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Happy Fertility and Sex Day!!


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I did my part to celebrate. ;)


And, I cooked a lot of food.... some chickens, some corn tortillas some chicken soup. Those all start with c. I think I should get bonus points for that.


I would have had dh go out and plough some more fertile fields, but there's still 4 feet of snow over most it.

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I refuse to celebrate it with 2 feet of snow on the ground. The family consesus was that we will do it in 2 weeks, on April 13. That's my wedding anniversary too so we're going to just have a fun weekend with chocolate essentially.


Chocolate and devil's eggs. ;)

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I thought Beltane was the fertility/sex celebration day. Am I confused?



Ostara (Spring Equinox), Beltaine (May Day), and Litha (Midsummer/Summer Solstice) are all sex/fertility celebrations.


Lughnasadh, Mabon (Autumn Equinox) and Samhain are all harvest celebrations.


Yule and Imbolc are birth and rebirth celebrations.


In a nutshell....

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Ostara (Spring Equinox), Beltaine (May Day), and Litha (Midsummer) are all sex/fertility celebrations.



I figured there was more than one. I mean really back in the day it was all about procreation for survival. Plus, there was no TV, books, or computers so not much else to do when done with the day's work.

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We celebrate Ostara on the Equinox, but today we went to the in-laws for an Easter dinner, since that's their thing. It's all good; I always enjoy an opportunity for feasting and merry making. :D



Well same here, but ya know... any excuse for a little old-fashioned pagan 'celebration' is fine by me. ;)

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Guest inoubliable

We spent the weekend at my friend's house. We stayed up late Friday night getting a bunch of food ready. My friend had to work on Saturday, so her wife and kids went with us to an Easter egg hunt in their town. Colored eggs last night (what do I do with the 40+ hard boiled eggs I brought home??) Then there was a huge egg hunt on their property today for our kids and baskets full of candy. And we got to see their oldest son who was home for college for the weekend. Tons of food and good friends who are like family to us.

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How are you celebrating Ishtar (pronounced Easter), the goddess of fertility and sex? The kids hunted for eggs brought to them by a bunny, both symbols of fertility and sex. :D



Technically, it's not celebrating Ishtar, it's celebrating Eostre. Stupid Facebook memes passing around misinformation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%92ostre


So on that note, no bunnies, chicks, or any good stuff besides a too full belly today for me.

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Bunny brought baskets and hid Lego-filled eggs all over the house. DH made bacon and eggs. Then we all watched The Princess Bride. The kids loved it!


I went on a 4 mile walk by myself.


Made crockpot chicken for dinner. Picked that baby clean after. Can't wait to make stock!


Then DH and I watched The Walking Dead season finale. Lots of death and rebirth in that one. ;)

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We got together with an eclectic pagan group a friend intro'ed me to. The kids did an egg hunt. Of course, this was all back on the actual Equinox. The following Friday (because Thursdays are out of home schooled for us and crazy), we had a candy egg hunt at home and the kids received baskets. I'm fairly sure we'll find the last of the candy eggs before Yule.


This weekend we took it easy. DD colored eggs and hunted them with a friend at that friend's house.

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Communal breakfast at the village hall followed by egg hunt for Hobbes. Lovely weather - cold but no snow on the ground and soil thermometer showing above zero - so did some weeding and mulching whilst Husband, Calvin and Hobbes worked on remaking the patio garden. Set up an egg hunt for both boys in the afternoon. Big hunk of (cheap Aldi) roast beef for supper, cooked by Husband.



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We spent the weekend at my friend's house. We stayed up late Friday night getting a bunch of food ready. My friend had to work on Saturday, so her wife and kids went with us to an Easter egg hunt in their town. Colored eggs last night (what do I do with the 40+ hard boiled eggs I brought home??) Then there was a huge egg hunt on their property today for our kids and baskets full of candy. And we got to see their oldest son who was home for college for the weekend. Tons of food and good friends who are like family to us.



Pickle them!

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On a side note... my favorite pagan-ish ritual is Beltane. By then, northern MI is usually out from under the snow and the green has taken hold. Since DH and I have been together, we have ALWAYS celebrated it with a bonfire and the uh... "old rites." It's our thing.


My parents announced their intention to visit during that stretch. For 16 years, we've managed to squeeze this off by ourselves. Ack. Just ack. We are currently trying to figure out what/how to make up a convincing story. :laugh:

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DH was working a 24 hour shift. No 'celebration'.


The kids did hunt down some eggs. :)


I did my part to celebrate. ;) And, I cooked a lot of food.... some chickens, some corn tortillas some chicken soup. Those all start with c. I think I should get bonus points for that. I would have had dh go out and plough some more fertile fields, but there's still 4 feet of snow over most it.


Crazy! My family keeps sending me pictures and videos of the yard - and my aunt's house that can barely be seen behind the gigantic snowbank.

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