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Is it just me or did anyone else have trouble loving their Ipad?

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I think I may be the problem on this one.  Dh ok'ed an Ipad2 purchase last week and i've been seriously thinking of returning it.  My 5yo. loves it because of the ninjago app. I downloaded for him, I also got the Reading Raven app. and the Letter School app..  Please help me to find the Ipad love because i'm just not feeling it.  The problem is that I had some many plans and things that I had planned to use it for BEFORE I bought it, lol, now I can't seem to think of anything to use it for. 

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I am so addicted to my ipad I have trouble imagining people not finding a use for it.


I keep it very close by so I can look up facts immediately when anything comes up that I don't know. "Mom, how come...?" I may not know, but I can find out right away while we are still interested.


Although it isn't the best photo-taker in the world, a poor photo is better than no photo for some situations. I can snap a pic of anything interesting we are doing without leaving the room to go get my camera.


Contacts, calendar and email are all integrated. It is so easy to contact people when you have their info available and a calendar always right there.


Music and audiobooks -- load up the ipad and listen whenever you want.


I keep my recipes in a file on my ipad and look at it while cooking.


I am a list maker and checkbox ticker. I can create endless lists on my ipad. They all stay together easily and quickly accessible in one tidy app (not lost somewhere written on the back of an envelope hidden under piles on the desk).


School apps. We use Word Wizard for spelling tiles to go with AAS. We have a subscription to BrainPop Jr. We use Solar Walk and Star Walk with astronomy. We have an ipad geoboard for math, along with the place value app Number Pieces. We have atlases and nature guides. We use YouTube to look up videos of things we learn about. We use Google Earth to fly over countries we study.


Then of course there are endless educational games.


I could keep going!! I think you may just need more time with it to figure out what it can do. Make sure you keep it close by or else it won't get used.

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I love my iPad so much, that I'm trying to beg DH to get me a mini iPad so I can have two. We actually have 4 iPads in the family, but my husband is a developer for mobile programming and only 2 of them are ours, the rest are for is job. But I use mine for everything.


I buy every homeschool book or guide in ebook so I can use it while teaching. We look things up instantly, all my recipes. My bible, books, yeah. I love it!

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Ok ladies, please help me to love mine.  Should I go ahead and sync it with my nano and get all of my music and podcasts on it or should I leave the two seperate?  I also have a Kindle Fire and downloaded the Kindle app. onto the Ipad, but need some help figuring out how to get my other books on the Ipad.  Have you used any of the Itunes unitversity courses?  What about Ibooks, do you prefer to buy your books there or from Amazon?  Thanks

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WEll, Paprika is an amazing recipe app. AMAZING.


But I cannot imagine not having mine either - i've had it since release day!!!


I do all my reading in the Kindle and iBooks app for starters. I do most of my web browsing on it... even when I go thru phases where i'm not doing a lot on it, I still prefer it over everything else.


Off to check out some apps we aren't using and apparently should be :D

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I go for the free classics on iBooks. So far I have downloaded Sherlock Holmes, Alice in Wonderland, Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, 20,000 leagues under the sea and others. I also have free childrens books in Deutsch and Chinese for my boys.

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Give it some time. I didn't love mine at first. I thought it was a lot of money for something that was neat, but unnecessary. I love it now.


I think whether or not you sync with nano depends on how much memory the iPad has. The iPad doesn't need headphones or a speaker to play music, and unlike the nano, you can buy music on the iPad.


To get your books, go to the kindle app, click books from the home screen, then click Cloud, and then download your books.

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I use mine everyday and can't imagine not having it.


I use it to sit in the yard while reading, researching, emailing.


I use it for lessons and buy pretty much all curricula in ebook/PDF/online format since it's usually cheaper and I don't have to wait/pay for shipping.


I use to to plan on Evernote. I take notes on everything from library booklists to chapter books, to Great Courses, to notes from a book I'm reading, to grocery lists, Target lists, etc.


I love having access to our library's digital and online catalogue so I can download/place holds on books as I'm researching for upcoming month/year.


I use Audible all the time.


We use it to instantly look up anything from encyclopedia info to youtube videos to Ted talks to recipes. I bring it with me as I move around the house: into the kitchen, living room, homeschool room, etc.


Our library has subscriptions to online world encyclopedia as well as Tumblebooks. Both are free to use from my home with my library card. We use these a lot.


Splash math is a great way to get in math facts practice for my older ds. I have my younger ds free phonics program in iBooks.

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I admit mine it used for just three things:


Watching tv shows. The only TV is in the attic which during this summer usually is very humid and about 35 temperature. The other option is my computer which is on the main floor of the house in a room that is also the computer room, kitchen, school room. 


Checking the hive mind board, and occasionaly other internet searching.


Lately all the audio books Youngest wants to listen to our only availble as e-audio check outs. The only device they work while on in our house that he can take to bed is my ipad. 

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I love mine.


I read books - nook app and kindle app both.  I listen to music - tons of music cds that we pulled into iTunes on the PC and loaded to the iPad.  I watch movies - itunes and Netflix.  Games (I'm a Spider Solitaire addict)  The iPad is my go-to for fast recipe look ups - well, fast EVERYTHING lookups.


DD plays games, does research, and does school work on the iPad.  I have lots of PDFs that I load up for her to read, especially science and history.  She also does math fact and spelling practice with various apps.


ETA: almost forgot the metronome!  Biggest use - every single day is the metronome and tuner apps for music practice.  DD also plays her accompiament CD tracks on the iPad with the headphones when she practices.  Very Cool!

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A year or so ago, I wasn't sure how I'd use an iPad either, and now it's rarely more than a few feet from me. I like it so much better than my desktop computer.


-E-books -- via Notability (if they're in PDF form, because I can make notes right on them, or have the kids do worksheets right on the iPad, which means less paper clutter), or the Kindle app, or the iBooks app. See if your library has e-books, too.


-It's more fun to do math on the iPad than on paper, says my daughter. It also makes a nice whiteboard and is very portable.


-All of my grocery lists, household lists, etc. are on the iPad. Very easy to grocery shop with the iPad instead of a paper list. Again, much less paper clutter!


-Quick and portable access to the internet, including maps and my google calendar.


-No dragging everyone to the computer just to look at a quick video or something. It's just simpler and easier on the iPad.


-I do occasionally watch TV on it, which means I can sit in my comfortable rocking chair instead of at the computer.


-Between Notability, Dropbox, and QuickOffice, I can work on word processing or spreadsheets or PDFs from anywhere, including my rocking chair or bed.


-I have the Homeschool Helper app, which is, so far, really great for tracking schoolwork.


All that being said, I would highly recommend getting a Bluetooth keyboard/case for it. That is what makes the difference between mine being "eh, cool shiny toy" and "seriously useful;" with the keyboard, the iPad functions as a small (but not ridiculously small), more portable laptop. There is very little that I can't do with it, and I rarely use my desktop machine anymore.

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I have, but can't figure out what I should get

Don't overthink it. There are a lot of free apps, so download any that look interesting, useful, or fun and try them. If you don't like them, just delete. Many paid apps have "lite" versions so you can try them free. If you go to Featured in the App Store and scroll down to where it says Essentials, you can find different collections of apps. That might be a good place to start.

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Don't overthink it. There are a lot of free apps, so download any that look interesting, useful, or fun and try them. If you don't like them, just delete. Many paid apps have "lite" versions so you can try them free. If you go to Featured in the App Store and scroll down to where it says Essentials, you can find different collections of apps. That might be a good place to start.


Thank you!

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My DH bought me one much to my protest. Now I'd have a hard time parting with it. I love checking all my e-mail in one inbox. My toddler can find what she wants on Hulu and Amazon when I need to keep her occupied. iTunes, instant web searches for quick random kid questions complete with large photos. YouTube science videos, apps for everything. Maybe I'm behind the times but I just found an app that scans documents to PDF, I can e-mail or fax them! We are building a house, that app has saved a TON of time and kid related stress at the P.O. And/or Office store.


I have PDF student pages the kids can do right on my iPad using a stylis or just a finger. The eBay app with notifications for saved searches!


My kids can call my iPhone with FaceTime! We don't have a home phone.


The list goes on and on.

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Our family got an ipad over a year ago. I am mostly a pen and paper kind of girl. Although I have learned to love reading books on my kindle. It wasn't until both the kindle and the laptop died in the same week that it had to figure out how to use and love the ipad. After a few weeks of playing around with it, I have found I really do love it. I have particularly enjoyed the following things:

Playing audio and video where I am working in the house

The kindle app

PDF expert apps, so I can make notes and comments right on my PDFs

Educational games for the kids

Productivity apps...hopefully eventually Olly :)

Downloading PDFs of curriculum and viewing them on the ipad...even at the park :)

Notetaking on the ipad ( so easy to organize and sort through later)

Airprint apps, allowing me to print from the ipad to the printer.


It really did take me well over a year to love it, but now I have decided that I would rather have another ipad or 2 than a new laptop. (We do have a desktop computer, so we won't be completely sans traditional computer.). Good luck with your new ipad. Hopefully you can find ways to make it work for your family!

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My favorite things to do with the ipad are

*  surf the web on the couch or anywhere

*  knitcompanion - the most awesome knitting tool one could own (it is an app that helps you keep track of where you are on patterns and charts)

*  paprika - all my recipes are on there!

*  pandora to a speaker in the kitchen

*  kindle!  Free books, sharing books (all 4 members of the family have ipad or mini ipad)

*  Good reader - viewing pdfs

*  Notability - the kids are doing some lessons by writing or typing on the PDF through notability.  It is a bit of a time eater but they enjoy it.


educational apps!

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oh and I love the free ESV bible.  So easy to navigate!  For group bible study, dh and I purchase one kindle book and read separately on our ipads.  Then at bible study we can go between the bible and the reading with a few clicks.  Very handy and compact

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I love mine. But for me, it's a toy. It's for Internet, kindle, videos, maps, etc. and I don't have nearly the apps most people have.


See, this is what I don't want mine to be.  I really want it to be useful and I think it can be, I just think that I need to make the effort to really use it.  I have a problem with making an effort to use my gadgets.

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I love mine. But for me, it's a toy. It's for Internet, kindle, videos, maps, etc. and I don't have nearly the apps most people have.



I don't have an ipad and the above quote is the reason.  I do have a kindle fire and for me it is like a toy too--I use it to search the internet, check email, take on vacation instead of a laptop, read, etc. I really like the whispersynch function on the kindle fire so we can either read a book aloud or listen to the professional recording.  But it's not a tool for me and I don't think that having all the apps on the ipad would make it any different for me either.  But I felt that the kindle fire was a good price point (the 7" version--less than half the price of the ipad) for what I was going to use it for.  Maybe that would be a better option for you?



So, if you're not loving it, return it within the two week time period.  Set the money aside and see if you are still finding all the things to do it.  You can always go back and buy one--and if you wait long enough you'll probably even save money! 

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I don't have an ipad and the above quote is the reason. I do have a kindle fire and for me it is like a toy too--I use it to search the internet, check email, take on vacation instead of a laptop, read, etc. I really like the whispersynch function on the kindle fire so we can either read a book aloud or listen to the professional recording. But it's not a tool for me and I don't think that having all the apps on the ipad would make it any different for me either. But I felt that the kindle fire was a good price point (the 7" version--less than half the price of the ipad) for what I was going to use it for. Maybe that would be a better option for you?



So, if you're not loving it, return it within the two week time period. Set the money aside and see if you are still finding all the things to do it. You can always go back and buy one--and if you wait long enough you'll probably even save money!


I already have a Kindle Fire that my kids got me for Mother's Day. It took me a few weeks to love it too. I think my problem with the IPad is that I've heard so many wonderful things about how it revolutionized the homescool and I wanted it to do that for me also. What I didn't think about is that I need to work on making it work for me. I'm hoping that I do fall in love and won't return it because I do see the potential.



On a side note, I downloaded toontastic and my kids loved it. I had to wrestle the iPad away from them, even my 21 year old made a cartoon, lol.

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How I have used my IPads in the past 24 hours:



Well Trained Mind Forum

Playing games

My daily to do lists

Checking email

Tacking calories and excercise

Menu planning



Logic games

Social story app for my Aspie

Speech app with Bug

Educational videos

Identifying insects

PDF pages of math and grammar


Audio book

Putting holds on books through the library's online catalog

Using app to create a social story movie to go with skill we are working on


We have a minimum of 6 hours worth of time each week where a group of us are waiting in the car, church or waiting rooms, having iPads loaded with apps that have some educationally redeeming value is a great thing for us.

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Also, I have a lot of my founding documents, (scope and sequence, state information, etc.) loaded so that I can do planning on the go. My IPad plus a spiral bound planner is how I carry all my household and school planning.

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How I have used my IPads in the past 24 hours:



Well Trained Mind Forum

Playing games

My daily to do lists

Checking email

Tacking calories and excercise

Menu planning



Logic games

Social story app for my Aspie

Speech app with Bug

Educational videos

Identifying insects

PDF pages of math and grammar


Audio book

Putting holds on books through the library's online catalog

Using app to create a social story movie to go with skill we are working on


We have a minimum of 6 hours worth of time each week where a group of us are waiting in the car, church or waiting rooms, having iPads loaded with apps that have some educationally redeeming value is a great thing for us.


This is the type of stuff I need to learn to do on it. Do any of you use the financial tracking apps.? What menu planning app do you use? Can I listen to MP3 audios? I'm thinking of getting the lectures by SWB and listen while I plan.

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I got a mini earlier this year. My first ianything. I'd always claimed to be a semi modern day Luddite. I did't want or need any of those type of gadgets. Now, after only 4 months it is like an extension of my being. I use it for everything. It is such a nuisance now when I have to turn on my laptop.

Other people have already listed most of what I would list. It just makes life easier. It has really been great for homeschooling. Reading, research, videos, quick look ups to check something, notes and lists. So, so many uses.


I still don't have a smart phone, and I'll never get one. I have no use for a gadget like that. (I've never said anything like that before....)

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Ok, I "think" i'm starting to feel the love.  Instead of returning it, I bought a stylus (that my 5yo. is in love with) and that has seemed to make a world of difference.  Also, my 5yo. declaring that Reading Raven was so totally fun helped a ton, he is also enjoying playing with Cursive Touch.  I think i'll really love it as soon as I figure out how to write on PDF's and then buy some to use, lol.

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I still don't have a smart phone, and I'll never get one. I have no use for a gadget like that. (I've never said anything like that before....)


I hate my smart phone and I really mean that, it NEVER works like it's supposed too, of course it could be operator error, lol.

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My smart phone (iphone) is what convinced me I would love an Ipad lol! - now I've thought about getting a 2nd ipad ( or mini?)  and going back to a regular old cell phone.   Heck probably a mini with phone service would be perfect (half my phone usage is using speaker - the other half I could go to a headset).


I do wish apple would let you upgrade storage though. 

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Ok, I "think" i'm starting to feel the love. Instead of returning it, I bought a stylus (that my 5yo. is in love with) and that has seemed to make a world of difference. Also, my 5yo. declaring that Reading Raven was so totally fun helped a ton, he is also enjoying playing with Cursive Touch. I think i'll really love it as soon as I figure out how to write on PDF's and then buy some to use, lol.

Get Notability. Very easy to use and organize. Well worth the few dollars to purchase.

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I just charged an iPad mini and am giving it a trial. I had NO love for the iPad 1. It needed a dedicated and properly working main computer and that is just something I cannot depend on having. :lol:


I love my Photon Q phone. I have insurance on it and Sprint has to fix whatever goes wrong. It has unlimited data. It makes me feel safe, because I'm always connected. I have no TV, home phone or wifi. So my phone is my only outside communication.


I blow up computers constantly and literally. I'm just so hard on them. I buy them cheap, run them without any protection, and use them hard. And as for the fire and smoke part--I don't know how I do that.


So, I'm giving this mini a trial. I have a neighbor that lets me tap off his wifi for now, but it's important to me that it's light enough to easily transport to a free wifi spot. I think this is all I need to replace my ailing computer.


The mini screen is almost square, so displays a pdf almost as large as a 10 inch screen on a wide screen tablet. I love the look of the white keyboard with the white tablet. I like white tablets for pdf and ebook reading. Black is better for video, but I don't do much of that. I can read a backlit screen better than a book, with my current level of age related eyesight problems. I wish the iPad had a card slot, but I can put a card in my phone and transfer ebooks through dropbox; so I can get documents from storage onto the iPad without a computer.


So...we'll see. As a platinum member at the "free store" as I call it, I get a generous trial period, and a generous period of time to pay for the item interest free if I keep it. I think the mini white might be growing on me.

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I'm with the OP on this! My iPhone revolutionised my life, but the iPad was a huge disappointment. It did less than the iPhone and didn't fit in my pocket either!

I am using the iPad slightly more now simply because I am consciously using the iPhone less - I think the tiny text is giving me eye strain and headaches.

An iPhone and a Kindle, along with the good old desk top computer would serve me better that an iPad.

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We have a Kindle Fire, IPad 2, and a mini. I love my mini because I can put it in my purse. If the kids have a question I can whip it out and google before they lose interest or I get sidetracked. On our way back from MD this week, my 8 yr old did Math Mammoth on it in different colors through Dropbox and Notability. She thinks it is fun and isn't really doing Math. Lol. Im slowly getting the hang of Notability. I plan on getting a Bluetooth keyboard for it.


If you get an IPad, get the most storage you can afford. My 16 gb IPad 2 cannot store all the Liberty Kids episodes so the kids take my 64gb mini and I don't like to share. Lol

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To use FLASH on IPad....I downloaded Puffin browser. It is FAST and The flash works great!! I have used iSwifter but it doesn't compare to Puffin. The free app has ads and will give u free flash capability for 14 days. It is really really fast and it runs off 3G and wifi. I love it!

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I have both an IPad and a kindle fire. I think the fire is easier to use but I love the bigger screen on my IPad.


Eta...I also have a Nook tablet. Yes, I have three different tablets. I'm a tablet whore. I love technology!

Lol!!!  I have a first generation Nook instead of the tablet and believe it or not, I can work that better than my Fire and my Ipad.  I'm so horrible with technology, but  i'm learning or at least i'm trying to learn.

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