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Curly Girl method for curly hair


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I have been reading about this online and have clearly been doing absolutely everything it says not to do for curly hair. Mine is moderately curly/wavy, and I am tired of fighting with it to straighten it so I have been wearing it curly for a few months. I am going to try out this no shampoo (gasp), no silicones (gasp, every product I own has them) and all the jazz it says to do. Has anyone tried this? Please report on the success of it.

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I have super curly hair. I haven't used shampoo in several years. I use conditioner instead, like a shampoo, so my hair is clean. I don't own a blow dryer. I got some DevaCurl conditioner this year and love it. I also cut my own hair and have done so for years. This is my messy hair day, which is just about every day.



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I have very curly hair and dealing with it has always been a nightmare.

However, with curly girl, I love my hair, and it's healthy and happy. :)


Oh, my eldest DD also has curly hair and she does similarly and is quite happy with the outcome. It's not frizzy and crispy anymore.

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Mine is not as curly as yours, EL, but it is thick and long and pretty crazy. :) I read this and ordered some of the products. I tried plopping it yesterday with one of my husband's t shirts but we needed to leave the house so I had to take the t shirt off my head. Harrumph. I have a picture of the back of it on my phone, but I don't think I can post from my phone to this site. I do have a non sulfate shampoo that I may use some, but I am really open to this method if it works...and it sounds pretty promising from these comments. :)

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I use the devacurl cleanser and a leave-in gel (not conditioner). I get pretty defined curls with this. When I use solely a conditioner, I definitely have defined curls, but I feel like my hair looks greasy/dirty. I've used shampoo maybe five times on the last year and a half.

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My daughter has super curly hair so I decided to try curly girl with her. She loves it. Rather than crying while we try to get a brush through her hair she has long, gorgeous ringlets.

My hair was wavy on a good day. On a bad day it was just frizzy. I began with curly girl and I love it too. It turns out that my hair is curly. All the years I spent trying to control it were just silly. For just about the first time ever, I love my hair.

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DH has a red Afro (he has UK parents so we think he's a red Scot) & DD has inherited the curls but not the colour :(

We never shampoo her hair, that is a sure fire way to get it to start dreading by the time it dries. She uses a good conditioner in the shower and leaves most of it in then plops in a towel. Curly girl method saved my relationship with her - she dances two afternoons a week & before we started doing this the battle to get her hair even slightly neat for dancing was impossible. Now we have normal complaints about combing etc but it's actually possible to put it up neatly.

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It turns out that my hair is curly. All the years I spent trying to control it were just silly. For just about the first time ever, I love my hair.


Similar experience here. I knew I had somewhat curly hair but it always was just frizzy, not curly. A couple of weeks after doing Curly Girl, I was like, "Whoa! I have real curls!" They were all ringlety. Love it.

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What are some non-sulfate shampoos? My dd's hair is very wavy. I don't think she'd go no-poo but I'd like to get her something that is better for her hair. She is definitely prone to frizz/breakage.



I've been using the Walgreens brand BioInfusion, but I'm not crazy about it. The Deva Low-Poo works the best for me.


ETA: Here are my curls:


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I have the book if you want me to send it to you.


I do the no-to-seldom poo method. i co-wash, and comb through my hair every morning in the shower while it is slathered with cheap conditioner (I find VO5 works well for this). I rinse and then condition while I wash my body. For this, I use a good conditioner. Right now it's the Aussie Moist. If I can get a good curly conditioner on super sale, I do. I *just* rinse, and I use a cotton pillow case to squeeze some wet out.


I've used various products over the years. My hair seems to, on occassion, get "used to" product. I prefer defined curls, no frizz. My dd prefers some puff.





Right now, I am using http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/shea-moisture-organic-curl-enhancing-smoothie/ID=prod6057761-product after showering.

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Love Curly Girl! I have very thick, wavy, extremely messy hair. But the curly girl routine makes all the difference between cute-messy and bag-lady-messy. I will actually wear my hair down to work now, instead of always putting it up or back.


Ditching the silicones was possibly the most important step of all, but getting rid of the conventional shampoos made a huge difference, too. I use conditioner a lot of the time but have found that I do need to use something else once a week or so -- I like the DevaCurl no-poo the best. I swim in a chlorinated pool several times a week but have had no problem even with this routine.


I use an old undershirt of DH's or a cloth diaper for squeezing my hair dry. I also really like Jane Carter's Nourish and Shine as product.


The hardest part has been finding someone to cut my hair. I get my hair cut at Devachan once a year when we go back to NYC to visit family, but there are no Deva-trained stylists here. I went to one person who did a pretty decent job, but I'm trying to get up the nerve to follow the directions in the Curly Girl book to trim my own hair, at least in the front.

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This is the end-of-the-day for me and my hair is DONE, but you can see that it's fine and curly. It tends to fall in tighter ringlets, but I had it up today.


I just use Trader Joe's Tea Tree conditioner and devacurl gel. I also have a devacut hair lady who I NEED to see this week. If I don't touch it dry, and it's not raining, I don't frizz. If it rains, I can literally FEEL the curls tighten. I do use a diffuser on cold days and sometimes I use hot rollers to make the curls big instead of ringlety.




I do have days where I can't deal and just put it into a low bun.

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This is the end-of-the-day for me and my hair is DONE, but you can see that it's fine and curly. It tends to fall in tighter ringlets, but I had it up today.


I just use Trader Joe's Tea Tree conditioner and devacurl gel. I also have a devacut hair lady who I NEED to see this week. If I don't touch it dry, and it's not raining, I don't frizz. If it rains, I can literally FEEL the curls tighten. I do use a diffuser on cold days and sometimes I use hot rollers to make the curls big instead of ringlety.





Minimal touch when wet and not touching at all dry is key.


Second day hair typically does not work for me.

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Minimal touch when wet and not touching at all dry is key.


Second day hair typically does not work for me.


I can't decide if it doesn't work for me or if I'm not doing it quite right. My hair may just be too fine to pull it off. My 'second day hair' is usually a bun because I'm cold and don't want a wet head :-/


I think the deva folks need a hair solution for curly girls who sometimes nap. There's just no coming back from that.

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I can't decide if it doesn't work for me or if I'm not doing it quite right. My hair may just be too fine to pull it off. My 'second day hair' is usually a bun because I'm cold and don't want a wet head :-/


I think the deva folks need a hair solution for curly girls who sometimes nap. There's just no coming back from that.


Or, um, spontaneous sex!

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OMG, you mean those of us suffering with super waves/curls and dry, brittle ends are not supposed to shampoo?! I never heard if this! I am going to try this for sure on myself and the youngest dd, who is curlier than I am.


Off to check out the site.

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I have the book if you want me to send it to you.




Joanne, if the other gal doesn't want it, I'd be interested if it's the later edition, not the original. I'd be happy to pay a little bit for the book and for shipping. Our library used to have it, but I think someone must have lost it (and that was the original; I'd like to read the updated version). Thank you.

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DD did curly girl for about a year before she finally decided to get straightened. She wasn't willing to wet or spray the second (or third or fourth) day and it always was a mess by then.


The process worked great for her, but she still needed a gentle shampoo about once a week. The DevaCurl One Condition was fabulous for her but expensive. We found Cure Care Conditioner at Sallys in these giant bottles and it worked awesome for much cheaper.

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Joanne, if the other gal doesn't want it, I'd be interested if it's the later edition, not the original. I'd be happy to pay a little bit for the book and for shipping. Our library used to have it, but I think someone must have lost it (and that was the original; I'd like to read the updated version). Thank you.



I got it a while ago. It's probably the original.

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I have curly hair and CANNOT use their recommendations as written. It's been a while since I read the book, but here is what I do based upon what I remember.


Recommendations I don't use:

No Poo. I have to wash my hair at least every other day, but every day if I exercising hard enough to sweat. If I don't, I get a really gross scalp condition and end up with "frosted-flakes-like dandruff." I use a very mild natural shampoo and add a touch of tea tree oil to keep my scalp condition under control. I use Burt's Bees More Moisure conditioner and comb that through before rinsing.

No silicones. I try to use fewer silicone like products, but the best product I have found for my hair is Aquage Defining Gel. No frizz and no crunchies.

Their weird hair cutting recs. My hair doesn't curl the same way every day so having them cut it based upon the curl doesn't work for me. My hairdresser treats my hair like a hedge - she works on shaping it.


Recommendations I do use:

No rubbing - ever. After I have combed the conditioner through my hair and rinsed it, I wrap my head in a towel to help dry it. I NEVER rub my hair dry. I don't do the "plopping" that I have read about because I have shorter hair.)

No touching. After I remove my towel, I put product in my hair, comb it through, scrunch and LEAVE IT ALONE.

Air dry or use a diffuser. I try to let my hair air dry most of the time, but I also use a diffuser with my blow dryer (the big claw kind, not a sock kind.) When I dry it, I am very careful not to disturb the hair so I don't introduce frizz.



Other things I do:

I just found some organic Argan Oil on sale at ImageBeauty.com (OOPS - a Groupon.) A small amount of this oil has helped me reduce the amount of gel I use and my hair is very soft and shiny.

I do blow dry my bangs with a round brush because I find that it softens my hair style around my face and makes me look a tad younger. I am careful not to disturb the rest of my hair when I do this. I usually only do this when the rest of my hair is about 80% dry.

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As the stick-straight-haired mom of a super, super curly girl, I need some more advice please. I am going to switch our conditioner and ditch the shampoo--that totally makes sense. My biggest problem is the day(s) after. How do I work with her hair on the days we don't wash? (We don't shower/wash daily due to dry hair and skin issues, so she washes 2-3 times a week on average.) She hates having her hair down--it is super thick as well as curly and she complains that it is too hot on her neck, so she ends up with pony tails and buns most days, but she constantly develops a halo of frizz around her face, no to mention the rat's nests/dreds she develops as she sleeps. If I can't brush those out, I am not sure what to do? Any advice would be great!

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Here is a problem DD had, I wonder if you Curlies have any advice.


Her hair is super curly and THICK THICK THICK. One of the reasons she hated to wet it every day was that it literally takes about 4-5 hours to dry, sometimes longer. While it is drying, it is not really attractive at all, kind of plastered to her head looking. But of course you can't touch it to pick or fluff until it is completely dry, or you get frizz. The diffuser took her about an hour to dry and she didn't have the time or patience to do that every morning.


That's why she went back to getting it straightened, because it would only look nice for a few hours late in the day on the first day she washed it.

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Haven't gotten a chance to read all the replies but wanted to add some pics, of my poor straightened hair and another of my poor siliconed hair. Then one last one of the inbetween hair, which is done with a curling iron. I am really ready to go mostly natural with my hair. The other styles take too much time and straightening is just terrible for hair - so harsh. I love seeing other people's pictures. Please keep posting. :) 44855_1561849003614_4296441_n.jpg269935_2196286104145_8228937_n.jpg299807_2325799901909_6451567_n.jpg

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I have better hair days these days using baking soda & ACV. I don't use any product, but I have nothing against using it, and just can't be bothered trying them out to see what works well.


I shampoo maybe once every few months, and only then because I may be travelling, and forgotton to bring my baking soda/ACV. It takes a week or so for the frizz to settle after shampooing. I do condition my hair sometimes, but as a PP said, it can leave it greasy/heavy looking.


Using BS/ACV I probably need to wash it every second day, but a lot of the time I'm just at home, so I do it maybe 2x week. I make sure to wash it a few hours before I go anywhere, then it's mostly dry & looks ok. I use a few Tbspns of BS in about a half cup of water, and drizzle it slowly around my already-wet hair in the shower. I massage it around for a minute, rinse off, then do the same with 2Tbspns ACV in a half cup of water. I don't really massage this around, just leave it on while I finish in the shower, and rinse it just before I get out. I towel dry with minimum of rubbing. More like just blotting. Then I just scrunch and leave it. As lots of others said, it's important not to touch it too much.


On the second day, I wet my hands and just smooth it over my hair from forehead to ends. I do this over about 10 x maybe? It's then slightly damp, but will dry quite quickly (maybe 30 mins). This actually produces the best curls for me! It seems OK to do this the 3rd day too, but that's probably the limit of nice curls. After this it needs a wash to lighten it up again. I can get away with pulling it up into a high pony that looks a little like a messy curly bun because of my hair length. If I do put it in a pony, I never brush, just smooth it up with my hands.


It took a bit of trial and error, but I think I have my routine down pat now, and am mostly pretty happy with the results.

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I have wanted to try Curly Girl however my problem (and maybe someone else has this problem) is that my whole head isn't curly. My hair naturally parts in the middle and for about 2 inches around that part my hair is straight. It has body but is straight. The rest of my hair has curls from ringlets to small waves. My hair isn't consistently curly.


I have been doing baking soda/acv for a couple years. My hair is better but not where I want it. Although that could be because it needs to be a little longer.

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I have wanted to try Curly Girl however my problem (and maybe someone else has this problem) is that my whole head isn't curly. My hair naturally parts in the middle and for about 2 inches around that part my hair is straight. It has body but is straight. The rest of my hair has curls from ringlets to small waves. My hair isn't consistently curly.


I have been doing baking soda/acv for a couple years. My hair is better but not where I want it. Although that could be because it needs to be a little longer.


This was my problem when I first started doing the Curly Girl stuff on my hair. I went to a Diva Stylist and she recommended letting my hair grow. It is now just past my shoulders and my waves are fully defined. Some are still tighter than others, but overall it looks great! She explained that you need 2.5 rotations to have a true curl or wave.


Also, I find if I use shampoos with the "cones" in them, my waves are limp and my hair just looks messy.

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You have gorgeous hair!!! I love it! I'm growing mine out, but I'm hoping it looks like your does.


Haven't gotten a chance to read all the replies but wanted to add some pics, of my poor straightened hair and another of my poor siliconed hair. Then one last one of the inbetween hair, which is done with a curling iron. I am really ready to go mostly natural with my hair. The other styles take too much time and straightening is just terrible for hair - so harsh. I love seeing other people's pictures. Please keep posting. :) 44855_1561849003614_4296441_n.jpg269935_2196286104145_8228937_n.jpg299807_2325799901909_6451567_n.jpg

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I'm trying to go fully GC but I get stuck at the "no touching" concept.


My hair is waist-length long and very thick, and left down will take 4-5 hours to fully dry. The problem is that I absolutely HATE wet hair on my back. Sometimes I scrunch it and clip it up if I know we don't have any big meetings going on at work, but then it takes a full 24+ hours to dry left like that. By the end of Day 2 after having it clipped up, it starts looking a slightly bit like the early stages of dreadlocks, which DH hates. If I plop/clip and towel (an old t-shirt) only until I get to work it's only damp, but then it ends up frizzy b/c I've had to mess with it damp at the office. I don't have time in the morning to use a diffuser on it either. :glare:


I like the Kinky Curl all natural product line, but have a hard time justifying spending the expense. I've recently switched back to regular shampoo 2x/week and every other day co-wash, but now my hair is just back to being limp and frizzy the way it was. I've been wearing it braided all this week just to simply.


I like some of the not-so-expensive GC-friendly shampoos and conditioners that have been recommended. I may have to make a trip to Sally's to see if I can find them in my store. Anyone have any other suggestions on how I can help my hair?

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Here is a problem DD had, I wonder if you Curlies have any advice.


Her hair is super curly and THICK THICK THICK. One of the reasons she hated to wet it every day was that it literally takes about 4-5 hours to dry, sometimes longer. While it is drying, it is not really attractive at all, kind of plastered to her head looking. But of course you can't touch it to pick or fluff until it is completely dry, or you get frizz. The diffuser took her about an hour to dry and she didn't have the time or patience to do that every morning.


That's why she went back to getting it straightened, because it would only look nice for a few hours late in the day on the first day she washed it.


My younger CG ends up wearing her hair down for about one day/week. The other days, I put it up somehow - usually braids. French braids, pony tails, etc. It's just easier. My dd's hair does dry faster than your dd's though. And, in between washings if she wants to wear it down, we can simply spray it a little/throw in some leavein conditioner and maybe some gel. Hers will air dry in about an hour.

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I have been doing this since a little before Christmas. I am amazed at how much curlier my hair is. I am using As I Am cowash conditioner and GVP conditioning balm, both from Sallys. I am using LA looks sport gel. A few tips I have learned so far is with the cowash, you really scrub your scalp with your finger tips. That is the only thing that keeps mine from getting itchy. After I apply gel I plop it in a t-shirt like square of fabric and then defuse after around 30 minutes. If you look on naturallycurly.com you will get lots of tips!

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Joanne, I would love the book. Will pm you. Thanks!


My biggest issue seems to be the learning curve at identifying the "no no" ingredients in products. I have a mousse I love but don't know if it is safe. It seems easier to just buy what is recommended than to read each product and determine if it is CG safe.


I don't mind giving up shampoo. My silicone habit will be hard to break. It is very well ingrained. I will just say no to silicones, though...staying strong and thinking of my CG pals here. :)

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Also, is it bad to plop using a towel? Is the towel too rough on the hair? I have trouble with the tshirt method.


I can also not keep my hands off of my hair. I have tried for a long time, but I have trouble with this, always have. I do know in my head that if I touch it, it will frizz.


And how much does a silk pillowcase help? I like to wash my hair 2-3 times a week so I have second and third day hair a lot, although I pony it up when I am not out and about. I am out and about Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Sometimes I wash my hair and go to bed with it wet. When I do this, it usually is still damp when I wake up. It is pretty thick.

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I am currently plopping in a long sleeved old t shirt. The long sleeves allow me to tie it at the top. I put some of the recommended products on it but lack a leave in conditioner, which I think will greatly help my hair. What leave in conditioners do folks use and like? Cheap it good. I am trying to go with the national brands that can be obtained at any store. I got Tresemme naturals conditioner, some Loreal stuff that I read about online and Herbal Essences gel for curlies. I'm just lacking leave in conditioner. Can I just put a small amount of the Tresemme conditioner on it?

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I use the TRESemme Naturals as a conditioner/detangler and don't rinse it out except for a few splashes of water on the very top. It works for me as a leave-in. I was surprised at how much conditioner my stylist left in when I had a Deva cut. I started doing it that way and it made a big difference this winter.

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Thanks, Word. I will try this. I've never had a Deva cut. I have a regular old stylist. lol Also, I didn't start out life with curly hair. It got curlier with each baby...after four, I have quite a bit of curl going. For the first almost 30 years of my life, I had hair that was slightly wavy with no frizz. Now...well, now it is kind of unmanageable and never styles out the same even if I do exactly the same thing. I don't want to fight with it anymore, though. I will let it be what it is. :)

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I am a semi-CG user. I shampoo my hair once a week, but minimally (I just put a little on my scalp). After rinsing, I use a lot of conditioner. I only brush my hair before I shower (I have a mixture if Botticelli curls and waves, no ringlets). I also only wash at night two nights a week and go to bed with my hair wet. Ever since I read CG, albeit with my modifications, I am so happy with my hair.

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