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Another comment from stranger

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We were standing in line to have our fabric cut for DS(5) Halloween costume. The lovely grandmother behind us struck up a conversation with DS and asked him if he went to school. This one always stumps him! :001_smile: Finally he told her he was homeschooled. "Oh." as she gave me a look that said I DISAPPROVE all over it! Then she said, "Well, I have a grandson who is 15. He would never be homeschooled because he is much too smart. He goes to a PRIVATE school." UGH!!!! I should have told her, "My kids go to a private school also. In fact,it's so private your grandson would never be admitted!" :lol:

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We were standing in line to have our fabric cut for DS(5) Halloween costume. The lovely grandmother behind us struck up a conversation with DS and asked him if he went to school. This one always stumps him! :001_smile: Finally he told her he was homeschooled. "Oh." as she gave me a look that said I DISAPPROVE all over it! Then she said, "Well, I have a grandson who is 15. He would never be homeschooled because he is much too smart. He goes to a PRIVATE school." UGH!!!! I should have told her, "My kids go to a private school also. In fact,it's so private your grandson would never be admitted!" :lol:


Ha ha.


Also love the bolded. Right. Because no kids who have been homeschooled are smart, in college early...anything like that. :001_huh:

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Ha! A neighbor girl told my daughter that I should go to school to become a teacher and teacher her in a classroom all by herself, at home. :lol: I asked my daughter, isn't that what we do? I am getting a bit tired of people thinking I am some hack with no education, winging it. My son's pediatrician made a slightly "off" comment about homeschooling, asking if he were more outgoing, would I put him in a regular school. I told her we were happy as we are for now, but my husband was annoyed I didn't tell her something more aggressive. Well, I didn't because my son was there. Next time I think I'll tell her I homeschool for academic reasons. I am still a bit sore about it.

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With a big compassionate smile on face, pat on the arm and say, "Oh Honey, I'm sure you don't realize how that sounded. Sucks getting old and senile, doesn't it? Bless your heart."


:lol:Mean, but funny.

Our own grandma has been living in snark-ville lately. Geez, it gets old (this is our 23 yr of homeschooling- you'd think she'd realize we're gonna homeschool). I finally made a side-ways comment on my blog- oy vey. She flipped out on me via text.

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It is so frustrating when things like this happen. I coached my kids to explain that they attend a small, private school (which a homeschool is considered legally in IL). They also learned to say "We have an inservice day" when asked why they were not in school if we all went out during the weekday.

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This sad, sour little woman has just admitted that she raised a child who grew up to be much too stupid to direct the education of a 15yo. The reason the 15yo attends a B&M institution stems largely based on the insufficient combined mental aptitudes of her child and his spouse. This is all she knows. And if you have the reasoning ability of plankton, that is all you will ever know.

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We've encountered our share of "raised eyebrows" and "odd looks over the years, but mostly it's been positive feedback from the locals in South Carolina.


My favorite comment was from an older gentleman we met at the library. When I told him we were homeschooling (hence the reason we were at the library at 10 AM!), he said something like, "That's terrific! I wish you didn't have to pay property taxes to our local schools, since your kids don't go there..." :D

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:lol:What a great way to start my morning! I love all of your comments! If I had a baby, I think I'd have to have that onesie!


I just knew others would be able to relate if I posted that here. Luckily, my DS did not take her comment personally. We definitely get more positive comments than negative ones. I usually don't pay any attention to the negatives because I think they just come from ignorance (and ignorants!) but this time I felt she was insulting my son and not me so the momma bear got a little riled.

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With a big compassionate smile on face, pat on the arm and say, "Oh Honey, I'm sure you don't realize how that sounded. Sucks getting old and senile, doesn't it? Bless your heart."


This. Or I would say, "Oh, I had mine in private too. The curriculum was so in adequate for us. It's a shame people waste their money on that."

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:lol:Mean, but funny.

Our own grandma has been living in snark-ville lately. Geez, it gets old (this is our 23 yr of homeschooling- you'd think she'd realize we're gonna homeschool). I finally made a side-ways comment on my blog- oy vey. She flipped out on me via text.


Just reply...Ahhh, so you can dish it out but not take it, eh?

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I have very little patience for other's stupid comments about MY decision to homeschool.


I am afraid I would NOT have been so polite.




This. Or I would say, "Oh, I had mine in private too. The curriculum was so in adequate for us. It's a shame people waste their money on that."
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Crafting idea:




That is fabulous!


Our school name has "Academy" in it and sounds fancy. My children have permission to tell people that's where they go, if they want to.


OP, that woman was rude. How obnoxious.


I had an elderly gentleman ask the kids about school once, and when they replied that they were homeschooled, he nodded approvingly and said, "you must get pretty high grades being homeschooled." They didn't quite know what to say (we hadn't done grades), so I just smiled, ruffled the hair of the nearest boy, and said, "they do pretty well."


The one semi-negative comment I got was from a cashier (a young, twenty-something girl) when DD was about 4. She was like, "You're not sending her to preschool? Aren't you worried she won't learn the stuff she needs?" Meanwhile, DD was reading the words on the groceries and counting things and spouting off a bunch of big words to the cashier. I just said, "uh, no."

Edited by happypamama
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Wow! That is shockingly rude. I've never heard anything like that from a stranger.


With a big compassionate smile on face, pat on the arm and say, "Oh Honey, I'm sure you don't realize how that sounded. Sucks getting old and senile, doesn't it? Bless your heart."


I love this response. :lol: I'm not bold enough to say it, but I'm glad you are. :D I'd probably stare at her dumbfounded. If I recovered the ability to speak, I might just ask if she meant to say that out loud- because it was very rude. :tongue_smilie:

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:lol:Mean, but funny.

Our own grandma has been living in snark-ville lately. Geez, it gets old (this is our 23 yr of homeschooling- you'd think she'd realize we're gonna homeschool). I finally made a side-ways comment on my blog- oy vey. She flipped out on me via text.


I'm trying to imagine my grandma texting anyone... :lol:

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We've had such nice remarks from the grandmotherly types. We usually get a response along the lines of, "Aren't you lucky? Good for your mom and dad!" along with an approving look at me.


:iagree: Yikes. I can't believe she said that?! Insecure much? How extraordinarily obnoxious. :glare: I think I would have had to recite a dissertation on the inability of the typical classroom (public or private) to deal with the academic, social, and emotional needs of the truly gifted.


ETA - going back and reading responses is making me ROFL! Bless her heart!

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Another I have heard is a homeschool kid saying he went to boarding school.:D


My DS told someone he had a "governess" the other day! Too much classic lit I think :lol:


My Dc are going to add some new sentences to their memory work tomorrow! :lol:

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:glare: Well, that stinks.


We've had such nice remarks from the grandmotherly types. We usually get a response along the lines of, "Aren't you lucky? Good for your mom and dad!" along with an approving look at me.


Same here. Most older folks start going on and on about how bad schoolsl are these days and telling me they would do the same. We also get the very original, "So is your teacher nice?" many times :D

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With a big compassionate smile on face, pat on the arm and say, "Oh Honey, I'm sure you don't realize how that sounded. Sucks getting old and senile, doesn't it? Bless your heart."


This. Or I would say, "Oh, I had mine in private too. The curriculum was so in adequate for us. It's a shame people waste their money on that."



:iagree: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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