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Name spelling and how would you pronounce it?


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I would probably figure out that it was "Julie" after a moment or two, but in general, I'm not a fan of unexpected spellings. If you do spell it that way, I hope you will be forever gracious in correcting the thousands of people who spell it "wrong" by spelling it the expected way.

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Guest submarines

I'd think it was a cutesy spelling of July, and pronounce accordingly. For some reason (maybe because it is July and I'm hot) it wouldn't even occur to me that it was an attempt to spell Julie.

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I would use Seven. He can say "Like the number " and that's that. If you use a variation, he'll have to give that whole explanation you just typed out. Read that to yourself 100 times. Because you will have to explain every. Single. Time. You meet someone, and when he's older, he will, too.



I would say Julie. May I ask, why not use the e?

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I like Sevien a lot.  I've actually heard the name before, though never saw it spelled.  


Juli looks like Julie, I think.  But I do think people will be confused a lot.  I gave my kids fairly easy spellings of names, though unique ones, and people mess it up all the time. 

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My (very distant) cousin is named Juli. It is pronounced You Lee. Occasionally people will call her Hoo Lee. I don't think she has ever been called Julie. She lives in a small town where nearly everyone is of German descent, with a few fairly recent immigrants from Colombia. 

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I like Sevien a lot.  I've actually heard the name before, though never saw it spelled.  


Juli looks like Julie, I think.  But I do think people will be confused a lot.  I gave my kids fairly easy spellings of names, though unique ones, and people mess it up all the time.

She will have to spell it a lot. But, I always have to spell my first name, and my last name and the road I live on. Each of my children have to spell their names even though they have the easiest/most common spellings of their name (and 3 of them were in the top 20 lists in the year of their birth). If you like it spelled Juli, spell it Juli. I prefer Julie but spelling your name each time does not lead to a terrible life. Really. :-)


Oh, and I've heard the name Sevian and I kind of like it.

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I personally know a Juli Ann who goes by just 'Juli' and pronounces it 'Julie'.  She doesn't seem to have any problems with anyone mispronouncing her name.  As far as I know, she has always gone by Juli.  Her parents, however, were Hungarian and I have to wonder if in her early years, she didn't get called 'Yuli'.

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I'd have guessed July before Julie, sorry!


Sevien is pronounced sev (like seven) Ian (the name). Yeah I know weird names or spellings. Dh wanted Seven (like the number) but I just couldn't name a child a number especially since he wouldn't be child number seven :)

Ah but Ian the name can be "eee-an" or "eye-in", so you're still not out of the woods!

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I know somebody named Juli and it's pronounced like Julie. Not a huge fan of the spelling in general, but if your older girl is Cali, then I would go with Juli over Julie.


I would actually prefer a name ending in something other than -li because that's a bit cutesy IMHO paired with Cali. Some ideas:









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On another note I do know a girl named Seven...though as you guessed it she was the seventh girl and 2 dogs named seven actually


I have known 3 European girls named Juli . I wouldn't think cutsie just Euro.

My youngest brother also knows a girl named Seven, and she was the seventh child.

But mine is child number 2 and will be the last.

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I would say it Yulee. Unless there was a heart over the i, in which case I would think it was pronounced Julie.


I love the name Cali. If you want something that is cute when the two names are together you could choose Lily. Lily Ann sounds nice. (Note to your dh: changing it to 'Lili' will generate a new discussion on whether it is pronounced 'LeeLee')

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