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Everything posted by carriewillard

  1. Nah. The OP said: "Not only do they state their opinions but they find the need to name call and berate in the process." I don't name call or berate anyone for making choices different than mine. My answer to the OP was that people who DO berate and name call have coughcough ISSUES coughcough. In my experience, it's often guilt. I think so many people doubt that their kids are getting a decent education in the PS system, but they don't want to make the lifestyle change that homeschooling would require. So they're jealous or guilty or whatever of people who do. Carrie
  2. I wasn't referring to people who disagree. I was referring to people who criticize and attack homeschoolers. BIG difference. People who attack usually have some major issue with their own choice - guilt, usually. Hence the defensiveness. Isn't that what the OP was talking about? I don't have the desire to jump on anyone for their choices. Because I'm secure that my choices are the right ones for me. It's none of my business whether someone homeschools (or other lifestyle choice) - unless they ask me for help or advice, then I offer it. I'm neither insecure nor egotistical. Carrie
  3. You guys totally misunderstood my statement. I rarely, if ever, share what I do with others because it seems to release some sort of panic and anxiety in them. I have had men practically tell me off about how their wives couldn't homebirth etc etc... when I really don't CARE what choices others outside my home make. Each person has to do what's right for them. My point was that many people feel that homeschooling IS "best" (that's why I used quotes when using the word "better") - but that they don't have the energy/patience/desire to be around their kids full time etc... hence THEY feel guilt. Which has nothing to do with me. I don't think homebirth is best for EVERYone.... that was not my point. But you guys know how often we hear "Oh I couldn't do that (homeschool) because.... (insert laundry list of excuses). They're speaking from their own issues. Their own guilt, their own discomfort from not being in alignment with their own values. Understand?
  4. Seen this too. In one case it was a nervous breakdown. In another, an affair.
  5. The same reason people get their panties in a bunch when they find out you homebirth or breastfeed or eat healthy or whatever. They know that it's "better" and they feel insecure when they couldn't or wouldn't do it.
  6. There are abusive parents. Should parenting be regulated? *shudder*
  7. I am not Catholic, so pardon if this is ignorant...are you allowed to please each other in ways that won't lead to conception? I hate going without when I'm fertile too...it's much more fun then
  8. Deleted mine a long time ago, never looked back.
  9. Yeah! It's a plan then. And I'll be all set for the younger sibs too. I've heard it's easy to use a separate notebook for these so they don't write in workbooks, correct? Relieved. Carrie
  10. Oh so it might be best if I do Hake 6 and then Hake 8? Trying to make sense of all this. So it would be two years of Hake 6 and then two years of 8 - they would be done with grammar in 4 years. Does that seem like a better plan?
  11. Thanks for the link to that other thread! I'm so new here, and new to so many of these curricula, that I don't even know what to search for half the time. ;) So. I'm thinking that I'll go with Hake 7/8 because ds12 and dd10 are quite good at grammar. I'll go slowly to spread it out over 2 years, and since it's not teacher intensive it's a definite win. (And it looks like I can snag it on eBay pretty cheap.) Thanks everyone.... Carrie
  12. No, I don't... and as I dig around I see what you mean. I don't want them to have to do the same things each year, grammar wise. So should I wait until 8th grade and just skip grammar until then? Carrie
  13. Ok just one more question. FLL4 was pretty easy for these two. I chose it because they had not done a lot of formal grammar work, but they breezed through it fast. I'm thinking Hake level 6 would be next, as 5 might be too easy. Ditto for AG - level 6. Thoughts? I looked at some samples online but I could be wrong. Also, looking at MCT... but it looks like a complete language arts curriculum. I'm happy with Writing With Ease for writing... so that would be overkill, right? Carrie
  14. Thanks SO much. Looking into all of these sources (except Rod & Staff, my kids would laugh too much!).
  15. My two middle kids are finishing up First Language Lessons Level 4... and I don't know what's next for them, grammar-wise. What can you all recommend? I need something I can teach them together. (They're 10 and 12.) Thanks... trying to get everything purchased before next year :-) Carrie
  16. Kindergarten and history are not two words that go in the same sentence here. :) I do very little school until age 7, before that I teach reading only. I get it done with 7 kids by: doing math first. Limiting to 4 subjects a year. Right now it is math, grammar, history, writing. Science every other year. Language every other day. Maybe you're expecting too much of yourself? Hth, Carrie
  17. Vitamin b deficiency? I'm sensitive to caffeine during certain times in my cycle. Also, some people react not to the caffeine but to the pesticides as coffee is highly sprayed. Try organic.
  18. I was disappointed with Little Britches. I dislike most Dr. Seuss books. (I would rather put sharp sticks in my eyes than read Cat in the Hat!) I was unimpressed/bored with Mr Popper's Penguins. I dislike Berenstain Bears because the father is portrayed as a bumbling idiot and I avoid that stereotype with my kids. I was unimpressed with Stuart Little (but love The Trumpet of the Swan). The Giving Tree I find depressed, but hubby calls me that because we both find it's symbolic of motherhood. LOL!
  19. I just read a book called the Female Brain. It doesn't offer much hope! Mommy Brain will essentially not leave you until you're not mothering anymore. It's the hormones like oxytocin that are to blame. When we physically care for children, we have high levels of this hormone in our blood. Menopause anyone?!
  20. WOW, these are some awesome ideas and things I would never have thought of! He ended up making an agreement with Grandma to do some eBaying. She provides the inventory, he does the work, they split the profits. I am keeping this thread for the future though. Thanks again everyone!
  21. My oldest will be 15 in June. He's reached that plateau where he's interested in earning money beyond his weekly allowance. :) I'm looking for some suggestions, things that have worked for your kids. Since he's a boy (and nobody will hire a boy babysitter although since he is the oldest of 7 he would be excellent!), babysitting is out. Any ideas appreciated! Carrie
  22. In oatmeal, in baked goods, homemade fudge, off the spoon, in tea or coffee, mixed with honey as a spread, as a fat for potatoes, veggies, for sauteeing, frying, etc.
  23. I'm with the ladies who say adulthood has perks. And in my house, fair is a four letter F word. Any child who says that gets to Google Somalian refugee images. Fair my a$$
  24. If obey momma skills are what you need to focus on, drop everything and do that for a week! Be mean, strict, firm and pleasant but be a brick wall. He will be ok in a week or two I bet.
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