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I love living here, we have Spring already starting


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It isn't just my estimation- daffodils starting to bloom, quince has already been blooming for weeks, lots of the perennials have green growth, but now the birds are doing spring mating songs and we see evidence of nest building. Can you guess that I am not much of a fan of winter? Having two months of winter- Dec and Jan, is enough for me.

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I shouldn't even read threads like this! Spring takes quite awhile to get here. We get more light, we'll eventually get daffodils in March, tulips in April, but in the last few years spring has stayed cool and wet into June. Bleah. I miss the California springs I grew up with!

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It isn't just my estimation- daffodils starting to bloom, quince has already been blooming for weeks, lots of the perennials have green growth, but now the birds are doing spring mating songs and we see evidence of nest building. Can you guess that I am not much of a fan of winter? Having two months of winter- Dec and Jan, is enough for me.


Here too! We've been watching birds the last 2 mornings on the deck-very distracting for dd trying to get schoolwork done! :) Two months of winter is too much for me! I really need to move to central FL!

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Yes, I saw on the earliest daffodils so far. I went to the Botanical Garden yesterday, which is actually probably a zone colder than where I live, and I saw blooming crocuses (just a few), winter aconite, snowdrops, and a flower I didn't know. The Jessamine was also blooming as well as lots of Hellobores. In my yard, which is warmer since it has the protective effect of the forest and is somewhat elevated, (hot air rises however, if the elevation change is too much, it is still colder, I am at the right elevation change to have warmer winters and cooler summers). It looks like the forsythia in my garden is about to bloom.

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I think we had spring last Tuesday. It was 63 last Tuesday---but came with 3 inches of rain. Then by Friday we had over a foot of new snow on the ground. Another 6-10 inches are coming tomorrow so I think we are back to winter.


Honestly if the snow stays off the roads (or it is at least warm enough for the salt to melt the ice off the roads) winter isn't too bad.

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I'm not a big fan of winter, either. That being said, the amount of pollen we have been experiencing is incredible!



I'm in FL too, and it rained a bit the other day and we had what looked like yellow chalk lines running down all the streets. It was crazy. I'm also tired of trying to keep the car clean. I've learned to like the yellowness of it these days.

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We've been having some spring-like weather here, too. I love it! However, I have lived here long enough to know that the weather here is fickle, and we will have several more cold snaps before Easter. Easter is always cold here, even if there have been weeks and weeks of warm!

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