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The "I am ready for summer to end and school to start" comments have already started on my FB


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When your children are always with you, your parenting becomes more deliberate. If they don't listen to me I can't teach them (and would want them to be someone else's problem, too).


A couple of people have implied that I don't care if my kid is hard to teach/manage as long as I don't have to do the teaching/managing.  That is bull pucky.  Of course we want our kids to be well-behaved and to be able to take in information presented to them.


It's harder to make that happen when you don't have as much quiet, structured time with them.  That doesn't mean we don't do our best with what we have.


The above comment (and previous one like it) is as bad as me saying that you don't care if your kid has any social skills.  (Which I would never say.)

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Wait, you have one kid and they have multiple?  That might make a difference.  Siblings fight a lot when their parents are watching. 


Starting about a week ago, I began noticing that my kids are going a little crazy - despite being busy in summer camps etc.  They don't have any ongoing structure (different camps each week) and everything is loosey-goosey.  Last night they had a toothpaste war.  This morning one of them participated in an altercation with oil paints.  Neither of them wants to listen to adults, and they get each other going until it seems like an insane asylum around here sometimes.  I love them dearly, but if I had this going on all day long, I'd scream like an inmate myself.  School is one month away, so there's no point trying to come up with a sane home structure now; by the time you'd figure it out, it would be time to dissolve it.


Mine are not normally difficult kids.  It's something about midsummer.  I remember being a kid and we were the same way.  Practically undisciplined.  Those days, we left the house after breakfast and came home late for dinner.  :)  Dirty and sweaty and all sugared up.  :)  But at least our moms didn't have to look at us all day.  ;)


I don't know if homeschoolers manage to escape the midsummer crazies, because the kids are used to being home all day.



Well, we personally don't escape them.  My living room is an absolute disaster because we have no structure right now.  It's seriously making me crazy.  Rebecca has extremely long days right now and it might be weird, but I miss them!  I love school starting back for other reasons - like a PP said, school supplies, cool weather, fall scents... and for us, meet  season!

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Both of my dds will be in ps this year for the first time in five years. I have zero guilt saying I'm looking forward to it. I love my dds and they are very easy kids. They've made homeschooling easy and never really fought doing their work, but I am looking forward to having time during the day for just me. Dds will only go to school 8-2 (one day each week they get out at 1pm) so we will still have plenty of time together.


I'm not the only one looking forward to it either. My oldest is about to go crazy. She loves middle school and says at least one time each day that she can't wait to get back. It doesn't hurt my feelings.

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Being accused of "extreme political correctness" is a first for me! :laugh:


My comment above was not directed at the OP per se, but I see the same us-versus-them sentiments every year at about this time. The tone tends to be "thank goodness WE actually like our kids, unlike THOSE moms who can't wait for them to go back to school." Those are the Mommy Wars I'm talking about. I don't think it's a battle in the Mommy Wars to hear a person say she'll shoot herself if she has to spend one more minute with her kids and find that off-putting or sad. I do think it's encouraging the Mommy Wars to take that anecdotal experience and generalize as if it's universally applicable to every mother who says, "I can't wait for school to start."



Right. It's the smug "we are so much better than them" mentality about a rather banal facebook comment that irritates me. I am a good parent, and I happen to think almost all of my friends are too, even though many do things VERY differently than me.  I don't need to put them down to be happy about myself.

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I haven't heard anyone say these are bad moms. We're expressing disappointment and sadness in the mindset. It's not the moms who are just having a bad day; it's the ones who really, honestly can't or won't deal with their own kids and really can't wait to have them out of the way. It's an attitude that some have had since their kids were in preschool. And I, along with others here, feel sorry for those kids.


It's not mommy wars. If someone doesn't want their kids around, I feel sad for both the mom and the kid(s). They are all missing out. That's not how their lives should be.




Yes. This. Exactly.


Really? You know this? My mother had eight children. She sacrificed just about everything for them. At 85 she would still sacrifice everything for them. She was overjoyed when school started back up in the fall. And you know what? I still knew she loved me with everything she had. If keeping a clean house, cooking good balanced meal for us, washing laundry, and grocery shopping was her "style," then, yes, we cramped it.


Clearly, I was not talking about women like your mom. If she spent her day cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and grocery shopping for 8 kids, she was most certainly nothing like the moms I know. Most of the moms I know do not cook, and they do not clean their own homes. They send out their laundry, and have their housekeepers do the grocery shopping. They have one or two children -- only one of this particular group has 3 kids, and she likes having her kids home all summer. Believe me, these are not exhausted housewives.


Being accused of "extreme political correctness" is a first for me! :laugh:


My comment above was not directed at the OP per se, but I see the same us-versus-them sentiments every year at about this time. The tone tends to be "thank goodness WE actually like our kids, unlike THOSE moms who can't wait for them to go back to school." Those are the Mommy Wars I'm talking about. I don't think it's a battle in the Mommy Wars to hear a person say she'll shoot herself if she has to spend one more minute with her kids and find that off-putting or sad. I do think it's encouraging the Mommy Wars to take that anecdotal experience and generalize as if it's universally applicable to every mother who says, "I can't wait for school to start."


I should point out that the mom who told me yesterday that she'd shoot herself is the same woman I saw back in May, and she was already complaining about how summer would start soon and she would be stuck with the kids.


Maybe I just know an entirely different type of mom than many people here know, but these women aren't joking when they say they don't want their kids around. They aren't making occasional comments in moments of frustration. They really mean it.


FWIW, I was not generalizing any comment as being "universally applicable." I was talking about actual moms that I know, and I know them well enough to be certain that they were quite serious. Of course I realize that a lot of moms joke around and laugh about how they can't wait for school to start so they can get some peace and quiet -- and its obvious that they either don't really mean it, or that they are just having a tough day. Those are not the moms I'm talking about, nor do I think that they are the moms that others here are discussing. We're not idiots. We can tell when people are kidding around and when they are saying something they really mean.


"I feel sad for their children," when applied to any group, is unkind IMO. Especially considering that some of "them" are members here.

Sorry, but I do feed sad for children when their mothers openly express their disdain for having them around. It's a rotten thing to do, and it makes kids feel unloved and unimportant to their own mother. I don't see anyone on this forum doing anything like that. As I have already said, I have a feeling that many of the women here simply don't know the same type of moms that I know, and have no clue about how incredibly self-absorbed they can be.
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They send out their laundry, and have their housekeepers do the grocery shopping. They have one or two children -- only one of this particular group has 3 kids, and she likes having her kids home all summer. Believe me, these are not exhausted housewives.


Maybe I just know an entirely different type of mom than many people here know, but these women aren't joking when they say they don't want their kids around. They aren't making occasional comments in moments of frustration. They really mean it.

They forgot to interview and hire summer nannies :lol:
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Interesting thread.    I too have been taken aback at some of the things parents have said to their kids about how they can't wait till they go back to school.  Then I realized I have said similar things to my kids about going away to camp.   But it's in fun, and they know it, and I have to assume that for the most part, the other kids and parents understand it's in fun too.


I'm sure there are some parents who aren't kidding, and some kids who get their feelings hurt. 


But I have zero idea what is is like to be a stay-home mom with kids in school -  my kids have never gone to school.  I have zero idea what it is like to be a working mom - I've never been a working mom.  (No jokes please that all moms are working moms. ;) )  Yeah, the champagne mimosa parties at the bus stop on the first day of school are a bit much, I think.  (Though now that I type it I'm not sure if I've really heard that those happen, or just that some moms think it would be fun.)   But, you know, I don't want those moms judging my relationship with my kids, so why would I judge theirs? 

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We have these same threads every year at back to school time. Yawn.


I have zero interest in judging other families or speculating what relationship they have with their kids because they - gasp - are looking forward to school, for whatever reason.


The board is predictable, if nothing else.



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So why are you friends with these awful people?

I never said that I was friends with them. I was friends with a few of them many years ago, before I had my ds, but they couldn't understand why I didnt hire a nanny to take care of my baby so I could still do everything I had done before he was born. Our priorities were far too different for us to have remained friends, so we pretty much just drifted apart. It's not like there was any sort of Mommy Wars Smackdown or anything. :rolleyes: They are women who live in my neighborhood, so I see them quite frequently when I go for a walk, and I also bump into them around town or at Starbucks.

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I have a feeling that many of the women here simply don't know the same type of moms that I know, and have no clue about how incredibly self-absorbed they can be.


Yes, I think you're right.  I've hung in many different kinds of groups, from serial welfare mom (with CPS record) to high-power executive divorcee mom, and I have yet to meet someone who sounds like what you are describing.


Could it be that you are really just thinking about one or two specific people whom you know, and the "looking forward to school" comment just reminded you of those specific people?


Now that one woman you mention sounds like she has something in her life that is making her miserable, and I doubt it's actually her kids.  Maybe her husband is cheating on her or something.


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Yes, I think you're right. I've hung in many different kinds of groups, from serial welfare mom (with CPS record) to high-power executive divorcee mom, and I have yet to meet someone who sounds like what you are describing.


Could it be that you are really just thinking about one or two specific people whom you know, and the "looking forward to school" comment just reminded you of those specific people?


Now that one woman you mention sounds like she has something in her life that is making her miserable, and I doubt it's actually her kids. Maybe her husband is cheating on her or something.


There are 5 of them -- there are a few others who joke around a lot about counting down the days until school starts, but it's obvious that they are only kidding.


Personally, I don't think the kids are making any of the moms miserable. I think anything or anyone that got in the way of them being able to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted to do it, would receive the same kind of treatment.


I have no idea what's going on in that one particular mom's life, but if I had to take a guess, I would say that she's just a spoiled, self-centered brat who wants her own way. She has always been quite the drama queen, and I'm pretty sure that every time I have ever talked to her, the conversation has been All About Her. I do think she loves her kids, in her own way. I really have no doubt about that. She just doesn't want to deal with them unless she's in the mood to deal with them, and I wish she wouldn't say mean things about them to me when the kids are standing right there. It's hurtful to the kids, and very uncomfortable for me.

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I remember when I was 9 and my mom had a mom friend over, and I was supposed to be unloading the dishwasher.  I was taking it easy because there was "company" over.  My mom threatened to spank me if I didn't finish in x minutes.  I didn't, and she spanked me.  With her friend right there.  I was shocked and humiliated.  (But I never made that mistake again, LOL.)


I do believe it was probably summer . . . .


My mom adores kids, especially her own (6) kids.  I don't think she realized how deeply that incident would affect me, until after she did it.  We're all human.


Not sure why I put that out there.  I guess I was trying to remember if I ever felt horrible about anything my mom ever said in front of me.  That was the only example of humiliation I could think of.

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I haven't heard anyone say these are bad moms. We're expressing disappointment and sadness in the mindset. It's not the moms who are just having a bad day; it's the ones who really, honestly can't or won't deal with their own kids and really can't wait to have them out of the way. It's an attitude that some have had since their kids were in preschool. And I, along with others here, feel sorry for those kids.


It's not mommy wars. If someone doesn't want their kids around, I feel sad for both the mom and the kid(s). They are all missing out. That's not how their lives should be.

I must have missed where you or I get to decide how their lives should be. Dress it up as sadness all you like, this us vs. the big bad THEM nonsense is saying that some people are bad moms and others are not based on little more than how much time someone needs or chooses to be away from their kids.
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I must have missed where you or I get to decide how their lives should be. Dress it up as sadness all you like, this us vs. the big bad THEM nonsense is saying that some people are bad moms and others are not based on little more than how much time someone needs or chooses to be away from their kids.

Wow. Overreacting much? :glare:


I must have missed the part where you get to decide what people post to this thread. ;)


And FWIW, I haven't heard anyone generalizing about the "big bad THEM."

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I don't begrudge moms their personal time, either, but when moms have all day, every day during the school year for "personal time," I think it's pretty selfish to be so resentful when they have to take care of their own children for a few months during the summer. These aren't women who spend their days cleaning the house and doing laundry or taking care of yard work, and it's also not like they are rushing off to their jobs every morning, trying to juggle the extra responsibility and expense of things like daily childcare and worrying about what their kids are doing while they are at work.


And honestly, I don't feel any jealousy toward the moms who chose to do things differently, and who want more personal time than I do -- but I do feel very sorry for their children. It must be quite sad for them to know that their moms would prefer to play tennis or golf or go shopping or out to lunch with their friends every day, instead of spending time with their own kids. :( Before I had my ds, I was one of those women, so I really do understand the mindset and the attitudes. I'm just glad I don't share those same views any more -- and so are my dh and my ds.


I'm not directing this part toward you, but it's more of a general comment. I'm just not sure why, every time there is a disagreement about things like this, it's automatically classified as "mommy wars." Why shouldn't moms be able to disagree, just like everyone else? :confused: I don't buy into the idea that we should all smile and get along nicely and not be critical of each other, for no other reason than that we're all moms and should support each other no matter what. I don't think it harms or negates the concept of motherhood when we debate about topics like this. There is room for all of us, but we are definitely not always going to be supportive of each other. And I don't necessarily view that as being a bad thing. I don't really want to be around a bunch of Stepford Moms, all telling each other how wonderful we are, and how everything everyone does is just fine, and that no one has the right to say anything critical of any of the other moms, because that would cause divisiveness and anger among the ranks.


I guess I just think the whole "mommy wars" thing is kind of ridiculous and reeks of extreme political correctness, which doesn't really work for me. :D


Sorry I'm ranting about this, but I just had yet another conversation this afternoon with a harried mom who is counting the days until her kids go back to school, so her life can get "back to normal." She said she doesn't know how she will survive for another month without shooting herself in the head. :rolleyes:


All that whining is making me cranky.

That's sad. I have one mom on my feed like that who seems to post nothing more than negatives about her kids. I try to save the venting for semi-incoherent texts to DH instead of posting them in public. Of course she always harps on her husband too. I'm not sure the negative types like that are ever happy. Once school starts, they'll find something else to ruin their days.

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That's sad. I have one mom on my feed like that who seems to post nothing more than negatives about her kids. I try to save the venting for semi-incoherent texts to DH instead of posting them in public. Of course she always harps on her husband too. I'm not sure the negative types like that are ever happy. Once school starts, they'll find something else to ruin their days.

That's a good point. Some people have a hard time finding anything positive to say about anything.

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Both of my dds will be in ps this year for the first time in five years. I have zero guilt saying I'm looking forward to it. I love my dds and they are very easy kids. They've made homeschooling easy and never really fought doing their work, but I am looking forward to having time during the day for just me. Dds will only go to school 8-2 (one day each week they get out at 1pm) so we will still have plenty of time together.


I'm not the only one looking forward to it either. My oldest is about to go crazy. She loves middle school and says at least one time each day that she can't wait to get back. It doesn't hurt my feelings.




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Actually, I AM quite ready for our homeschool year to start. I love spending sumer time with my kids, we had a great time traveling extensively and having lots of new experiences together , and now it is time for everybody in the family to go back to a regular routine and do productive work. I find that work and school give life structure and routines, a sense of accomplishment, an apreciation of free unstructured time. I would not want to have endless summers. I am very much looking forward tonwork. DD is very much lookingnforward to her classes. DS...well, teenage boys of cours think that playing video games all day is heaven ...

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I haven't heard anyone say these are bad moms. We're expressing disappointment and sadness in the mindset. It's not the moms who are just having a bad day; it's the ones who really, honestly can't or won't deal with their own kids and really can't wait to have them out of the way. It's an attitude that some have had since their kids were in preschool. And I, along with others here, feel sorry for those kids.


It's not mommy wars. If someone doesn't want their kids around, I feel sad for both the mom and the kid(s). They are all missing out. That's not how their lives should be.


I must have missed where you or I get to decide how their lives should be. Dress it up as sadness all you like, this us vs. the big bad THEM nonsense is saying that some people are bad moms and others are not based on little more than how much time someone needs or chooses to be away from their kids.

Wow. Overreacting much? :glare:

I think LucyStoner was responding to the previous post, oozing of judgment for the poor kids whose moms couldn't wait to get rid of them, are missing out and can't deal with them. I don't know about anyone else, but I have my own struggles as a mother and would be pretty pissy with some self righteous mom "feeling sorry" for my kids.


I think I just have a visceral reaction to parental judgment.



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I think LucyStoner was responding to the previous post, oozing of judgment for the poor kids whose moms couldn't wait to get rid of them, are missing out and can't deal with them. I don't know about anyone else, but I have struggles as a mother and would be pretty pissy with some self righteous mom "feeling sorry" for my kids.


I think I just have a visceral reaction to parental judgment.



I don't think anyone was making sweeping judgments, or even judging individuals based on one or two offhand comments. I can't speak for anyone else, but I based my comments about specific moms I have known for years, and who have consistently made the same kinds of negative comments about their own children. Obviously, I do believe that the vast majority of moms love their kids, want what's best for them, and enjoy spending time with them (even if that time is sometimes quite limited, depending on the circumstances,) and I also realize that almost everyone makes a negative comment or complains about their kids a little here. However, there are some parents who view their kids as nuisances and who complain about them all the time, and who try to minimize the time they spend with their children because they would rather be doing something else. And maybe I shouldn't do it, but I do judge those women and I do feel sorry for their children.


Honestly, if you met the women I posted about, I'd be willing to bet that you would walk away from the conversation feeling much the same way about their attitudes as I do. But I definitely don't have a general "us vs. them" mentality, possibly because most of my friends don't homeschool (and I still think they are great moms.)

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This thread really is rather tame. When KnowledgeQuest posted that image on Facebook, the comments were so vile that I'm half considering just unfriending the whole page.  I was even attacked for pointing out the image they were using isn't even a real image, it really appears to be just humorous parody! but its unlocked such bile that it has poisoned the air there.


And yes, maybe some of what I am reading is because I would desperately love to homeschool. But it isn't in the cards for our family right now and I don't see blue sky for when it will be. But the fact that I put my son on the bus to public school does not in any way mean I don't care about my kid. The fact that I walk out the door every morning and go to work to keep a roof over our heads when I'd rather be with him all day and get more time to actually parent and actually teach him myself -- that is what says I care about him.  Right now that is how I show my love and care. Is restricting the hours I have with him and doing my best to be a good steward of what is given to me since what is not given to me is what I want.


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I don't think anyone was making sweeping judgments, or even judging individuals based on one or two offhand comments. I can't speak for anyone else, but I based my comments about specific moms I have known for years, and who have consistently made the same kinds of negative comments about their own children. Obviously, I do believe that the vast majority of moms love their kids, want what's best for them, and enjoy spending time with them (even if that time is sometimes quite limited, depending on the circumstances,) and I also realize that almost everyone makes a negative comment or complains about their kids a little here. However, there are some parents who view their kids as nuisances and who complain about them all the time, and who try to minimize the time they spend with their children because they would rather be doing something else. And maybe I shouldn't do it, but I do judge those women and I do feel sorry for their children.


Honestly, if you met the women I posted about, I'd be willing to bet that you would walk away from the conversation feeling much the same way about their attitudes as I do. But I definitely don't have a general "us vs. them" mentality, possibly because most of my friends don't homeschool (and I still think they are great moms.)

I agree there are parents who don't enjoy spending time with their children, and I would feel sad to hear a mother complaining about their child "most of the time", as it would indicate other issues and a general discontent with life, not a homeschooling/public school issue, which is the context of this thread (and. every. darn. year). To view isolated comments about feeling happy for school and thinking that you can conclude anything accurate and meaningful about their life as a mother and their relationship with their children is silly, and smacks of self-righteousness.



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I don't think anyone was making sweeping judgments, or even judging individuals based on one or two offhand comments. I can't speak for anyone else, but I based my comments about specific moms I have known for years, and who have consistently made the same kinds of negative comments about their own children. Obviously, I do believe that the vast majority of moms love their kids, want what's best for them, and enjoy spending time with them (even if that time is sometimes quite limited, depending on the circumstances,) and I also realize that almost everyone makes a negative comment or complains about their kids a little here. However, there are some parents who view their kids as nuisances and who complain about them all the time, and who try to minimize the time they spend with their children because they would rather be doing something else. And maybe I shouldn't do it, but I do judge those women and I do feel sorry for their children.


Honestly, if you met the women I posted about, I'd be willing to bet that you would walk away from the conversation feeling much the same way about their attitudes as I do. But I definitely don't have a general "us vs. them" mentality, possibly because most of my friends don't homeschool (and I still think they are great moms.)


I've run into moms like you are describing, Cat. Lucky are the posters who haven't


There are bad parents in the world. They run the gamut from apathetic to abusive. It's not a mommy war to talk about them.

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To view isolated comments about feeling happy for school and thinking that you can conclude anything accurate and meaningful about their life as a mother and their relationship with their children is silly, and smacks of self-righteousness.





I think it's absolutely wrong when people automatically judge someone as a bad mother based on something like an offhand comment they overheard a stranger make in the grocery store, or even when they get all upset over a friend or family member making a similar comment, when it's not an everyday type of occurrence. We all have bad days, and we all sometimes say things that could be interpreted in a negative way. It only bugs me when it seems to be the norm with certain people, rather than the exception.

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Wow. Overreacting much? :glare:




Clearly I am not alone in finding some of these remarks self righteous and judge-y.  I see your point about people saying hurtful things to/about/in front of their kids.  I totally agree there are some bad parents.  I just don't think all of these comments are innocent venting or directed at actual examples of bad parenting.  It's not like people who send their kids  to school are supposed to just quietly read that they only spend a couple of hours a day with their kids and it is so sad and not find that snarky.  If I, as a homeschooler and full-time homemaker find some comments eyebrow raising, I can only imagine how people who use public school and day camps and gasp, hire housekeepers like my brother and friend would feel reading them.  

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This thread really is rather tame. When KnowledgeQuest posted that image on Facebook, the comments were so vile that I'm half considering just unfriending the whole page.  I was even attacked for pointing out the image they were using isn't even a real image, it really appears to be just humorous parody! but its unlocked such bile that it has poisoned the air there.


And yes, maybe some of what I am reading is because I would desperately love to homeschool. But it isn't in the cards for our family right now and I don't see blue sky for when it will be. But the fact that I put my son on the bus to public school does not in any way mean I don't care about my kid. The fact that I walk out the door every morning and go to work to keep a roof over our heads when I'd rather be with him all day and get more time to actually parent and actually teach him myself -- that is what says I care about him.  Right now that is how I show my love and care. Is restricting the hours I have with him and doing my best to be a good steward of what is given to me since what is not given to me is what I want.

I did unfriend the page. Way early yesterday when it first went up...and it was due to promoting the other side of stereotypes.

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That mum can do what some of my neighbors did every year, full booked their kids into summer camps for the whole summer.

Except for babies and toddlers, all my neighbors kids seems to be in summer camps. No kids around during the day.

That's exactly what's happening with some of our friends. It costs a bundle of money but they are in camp every week, although it is a different camp every couple of weeks. So these camps get booked quickly, months before the summer vacation. Every week is planned out, from the very beginning to the very end of summer.


It's just like year-round schooling for these parents.

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That's exactly what's happening with some of our friends. It costs a bundle of money but they are in camp every week, although it is a different camp every couple of weeks. So these camps get booked quickly, months before the summer vacation. Every week is planned out, from the very beginning to the very end of summer.


It's just like year-round schooling for these parents.

Not just like school because there is no established routine. You're constantly on the far left side of the learning curve. It is very intense ime.
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I can't wait for other people to send their kids back to school.  We like having the park to ourselves.  ;)


On a more serious note, I don't read too much into those types of comments.  People tend to dramatize for effect.  I know plenty of moms (both working outside the home and not) who send their kids to school.  The vast majority of them are great moms who love their kids very much.  And yes, some of them might post a comment like that.  It's not my thing, but I don't make judgments about their parenting because of it. 


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It's probably easier to say, "Can't wait for school to start!" than to say "I'm thrown off by my drastic change in routine and I want life to be like it is 10 months out of the year."

<disclaimer, I only read the thread down to the above post, busy day>


I agree. I don't think it means that they don't like their kids.


I am ready for school to start because I like routine, but we have to finish organizing our school things, then my sister visits for a week, THEN we are starting school.

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I'm totally ready for my child to go to school. DC has been hs'd her whole life, but I cannot wait to share this with someone else. I am pretty much skipping through Target (or Staples) right now. It was a great run, but counting down the days. I will be able to just love my child & be just Mom.

I am a little jealous. I feel no shame in that either.

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Is that a superpower or just like a special top secret weapon?

I guess it must be, because I haven't seen it. I haven't read a single post where a mom said she loved her kids more than other people love theirs. And I also haven't seen any signs of "homeschool mom vs ps mom wars," either, so I must really be clueless. :rolleyes:

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"I feel sad for their children," when applied to any group, is unkind IMO.  Especially considering that some of "them" are members here.



My personal favorite is "I love my kids and love being with them." Lovely passive/aggressive slam.


It's a common meme on homeschooling boards when a non homseschooling parent talks about needing space from their kids. Or when a homeschooling mom talks about arranging "me time".

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