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Just stopped by to say hello.


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I haven't really been here since the format change. I am no longer homeschooling and really didn't want to learn a new format. Also it has been a rough year. Every girl in the house came down with mono in October and we still haven't recovered yet. On the other hand, the 21 year old is getting married next June and we have been busy as well. But I was thinking of you guys this morning and just wanted to stop by and let you know that I miss you and think of you often. Hope all is well for everyone else.

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You should drop in more often. There are people here who are no longer homeschooling. The format isn't bad, but all i do is post and read. I don't belong to any groups or follow threads or anything like that so I don't know how easy it is to do those things.

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It's good to hear from you, Kids.


I noticed your absence and had hoped all was okay with you.


Thanks for the update. I hope all the girls get to feeling better soon. I had mono in college and it took me a crazy long time to feel like myself again.


Congrats on the wedding! I love weddings!

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Please stay---- the new format isn't hard to learn! However, for some, like me, it's just hard to like. :lol:


You have been missed!! You veterans are full of valuable advice! Heck, I already plan to come back here when I'm no longer homschooling jsut because it's the best place on the internet!!! :thumbup:


Sorry about the mono--- that kicked my butt when I was in college and I didn't feel right for close to a year.


Congrats on the wedding, though!! :hurray:

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How is your husband? Do I remember correctly he had some major health issues recently?




Yes, he had a heart attack last June but is doing better now. He went through cadio rehab and lost some weight plus he is now taking a ton of meds. He does need to lose some more weight and it would help if life was a little less stressful but it is better than it was last summer.

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It's nice when people check in. :) I'm sorry about the sickness, but the news about the wedding is good!


Because you're a long-time boardie, but might not scroll through the past few days, you might be interested in this news.



Yes, I saw that and too say I am heartbroken would be putting it mildly. My prayers are with her and her family.

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