour trip and the tournament takes about 5 hours. I bring newspapers, books, iPad and laptop (and food). I usually have a goal -- like learning a completely new computer application. It's time just for me. I have chairs in the car in case comfortable seating is taken. Personally, I don't too much back and forth -- I feel like a yo-yo.


For longer tournaments (all day) that are far away, I google and usually find something of interest to do nearby for part of the time. For tournaments that are closer, I drop off and go home.


Works for me, but YMMV obviously. Four days in a row? Yikes!



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Go back home.  I dealt with this last year when DD was doing a co-op.  When I tried to wait I was miserable.  When I tried to roam around shops aimlessly I was bored or spent money.  The little time at home still felt better and more productive.

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I'd drop her off and come home. At first I thought you meant it was an hour each way. But half hour? No biggie.

No, it is an hour each way.


I ran errands while I was still out. I hung out a load of clothes when I got home and started another. Now I'm eating lunch and will get started with some of this mess. I called dh to tell him I was home. He is getting off in time to go back down with me.

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I drop my kid off every day for a 4 hour program and head home! Is home an hour or 1/2 hour away? What's the traffic like?

There's no traffic on the interstate. Last summer they raised the speed limit to 75mph so I really only spend 48 minutes on the highway. The rest of the time is taken up getting into town heading south or the detour ( for construction) heading north.

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