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Does everything in your house go missing?

plain jane

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I am starting to really lose my patience with my kids. Everything in this house goes missing and it makes me really quite mad. For example, we can start the school day with 12 new, sharpened pencils in the pencil holder (we use one large school table and I have a tray in the middle with pencils, erasers, rulers and dice). We will also have 4 brand new erasers. By the end of the day there are 2 pencils left and everyone is complaining they can't find an eraser.


It is like this every day. I think we have gone through 80 pencils this school year already and I only have 3 kids who are officially in "school". Granted, I do have a toddler and a preschooler but I find this outrageous. What especially gets me are the missing erasers. I buy the expensive white ones because they erase the best but they cost a lot, especially when we seem to go through one per week.


I'm starting to wonder if I should put all the kids in school for a few months just so they can learn the fine art of keeping track of their stuff. At home they just don't seem to care. It really does make me mad. I have a place for everything and nothing ends up back there at the end of the day. The kids take the stuff to do their art or their drawings or they take them to their desks in their room to do work and lose the erasers there. I spend an obscene amount on pencils and erasers and I'm not sure how to make it stop. I have thought about charging them for each one that goes missing but truth be told, I don't know who is losing them. Only the older 2 earn allowance and I'm not 100% sure it is fair to charge them all the time because they are the only ones with money to pay for supplies. OTOH, I know it isn't me who is losing all these supplies.


How do I put an end to this? I hate losing probably 1/2 hour of school time each and every day looking for erasers. Especially since they are usually stocked up the night before. What is wrong with my kids?? Argh!

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I used to be angry at DS and DD for losing pencils all the time..... until I caught the cat hooking pencils out of the cup and running off with them.


With a toddler in the house, you might find someday an amazing toddler-stash of pencils behind the dryer or stuffed down the heater vent.


What works for me is to tape a long string or ribbon to the pencil and tape the other end to the desk.


ETA: DS17 has taken a pencil to school (public) every single day all year. A new pencil. He says he makes it all the way through the day with one pencil, but it disappears by the time he starts his homework :confused: Yep ... that's over 100 pencils lost into the ether.

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The kids take the stuff to do their art or their drawings or they take them to their desks in their room to do work and lose the erasers there.



My boys have a translucent pencil box each in their favorite color containing their pencils and erasers since they were five. It help because they can bring their pencil box everywhere they want to go.

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yes! I have had the most success with writing people's names on pencils (or assigning colors for each person) I give them 3 pencils for the day. After those are gone, they CAN NOT use anyone else's. They must pay mom for an extra. But really, once they have their own personal pencil, they are much more invested in keeping track of their pencils. "Hey! You are using my pencil. Go put that back RIGHT NOW!" It';s also easier to figure out the pencil hogs and pencil losers. For instance, I have one dd who loves to draw and she is the pencil hog. If I need a pencil, I poke around in her room and find a stash of good pencils with erasers, while all our school pencils are pitiful.

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We have something like this (http://jewelrymakingjournal.com/disaster-preparedness-list/portable-jewelry-storage-drawers-350x350/) with a labeled drawer for each of the kids. Everyone gets their own set of labeled markers and crayons at the start of the year. That plus their pencils, erasers, glue, and scissors get stashed in the drawers. I also use it as a place to shove their small items that collect on the school (kitchen) table when we're clearing for a meal.


Erica in OR

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It's an ongoing battle trying to teach them "a place for everything, and everything in its place". We have a shelf in the laundry room where they are supposed to keep their shoes. In my opinion, you should never be unable to find your shoes because they should be on your feet or on your shelf. In reality....

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I've done this.


My boys have a translucent pencil box each in their favorite color containing their pencils and erasers since they were five. It help because they can bring their pencil box everywhere they want to go.



and this


yes! I have had the most success with writing people's names on pencils (or assigning colors for each person) I give them 3 pencils for the day. After those are gone, they CAN NOT use anyone else's. They must pay mom for an extra. But really, once they have their own personal pencil, they are much more invested in keeping track of their pencils. "Hey! You are using my pencil. Go put that back RIGHT NOW!" It';s also easier to figure out the pencil hogs and pencil losers. For instance, I have one dd who loves to draw and she is the pencil hog. If I need a pencil, I poke around in her room and find a stash of good pencils with erasers, while all our school pencils are pitiful.



and I thought about doing this.


Charge a deposit? They get it back when they return the pencil/eraser?



Assigning colors and writing their names on the erasers coupled with the pencil box worked the best. Except for the child that would misplace the pencil box every day :glare:


I've told this story here before, but one time when we were short on writing utensils, I was helping oldest ds clean his room and by the end of the day I'd found 80 pens and pencils! EIGHTY!!!

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I like the idea of tying pencils to the desk! The other day my 5 year old had a pencil in his hand and between one problem and the next, it disappeared. He hadn't moved, I hadn't moved. Turns out, it was inside his shirt. He seemed genuinely surprised to find it there.

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Yes. To the point that I have sometimes wondered aloud if people come and rob us in the night. But why would they take pencils, or just one sock or shoe from a pair?


Then, I realized it's the sock-stealing gnomes that infest dryers everywhere. They've escaped the dryer and are cavorting through the house in the wee hours.

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I used to be angry at DS and DD for losing pencils all the time..... until I caught the cat hooking pencils out of the cup and running off with them.



Heh. I still hear about the time I was literally in the middle of pointing out, "Your ruler didn't just get up and walk away" when the cat strolled by with the ruler in her mouth. Turns out she loves to lick plastic and had amassed quite a little collection of items.


Doesn't explain the missing pencils, though. When relatives ask for graduation gift ideas, I might well suggest pencils. Lots and lots of pencils.

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My 3 kids ( 5,6,9) each have a zippered pencil case. They all have their own colored mechanical pencils, extra eraser, glue stick, scissor, and Dry erase markers. They have a second zippered pencil case with more pencils and crayons that they can take with us in the car. We haven't had too much trouble keeping up with school supplies. My youngest loses a lot of other things though.

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No, not everything. Only my good nail-clippers, and also my screwdrivers.


We have a big drawer full of pencils, a basket of markers, etc. So that stuff doesn't get lost. It gets pulled out when being used, and put away afterward.



Yeah, if the zombie apocalypse ever hits, I'm going to put my nail clippers on a string around my neck and a baggie full of chapsticks in my pocket. Those are the two comfort items that if I am without them, everyone will rue the day and wish they were *only* dealing with zombies.



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I blame goblins. They quit stealing the socks out of the dryer when I made a point of folding the laundry the minute the dryer stops spinning, but, Alas! They will keep taking the pencils. They also turn my books page-side out in my bookcase, scatter comic books and leave their dirty socks on the couch. :glare:


I'd buy them a pencil case for their personal things, but I know well that a nice box of any sort gets turned into a treasure chest for one boy and a leopard bed for the other! They just can't stand for a pretty box to go to waste.

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