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SOCIAL GROUP: Atheists, agnostics, free-thinkers, non-believers

Guest inoubliable

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Good news! I just got a text from the boyfriend. My sister is out of surgery just now and being taken to recovery. They'll see her in 30 minutes. I'll call her tonight to see how she's doing. Relieved.


Funny bit about her phone call yesterday. I missed her call, actually. I don't usually carry my cell phone on me, especially on weekends since DH is home anyway. So I hear the tell-tale beep of a missed call, see that it's her, and call her back. She answers and I say, "Sorry I missed your call. I was in church. What's going on?". She must have sat in complete silence for about 20 seconds before she said "No shit? Church??". I could barely keep from laughing while I spit out, "Of course not, just messing with you. What's up?" She said she almost hung up on me because she thought she must have the wrong number.


She's okay. My nephews will not have a loss today. This makes me happy.


Glad everything went well for your sister! (and the bit about you missing the phone call made me lol...)


It's c-section style. I have a high threshold for pain, I think, but I've just been worrying about it too much the past couple weeks. It's one ovary and the uterus.


Hoping you have an uneventful procedure and an easy recovery. :grouphug:

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Great news, KK! I can't believe you took the time to throw some science at me! Thank you!


Sending good thoughts your way, Dot.


And everyone, thanks for the curric. suggestions! I'm looking into them soon. You've given me hope. That's so important to me. :)


Oh, and both boys picked fun science projects that they are jazzed about (and that Mom kinda understands) this afternoon. I think my angry mom face worked.....again. It's the "don't give me crap over this or your life will be miserable" face. Y'all have one too, right?

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Guest inoubliable

I just got bad news on my sister. My sister's boyfriend called and said my sister'd been taken back in for emergency surgery. She had been given heparin and something called TTA (sp?) to soften and break up the clot and the stent was inserted. She was to go in tomorrow and have the clot pieces removed. Tonight, though, she was complaining of back pain as she was being settled in after recovery. They rushed her to a CT scan and found blood pooling in the cavity where her kidneys sit. They don't know if she's bleeding internally from a nick somewhere or if the medication was "too much". I don't even know what the difference would be. *sigh* She's bleeding internally. The entire team was called back in for this emergency surgery. They're taking the stent out. They're backing off the TTA. They wouldn't tell her boyfriend or my mom what her chances were or risks or anything, only that she is bleeding internally, the blood is pooling, they were taking her in, the entire team would be there, *whoosh*.


Boyfriend-in-law and mom say I don't need to be there. Both of them are confused and unsure of what's going on. Mom let slip that a nurse told her there is a chance my sister could bleed out during surgery. She may not make it through the night. She is 31 years old. For some reason, that seems relevant.


I have no idea what to think. Or what to do. I'm staying up as late as I can to hear some news. Does anyone know what any of that medical stuff means? Anyone know anything about surgeries for blood clots? Or May Thurmer (sp?) syndrome?

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Guest inoubliable

I just got bad news on my sister. My sister's boyfriend called and said my sister'd been taken back in for emergency surgery. She had been given heparin and something called TTA (sp?) to soften and break up the clot and the stent was inserted. She was to go in tomorrow and have the clot pieces removed. Tonight, though, she was complaining of back pain as she was being settled in after recovery. They rushed her to a CT scan and found blood pooling in the cavity where her kidneys sit. They don't know if she's bleeding internally from a nick somewhere or if the medication was "too much". I don't even know what the difference would be. *sigh* She's bleeding internally. The entire team was called back in for this emergency surgery. They're taking the stent out. They're backing off the TTA. They wouldn't tell her boyfriend or my mom what her chances were or risks or anything, only that she is bleeding internally, the blood is pooling, they were taking her in, the entire team would be there, *whoosh*.


Boyfriend-in-law and mom say I don't need to be there. Both of them are confused and unsure of what's going on. Mom let slip that a nurse told her there is a chance my sister could bleed out during surgery. She may not make it through the night. She is 31 years old. For some reason, that seems relevant.


I have no idea what to think. Or what to do. I'm staying up as late as I can to hear some news. Does anyone know what any of that medical stuff means? Anyone know anything about surgeries for blood clots? Or May Thurmer (sp?) syndrome?

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Guest inoubliable

Let's pass it all on to Dot. I've got my good news - my sister is out of emergency surgery, the clot has been removed, the hole has been patched, and the nurses say she's doing beautifully. Thanks for the good juju, everyone. It was a shock to get all that news today. I wasn't getting the news until it was "old news" and that made it a much more bitter pill to swallow. Tis all good now, though. And this wine is delicious.


Dot - I am sending over MASSIVE amounts of good thoughts, juju, and vibes. Thinking of you and hoping to hear from you on Saturday that everything went well. :grouphug:

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Well, I think we can spread the juju around a bit, for a quiet night and hasty recovery for your sister, for Imp, and for Dot. ;)


I may even light a candle and give that juju a boost out there!


Wine is always delicious in the chaos, isn't it?

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Wow, what a rollercoaster, KK! I'm so glad you're sister is doing better.


Too much surgery lately... Dot, your sister, Joanne, dbmamaz... who else? Just too many... :crying:

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Guest inoubliable

Wow, what a rollercoaster, KK! I'm so glad you're sister is doing better.


Too much surgery lately... Dot, your sister, Joanne, dbmamaz... who else? Just too many... :crying:


Thank you.


And, I agree. We need a surgery-free, good-health wave to come through.

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Hope things go smoothly, Dot. I was going to offer inappropriate jokes, but that probably wouldn't be helpful with recovery. :p



Hey guys-I just wanted to jump in and ask you for some good thoughts tomorrow morning. I should be in surgery for the hysterectomy at about 8. Let's hope the mass is nothing serious, and that my husband doesn't worry himself to too much waiting for it to be finished. My blood pressure is much better, and I have one Xanax pill to take this evening to calm me down. I should be home on Friday. I don't know if this tiny hospital will have interet available, so I may be spending the next couple days playing Fruit Ninja and reading boring magazines. See you Saturday!

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Whew, it got heavy in here today! Hugs for everyone who needs them, and good luck on all surgeries!


KK, I'm gonna steal that church line, ha! I'm sure that was perfectly timed levity for your sister. Which reminds me, I haven't heard anything from my sis lately. She was making an effort there for a few weeks. :/

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Oh, and also, my DH was heating up the grill today to cook some chicken before the kids and I got home from martial arts. The grill burst into flames!!! He kept a cool head, found the fire extinguisher, turned off the gas, and then hosed it all down! He said the grill thermometer showed it was over 1,000 degrees, and there is cooled molten metal on the patio (and a tiny bit burned his foot!)


Then he still managed to cook dinner. On the stove. Crazy!

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KKinVA - I'm so glad for you and your sister. I'm glad I was late coming to the thread and could quickly see she had come out of surgery ok.... :grouphug:

Dot - I'm sure you're not on here right now, but :grouphug:


And everyone else :) Thanks for letting me play :)

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Hoping all is well today for everyone. KK, how's your sister? Dot - thinking of you! Imp, too. :)




Anyone watch The God Who Wasn't There (on Netflix)? Has this already been discussed? We watched it last night. Interesting.

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Guest inoubliable

Hoping all is well today for everyone. KK, how's your sister? Dot - thinking of you! Imp, too. :)




Anyone watch The God Who Wasn't There (on Netflix)? Has this already been discussed? We watched it last night. Interesting.


Sister is doing well. Still in ICU, but it looks like she'll be cleared to move to another room outside of ICU at the end of the day. PM'd you.


I've seen that, but it's been a while. I remember finding the comparative mythology nicely presented. I'll have to watch it again today. Or tomorrow - during The Great Snow-in.

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Guest inoubliable

Who else is excited about lacrosse season? :D




For the first time ever, me! Kinda! Sorta!

One of my kids has discovered it. He hasn't played, but he's hoping to see a game at UVA or the local university.


Good to see you around, Bill. :)

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Hello Bill. Nothing to say about lacrosse, just didn't want to miss the opportunity to say hello.




We also went out to the Cricket grounds to enjoy opening day. Surely, you have something to say about Cricket? :D


Hey Laura!



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And, I agree. We need a surgery-free, good-health wave to come through.


Well, we had good news from my ds's GI this morning. No signs of Crohn's. Yea!



Anyone watch The God Who Wasn't There (on Netflix)? Has this already been discussed? We watched it last night. Interesting.


Haven't seen it. Put it in my Q.




Let's have a dinner party we all attend. I vote that Bill cooks.

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Guest inoubliable

Well, we had good news from my ds's GI this morning. No signs of Crohn's. Yea!





Haven't seen it. Put it in my Q.




Let's have a dinner party we all attend. I vote that Bill cooks.


Woot on the good GI this morning! :hurray:


I second that vote!

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Guest inoubliable

I am finding it kinda amusing that most of the people who hang out here are over in the plastic bag commie thread saying similar things to me :rolleyes:


Great minds think alike? LOL.

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Great minds think alike? LOL.


Maybe there is something in the new testament about not reusing grocery bags. Yikes-how hard is it to know plastic is bad? Why don't you just pour motor oil in your front yard. Dang people.

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Apparently we godless people care more about the environment or something.


The whole thing on the bag thread about it not being ok to ban wood and trash burning really left me scratching my head. Burn bans usually are announced during forest fire season or when the air quality falls to a certain point. I for one am a fan of breathing. Call me a totalitarian if need be. :)

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Apparently we godless people care more about the environment or something.




I read in something several years ago that Christians tend to be less concerned about the environment. It has to do partly with looking forward to the afterlife and partly because of having "dominion over the earth". I know that not all Christians feel that way, and there's a movement within Christianity to be good stewards of natural resources, but IME it does tend to be true. I've had a number of debates with Christians IRL about the environment, and their lack of concern has always left me shaking my head.

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We also went out to the Cricket grounds to enjoy opening day. Surely, you have something to say about Cricket? :D


Hey Laura!





You know, I think I'm one of the few Brits who is left absolutely cold by the Douglas Adams book that is an extended riff on cricket. All I know about cricket, I learned from literature, however: climactic games in Murder Must Advertise, The Go-Between....



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You know, I think I'm one of the few Brits who is left absolutely cold by the Douglas Adams book that is an extended riff on cricket. All I know about cricket, I learned from literature, however: climactic games in Murder Must Advertise, The Go-Between....





It has proved a treasure trove for pub trivia. DD the Elder regularly answers cricket questions for our team (of two). :D

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Have there been any recent updates regarding the "real" social groups? I'm not a fan of these public threads (which result in people in other threads praying for the lost souls of my children). At the moment I'm mostly sticking to "liking" posts rather than posting.


I thought "The God Who Wasn't There" was quite well done. There's an interesting book on the same topic, Jesus Potter Harry Christ.



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Yay! Good to see you back, Bill. (eek! I accidentally typed a "y" on the end of that. Have you ever been called "Billy"? I would not want to be the first!)


And, Laura, everything I know about cricket (which is pretty minimal) I learned from _Murder Must Advertise_ :)


Hmm, and environmentalism and Christianity. In more conservative branches, it's been posed as sort of a dichotomy between "earth worshipping" and "Jesus worshipping".


People can't affect the environment because God made it, and he's so big and powerful, and to worry that we may be damaging it irreparably is to imply God didn't create a big, good enough earth if his creatures can irrevocably hurt it.


Also, there's the concept of environmentalist as "earth worshipper" who elevates spending time and energy taking care of our environment (imagine such a thing!) above the concept of spending time and energy worshipping a deity.


In these cases environmentalism is viewed as sort of an idolatry.


This definitely seems to be a divide between conservative and liberal Christians, though.



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Me! ME! So excited, I changed my name!


I noticed ;)


My son William is playing on his first team this year. So excited!


He (8.5) is going to have to "play up" on the U11 team, as we don't have enough boys for a U9 squad. This is only the second year our local club has existed and the first time they will have U11s. In areas around us Lacrosse is more established, and it is starting to catch fire. I imagine we may get creamed this season.


But William is not giving up much by being one of the youngest boys . We happened on LAX last spring, when we tripped on a girls team practicing in the park after we had a basketball last spring. The coach asked my son (who looked interested) if he'd like to try shooting with a boy's stick, and my boy's eyes lit up. Then he schocked us all by shooting some amazing goals with no coaching.


So I got some sticks and we started practicing and found a "camp" over the summer at a high school nearby for older boys, and the coach was cool and waved the age rules and let him in. And have run him aroundd to practices and pick up games in the off-season.


Now I'm super excited for the games to start. Weekend after next we have our first scrimmage game.



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Guest inoubliable

Have there been any recent updates regarding the "real" social groups? I'm not a fan of these public threads (which result in people in other threads praying for the lost souls of my children). At the moment I'm mostly sticking to "liking" posts rather than posting.


I thought "The God Who Wasn't There" was quite well done. There's an interesting book on the same topic, Jesus Potter Harry Christ.




No news yet. Last update was middle of last month or so. Only to say that it was being worked on. I think everyone is getting anxious to have their own social groups back up. PMing you.

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It has proved a treasure trove for pub trivia. DD the Elder regularly answers cricket questions for our team (of two). :D


Now if I were Jullian Fellows, I would have had Tom (the former chauffeur) win the House-Town match for Downton by cracking a six. Or at least a four. It would have been the season finale!


Maybe I've been in Hollywood too long? :p



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Now if I were Jullian Fellows, I would have had Tom (the former chauffeur) win the House-Town match for Downton by cracking a six. Or at least a four. It would have been the season finale!


Maybe I've been in Hollywood too long? :p




A friend forced me to sit through Picadilly Jim because Sam Rockwell (lovely, lovely man) played the titular role (well, though nothing could save that travesty). I haven't forgiven Julian Fellowes those 90 minutes, and refuse to watch DA on this account. I am, however, sitting in the lobby of Great Wolf Lodge reading To Marry an English Lord. :D

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No news yet. Last update was middle of last month or so. Only to say that it was being worked on. I think everyone is getting anxious to have their own social groups back up. PMing you.


Well you can make fun of reusable bag users(based on the scientific need to save the earth) but not a mythical entity that created the earth. Funny how it all pans out when it comes to snarkiness here.

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Guest inoubliable

Well you can make fun of reusable bag users(based on the scientific need to save the earth) but not a mythical entity that created the earth. Funny how it all pans out when it comes to snarkiness here.



No doubt.

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Hoping all is well today for everyone. KK, how's your sister? Dot - thinking of you! Imp, too. :)




Anyone watch The God Who Wasn't There (on Netflix)? Has this already been discussed? We watched it last night. Interesting.


I just watched it, based on a comment in this thread. I also the comparative religion segment. The insistence that the stories of the Bible are absolutely unique and unquestionably true always makes me sort of giggle. I'm sure there's an apologetic answer for that.... Prophetic writers? God/Satan planted the BCE works? Does anyone know?

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A friend forced me to sit through Picadilly Jim because Sam Rockwell (lovely, lovely man) played the titular role (well, though nothing could save that travesty). I haven't forgiven Julian Fellowes those 90 minutes, and refuse to watch DA on this account. I am, however, sitting in the lobby of Great Wolf Lodge reading To Marry an English Lord. :D



I'm shocked you didn't watch the show (and I did :D).


Weird world.



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