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Pope resignation


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I heard from my brother's ex-wife's cousin's third grade teacher who once went to school with a Catholic that he was resigning because he was in ill health. I don't believe a word of it though. Look at the pictures. He's as young and spry and healthy as the next octagenarian. Obviously the truth is that the he's being asked to return to the mother ship.

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New rumor time:


The Pope and Betty White having being having a torrid affair and decided to get married. Won't they make a cute couple!


New rumor time:


The Pope and Betty White have been having a torrid affair and decided to get married. Won't they make a cute couple!


Just as likely as other rumors.


PS - I love grumpy cat. I was feeling a little sad about the Pope situation this morning and that picture made me laugh. I really hope we get someone as awesome as B16 next.

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He is 85 years old. He has a heart condition and has had strokes. His doctor advised him not to travel far. He is frail and feels unable to fulfill his duties. This decision was not one he made hastily or lightly.


People will speculate and say all kinds of things, but I believe him when he says he is retiring due to his health. God bless him. I hope he has a peaceful retirement.

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He is 85 years old. He has a heart condition and has had strokes. His doctor advised him not to travel far. He is frail and feels unable to fulfill his duties. This decision was not one he made hastily or lightly.


People will speculate and say all kinds of things, but I believe Him when he says he is retiring due to his health. God bless him. I hope he has a peaceful retirement.


Yes, this.


I had some friends over for dinner the other night. They are both very active in their Protestant church and were horrified at some of the rumors going around. I felt so lucky to have such good friends even outside the faith.

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Guest inoubliable

What the Vatican says - "He's old and sick"

What the Catholics say - "What the Vatican says"

What the critics say - "Sex abuse and gay sex scandals, natch"

What everyone else says - "Meh"


There you go.

And now I'm off to go shudder in a corner at the image of the Pope and Betty White doing some canoodling. Gross, guys. *puke*

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He is 85 years old. He has a heart condition and has had strokes. His doctor advised him not to travel far. He is frail and feels unable to fulfill his duties. This decision was not one he made hastily or lightly.


People will speculate and say all kinds of things, but I believe Him when he says he is retiring due to his health. God bless him. I hope he has a peaceful retirement.


Thanks, I missed the news coverage and google pulls up the worst.

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We're not having a flame war -- we're sharing valuable information...


How else would I have known about the Pope and Betty White?


How else would I have known that Grumpy Cat was in the running to be the new Pope?


How else would I be thinking of both Heathers and Ghostbusters right now?


;) ;) ;) ;)

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I heard from my brother's ex-wife's cousin's third grade teacher who once went to school with a Catholic that he was resigning because he was in ill health. I don't believe a word of it though. Look at the pictures. He's as young and spry and healthy as the next octagenarian. Obviously the truth is that the he's being asked to return to the mother ship.



the mother ship has been delayed by the asteroids.

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I heard from my brother's ex-wife's cousin's third grade teacher who once went to school with a Catholic that he was resigning because he was in ill health. I don't believe a word of it though. Look at the pictures. He's as young and spry and healthy as the next octagenarian. Obviously the truth is that the he's being asked to return to the mother ship.



:svengo: :lol: :lol:

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New rumor time:


The Pope and Betty White have been having a torrid affair and decided to get married. Won't they make a cute couple!


Just as likely as other rumors.


PS - I love grumpy cat. I was feeling a little sad about the Pope situation this morning and that picture made me laugh. I really hope we get someone as awesome as B16 next.


But the real question is... Will he join the cast of Betty White's Off Their Rockers??

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So what's the story? I read it's linked to gay officials?



The media is trying to link it to anything they can. Must find a scandal!


He is in poor health and realizes that the Pope's job now-a-days requires traveling which he can no longer do. The first Pope to retire in over 600 yrs since popes usually die the pope. He broke the news over 2 wks ago, but today was his last day.

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He is old and he is sick. He doesn't walk anywhere--they wheel him around on that special thing. If he was feeling well I'm sure he'd walk.


Also, I was listening to a story (sorry no link) about the petty corruption in the Vatican. It was hitting on how the pope was trying to reform the Vatican from the "Italian" way of doing things. It talked about how contracts are inflated and handed out to friends. One was the contract to erect the nativity scene in December was 3/4 of a million dollars --that ought to be a special nativity scene if it's worth that. One of the pope's last appointments was to the Vatican bank. He appointed a German. The thought was that this German official would not be awarding contracts to friends and would be accounting for money better. The gist of the story was there is a lot of junk like that going on in the Vatican the pope had started the process of getting the Vatican to clean up its act, but the amount of stuff to be fixed is a bit relentless.


Dh (former catholic) and I were discussing it last night and he said the financial corruption has been a well known problem. Financial corruption would grate on someone with German sensibilities. The previous pope grew up in a communist country where corruption was probably commonplace and therefore it probably didn't bother him.

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ummm.... I'm pretty sure that any corruption going on in Communist Poland bothered the previous Pope quite a lot.


Also, I can not stand all the ridiculous op-eds going on in the media, things like "The Catholic Church Must Change" and "Rebrand the Church" or "How the next Pope must Save the Church". Ridiculous! If you don't like the RCC, don't join it!!

There's no virtue in the Church conforming to the Zeitgeist.


Ich bin ein Katholic!!!



So, the pope shouldn't attempt to correct financial corruption.


I brought up the financial corruption issue because so many people seem bent on finding a morality scandal based on sex and I don't believe that is what is going on at all.

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Also, I was listening to a story (sorry no link) about the petty corruption in the Vatican. It was hitting on how the pope was trying to reform the Vatican from the "Italian" way of doing things. It talked about how contracts are inflated and handed out to friends. One was the contract to erect the nativity scene in December was 3/4 of a million dollars --that ought to be a special nativity scene if it's worth that. One of the pope's last appointments was to the Vatican bank. He appointed a German. The thought was that this German official would not be awarding contracts to friends and would be accounting for money better. The gist of the story was there is a lot of junk like that going on in the Vatican the pope had started the process of getting the Vatican to clean up its act, but the amount of stuff to be fixed is a bit relentless.


Dh (former catholic) and I were discussing it last night and he said the financial corruption has been a well known problem. Financial corruption would grate on someone with German sensibilities. The previous pope grew up in a communist country where corruption was probably commonplace and therefore it probably didn't bother him.


I heard something similar to this (or maybe the same thing) on the radio. I think it was this


"For an Italian business operation, perhaps awarding contracts to your friends in the industry is not an unusual thing. It shouldn't really be happening at the Vatican. ... In the Vatican, people get jobs by being recommandato, right? They need somebody's connection to get the job. If you want a parking place, you need to go through these connections. Almost everything done at the Vatican is through connections. So when we talk about corruption, it's often this very petty kind of corruption that, as I say, is part of the process of living in Italy. And yet people are questioning, 'Should it be part of the process of operations at the Vatican?' "



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If people would stop talking about kilts and acting nasty maybe it could be discussed!



Bonus points for anyone who gets this (without Googgling):


"I know he can GET the job, Harry, but can he DO the job?"

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I know! I know!!!!


But I Googled, so it doesn't count because I cheated. :(


You're missing nothing. DH watches it at least once a year... I think he's the only one who's ever bought it.

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It's been discussed. Nastily. On the anti-pope side usually. It was time for a fun thread, not a nasty one.


Absolutely. Discussed to death on more than one thread and social group.


So tired of the Catholic bashing. We know people don't like the Pope. Or the Church. Or lots of other things. If you hate us, it really is ok to keep those tidbits to yourself now instead of further schooling us.


Bring on the kilts and cupcakes.

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So, the pope shouldn't attempt to correct financial corruption.


I brought up the financial corruption issue because so many people seem bent on finding a morality scandal based on sex and I don't believe that is what is going on at all.



Goodness, you two are only dating, and already you're squabbling over finances?

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