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Should I take her to ER?updated again

Lizzie in Ma

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I've had it, taking her to the best dentist I know at 1:00. Swelling is a bit better but she still can't open her mouth more than a fraction, still in a lot of pain, her tongue is still completely numb, I want her evaluated by someone I trust. And all she has had since Friday is jello, she is having texture/sensory issues with other soft foods because she can't feel her tongue except a little bit on the good side of her mouth. Bruising has shown up on the outside now and the left side of her neck from her ear down and under her chin still look awful.


DD had a horrific time getting a wisdom tooth out Friday morning. They cut into her jaw and broke it in half to remove it with only a local anesthetic. She is badly swollen still, running a low fever even with antibiotics, ice and ibuprofen. It runs all the way down her neck and her tongue is still numb as well. She can barely open her mouth at all. I don't want to over react but I am getting very concerned.


They hit a nerve which is why she still can't feel her tongue, changed antibiotics and more pain meds. Apparently the "paresthesia" can resolve in a few days, weeks, months or never. Great answer, so now we just wait.

Thank you all so much. She still looks and feels like hell but I am hopeful it will turn the corner now.

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Didn't the oral surgeon leave an emergency contact number for you? If not, can you call your dentist for advice?



No, none of the above. They are closed, period, until Monday, machine says go to ER if there are any problems. I hate this place, it is a Masshealth clinic and we are never, ever going back there.

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I would call whoever did the extraction first to find out what his/her advice is. Surely there is an emergency/after hours number?


Or maybe an urgent care instead of ER?



Urgent care around here doesn't take out insurance but the ER does. They only gave her two days of pain pills too but fortunately I have a stockpile.

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Oh poor girl. I got my wisdom teeth out when my older kids were 2 and 4. It was a nightmare, this supposedly posh office botched it, gave me pain killers I was unable to take, the wrong antibiotics with mislabeled instructions (pharmacy messed up too) and I had it done on a Thursday- they were closed with absolutely no after hours number to call, no answering machine even! I ended up with an infection in horrific pain in the ER. The ER doc was less than impressed at the office and the pharmacy, finally got me some pain killers I could take and I passed out and slept after being awake all day and night for 2 days in agony. Please take her to the ER, complain to the dentist office and never go back! I had my remaining wisdom tooth removed by a different dental office and they did a wonderful job and took excellent care of me, I had no problems, even though they were impacted. Only let her eat non chew foods like applesauce, sorbet and puddings- no straws or chewing until this has cleared, this was essential for me.

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:grouphug: I hope the ER visit went well. If you still are not satisfied with her care I would call your regular dentist. I had similar problems with mine and my dentist (he lived in our neighborhood so I admit to an advantage ;)) was able to help.

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:grouphug: Hope she's getting good care at the E.R.



I just can't get past:

-local anesthetic

-2 days of pain killers

-no after hours phone service




When this is all over, PLEASE write a review on Yelp, you may save someone else from this agony.

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OH I had a dry socket because it was close to my jaw and pain meds did absolutely nothing. I went in and they packed it with a shoelace -type gauze and the pain was gone within minutes. Most horrible pain ever. Worse than natural childbirth. If the pain is severe enough that narcotics don't help and she can't even sleep, she probably has a dry socket (exposed nerve I think it is.) I would take her to the ER and ask them to pack it and give her strong medication than ibuprofen. If she's on antibiotics I wouldn't worry too much about infection, swelling is just a part of having the procedure. I looked like a chipmunk for a week.

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FWIW, dd19 just had a wisdom tooth out last month and it also had to cut out with only a local anesthetic. She still had pain down her neck and throat several days after the extraction, and she was concerned about the size of the hole where the tooth came out. We took her back to the dentist to be checked and everything was fine.

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I have a friend whose feeling came back into her tongue in about 6 months. Nerves can heel slowly. Don't lose hope.

I had nerve damage that left me with no feeling in that area, and it lasted about six months. give it time.

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