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S/O how old were you...


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Mom- 27 with me, I am her second of three children.

Me- just shy of 23


My MIL was 27 when my husband was born, her older son was born 4 years earlier.

My husband is nearly exactly 1 year older than me, so he was just shy of 24. In fact I was due on his birthday, but our son came a few days earlier.


My mother was a grandmother at 40. My older brother was born when she was 20 and his girlfriend at the time had my oldest nephew when my brother was 20. Given that she only lived to 55, I think she was happy to have that much time. Her grandkids were born when she was 40, 48, 49, 51, 53 and 2 at 54.

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For what it's worth, my grandmother was a VERY spry great-grandmother. When dd was little, she was in her early 70's and took care of her a lot. This woman never met a diaper that was a match for her mad skills. LOL She came and took care of my two youngest, 6 months and 2 yrs. when I needed to take our 3 yr. old to the doctor and then to the hospital. She bustled about that house like Ma Ingalls with the energy of a woman 20 years younger.


My mom is currently 68 going on 69. She ruined her health taking care of that dear grandmother after she had a stroke. She should have been in assisted living or a nursing home. But, they kept her home and now mom's back, amongst other things, is ruined from the toll. She has one great-grandchild whom she can still hold and play with. However, by the time my dd has children, I doubt my mom will be able to be involved in any appreciable way.


Dh's grandmother was also quite spry well into her 80's. We would let her and grandpa keep dd for a couple of hours at a time. We were careful about it, but they loved having her and were great with her even with potty training. DD is six years older than her next sibling and by the time ds was a toddler, their health had deteriorated quite a bit. Dh's sister is six years older than he is and had her two children in her very early twenties so these great-grandparents babysat, went to the park, took them all over the place. They have great memories of their great-grandparents.


So, don't assume that you won't be able to be an effective grandparent if you are older when that happens.



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My mom became a parent at age 27 (almost 28) when I was born, and I'm the eldest bio child.

My oldest child was born when I was 26.


Her oldest bio-grandchild is my niece, who is 13, and was born when I was 22 (and my sister had just turned 20), though I have a non-bio sister (fostered for keeps, if you will) less than a year older than me whose DD is 18, who is the first grandchild the way the family counts it and was born when I was 17 and my older sister was 18.


So mom became a grandma at 49, and had her first bio-grandchild born when she was 53.


BUT, she and my stepdad adopted and she currently has a son and daughter at home who are 31 and 33 years my junior.

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My grandmother was 36 when my mom was born (her only child). My mom was 36 when she had me (I was the first). I was 1 month shy of 29 when my first was born and 40 when my last were born. My mom was 65 when she became and grandmother, and I never expected to be a grandmother before my 60s. However, my 23 year dd and her dh just had their first child. So I am a grandmother much earlier than I thought I would be. :hurray:

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Me- 22


Mother in law- 33 (dh and twin brother were her last; she had her first at 19)

DH- 25 w/ our first together (22 with his)


My mom 47 when she became a grandma and my mother in law was 58 when my dd was born. It was nice to have a younger grandmother. I feel like she had more energy in the first 5 years, although I have seen an overall decline. My mother in law was 55 when she had her first grandchild (my stepson), 58 when dd was born, 60 when ds was born and will be 64 when my next child is born. DH is the only one of her 4 children giving her grandchildren. She seems to have less energy than my mom but is also more patient and stop and smell the roses kind of grandma.

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My mom was 22. She and my dad had been married 4 years. I was their first and only. I have step siblings, though.


I was barely 21 when my oldest was born. I was immature. I had my youngest at 35. Experince and age makes one a much better parent!


My paternal grandmother was in her mid thirties when my uncle and dad were born. My maternal great-grandmother was 14 when she had her first. I can't even fathom that.

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My mom was 35 and my dad was 36 when they adopted me. Dad passed away almost 16 years ago, but Mom is a very, very young, active 79 year old.


I was 23 & dh was 25 when we had our oldest (who will deliver her first child either right

before or right after she turns 21).

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Thinking about Remundamon post about Gparent age and it is somethng I've worried about occasionaly.

So how old was your Mother when she had you and how old were you with your first child?





Dh mom-19



Both were early 50's even though dh and I are 4 yrs apart and our Mothers had us at different ages.


I hope dd is married at 25 and pg, but she wants to be a Dr. or scientist...

I will be 58 when ds is 25 and when dd2 is 25 I'll be 60 and when dd3 is 25, 65. So in reality most of my grandchildren will arrive in my late 50's early 60's.


Mum 16

me just 3 weeks short of 19



Dh mum 40

Dh 34

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I was 26 (and 4 days :) )

My mom was 23

M-i-l was 22


All of our dhs are 1-6 months older than us ... dh was 26 also, our dads were 24 and 23, respectively.


My parents had eventful year 15 years ago. Dad turned 50, they graduated their youngest from high school, had their first grandchild, then Mom turned 50, all in a 3 month time span.

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Mother: 18

Me: 30


DH mother: 22ish I think but his eldest sister is three years older so 19ish for her first

DH: 38 when our first was born, 20 when his first with ex was born.


My mother felt a lot of stigma about being a young parent so I swore I wouldn't be one but I didn't want to be "too old" so I always wanted to have my first at 27. We started trying when I was 26 but I guess you can't be so rigid about these things ;)

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My mom was 41 when she had me (but only 35 with my older brother).


I was 26 when I had my first and almost 35 with my last (less than a month away).


My parents never saw any grandchildren. My dad died at 62 with a heart attack. My mom died at 63 with ALS. My sister was 18 when her last parent died. I was wanting to have children earlier so they would be older when I die. My first goal is to survive until all kids ar 21.

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