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Did More Posts Disappear Again?


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Yes, and I'm making this suggestion anywhere and everywhere. They should either take the boards down or make them read-only until the kinks are worked out. Missing time is far more disruptive than a board outage.

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Well being that I'm the board junky, this means a lot of time spent responding for nothing.





Me too. I am actually not the "long response to everything" type but yesterday I did type out several long, detailed responses to threads and now they are all gone... which now makes me not want to put effort into responding to anything.


In fact, I think I've typed too much.


First time I have said this: I miss the old boards. They were far more reliable.

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Me too. I am actually not the "long response to everything" type but yesterday I did type out several long, detailed responses to threads and now they are all gone... which now makes me not want to put effort into responding to anything.


In fact, I think I've typed too much.


First time I have said this: I miss the old boards. They were far more reliable.




Same here... I had never written a reply as long as the one I did this afternoon....gone. And on my ipad....

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I'd thought I'd lost my mind for a bit...I posted about my dear children having to deal with a consequence today of their actions from not doing what they were told yesterday and I fully expected to return to a post of possible hugs given, commiserations and a few 'I'm a mean mom' posts, lol!


But nope...I got a big fat nothing when I returned from seeing the movie with DH. I wanted to post an update, but now there's no post to update....oh well...

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Gone...all gone.

And here I really went and thought out my posts.


I'm thinking hobgoblins. And things like "brevity is the soul of wit."


:lol: and :iagree: and :(


Someone made a condescending post on a thread I was participating in and I replied. I wanted to reply, "Wow! That was really condescending! I mean, if only you had posted that brilliant solution on page one, the rest of the thread wouldn't even have been necessary." But I didn't! I bit my tongue and typed out a respectful, thoughtful (read time-consuming due to the painstaking consideration of my words) post. Clicked to post and BAM. Boards down. My response gone...


On the bright side, the condescending comment was wiped out too! :lol:


But still...

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One of our new servers apparently is corrupted. This has nothing to do with the new software (and could have happened with the old system as well)--it's causing the database errors. John will be updating you shortly, but this is NOT an issue which will continue. We apparently need to move the data on that server onto another, at which point the problem will be solved.


This is just as (possibly) more frustrating for us as it is for you. Please (we beg of you!) bear with us! It WILL get permanently fixed!


Moderator (for the team)

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One of our new servers apparently is corrupted. This has nothing to do with the new software (and could have happened with the old system as well)--it's causing the database errors. John will be updating you shortly, but this is NOT an issue which will continue. We apparently need to move the data on that server onto another, at which point the problem will be solved.


This is just as (possibly) more frustrating for us as it is for you. Please (we beg of you!) bear with us! It WILL get permanently fixed!


Moderator (for the team)



Thank you, for this responce. Sorry if I'm a little grumpy, but I am highly irratated with the new boards as it is and I have started about 4 threads over the past couple of weeks, and none of them ever seem to post or appear and I thought I might be going crazy and imagining that I was starting topics until I saw this thread.

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One of our new servers apparently is corrupted. This has nothing to do with the new software (and could have happened with the old system as well)--it's causing the database errors. John will be updating you shortly, but this is NOT an issue which will continue. We apparently need to move the data on that server onto another, at which point the problem will be solved.


This is just as (possibly) more frustrating for us as it is for you. Please (we beg of you!) bear with us! It WILL get permanently fixed!


Moderator (for the team)



Thank you, for this responce. Sorry if I'm a little grumpy, but I am highly irratated with the new boards as it is and I have started about 4 threads over the past couple of weeks, and none of them ever seem to post or appear and I thought I might be going crazy and imagining that I was starting topics until I saw this thread.

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One of our new servers apparently is corrupted. This has nothing to do with the new software (and could have happened with the old system as well)--it's causing the database errors. John will be updating you shortly, but this is NOT an issue which will continue. We apparently need to move the data on that server onto another, at which point the problem will be solved.


This is just as (possibly) more frustrating for us as it is for you. Please (we beg of you!) bear with us! It WILL get permanently fixed!


Moderator (for the team)


Thank you for explaining!

All my content was back today.

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