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What's your favorite restaurant dessert?

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I need to know (desperately!).

Please describe your favorite restaurant dessert, or your favorite fancy dessert regardless of where it comes from.



My favorite fancy dessert, ever?


Banana wrapped in shredded phyllo and fried, served on a bed of chocolate pasta and Tahitian vanilla bean ice cream, topped with caramel and spun sugar.


It was heaven on a plate.

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My favorite fancy dessert, ever?


Banana wrapped in shredded phyllo and fried, served on a bed of chocolate pasta and Tahitian vanilla bean ice cream, topped with caramel and spun sugar.


It was heaven on a plate.


Wow!!! That must be good! My teeth hurt just reading about it! :lol:

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Guest Virginia Dawn

"Chocolate Temptation-

Two layers of ethereal chocolate mousse cake, red raspberry and hazelnut center, bathed with ganache."

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"Pour L'Amour du Chocolat" from a local Cajun place... It's basically an incredibly rich, moist, chocolate brownie stuffed with pecans -- just slightly crispy on the outside and gooey in the middle, served with vanilla ice cream...


But then, just about anything with chocolate and cake/cookie and ice cream and maybe some nuts (a treat for me, since I don't have them when ds is around) would qualify...

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Outback Steakhouse's Chocolate Chocolate Tower is a humongous piece of lusciously rich chocolate layer cake with chocolate frosting between the layers and on top. Then, a wonderful raspberry sauce is drizzled over all. It is so rich and amazing! I am not a huge cake fan and usually prefer pie, but this cake borders on brownie consistency. It is just fantastic.


My other favorite is the fried cheesecake at Applebee's. Cheesecake wrapped in a tortilla and deep fried. Yum.

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I don't order anything chocolate for dessert (and honestly, I don't even remember the last time I ordered dessert period). My favorite has always been white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. But I also love tiramusu. For the person who said Key Lime Pie, I just made that 3 days ago. Bought some key limes and dd and I juiced them (took more than 20 limes to get 1/2 cup. oy!) and whipped it up. Very yummy indeed. (I need a roly poly, fat, sumu wrestling-type emoticon to place here, LOL)

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Have you ever made creme brulee at home? It's also very easy. As is cheesecake of course. But homemade creme brulee is a cinch and the recipe out of "The Joy of Cooking" is fantastic - tastes just like out of a restaurant. Mmmm, yummy!

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I need to know (desperately!).

Please describe your favorite restaurant dessert, or your favorite fancy dessert regardless of where it comes from.



Tres leches (which means "three milks")...a hearty-textured vanilla cake drenched in 3 milks/creams, including evaporated and condensed milk (& a bit of rum), topped with a light meringue. My absolute favorite is the one at Churrasco's, but even the one from Fiesta grocery store is yummy!

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I very recently had Chocolate Creme Brulee with raspberries. OH. MY. GOODNESS!! It was awesome. Unfortunately, we had it with friends who had treated us to dinner out at a restaurant that we would never be able to afford to eat at ourselves. Oh, well!

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I don't know what it's called, but you sometimes see it at Chinese restaurants... banana essentially fried in sugar, then the whole concoction is dumped into a big bowl of iced water at your table. The sugar hardens to crunchy goodness.


It's terribly sweet, but brings back so many good memories. I've not found it here.

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sticky toffee pudding with some scooshy cream on the side after a hearty meal of hagis.
MMmmmmm. Not being facetious, I really do like haggis... and sticky toffee pudding of course, though it's almost as much fun to say as to eat.
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And the best one (so far) comes from Magiano's Little Italy. DH knows if someone takes him there for a meal he had better bring me home a piece! In fact someone from my soccer team bought me a gift card for several places, Magiano's is one of them. I plan to spend it on cheesecake. :tongue_smilie:

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MMmmmmm. Not being facetious, I really do like haggis... and sticky toffee pudding of course, though it's almost as much fun to say as to eat.



If you're still looking at this thread tell me why all the 20 somethings I know here in CA are talking about moving to Portland. My son is going there next week with one of his friends. I am very curious what the opportunities are there.


Laurie in CA

dd(14) TOG and other stuff

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If you're still looking at this thread tell me why all the 20 somethings I know here in CA are talking about moving to Portland. My son is going there next week with one of his friends. I am very curious what the opportunities are there.
Downsides: rainy winters and expensive housing... just wanted to get that right out there.




  • is a great place to raise kids (and homeschool)

  • has a strong bike culture

  • is a a youngish city

  • is green and beautiful, with large parks, ample hiking opportunities, close to the Columbia River Gorge and close enough to the ocean

  • has great bands

  • thriving microbrew and wine industries

  • has a good public transportation system

  • has more hybrid cars per capita than anywhere else in the US

  • has a library system with the highest per capita circulation of anyplace in the US

  • Portlanders supposedly also read more books per capita than anyplace else in the US

  • home of Powell's books (sense a book theme here? :) )

  • has taken some employment hits with a few high profile companies laying off (Intel, etc), but appears to be recovering; there are many small startups

  • doesn't have 100+ degree summers (though we have maybe 2 or 3 100 degree days per summer). Today the high temp is supposed to be 84 degrees.

I love Portland.

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I very recently had Chocolate Creme Brulee with raspberries. OH. MY. GOODNESS!! It was awesome. Unfortunately, we had it with friends who had treated us to dinner out at a restaurant that we would never be able to afford to eat at ourselves. Oh, well!


You can afford it. What you do is eat dinner at home and then go out for dessert and coffee - just you and dh of course. It makes a really nice cheap date night!


And since you and I live in the same neck of the woods, I have to ask which restaurant you went to. For chocolate creme brulee with raspberries, I might have to go there! :001_smile:

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There used to be a restaurant in CA call the Moustache Cafe that had the BEST chocolate souffle. They baked in while you ate your entry and served it hot with whipped cream. Heaven on earth. Yum!


The Mississippi Mud Pie Cheescake from Cheesecake Factory is my 2nd favorite. :tongue_smilie:

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