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What is going on with this puzzle??

plain jane

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My LO has a wooden Melissa and Doug puzzle that makes sounds when all the pieces are placed properly. It sits on a shelf in our family room (most used room in the house) with other wooden puzzles but currently the pieces are not inside it, they are beside the puzzle or under the couch LOL). We are in and out of the family room all day long. TV is off and on, etc. There is no reason for this puzzle to make a sound. And it never does...


Except at night. I use that room to watch TV or read a book in the evenings. I am up and down off the couch to get a drink or check on kids or whatever. Not a sound from the puzzle until I get up for the final time to go to bed. Then it makes its sound. :huh: Every. single. night. for the last 10 days. Nothing at all during the day. I mentioned it to dh the other night and he thought I was crazy. But sure enough, he's now noticed it too. I don't do anything different when I get up to go to bed. The light switch is not beside the shelf the puzzle is on, in fact, the light isn't always on. It's not the TV going off as we sometimes do have the TV on and off all day for the LO to enjoy a show now and then.


This puzzle is freaky! What's up? :huh:

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I don't know what is up with kids' toys at night. I got rid of a Chicken Dance Elmo that did that. Every night I stayed up later than everyone else it would turn on and do a dance for me. It never did it any other time unless the button was pushed. And only for me. DH could stay up and nothing.

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When my kids were little, they had a Barney Banjo. One night it started playing all by itself in the basement. Turned out the battery was low. Once it was replaced, we no longer had that problem. Could that be what's up with the puzzle? I wonder if it makes noise during the day/evening that aren't noticed because they're part of the everyday environment.

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It is because the sounds are light activated...at least that is what my DH tells me. We have one that is missing one piece and it does the same things. By turning a light off you are "telling" the puzzle that the piece has been inserted.



Yeah, we have one of those Melissa and Doug sound puzzles. My preschooler thinks it is hilarious that he can put the cow puzzle piece over top of the pig hole and make it oink. If you cut off all the light from the sensor it will make the noise whether it is the right piece, or any piece at all.

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We had a haunting via a Firby once.


My middle dd had a Firby (original). After a year or so she got tired of it and when the batteries died she put him on a shelf in her closet. About 3 years later LATE one night the thing came alive-- and would not stop saying "Feed Me" "FEEEED MEEEE"... needless to say she spent the rest of the night on the couch. The next morning Firby had his battery removed for good... and he was retired to a keep-sake box.

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We had a haunting via a Firby once.


My middle dd had a Firby (original). After a year or so she got tired of it and when the batteries died she put him on a shelf in her closet. About 3 years later LATE one night the thing came alive-- and would not stop saying "Feed Me" "FEEEED MEEEE"... needless to say she spent the rest of the night on the couch. The next morning Firby had his battery removed for good... and he was retired to a keep-sake box.



Oh yeah, my mom had one of the originals at her house when my girls were younger. It did the same thing. We removed the battery...and it kept talking!! True story. We couldn't get rid of it fast enough. The girls still laugh about it in a creeped out way. Needless to say, we were not interested in the new version for yds.

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I once called the police because DH was working the night shift and the kids and I were in bed and a toy car started going off in the playroom. FREAKED ME OUT! I was pacing in the bedroom afraid to come out (kids were in my bed). Police asked me to come unlock the door and I refused because I would have to pass by that room. HA! Luckily, DH drove up and let them in. Boy was I embarrassed.

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I used to have a Big Bird that was light activated. If you covered, then uncovered the eyes, it would say "Peek a Boo" sort if eerily.

During a lightening storm it was VERY scary with it going Peek a boo at night and then it would have a Hehehehe afterwards.


We called it the satanic bird and I was so glad when it was tossed.

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Oh gosh! That happened to us too! When we first moved into our new home and were still getting comfortable with the place, I kept hearing this strange noise at dusk from the Family Room. It was really creeping me out for about a week. Then one day the kids were playing with that puzzle and I realized that THAT was the creepy noise!!


You're not alone. We were baffled too!

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I had a series of strange events a few years ago that left me a little creeped out at night. During that time I fell asleep in ds's room. In the middle of the night, I was fast asleep and woke up to the sound of a strange giggle, followed by "llll lll let's talk." Scared me to death! I was not interested in talking and had no idea where the sound originated. The next morning I realized is was a talking Elmo head. Never again was anything Elmo related brought into my home.

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We have a trash can with a light sensor. For years, we had to keep it turned off and open it by hand because the only place to put it was under the edge of the kitchen counter, which put it at just the right place so that if you walked past it when it was dark, you blocked the street light in just the right way to cast a shadow and make the can think your hand was over the sensor- so it would activate. Unfortunately, when the lid activates, a little green 'open' light goes on, which casts a shadow under the edge of the counter, which makes the lid think your covering the sensor, which makes the lid open.......................... First few times it happened, it scared the crap out of all of us. We finally turned it off. Funny thing....when we moved to our current house, there was a good place to put the can and we turned the auto-open feature back on. But, it had been so long that we forgot and EVERY TIME the can opened on its own it scared the crap out of us.

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We had a haunting via a Firby once.


My middle dd had a Firby (original). After a year or so she got tired of it and when the batteries died she put him on a shelf in her closet. About 3 years later LATE one night the thing came alive-- and would not stop saying "Feed Me" "FEEEED MEEEE"... needless to say she spent the rest of the night on the couch. The next morning Firby had his battery removed for good... and he was retired to a keep-sake box.


This is why last Christmas my teen sons told me that if I planned to get my stuffed-animal-loving dd any stuffed toys be sure NOT to get a Furby. "Mom, those things do *not* have an off switch. And they're creepy!"

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This reminds me of the time I was sitting on the couch in our hallway, pregnant and knitting because I couldn't sleep. We have a Tigger-in-the-box (like a Jack-in-the-box but Tigger), and it was in the attic above me. I don't know if a mouse triggered it or what, but I heard noises and realized it was Pooh's voice saying, "Peekaboo, I see you!," which is what he says when Tigger pops up. Freaky!


(Of course, another time, I was also sitting on the couch late at night and heard our cats making SO much noise that I thought surely someone was in our basement. So I woke DH up and made him go look. Just the cats.


I think the moral of this is that I should just avoid sitting on the couch in the hallway while pregnant, because my imagination goes wild. But still, I understand -- it's so creepy when toys make random noises!!

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When I was a kid, I had an old hand-me-down Chatty Cathy that had not talked in years. I'd had her for at least 10 years at that time, and she had never worked. I just played with her as a regular doll. One summer night, there was an electrical storm. I was just about to drift off to sleep when I heard, " {crackle, crackle, hiss} Let's be friends!" come from Cathy.


I shot out of bed, and FLEW downstairs into my daddy's arms. He didn't believe me, and insisted that I'd been dreaming. What do you know, as he was tucking me back into bed, she did it again! She talked all that night, and never again.



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