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I feel so relieved.


I'm not saying that everyone should quit, please don't think that. But FOR ME, this was absolutely the right thing to do. It was a time-sink, a time-waster and I spent time thinking about what to post on FB instead of enjoying the moment. How sad is that?!


I think there are people who use FB reasonably and then there are those who are like alcoholics and just need to quit. I needed to quit.



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Good for you!


What really makes me want to delete my account, is the fact that your private messages are now posted to your timeline beginning from 2010 and earlier. You can easily delete them on your own page, but your messages to friends are now on their timeline. :mad:


Ya know, I keep reading this is not true, BUT I just went and looked at my timeline pre-2010 and I SWEAR there are private messages there. It's not everything, but I know some of those correspondences were were pm.


I personally enjoy FB for keeping up with friends and family and I don't consider it to be a time suck. I waste way more time here, at the Hive. I'm thinking I may dump FB with this little discovery and I don't want to :glare:.


I wonder if you delete your FB profile if your private messages come off your friends' timelines.


How lame.

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I felt relieved once I stopped posting on FB, but I enjoy reading the posts of others. When I thought I was going to quit FB last year, I unfriended everyone but my family. I've refriended people who've noticed and asked, but it is a much smaller pool of friends, which is easier to keep track of.


I'm glad you feel free. :D

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DONE. I am flippin' done. I just looked up a specific person that i know all our correspondence was pm. The pm is LONG. FB took out *PARTS* of the message and has it public on our timelines.




Bye-bye, Facebook.



ETA: This may be more difficult than I first thought, since I have a business page linked to my personal page. Ugh.

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DONE. I am flippin' done. I just looked up a specific person that i know all our correspondence was pm. The pm is LONG. FB took out *PARTS* of the message and has it public on our timelines.




Bye-bye, Facebook.



ETA: This may be more difficult than I first thought, since I have a business page linked to my personal page. Ugh.


That's crazy!

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I found Facebook very helpful in locating long, lost friends as I've moved many times. However, I can see that it can take up too much time (as can this forum ;)). Now I rarely go on FB, but plan to keep it as long as I'm not addicted. I did cut way, way back on the WTM forums a year or two ago, although now I then I have days like today when I stay on too long. I then compensate by not coming on for a while.


I don't feel that kind of pressure on FB because everything for me is just a quick post or quick photo. But I stopped blogging for the same reason. There was just too much pressure to be funny or interesting or inspirational or whatever in my blog posts. And my life just isn't all that interesting. :tongue_smilie:


Speaking of computer stuff, you don't have a link to your blog in your siggy anymore, & I don't know if I still have the link. Did you take it down?

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As I re-work things, or set-up a dummy admin account for our FB business page, I found the following information helpful for getting rid of my old private messages showing up on Timeline:


Delete All Your Old Facebook Wall Posts From Your Timeline


*sigh* It is sad that Facebook simply says these were wall posts, not private messages, and some believe it. Like I get so much media input I'd forget :glare:. People have reported that they've found posts with phone numbers and addresses, things they would typically put in a private message and FB still denies it's happening. Grrr.

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I feel so relieved.


I'm not saying that everyone should quit, please don't think that. But FOR ME, this was absolutely the right thing to do. It was a time-sink, a time-waster and I spent time thinking about what to post on FB instead of enjoying the moment. How sad is that?!


I think there are people who use FB reasonably and then there are those who are like alcoholics and just need to quit. I needed to quit.




I am so with you! I quit FB in July. It was causing way more stress in my life that I could handle. I came to the conclusion that there are some stresses I have no control over but I do have control over FB. I quit! I am really do believe that I gained about 3 hrs in my day.:D

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Well, I finally joined Facebook this past month... against my wishes. Our local homeschool groups are moving to FB, so if I want information I need a FB account. It sucks. I told everyone how I felt, but the consensus was against me. :glare:


I have an alias, no pics, and I certainly will not type anything there that I wish to remain private.


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So, you are the other one!! :D;) I've also never joined Facebook and never will.


I never joined Facebook and neither has my dh. :cheers2:


If I want to look at Facebook, I ask my 15 yo ds if I can look around on his (rarely). My 18yo ds deleted his FB page before he left for college.

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My family posts things on facebook instead of telling people in other ways. When I say I don't log onto Facebook, they shrug. The attitude is that if you care what's going on their lives, you'll log on. It's infuriating to me. I hate facebook and have never liked it. I have a few private conversations that have happened on there, with people I haven't seen in ages, and now I'm concerned that they might have gone public and I didn't notice. I think facebook has made it clear in the past that privacy concerns are pretty low on their priority list. The only reason I'm on it is homeschool groups in my area are usually facebook groups and the few people I have no other contact with.

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Well, I finally joined Facebook this past month... against my wishes. Our local homeschool groups are moving to FB, so if I want information I need a FB account. It sucks. I told everyone how I felt, but the consensus was against me. :glare:


We don't require members to join our 4-H club's Facebook group, but I wish all of our families had an account. As a leader it makes sharing information and sending reminders, links, and photos much simpler. The information is all right in front of people in one place, whereas emails can get lost or deleted. Multiple Reply-All emails are annoying and easy to lose track of; Facebook group discussions work much better than using email for discussions that need to happen outside of a meeting.

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Well, I finally joined Facebook this past month... against my wishes. Our local homeschool groups are moving to FB, so if I want information I need a FB account. It sucks. I told everyone how I felt, but the consensus was against me. :glare:


I have an alias, no pics, and I certainly will not type anything there that I wish to remain private.



A lot of homeschool groups, 4-H, sports, and churches are ditching their email lists and going to Facebook.


Yahoogroups never impressed me with their privacy policy, but Facebook says up front that whatever you post is ultimately theirs to manage and use. And they've proven that over and over...

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I have to be on to get info for dd's orchestra, boosters, and family events. I've never found it a time suck, though, because I don't post much. I just can't ever think of much that I need to tell that many people at once. :D I do post pictures of events we have here, or of the kiddos' special events, and it is a quick way to share those. I only friend family members and close friends, though. I'm not into a numbers game. ;)


I left for a bit a few years ago, because I was tired of seeing grown women act like junior high girls. But I went back and just deleted them. Problem solved. :D


If it caused me the slightest amount of stress or time drain, I would dump it, though. Good for you!

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those of you who have mentioned facebook causing you stress, what kind of stress?


I had about 10 friends who were intent on screaming their political opinions all over FB. One of them was my mom so I couldn't unfriend/ignore her. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, I finally joined Facebook this past month... against my wishes. Our local homeschool groups are moving to FB, so if I want information I need a FB account. It sucks. I told everyone how I felt, but the consensus was against me. :glare:




I'm about to join for a similar situation. Not too happy about it.

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I feel so relieved.


I'm not saying that everyone should quit, please don't think that. But FOR ME, this was absolutely the right thing to do. It was a time-sink, a time-waster and I spent time thinking about what to post on FB instead of enjoying the moment. How sad is that?!


I think there are people who use FB reasonably and then there are those who are like alcoholics and just need to quit. I needed to quit.




It's kind of like the boards for me - I pop on a few times a day for a couple of minutes and then I carry on with my day. I do enjoy seeing pictures of my nephews, my cousins, and my friends' kids. I also like seeing updates from my mom and other family, but I've rarely found anything on Facebook that keeps me on there for longer than a few minutes. And when there is something like that I have a hard time actually going through with it - a friend of mine took her kids on an amazing road trip through 11 national parks and she posted the pictures a couple of days ago but I haven't had the time to sit down and look at them yet (there are over 100 shots!).

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Well, I was the other until my daughter's school required parents to be on Facebook to get information.


So I joined a couple of months ago for that purpose. It really IS a time suck.


For those who consider it a time suck...what do you *do* on FB? I don't post a status update every time I'm on or even every day. It takes me about 2 minutes (if not less) to check my FB. Unless someone is posting a whole whack of pictures I'm not sure what would take up so much time...

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I found Facebook very helpful in locating long, lost friends as I've moved many times. However, I can see that it can take up too much time (as can this forum ;)). Now I rarely go on FB, but plan to keep it as long as I'm not addicted. I did cut way, way back on the WTM forums a year or two ago, although now I then I have days like today when I stay on too long. I then compensate by not coming on for a while.




Speaking of computer stuff, you don't have a link to your blog in your siggy anymore, & I don't know if I still have the link. Did you take it down?


No, it's still there. I just don't really update it any more. It is http://www.fischerfamilyadventures.blogspot.com

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What I do is get emails from FB from the groups I need to hear from. You can also block certain friend's posts from showing up, I think.


At any rate, sometimes I go months without going onto FB, I don't play games, etc. However, if it were a problem for me, I'd have to go off, too. If I'd never moved, most of my friends had been in my town & stayed there (not likely where I grew up, but theoretically possible) & all my relatives lived near me, I might never have joined.


No, it's still there. I just don't really update it any more. It is http://www.fischerfamilyadventures.blogspot.com


Thanks. I guess no more pictures of your dd, but I understand that there is only so much time to go around & she's getting older now. It was also fun now & then to see what you were up to in Malaysia.

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What I do is get emails from FB from the groups I need to hear from. You can also block certain friend's posts from showing up, I think.


At any rate, sometimes I go months without going onto FB, I don't play games, etc. However, if it were a problem for me, I'd have to go off, too. If I'd never moved, most of my friends had been in my town & stayed there (not likely where I grew up, but theoretically possible) & all my relatives lived near me, I might never have joined.




Thanks. I guess no more pictures of your dd, but I understand that there is only so much time to go around & she's getting older now. It was also fun now & then to see what you were up to in Malaysia.


I have loads of pics on ... FB... :lol:


Seriously though, pm me if you want to be FB friends and you can catch up on all the fun happenings in Malaysia!



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I'm thinking of leaving FB until after the elections in November... Or until after Christmas so the post-election buzz has died down. Either that or I'm going to have to fill my page with political propaganda until people decide I'm crazy and leave me alone. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. :)

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I'm thinking of leaving FB until after the elections in November... Or until after Christmas so the post-election buzz has died down. Either that or I'm going to have to fill my page with political propaganda until people decide I'm crazy and leave me alone. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. :)


I'm getting so tired of all the political threads also.

If I delete my FB will all my private messages that I've sent others delete also?

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Certainly one can waste time in a number of ways and not go anywhere near Facebook. But for me the time waste factor was never part of the reason that I did not join.


I saw way too many people agonizing over what people on Facebook thought of them, or crying because someone posted something on Facebook that hurt them and wondered why anyone would put themselves through that.


Then there was the whole keeping up with people. I keep one friend in real life. That's plenty. The idea of having people I hardly knew from years ago KNOWING what was going on in my life disturbed me. It's way too much personal involvement for an introvert.

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I'm getting so tired of all the political threads also.

If I delete my FB will all my private messages that I've sent others delete also?


No. People keep saying they deleted their account and I'm wondering if they actually mean deactivate. It's my understanding that it's NOT simple to actually truly delete your account and it does not happen when you deactivate it. When you deactivate it it's basically just suspended. You can reactivate it at any time and have access to everything you ever posted on your wall, your photos and all your private messages. They do not get rid of anything when you deactivate your account. They basically still own it all.


That said I do think there is some sort of "tricksy" way of demanding that FB actually truly allow you to close an account and have all your information removed from their records but I don't think it's simple or done often.

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Nice to be out of the Matrix, yes?


...Proud to say I've never joined Facebook and never will. Someday that's going to be cool.:D


:( I'm just about to join for the first time. I feel like I'm missing out on important "organizational" information.

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No. People keep saying they deleted their account and I'm wondering if they actually mean deactivate. It's my understanding that it's NOT simple to actually truly delete your account and it does not happen when you deactivate it. When you deactivate it it's basically just suspended. You can reactivate it at any time and have access to everything you ever posted on your wall, your photos and all your private messages. They do not get rid of anything when you deactivate your account. They basically still own it all.


That said I do think there is some sort of "tricksy" way of demanding that FB actually truly allow you to close an account and have all your information removed from their records but I don't think it's simple or done often.



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