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Our Male Children and the Female Body

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Oh come on.....why would the image of a sweet little baby, suckling on the swollen breast of a 6'6" linebacker, her hands softly parting his chest hair so she doesn't get a mouthful....bother you?   LOLOLOL  Maybe that should be a new thread.  



Manscaping for the nursing father.  


Or we could try our hand at some new tongue twisters:


How much hair would Harriette Hurl from hastily tasting  Herb's heavenly hairy half and half.


:lol:  I think we have some magic mushrooms in the fridge right here. Can you come up with a few more, Tap? I can chant those tomorrow on my long commute to work.

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I think the very last thing I want to google search is male bre@st feeding. :leaving:


Oh, there are far, far worse things to search.


You won't find much with that spelling. Try "Male Breastfeeding" or "Male Lactation"

I am afraid to google it for fear this thread will be top of the result page.

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Did you notice that I said in the same post that I also look away? Why did you only pick out the part about my dh?

I am on my cell phone and I find it very difficult to read on it and I skimmed through your post. I did not see where you said you looked away or I would have included you in my comment. I can assure you I was not just picking on your DH.

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Every woman in my family has bf'ed their babies well into the toddler years and sometimes beyond, clear back to my immigrant ancestors.


We don't flash boobs and put on a big show to make random males think bf'ing is normal. We do what we do because it's what we do and it ain't nobody's business but our own. Only the last generation or two have been the nurse-in-public kind but Grandma and back before her, they all bf'ed their babies whether they let anybody watch or not.


What they did was way more to the point, which was to let their daughters grow up around women of their own family who successfully breastfed children. Women learn this from women. They don't take up breastfeeding regardless of their own preference and previous life experience just because at some point during the pregnancy their husband pipes up and says, "I remember I was seven. I was at the Mall of America and this woman was breastfeeding her baby and I saw her nipple and everything. You must breastfeed. That changed my life. That's when I really started being aware of boobs in society and all they are for is feeding babies so you have to." NOPE.


If my husband ever expressed (oh, ye gods, a pun) interest in breastfeeding our children I would think he was a freak and I'd never be sexually attracted to him again. Men are men and women are women.


Good Lord. I remember when we used to talk about education around here.

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If my husband ever expressed (oh, ye gods, a pun) interest in breastfeeding our children I would think he was a freak and I'd never be sexually attracted to him again. Men are men and women are women.


Good Lord. I remember when we used to talk about education around here.


There is a general education board, a high school board, and a K-8 board that focus on education.


Why scold people for chatting on the chat board?

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There is a general education board, a high school board, and a K-8 board that focus on education.


Why scold people for chatting on the chat board?


The Chat Board

For just hanging out and chatting. Looking for exercise tips, recipe suggestions, general advice, travel hints, or just that hard-to-find kilt picture? This forum is for you.

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The Chat Board

For just hanging out and chatting. Looking for exercise tips, recipe suggestions, general advice, travel hints, or just that hard-to-find kilt picture? This forum is for you.

??? What are you saying? These are the only thinggs we can chat about?

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Thanks. You might not want to since I dragged the board down to a Jerry Springer level.

I see a new tank top on ETSY...

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My kids have seen so much breastfeeding that they probably think of it as background noise at this point!  I've been embarrassed a few times when they've come up to bf'ing women and started playing with the baby not realizing they were making the bf'ing mom uncomfortable.  :lol:


It was totally normal when I was growing up.  Everyone in my family breastfed.  My dh had NEVER seen anyone bf ever until our dd was born.  He was not supportive and frankly horrified by it.  He got over that after awhile and after I almost cut him into little pieces for telling me to wean her by 6 months so he could bond with her. :huh:   My in-laws still are rather frank about feeling like even discreet breastfeeding is sexual abuse or voyeurism, so I do find it important to normalize breastfeeding.  So don't worry, OP, if your kids ever come across my family, they'll see bf.  Not much boob, though, I don't have much to show off there. :p

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I dont think there is anything odd about the idea that exposure to breastfeeding and the sight of bare breasts will sort of desensitize kids to the over sexualized idea of breasts which is prevalent in our society and reinforce what breasts are for- to feed babies.  In fact I think anthropology and psychology would agree with the idea.


Psychology also has a term called the Oedipus complex.  Just sayin'.

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I dont think there is anything odd about the idea that exposure to breastfeeding and the sight of bare breasts will sort of desensitize kids to the over sexualized idea of breasts which is prevalent in our society and reinforce what breasts are for- to feed babies.  In fact I think anthropology and psychology would agree with the idea.


I don't know how the breastfeeding culture is in the UK (whether it is acceptable for a woman to nurse her baby in any public place or, like in some of our States, a woman can be asked to go somewhere out of the sight of the general public to nurse), so I don't know how common it is for people to see a woman breastfeeding.  But the higher exposure to the naked bOOk (the UK is known for being less...prudish...than the USA in their television, etc.) does not corrolate with a higher rate of breastfeeding, not at all.  In fact, the rate of mothers who exclusively breastfeed their 3 month old infant in the UK (17%)is only slightly more than half the rate of mothers who exclusively breastfeed their 3 month old in the USA (33%).  So unless there is a huge difference in the rate of public breastfeeding that is observed in the UK than in the USA, statistics disagree with you.  A high level of exposure to bOOks does *not* result in a higher rate of breastfeeding.

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Psychology also has a term called the Oedipus complex.  Just sayin'.



Wow. And I bet if it's not that, then it'll turn the child gay. Smh.



There's about as much solid evidence for the latter as there is for existence of the former. As in none.

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Guest inoubliable

Thanks. You might not want to since I dragged the board down to a Jerry Springer level.


Do we have a Steve the Bouncer type around here? Or should we just chant "Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!"? 


I'm so confused. I've been watching Maury lately, not Jerry. 

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I'm so confused. I've been watching Maury lately, not Jerry.

I could totally see this on Maury.


"He breastfed his daughter until she was three years old --- but now he thinks he might not be the father! We've got the DNA results right here to find out... on the next Maury! "



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I could totally see this on Maury.


"He breastfed his daughter until she was three years old --- but now he thinks he might not be the father! We've got the DNA results right here to find out... on the next Maury! "






If it was on Jerry Springer, you'd have to work in a stripper pole, some chair-throwing, and a fist fight.  Doesn't really work as well with the breastfeeding father theme, although I guess it could.  Actually, it totally could.   :D


ETA:  this is my 3,000th post.  Such a proud moment in my posting history.  :tongue_smilie:

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If my husband ever expressed (oh, ye gods, a pun) interest in breastfeeding our children I would think he was a freak and I'd never be sexually attracted to him again. Men are men and women are women.


Good Lord. I remember when we used to talk about education around here.

Well, I have been considering the biology of a man breastfeeding, the psychological impact on the breastfed child, the sociological implications of men breastfeeding in public, a couple of people were momentarily stumped by the mathematical implausibility of 1 mom + 6 kids at one time = ?, and now you've tossed in some literary analysis; I'm actually starting to feel pretty good about this thread.

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Wow. And I bet if it's not that, then it'll turn the child gay. Smh.


Sorry, I was being facetious; apparently my humor didn't come across.  I like to poke fun at Freud any chance I get. :tongue_smilie:


Turn the child gay?  Say what??  :confused:

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I dont think there is anything odd about the idea that exposure to breastfeeding and the sight of bare breasts will sort of desensitize kids to the over sexualized idea of breasts which is prevalent in our society and reinforce what breasts are for- to feed babies.  In fact I think anthropology and psychology would agree with the idea.



I dont think I said exposure to the naked breast produces high bfing rates.  


Sometimes I wonder about the conclusions some of you people draw from things.  Reading comp workbooks suggestions needed?


I don't think her conclusion was too far-fetched, given what you wrote.

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This is truly one of the strangest threads I've ever read!  I informed my DH he could have breastfed our children.  The horrified, disgusted look on his face was priceless!!!!


I just wish someone would have informed me about this 22 years ago. I could have slept through a few more nights... :lol:

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This thread reminded me of this parody, which I have always found hysterical.



Disclaimer: do not watch if you are offended by cleavage, profanity, implied lesbianism, or the acknowledgement that straight guys love hooters.

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Can I join you? Yikes.

Indeed you may. We will sit here with our slightly horrified, informed looks on our faces. 


I'm sorry, but a father breastfeeding is NOT natural. The Lord just did not design men's bodies to do that if they are healthy and in a natural state. So I will NOT be encouraging my sons to do that. I am very, VERY pro breast feeding, I nursed both my boys. There's no reason a woman can't be pro breast feeding and be pro modesty at the same time. Good grief. And no, I don't get bent out of shape if I see a mama nursing in public not covered up. But I have taught my boys that breasts are a private part of a woman, and while they are for feeding babies, they should also be covered up. So if my boys saw a mama out feeding without a cover, they'd look away out of modesty. And I find NOTHING wrong with that. That doesn't teach them that breastfeeding is shameful or gross or immodest. It teaches them that there is a time, place, and way for everything, and we should be decent. And that different people have different standards of what "decent" is, and that we should respect both them and ourselves by following our own standards while not judging theirs. If there's nothing in the Bible about it, it's not a big enough deal to make a "rule" for. We just strive to be modest AND understand the natural uses of a woman's breasts. 


Same concept as when we go to the pool or beach regarding clothing. It's honestly not that hard to teach.

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Indeed you may. We will sit here with our slightly horrified, informed looks on our faces.


I'm sorry, but a father breastfeeding is NOT natural. The Lord just did not design men's bodies to do that if they are healthy and in a natural state.


God man in his image. Men have nipples and the capability to nurse their young.

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God man in his image. Men have nipples and the capability to nurse their young.


No one's arguing that. Yes, they *can* nurse. Is the milk going to be as good or abundant as a mother's if the father is in a natural, healthy state? No. It's not. Because that's the way the Lord designed it. For women to do the nursing. 


I don't see it as a bad thing that men are not designed to nurse children. We are all designed in His image, but for different purposes.

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No one's arguing that. Yes, they *can* nurse. Is the milk going to be as good or abundant as a mother's if the father is in a natural, healthy state? No. It's not. Because that's the way the Lord designed it. For women to do the nursing.


I don't see it as a bad thing that men are not designed to nurse children. We are all designed in His image, but for different purposes.

Could you post a link to the study where you found your information about the quality and quantity of the milk a father makes, please? I would really appriciate it, thanks!
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Could you post a link to the study where you found your information about the quality and quantity of the milk a father makes, please? I would really appriciate it, thanks!


Likewise please provide us with evidence that a father's milk is better for babies than formula.


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Likewise please provide us with evidence that a father's milk is better for babies than formula.



And tell us of the men you know who would actually be willing to do this?  I'm talking in real life... not some story you read online.

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Father's milk?? What? Am I the only one that is slightly horrified at this? Do men have milk ducts? I have never in my (apparently sheltered) life heard of this.


Heh. I've met people who are horrified at the thought of mother's milk.


The tissues responsible for lactation develop in response to prolactin. With women this happens during pregnancy. Similarly, males can lactate if there is enough prolactin in their system. This can happen spontaneously in cases of starvation, pituitary tumors, and as a side effect for some drugs (thorazine comes to mind), and also with therapy for the purpose of inducing lactation (rather like some women who adopt choose to nurse their child).

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