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If health wasn't an issue, what would you eat?


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If what you ate didn't matter in terms of health, what would you eat?


Potato chips

Bad things like Little Debbies or pop tarts

Cheeseburgers and Fries

Snickers ice cream bars

Salads with everything bad on it (bacon, cheese, full of fat dressing)



Not all at the same time, I hope.

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Well, if health wasn't an issue and I wouldn't gain weight, I would eat...


Breakfast: mass quantities of crispy bacon, sausage links, hash browns, omelettes with creamy mushroom sauce, quiche loaded with cheese, the occasional sausage muffin breakfast sandwich from a fast food joint, and coffee with full-fat cream and whipped cream on top (and maybe *loaded* with a little sumthin' sumthin')


Lunch: bacon cheeseburgers, french fries with a mix of mayo and ketchup for dipping, onion rings, pasta heavy on the alfredo sauce, garlic bread, loaded salads, and loaded baked potatoes


Dinner: bacon-wrapped filet mignon (noticing a theme yet? :tongue_smilie:), steaks of any kind really, lasagna with extra cheese and sauce, pasta drenched in creamy sauce, fried shrimp with yummy dipping sauce, several glasses of wine or mixed drinks


Gosh, that was fun! :drool5:

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CHEESE!!!! omg i miss cheese so badly every day!! i have allergies. i feel better when i eat veggies and i like them, i just sometimes dont find the energy to cook them. i guess more chocolate and coffee cake? pies and cookies lol.

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I would still cook traditional southern. My veg would all be cook to death with sometype of bacon or ham. I would cover my homemade biscuits with a touch of bacon grease to give them the crisp top. We would have desert every evening. I would fry everything like I did in my early 20's before I started thinking about getting older.


I wouldn't feel guilty for drinking my sweet tea (i haven't given up yet) or my starbuck lattee. I may have to give those up just for vanity cause I confess I like being over 40 and still able to wear a size 6 :leaving: and sadly they are just really not good for me :svengo:

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My own chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, and gravy. I make it once a month now because it's one of the things everyone will eat, but I would make it every single day if health didn't matter. I would follow that up every night with Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch ice cream. :drool5:

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I'd tell you, but I'm too busy packing so I can move in with Julie.




I'm feeling rather embarrassed that I responded in such detail, seeing as others are showing more....restraint. :p But the OP asked an honest question, and that deserves an honest answer. :D

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I'm feeling rather embarrassed that I responded in such detail, seeing as others are showing more....restraint. :p But the OP asked an honest question, and that deserves an honest answer. :D



I liked your details.


They made me hungry! :)

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Please don't think me gross



Cheeze Whiz on popcorn

Lava cakes every day!

Chocolate chip cookies every meal!!

Chocolate milk all day!!!

Mashed potaotes with whipping cream and a ton of butter

Whipping cream on all fruit I ever ate.




It sucks getting older.

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Fries & gravy

Biscuits & gravy

Mashed potatoes & gravy, with corn mixed in

Lots of homemade bread and hard rolls, with lots of butter

5 lobsters at a time (just boiled, no butter)

Country fried steak & gravy

Pasta Carbonara



Waffle House hash browns (triple order) scattered, smothered, and covered

German apple pancakes


Plum Kuchen


Clam chowder

Breakfast salad: Spinach, bacon, boiled eggs, onions, green peppers, honey mustard dressing from Friday's

Legal Seafood's clam chowder

French onion soup

Homemade scalloped potatoes and potatoes au gratin

Corn fritters

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No health or weight issues, I would eat the below all the time...



Ring Dings

Mashed potatoes with gravy

Fettucine Alfredo


Sugar wafers

Cheese in a can

New England Clam Chowder

Flourless chocoalte cake

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Cracker Barrel. 3x a day. Every.Stinkin.Day.


Yeessss. Biscuits and fried apples every day....with tons and tons of butter (though I don't think butter itself is all that unhealthy).


Also, Dunkin' Donuts. Because everything in there is total crap, but for some reason their iced coffee and donuts together do something magical for me. At least until the sugar crash/food coma sets in.


I can't believe I admitted all that. Hehe. I'm a health-food nut from way, way back, and a total food snob. If I'm going to admit to eating something not so good for me, it should at least be good food. Oh well. :tongue_smilie:


In general, I would probably eat a lot more sugar and a lot more bread if health wasn't an issue.

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Whatever I felt like at the time. I get tired of the same fare...and I don't think that would change much. I'm sure sugar and grain-based foods would be more prominent, though. They are my weakness...


Which reminds me...I need to go have breakfast and satue' myself a western scramble, to eat with my natural, homemade applesauce and my oh, so-yummy & fluffy fresh-milled biscuit (I finally have these suckers DOWN to the point we don't miss white-flour biscuits at. all.). After eating that...I have cauliflower pizza bites waiting for dinner.

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I think mallowmars are a NY thing. My grandmother always had them as a special treat when we came to visit, and my grandfather would get all excited. At the time, tho, I somewhat preened chocolate covered Graham's. I thought the chocolate was tastier in those.

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Fun thread!


My mom's chocolate chip cheesecake, occasionally with cherry pie filling on top

French toast with lots of syrup

Marshmallow Matey's (generic Lucky Charms) and Fruit Loops

Chocolate malts

Scalloped potatoes and ham

Now that I think about it, pretty much any potato

Chicken cordon bleu with tons of creamy white sauce

Chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting

Lots of good steak

Vanilla cake with lemon buttercream

Scones with dried cherries and alomond extract


Fresh croissants with Nutella

BLTs with pleanty of bacon and mayo

These awesome lemon mascarpone cookies with lemon glaze

Crusty bread with Parmesan and sun dried tomatoes

Homemade chocolate pudding


I guess when you ask the pregnant lady you get a long list. My child wants to read a book or I could keep going. :lol:


ETA: I forgot Tootsie Rolls, York Peppermint Patties, and Red Vines ;-)

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Okay, I'll have a German baker come over every night/early morning. Wake up to freshly-baked bread... Life will be good. :D



Oh, heavens, YES! Germans are so good at bread! If I could eat anything I wanted, I'd have a chocolate croissant (which isn't shaped like a croissant) every single day. Maybe more than one. They are croissant dough, with all the layers, but made into something that looks more like a pillow, with two thick lines of dark chocolate baked inside. Bliss! The ones in Germany are much better than the ones in France, as are the pretzels.

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Almost anything!! I'm SO SICK of not being able to eat anything without being in pain!!!!


I would eat an entire bakery full of fresh bread and pain au chocolat every morning. Wash them down with Salted Caramel or Peppermint Mochas. Oh, and dessert! You name it, I would eat it!


And I truly miss Skyline Chili 3-ways. I want to be able to eat pasta in the restaurant, dagnabit!!! Or breaded fish...gosh about anything. My diet is so stinkin limited.

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I love those bread things in the train stations that have the cheese on top. Oh those are heavenly.


I can't remember what that is called, but I think you know what I mean. I guess they probably have them in places outside of train stations too.



Kasestangen. I'm not a fan of those, but James Bond loves them. And yes, they are available at other places besides train stations. Something about the bakeries at train stations though makes everything taste more exciting. ;)

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